Event Ticketing Admin Dashboard UI Figma Template

Modern dashboard User Interface design template for an Event ticketing order. This template is ideal for events, ticketing order, concert, ticket booking, and any admin dashboard website. Make your admin dashboard design looks stunning and eye-catching using this template. This template includes 6 unique and modern User Interface screens in Figma format. You can easily edit and customize using Figma. Highlights: 6 High-quality Screens in Figma Template Using FREE Font from Google Font Well Documented Easy to edit and customize SUsing 1920px width Pages: Dashboard Order Page List Event Detail Customers Reviews Main Files: 6 Figma screens PDF Documentation Please Note: All images are just used for preview purposes only and NOT inc

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Dasnfts - NFT Web Marketplace and Dapp

Dasnfts – NFT Web Marketplace and Dapp Dasnfts is built on the platform of binance smart chain, focusing on NFT, and ease to Create, Buy, Sell, Auction and use NFTs. About Dasnfts Change The Font The fonts are set in many sizes, making it easy to change for each position Color System Built in light to dark colors with multiple levels, quick to customize Component Library Change state for components with a few mouse clicks. Built on the principles of Ant Design The design system was built on the principles of Ant Design and optimized for Figma. Save hundreds of hours and use React, Angular or Vue library to have your projects developed. The system is frequently updated and used by the best companies. Features in Dasnfts: Web App Ver:

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Mophy - Payment Admin Dashboard UI Template Figma

Modern dashboard User Interface design template for a payment manager. This template is ideal for wallet, digital money, digital payment, invoices, payment admin, Transaction history, and any admin dashboard website. Make your admin dashboard design looks stunning and eye-catching using this template. This template includes 6 unique and modern User Interface screens in Figma format. You can easily edit and customize using Figma. Highlights: 6 High-quality Screens in Figma Template Using FREE Font from Google Font Well Documented Easy to edit and customize Using 1920px width Pages: Dashboard Wallet Invoices Card Center Transactions Transactions Details Main Files: 6 Figma screens PDF Documentation Please Note: All images are just

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Jobie Admin - Portal Dashboard UI Template Figma

Modern dashboard User Interface design template for a Job hiring manager. This template is ideal for a job portal app, a hiring app, a freelancer app, a career app, and any job app, and any admin dashboard website. Make your admin dashboard design looks stunning and eye-catching using this template. This template includes 12 unique and modern User Interface screens in Figma format with dark and light mode. You can easily edit and customize using Figma. Highlights: 12 High-quality Screens in Figma Template Support dark and light mode Using FREE Font from Google Font Well Documented Easy to edit and customize Using 1920px width Pages: Dashboard Search Job Applications Profile Companies Statistics Job Details Home / Newsfeed Detai

55.62 zł

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