
Formularze Gravity - integracja Salesforce CRM

Gravity Forms - wtyczka integracji Salesforce CRM może integrować kontakty, sprawy i kontakty między Twoimi WordPress Gravity Forms i Salesforce CRM. Łatwo dodawaj automatycznie Kontakty, sprawy i kontakty do Salesforce CRM, gdy ludzie przesyłają formularz Gravity Forms na Twojej stronie. Ponadto opcja środowiska Salesforce CRM dla środowiska produkcyjnego i piaskownicy. Funkcje Łatwo zintegruj formularz Gravity Forms z Salesforce CRM Kontakt Łatwo zintegruj formularz Gravity Forms z Salesforce CRM Case Łatwo zintegruj formularz Gravity Forms z formularzem Salesforce CRM Lead Integrated Gravity Forms można automatycznie dodać

119.19 zł

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Contact Form 7 - Bitrix24 CRM - Integration | Contact Form 7 - Bitrix24 CRM - Интеграция

ENGLISH / НА РУССКОМ ↓ Contact Form 7 Bitrix24 CRM Integration is a Bitrix24 integration plugin for WordPress that makes it really simple to send your Contact Form 7 forms directly to your Bitrix24 account. After the integration, submited the form are automatically added as lead, deal, task, contact or company to the specified account in Bitrix24, together with additional data. BENEFITS OF OUR PLUGIN: FEATURES: Integrate your `Contact Form 7` forms with Bitrix24 CRM. Works with any edition of Bitrix24 CRM (except for the free plan, since from January 1, 2021, Bitrix24 changes the conditions). Your can choice that your want to generate – lead, deal, task, contact or company. Creation of the deal and the task, o

119.19 zł

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Gravity Forms - Bitrix24 CRM - Integration | Gravity Forms - Bitrix24 CRM - Интеграция

ENGLISH / НА РУССКОМ ↓ Gravity Forms Bitrix24 CRM Integration is a Bitrix24 integration plugin for WordPress that makes it really simple to send your Gravity Forms forms directly to your Bitrix24 account. After the integration, submited the form are automatically added as lead, deal, task, contact or company to the specified account in Bitrix24, together with additional data. BENEFITS OF OUR PLUGIN: FEATURES: Integrate your `Gravity Forms` forms with Bitrix24 CRM. Works with any edition of Bitrix24 CRM (except for the free plan, since from January 1, 2021, Bitrix24 changes the conditions). You can choice that your want to generate – lead, deal, task, contact or company. You can set up each form personally, spe

119.19 zł

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Formularz kontaktowy Baza danych Seven CF7

Czy używasz formularza kontaktowego 7? To jest fajna wtyczka dla Ciebie! Contact Form 7 Database to wtyczka do WordPress, która pozwala zapisywać wszystkie przesłane formularze z Contact Form 7 do bazy danych. Ta baza danych jest wyświetlana w menu Kontakt> Baza danych. Możesz go wyświetlić w dowolnym momencie lub wyeksportować do pliku CSV w celu późniejszego wykorzystania. Ta wtyczka ma potężne opcje pomagające w zapisywaniu i monitorowaniu wszystkich danych klientów. Wersja demonstracyjna na żywo: http://demo.ninjateam.org/contact-form-7-database Backend: http://demo.ninjateam.org/contact-form-7-database/admin (demo / demo) CECHY Zapisz przesłane formularze z formularza kontaktowego 7 do bazy danych Łatwa zmiana nazwy znacznika Przeciągnij i upuść, aby posortować kolumny Włącz lub wyłącz kolumny Eksportuj przesłane dane

99.32 zł

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Mailster Integration with Arforms

Mailster Integration with ARForms Mailster Integration with ARForms Plugin allows you to quickly create subscribers for your mailster mailling lists using the power & flexibility of ARForms. Features Mailster Configuration Settings in ARForms Mailster Integration With ARForms plugin integrates your form entries and Mailster Subscription into a single process. You can Subscribe users immediately after form submission from ARForms. You need to create form with ARForms, Configure with Mailster form, select listname(s) and its all done. You can setup subscription with beautiful forms within couple of minutes! This addon requires at least version 2.6+ of ARForms and version 2.0+ of Mailster. Please make sure t

63.57 zł

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Contact Form 7 - amoCRM - Integration | Contact Form 7 - amoCRM - Интеграция

ENGLISH / НА РУССКОМ ↓ Contact Form 7 amoCRM Integration is a amoCRM integration plugin for WordPress that makes it really simple to send your Contact Form 7 forms directly to your amoCRM account. After the integration, submited the form are automatically added as lead, incoming lead or contact to the specified account in amoCRM, together with additional data. BENEFITS OF OUR PLUGIN: FEATURES: Integrate your `Contact Form 7` forms with amoCRM You can choice that your want to generate – lead, incoming lead, or contact. You can set up each form personally, specify which information your want to get. Sending in two modes: immediately when submitting the form or with a slight delay through `WP Cron` Creation of the lead, occurs toge

119.19 zł

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Elementor Pro Form Widget - Zoho CRM & Zoho Desk - Integration

Elementor Pro Form Widget Zoho CRM & Zoho Desk Integration is a Zoho CRM & Zoho Desk integration plugin for WordPress that makes it really simple to send your Elementor Pro Form Widget forms directly to your Zoho CRM or Zoho Desk account. After the integration, submited the form are automatically added as lead, deal, contact or case (in Zoho CRM, custom modules are also supported) or ticket (in Zoho Desk) to the specified account in Zoho CRM (or Zoho Desk), together with additional data. BENEFITS OF OUR PLUGIN: FEATURES: Integrate your `Elementor Pro Form Widget` forms with Zoho CRM & Zoho Desk. Integrate unlimited `Elementor Pro Form Widget` forms. You can choice that your want to generate – lead, deal, contac

119.19 zł

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Formularz kontaktowy 7 - Pipedrive CRM - Integracja

Contact Form 7 Pipedrive CRM Integration to wtyczka integracji Pipedrive CRM dla WordPress, która sprawia, że bardzo proste jest wysyłanie formularzy Contact Form 7 bezpośrednio na twoje konto Pipedrive CRM. Po integracji przesłany formularz jest automatycznie dodawany jako umowa, osoba i organizacja, działanie lub umowa i aktywność do określonego konta w Pipedrive CRM, wraz z dodatkowymi danymi. Cechy: Zintegruj swoje formularze „Formularz kontaktowy 7” z Pipedrive CRM. Możesz wybrać, co chcesz wygenerować - transakcja, osoba i organizacja, aktywność lub transakcja i aktywność. Podczas tworzenia transakcji / działania tworzona jest osoba i organizacja (lub używane np

119.19 zł

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Contact Form - WordPress Contact Form Plugin

With the help of the Contact Form you will be able to get more leads and feedback on your website. Awesome Form plugin on your Wordpress web page in a few clicks! Contact Form generator will provide you with many customization features and out-of the-box layouts.  Boost customers engagement;  Engage more users to your website;  Showcase your works right on the site Increase confidence rank to the brand.  Skyrocket your turnover Expand your website traffic.  Showcase visitors’ rezensions about your brand Advance support service level. Wish to try out best Contact Form for your WordPress Elfsight responsive Contact Form for WordPress is a simple yet richest in customization options tool to display a clear and encouraging form, where

95.35 zł

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Super Forms - dodatek do podpisu

Bezpłatne demo na żywo: kliknij tutaj, aby wypróbować ten dodatek do Super Forms! Więcej informacji: Dowiedz się więcej o tym dodatku na naszej stronie internetowej! Opis wtyczki Dzięki temu dodatkowi do Super Forms możesz zbierać podpisy od swoich klientów. Będziesz mógł dodać pole podpisu do dowolnego formularza. Użytkownicy mobilni mogą również podpisywać za pomocą wbudowanej obsługi urządzeń dotykowych. Podpisy zostaną zapisane jako obraz i dołączone do wiadomości e-mail oraz zapisane jako obraz we wpisach kontaktów. Kliknij tutaj, aby przeczytać więcej o tym dodatku. Dziennik zmian 18 czerwca 2019 r. - Wersja 1.4.2 - Poprawka: zgodność z logiką warunkową, płótno sygnatury powinno zmienić rozmiar, aby uzyskać poprawną szerokość / wysokość po warunkowym pojawieniu się. 14 czerwca 2019 r. - wersja 1.4.1 - zgodność

79.46 zł

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Preview Submission in Gravity Forms

Preview Submission in Gravity Forms Is Now Fully Compatible With Gravity Forms 2.5 Version. The Preview Submission in Gravity Forms allows users to see a live preview of their Gravity Form’s data before they submit it on your site. Sometimes, we tend to miss out on important details and what better to make sure that we’ve entered the correct information than to see a live preview of our entire form, just before we click submit – The perfect way to make sure your submission is 100% error-free. Add-On Features Gives the users on your site the option to see a live preview of the form before it’s submitted. The user will be able to return to the form after the preview – They can preview the form again after making the desired change

115.21 zł

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Super Forms - dodatek do szablonów e-mail

Bezpłatne demo na żywo: kliknij tutaj, aby wypróbować ten dodatek do Super Forms! Więcej informacji: Dowiedz się więcej o tym dodatku na naszej stronie internetowej! Opis wtyczki Twórz niesamowite e-maile za pomocą tego dodatku do Super Forms. Zmień dowolne kolory wiadomości e-mail i dodaj dowolne zdjęcie nagłówka za pomocą tego systemu szablonów wiadomości e-mail, Twoje wiadomości będą się wyróżniać na tle innych. W pełni responsywny projekt poczty e-mail, który będzie działał na urządzeniach mobilnych i tabletach. Masz pełną kontrolę nad wyglądem i stylem dzięki w pełni konfigurowalnym ustawieniom kolorów. Z łatwością dodawaj ikony społecznościowe z linkami w sekcji stopki szablonu wiadomości e-mail. Możesz go skonfigurować w ciągu mniej niż 2 minut! Twój system zostanie rozszerzony o dodatkowy szablon wiadomości e-mail. To pozwala wybrać między domyślnym szablonem e-maila,

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Contact Form CF7 – PayPal Integration

Integrate PayPal into Contact Form CF7 Sell products with Contact Form CF7 and PayPal – easy and fast. Integrate the PayPal payment Gateway into every contact form you want. Add a “Pay with PayPal”-Button in the form which will take the necessary information from the form fields and redirect users on the PayPal’s website so they can proceed for a secure payment. Features Step by Step Tutorial for the Setup. See here Sandbox Testing integrated Transactions overview with Live PayPal Data fetching Transactions will be saved into database Unlimited Products to sell 202 Countries supported 24 Currencies supported 25 Locales supported Set custom success URL Keep the normal submit button if you w

95.35 zł

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WordPress Gravity Forms PDF, Excel, CSV & Google Sheet

WordPress Gravity Forms PDF, Excel & CSV plugin facilitate the admin to convert Gravity Forms feed into pdf according to their need, this pdf may be downloaded or directly sent to the user email or the admin can do both at the same time. Admin can also change the pdf format as required. It also converts the entries table data into Excel New Features : Compatibility with Gravity Forms Unique ID Now the PDF will include Gravity Forms Unique ID field which is an add-on of Gravity Forms Create Google Sheets Now admin can integrate the form with Google Spreadsheet, all the new entries can be send in the sheet. Remove Field Label Now admin can remove the f

71.51 zł

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Produkt WooCommerce Gravity Forms

Produkt WooCommerce Gravity Forms Jest to dodatek do wtyczki Garvity Forms. Dzięki wtyczce WooCommerce Gravity Forms Product można stworzyć formularz grawitacji produktu i połączyć go z dowolnym produktem w WooCommerce. Formularze mogą zawierać logikę warunkową, pola cenowe, ceny wejściowe użytkownika, pola cen warunkowych, logikę przycisku warunkowego przesyłania. Również każdy produkt zawierający formularz grawitacyjny jest śledzony w koszyku Woocommerce i zamówieniu Woocommerce. Wtyczka WooCommerce Gravity Forms Product pozwala zmienić sposób wyświetlania cen w sklepie, możesz skonfigurować sposób ich wyświetlania. Można go wyświetlić przy użyciu domyślnego widoku wyświetlanego przez WooCommerce lub w przypadku konfigurowalnego produktu zawierającego pola cenowe,

99.32 zł

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Gravity Forms Supercharge Add-On

Make an impression… tell a story… have a conversation Gravity Forms Supercharge Add-On turns your Gravity Forms into highly focused, fast progressing, one field at a time forms without any effort. When done right, these forms styles can significantly increase your conversions. There are numerous ways your forms can look and behave. You’re not locked into one style over the other. Below is a brief list of features that are at your disposal when configuring your forms. Also includes: Live Merge Tags Add-On by Warp Lord (bundled for free) Questions and Support Features: Use with regular Gravity Forms embeds (shortcode or block.) Create a unique and customized Supercharge only URL, just like any other page on WordPress. Isolate forms from co

333.72 zł

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Gravity Forms Auto Formatter

Automatic capitalization/case formatting, blacklist/block text, auto copy values between fields or user single click to copy values, read only and disabled fields, obscure the users input without password field types (with optional user toggle option), turn off autocomplete, turn off spellcheck, require matching or non-matching inputs, restrict character type of inputs in realtime, restrict inputs to only accept the specific characters you choose, link removal, custom text replacement, min/max character requirements, HTML tag and PHP code removal, and before/after text appending ..all per individual field! Also adds a quiz/form review page option to let users review all input before submitting! Let Gravity Forms Auto Formatter sanitize, and

83.43 zł

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Contact Form 7 - HubSpot Integration

Contact Form 7 – HubSpot Integration plugin allows you to connect WordPress Contact Form 7 and HubSpot. To automatically add/update Contact Form 7 form submissions to your HubSpot account, simply integrate your Contact Form 7 form with HubSpot Lead Capture Form, Contact or Deal. Features Easily integrate your Contact Form 7 form with HubSpot Lead Capture Form, Contact or Deal. Integrated Contact Form 7 form can automatically add/update your site new form submissions to your HubSpot Lead Capture Form, Contact or Deal. Easily map your Contact Form 7 form fields to your HubSpot Lead Capture Form

119.19 zł

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Elementor Pro Form Widget - Pipedrive CRM - Integration

Elementor Pro Form Widget Pipedrive CRM Integration is a Pipedrive CRM integration plugin for WordPress that makes it really simple to send your Elementor Pro Form Widget forms directly to your Pipedrive CRM account. After the integration, submited the form are automatically added as lead, deal, person & organization, activity or deal & activity to the specified account in Pipedrive CRM, together with additional data. BENEFITS OF OUR PLUGIN: FEATURES: Integrate your `Elementor Pro Form Widget` forms with Pipedrive CRM. Integrate unlimited `Elementor Pro Form Widget` forms. You can choice that your want to generate – lead, deal, person & organization, activity or deal & activity. When creating a lead/deal

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eForm easySubmission - Direct Form Edit & Extended Format String

eForm easySubmission Add-on easySubmission is a premium add-on for eForm WordPress Form Builder plugin which provides a bunch of functionality to handle submissions effectively. Directly Editable Forms Generate a new type of shortcode which would allow you to publish forms in a way that: It will show edit form if user has already submitted. If not, then it will show simply an empty form to get the first submission data. Completely bypass the user portal and trackback page to edit a submission. This is ideal for one-time only review forms and profile update forms. You can also optionally restrict the form to logged-in users

43.70 zł

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