Wirusowa wtyczka WooCommerce: Kup dla mnie pozwala użytkownikom odkryć przyjemny sposób proszenia o prezent od znajomych. Nadaje się do wszystkich motywów WooCommerce. Zamiast podstawowej wiadomości e-mail zawierającej link, odwiedzający mogą wysłać sam produkt każdemu, kto ma tę wtyczkę. Okno podglądu wiadomości e-mail pojawia się po kliknięciu przycisku Kup dla mnie. Tutaj widzisz produkt z jego wizerunkiem, tytułem i ceną. Teraz wybierasz ładny schemat kolorów, napisz wiadomość, przygotuj przycisk i wyślij go każdemu. I jesteśmy na tyle delikatni, aby umieścić opcję ukrywania ceny produktu. Tworzenie kampanii na specjalne dni, takie jak Walentynki, Nowy Rok, Boże Narodzenie, Dzień Matki itp., Jest powszechnym sposobem na zachęcenie użytkowników do zakupu pr
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Graphina Pro is an ultimate easy-to-use chart & graph WordPress plugin. This is a fantastic plugin to represent data and numbers on great-looking, dynamic graphs, and charts. It is a versatile WordPress plugin that allows you to create several kinds of graphs and charts for a sorted and clear display of data on your website. It is built on the popular Apex charts, Graphina Pro has a powerful set of options, with Dynamic data and new counters, data table, mixed chart, and nested column chart; it has a wide range of charts and adaptability. The graph creation is useful to display multiple kinds of reports or statistics. What benefits do you get? We’ve added ready to use addon for Elementor Pagebuilder. With
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Subscribe to Download – An opt in download plugin for WordPress As the name explains, this plugin makes it fast and easy to capture subscribers right from your WordPress site by simply providing them a freebies to download through email after successful subscription. If you don’t have any freebies to offer then you can even use our plugin just as a subscription plugin too. Choice is simply yours!! You can create unlimited subscription forms, choose a stunning layout from our 20 beautifully pre designed templates, connect the forms directly to popular third party subscription services such as Mailchimp and Constant Contact, track download status, export subscribers and what not. With this plugin you are just few seconds away from collecting
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Current Version : 1.4 The most basic Album plugin, but still makes a great impression on any web site! Add images to your Albums directly from your WordPress Media Manager, add the captions you want, drag and drop and display. One Click Setup with Visual Composer It’s Perfect to: Display Album Gallery or Image Gallery in your WordPress Website. Masonry layout for Album Gallery and Image Gallery. Display Gallery images in your desired order with easy Drag & Drop functionality. 15+ predefined designs for Album Gallery and Image Gallery with grid and slider view.View Designs Open Album images in a responsive lightbox with thumbnail preview. Open gallery images in a responsive lightbox Fully Responsive an
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Elementor Pro Form Widget Zoho CRM & Zoho Desk Integration is a Zoho CRM & Zoho Desk integration plugin for WordPress that makes it really simple to send your Elementor Pro Form Widget forms directly to your Zoho CRM or Zoho Desk account. After the integration, submited the form are automatically added as lead, deal, contact or case (in Zoho CRM, custom modules are also supported) or ticket (in Zoho Desk) to the specified account in Zoho CRM (or Zoho Desk), together with additional data. BENEFITS OF OUR PLUGIN: FEATURES: Integrate your `Elementor Pro Form Widget` forms with Zoho CRM & Zoho Desk. Integrate unlimited `Elementor Pro Form Widget` forms. You can choice that your want to generate – lead, deal, contac
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You are able to set notification and popup cart options independently. This means that you can set one type of notification (for example, a popup modal) for add to cart, and have a sidebar cart when you click on the floating cart icon. The option is up to you whether you want a modal add to cart notification and sidebar cart, simple add to cart notification and modal cart, or whatever combination fits your need! You can set the AJAX ‘added to cart’ notification to be: Current product added to cart Current product added to cart with editable quantity Entire un-editable cart Entire cart with editable quantities Only show the floating cart (disables added to cart notification, shows updated floating cart instead) This
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Featured Item Bundle — Best Seller For the 1st time, we are including all our WordPress plugins into one Super-Mega Bundle. This will be the only chance to get $4000+ (future plugin prices included) worth of Premium WordPress Plugins for the lowest price ever. The Bundle includes all the Social Media and Engagement plugins you will ever need for any type of WordPress based siteIt includes all the Marketing Plugins you would needIt expands on all these by offering additional toolsIt includes everything else that is necessary for fast loading sites. What is this bundle about? Mega WordPress Bundle by CodeRevolution is a powerful collection of all my WordPress plugins (you can view them also, in my portfolio). With this item, you can
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Dzięki WooCommerce Bulk Variations Twoi klienci mogą łatwo dodawać wiele wariantów z przyjaznym interfejsem do koszyka jednocześnie. Wszystkie wybrane odmiany zostaną dodane do koszyka jako pojedyncze elementy. Sweter demo | Prosta torba na zakupy | Kompatybilny z Fancy Product Designer iPhone X | Kolejna wersja demonstracyjna z włączonymi innymi opcjami układu Jak to działa Jeśli już używasz produktów zmiennych z niektórymi odmianami, włączenie wariacji zbiorczych dla pojedynczego produktu zmiennego zajmuje tylko kilka sekund. Włącz zmienne zbiorcze dla produktu zmiennego za pomocą Metabox danych produktu. Dostosuj opcje do swoich potrzeb. Gotowy!!! Funkcje Włącz istniejące produkty zmienne za pomocą jednego kliknięcia. BRAK PROBLEMU Z USTAWIENIAMI! Zamień standardowe menu rozwijane
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Aktualna wersja 1.3.6 - 12 czerwca 2019 Najlepszy konstruktor warunków Konstruktor warunków to podstawa i najważniejsza część WP Brain, w której budujesz warunki kontrolujące wyświetlanie elementów. Z nieograniczoną liczbą filtrów, ponad 22 operatorami i grupami warunków zagnieżdżenia. Mamy najbardziej zaawansowany kreator warunków dla WordPress! Ponad 30 wbudowanych filtrów logicznych WP Brain jest dostarczany z wieloma przydatnymi i przydatnymi filtrami po wyjęciu z pudełka, dzięki tym wbudowanym filtrom możesz osiągnąć nieograniczone możliwości, wszystko, co musisz zrobić, to znaleźć odpowiednią kombinację dla swoich warunków logicznych. WordPress ✓ Strona: wyświetlaj zawartość tylko na niektórych stronach internetowych ✓ Szablon strony: wyświetlaj zawartość na podstawie szablonów stron ✓ Typ strony (NOWOŚĆ):
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Do you want to put WebGL 3D effect into your web design and WordPress theme? This is a simple but interesting Visual Composer Add-on here! We integrate some amazing WebGL 3D background effects into the row’s setting panel in Visual Composer. As a unique design idea, WebGL 3D effect can make your website looks attractive, interactive and so cool. The most important is that you can use those magic 3D effects to catch your visitor’s eyes and they will say Wow! So, what are you waiting for? Just get started to make it magic now! Features Overview 14 Preset 3D Effects Includes Multilingual Ready Retina Ready Fully Responsive Quick & Easy Setup Documentation Included And will add more features Documentation You need
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WooCommerce Multi Locations Inventory Management Plugin provides option to manage Product Stock from Multiple Locations for your WooCommerce Store.Our plugin is designed to help WooCommerce based eCommerce store that ships products to its customers around the globe from multiple warehouses or a company that sells products from its stores in different locations. The plugin automatically detects the nearest Product Location. It also shows Availability and Pricing of Product based on the location of a product. Features of Multi Locations for WooCommerce : ✔ Manage Products stock across multiple locations, Warehouses, or Stores. ✔ Allow visitors to choose preferred location on Product Page or Globally ✔ Option to Automatically choose nearest
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Najlepszy pakiet odliczający do WPBakery Page Builder (Visual Composer). Wybierz spośród 23 różnych dostosowywanych układów i stylów odliczania, które stworzyliśmy specjalnie na Twoje potrzeby. Ten pakiet jest naprawdę niesamowity i wyjątkowy pod względem wyglądu i użyteczności. Funkcje odliczania W pełni kompatybilny z programem budującym strony WPBakery (Visual Composer) 23 Odliczanie do wyboru w pełni responsywne kolory specjalne Pola edytowalne 1000+ ikony Niestandardowe efekty zawijania CSS3 Wiele funkcji odliczania na jednej stronie i wiele innych funkcji Nadszedł czas, aby zyskać nieograniczoną moc Więcej programu budującego strony WPBakery (Visual Pakiety Composer Ta wtyczka jest dodatkiem do WPBakery Page Builder (Visual Composer)
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Contact Form 7 Pipedrive CRM Integration to wtyczka integracji Pipedrive CRM dla WordPress, która sprawia, że bardzo proste jest wysyłanie formularzy Contact Form 7 bezpośrednio na twoje konto Pipedrive CRM. Po integracji przesłany formularz jest automatycznie dodawany jako umowa, osoba i organizacja, działanie lub umowa i aktywność do określonego konta w Pipedrive CRM, wraz z dodatkowymi danymi. Cechy: Zintegruj swoje formularze „Formularz kontaktowy 7” z Pipedrive CRM. Możesz wybrać, co chcesz wygenerować - transakcja, osoba i organizacja, aktywność lub transakcja i aktywność. Podczas tworzenia transakcji / działania tworzona jest osoba i organizacja (lub używane np
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Super Product Variation Swatches for WooCommerce This plugin allows you to create elegant and fully customizable color swatches for your products with different variant colors, labels and images. The plugin basically replaces the regular drop-down menu for your attribute variations selector into elegant swatches. There are several styles that you can choose from to best fit your online store image. The plugin is a must have if you’re selling clothing, accessories, electronics and many more types of products online. Color, Label & Image swatches Use Color, Label & Image Swatches with your WooCommerce Product Options Customize Swatches to Fit Your Theme Customize the styles and design of your Swatche
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Ta wtyczka wysyłkowa Purolator dla WooCommerce zapewnia integrację z usługami Purolator Webservices i witryną WooCommerce. Jest w stanie podać stawki za wysyłkę na żywo bezpośrednio do klientów w koszyku, a także przy kasie. Zapewnia również aktualne informacje o paczce z usługi śledzenia paczek Purolator. Ta wtyczka jest w pełni dwujęzyczna w języku angielskim i francuskim (francuskim) i jest kompatybilna z WPML, wielojęzyczną wtyczką do Wordpress. Może być używany do wysyłki zarówno w Kanadzie, jak i na całym świecie. Usługa śledzenia przesyłek Śledzenie przesyłek jest dostępne po wprowadzeniu numeru PIN (numeru identyfikacyjnego przesyłki) lub numeru śledzenia w szczegółach zamówienia klientów. Ta wtyczka automatycznie wyszuka najnowsze i
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Elfsight PayPal Button provides a simple way to allow your customers to make payments via PayPal on your website. With the help of the widget, you can create buttons for single payments, subscriptions, and donations; and include taxes and shipping price to your payments as well. In seconds, set up a smooth and secure payment procedure for your clients using one of the most reputable payment tools. This plugin is your choice if You want to enable clients to purchase goods or services via PayPal on your site You wish to set up an easy way for your clients to subscribe to your offers You want to have a Donation button to let users share any sum on your website You need a reliable working solution to save your time and money What
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eBay2Woo – dropshipping plugin for eBay BIG SALE: only $25 for first 500 sales! Allows you to easily import dropshipped or affiliated eBay products directly into your WooCommerce store and ship them directly to your customers – in only a few clicks. Also you can place your orders on eBay.com using our FREE chrome extension. This plugin utilizes the official eBay API methods to automate your dropshipping experience. Features for automation of your eBay dropshipping business Import any products from eBay – easily import products from eBay.com directly into your store. Fulfill / Place orders automatically on eBay – have your orders shipped directly to your customers in just a few clicks. Using the chrome extension Search products for specific
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Automatically delete posts based on a multitude of settings Kronos is the personification of Time in pre-Socratic philosophy and later literature. Kronos governed linear, chronological time. Starting from now, you can use the powers of Kronos to automatically delete old posts from your WordPress blog! What Can You Do With This Plugin? Kronos Automatic Post Expirator Plugin for WordPress is a breaking edge post expirator (auto deleter) plugin. It uses a built-in wp-cron engine to automatically delete posts, as you define in it’s settings! Kronos Post Expirator plugin allows the page admin to set expiration dates for both posts and pages and any custom post type you have active on the current WordPress installation. There are a number of
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Mediabay – WordPress media library folders Mediabay LITE version is available on wordpress.org Manage thousands of media files and folders in your WordPress media library swiftly and smoothly! A breakthrough in WordPress media library management and organization. HOW MEDIABAY PLUGIN CAN HELP YOU There are several ways professionals are using the Mediabay file manager plugin to organize their WordPress content: Keep all of your media files organized in folders and subfolders, including photos, videos, and music. Bloggers: manage your own content with ease with this file manager plugin. Never get confused again – organize photos and content by topics, categories, and/or dates. Note: adding a image into a folder will n
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SUMO WooCommerce Waitlist is a WooCommerce Plugin which allows the users to subscribe to a waitlist for Out of Stock Products and will be notified by Email when the Product is again Back In Stock for Purchase. It is the most comprehensive WooCommerce Waitlist Plugin. It works for both Members and Guests, Simple and Variable Products etc. Features Most Comprehensive WooCommerce Waitlist Plugin Works for Members and Guests Works with Simple and Variable Products(Product Level and Variant Level) Display Waitlist Subscription Field automatically on the product Page when the Product becomes Out of Stock Option for the Site Admin to Restrict Waitlist Subscription to Specific Products Logged-In User’s Email Id will be Automatically P
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