
Angular 2 Shopping Cart - Angular 2 & CodeIgniter REST API

Product Description OctopusCodes Angular 2 Shopping Cart is a single page Shopping Cart web application with many useful features of an eCommerce website. It is lightweight, flexible, adaptive, secure and easy to install. Just Install it and start selling your products and receive payments through PayPal. OctopusCodes Angular 2 Shopping Cart has an easy administration page that gives you full control over category, brands, products, orders, roles, accounts and settings. With our responsive, you will have your site displayed correctly across a wide range of end-user devices and screen resolutions for easy ordering and checking out process. Front-end Features Bootstrap Themes Responsive Design Single p

154.94 zł

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DigitalTeam - Creative Portfolio & Agency Script

DigitalTeam – Creative Portfolio & Agency Script DigitalTeam is a modern design for any website. You can boost your business using DigitalTeam – Creative Portfolio & Agency Script. You have created your team and you have projects. You have to spread them to the world. You want to do this with a good presentation and the least cost. The most efficient and simplest way to do this is to choose a quality website. You can easily reach your customers with the website we have made. Build your website in a few clicks. Prepare your website in minutes with an understandable management panel. No coding required. Project Purpose: You can be individual or corporate. It may be your private business or company. Every company has a responsibili

194.67 zł

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Subdomain Module for Recruit Saas

Note :  This module will work only recruit saas version greater than or equal to 3.3.1.  Description Now companies have have their own specific sub-domains Examples are firstcompany.worksuite.biz, secondcompany.worksuite.biz, froiden.worksuite.biz etc Installation Guide https://froiden.freshdesk.com/en/support/solutions/articles/43000574293-recruit-module-installation Documentation and Setup Here is the link of documentation and setup. Visit https://froiden.freshdesk.com/en/support/solutions/articles/43000574270-documentation-and-setup

158.92 zł

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SmartRepost - provides and publishes posts in your social accounts

Midrub SmartRepost is an app for Midrub. You can’t use it without Midrub. Demo video: https://youtu.be/9-X1KAvolOA Demo video with eBay and referrals: https://youtu.be/67RucAdys5Y SmartRepost is an app for Midrub which was created with the scope mainly to update automatically the social accounts with wanted contents. This is an original idea and it allows you to get contents from different sources. How the SmartRepost works? A condition in the SmartRepost app means custom rules for posting. First you have to select a source from where the app will get

39.73 zł

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Dice 3D Game Add-on for Crypto Casino

About Dice 3D Add-on Dice 3D is an add-on game for the Crypto Casino application. This game can not be installed and used on its own without having Crypto Casino purchased and installed first. Dice 3D Features Game features Ability to set bet amount Ability to turn sound on / off Full screen mode Provably fair When you open the game page the server generates a secret and a seed and reveals its hash (using HMAC SHA256 algorithm). The server secret represents a random number – initial roll. The server seed is a cryptographically secure random alpha-numeric string. The hash of these 2 strings helps to ensure that the initial roll is not altered after you make a bet. After

139.05 zł

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AskYou - Ask and Answer

AskYou is like one of the most popular Ask & Answer style sites. Each user can ask questions to other users or answer their own questions, you can generate random questions to make your profile more active. In the home you can see all the questions and answers of the users, always updated, you do not need to follow the users. It’s like a big community, you can also like the answer, share the question or report. A large and simple administrative area, where you can manage every detail, users, pages, reports. You can also create advertising blocks, you can create new fake questions (useful when the user has not yet received questions from other users), and the settings page where you can set various details. Features Ask publicly or

79.46 zł

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S3 File Uploader - po prostu przeciągnij i upuść swoje pliki, aby przesłać je do chmury

Jest to skrypt typu „przeciągnij i upuść”, który umożliwia utworzenie własnego programu do przesyłania plików na serwer sieciowy (cPanel lub inny) i Amazon S3 Bucket. Po prostu prześlij folder skryptów na serwer po edycji konfiguracji po stronie klienta i po stronie serwera (config.js i config.php) i gotowe! Będziesz mógł wgrywać obrazy, dokumenty lub dowolne pliki bezpośrednio na swój serwer internetowy lub wiadro Amazon S3 i uzyskać bezpośredni link do przesłanego pliku. Możesz także użyć Amazon Cloudfront, aby uzyskać linki obsługujące CDN. Cechy: Pasek postępu wysyłania wielu plików Przeciągnij i upuść Automatycznie ponów próbę Wstrzymaj i wznów Usuń przesłane pliki Integracja S3 Wbudowana integracja z Cloudfront Podglądy obrazu Generowanie linków Cha

39.73 zł

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Pulpit nawigacyjny serwera

Serwer Dashboard zapewnia eleganckie rozwiązanie do monitorowania wydajności. Wyświetla specyfikacje serwera, takie jak typ komputera, prędkość, rdzenie, procesor, pamięć RAM, zadania uruchamiania i uśpienia i wiele innych, a ponadto monitoruje w czasie rzeczywistym najważniejsze zasoby serwera, takie jak obciążenie, pamięć RAM, procesor i dysk twardy. Można go skonfigurować tak, aby automatycznie odświeżał dane w ustalonych odstępach czasu i bezproblemowo aktualizował wyniki za pomocą Ajax. Demo passowrd: admin Bardzo łatwa do zintegrowania z systemem: -Po prostu rozpakuj i skopiuj pliki do dowolnego katalogu w systemie, a następnie uzyskaj dostęp z dowolnej przeglądarki internetowej, na komputerze, tablecie lub urządzeniu mobilnym. Przykład: www.twojastrona.com/katalog/serwer_dashboard.php Kliknij tutaj, aby uzyskać więcej informacji i uwag dotyczących instalacji Funkcje: - Res

103.30 zł

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Active Workdesk Support Ticket Add-on

Note: This Support Ticket system isn’t an independent system. This Support Ticket system is available only for Active Workdesk cms. If you do not purchase Active Workdesk CMS yet then click here for purchasing Purchase today! & use Support Ticket System for your freelancing business which is only developed with the most efficient freelancing marketplace cms named Active Workdesk cms. By this Support Ticket Addon enables the features for clients and freelancers to communicate with the admin. Admin can assign satffs to ticket the support messages and reply to them. Also tickets can be organized according to category and status. How does it work? Active Workdesk cms should be pre-installed in your server Purchase Support Ticket addo

59.59 zł

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Ministore jednostronicowy szablon e-commerce HTML / PHP z Paypal i Stripe

Szablon Ministore jest odpowiedni dla sklepu eCommerce z 1-6 produktami. Idealne do testowania jednego produktu. Proste i elastyczne kodowanie i wzornictwo. Reaguje na komórki dzięki ikonom czcionek Bootstrap v3.3.6 i icomoon.io. Frontend: http://retaileradmin.tk Możesz przetestować płatność kartą kredytową za pomocą tej karty Visa „4000000000000077”, użyć losowej daty ważności i CSV. Powinieneś otrzymać e-mail z potwierdzeniem zamówienia i zobaczyć stronę z podziękowaniami za zamówienie. Obszar administracyjny: http://retaileradmin.tk/admin Nazwa użytkownika: admin Hasło: 0000 Funkcje dynamiczne: Formularz zamówienia obsługiwany przez AngularJs i jQuery Działająca integracja PayPal i Stripe przy użyciu Javascript i PHP Strona z podziękowaniem Wysyłanie Potwierdzenie zamówienia E-mail do klienta i

99.32 zł

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Focus - Laravel Productivity Management tool

Demo URL: https://focus.cloudonex.com/ Username: [email protected] password: 123456 Focus is a productivity management application that provides notes, to-dos, to-learns, journaling, calendars, knowledgebase, projects, and many more. Users can connect these components to create their systems for knowledge management, project management, note-taking, data management, etc. This software is designed to solve the issue of staying focused on our goals and tasks. It also solves the problem with documentation and organizations of essential documents and knowledgebase. In the absence of a system, it can be very messy across multiple tools, folders, repositories, emails, and uncategorized Google Docs. Therefore, a system like FOCUS c

115.21 zł

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Academy LMS Offline Payment Addon

Introduction This addon provides offline,cash or local payment gateway facility to Academy Lms students during purchasing a new course. During making payment of course cart, this addon gives payment document upload option. Admin can verify the payment evidence and approve the purchase from backend. This will bypass forcefully used online payment gateways in areas where they are not available. Using this convenient payment addon, you can sell courses to your students by any and almost every medium. How it works Academy lms should be pre-installed in your server Purchase offline payment addon for academy lms from codecanyon Download and install the addon to your academy lms portal During course purchase payment, student now get option for s

158.92 zł

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Ekattor Multi School Addon

Introduction This addon provides school admin to manage multiple branches of a school. While you are managing your school with Ekattor School Erp, installing this addon will give you opportunity to create any number of school branches. Switch to a single school anytime to manage school specific data. How it works Ekattor school erp should be pre-installed in your server Purchase multi school addon for ekattor erp from codecanyon Download and install the addon to your ekattor erp application Create school branches from the new menu “Back office > School Manager” Switch to a school by making it active and manage all of it’s data Set one or multiple school admin account for a specific school Student, teacher, parent will get access to

99.32 zł

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Code News - News Web App for Developers with CMS

CodeNews is perfect for the ones that want a simple news web app to target either developers or other specific target. The project is mainly created for importing news from different sources and publishing them on the web app. The web app supports importing news from valid RSS and Atom feeds and also from reddit.com subreddits. The main audience of the web app are developers. With CodeNews you have possibility to import news from different sources, manage the news that appear on the website, manage and customize the news tags, translate the entire web app in how many languages you desire, create static pages, and also the SEO configuration on any page in the website. Demo Preview Admin Preview Updates Version 1.1 28.07.2017 Import n

158.92 zł

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Ultimate Purple Theme - Perfex CRM

Note: This is not a standalone script. It is a frontend theme for Perfex CRM. Perfex can be purchased here. Great design purple color for your Perfex CRM. Modern visual elements, animation effects and much more make up our additional design module for Perfex CRM. Try Ultimate Purple Theme! Admin credentials DEMO Login: [email protected] Pass: demo123 Client credentials DEMO Login: [email protected] Pass: demo123 Set-up Included documentation will help you upload and activate the design module inside Perfex CRM, if you are not aware on how to do it.

87.40 zł

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Codeigniter Przeciągnij i upuść WYSIWYG Layout Builder

Podsumowanie Codeigniter WYSIWYG Layout Builder jest prostym narzędziem do tworzenia układów, które programiści mogą łatwo zintegrować z systemem zarządzania zawartością kodu i rozszerzyć go, aby spełnić ich potrzeby w zakresie tworzenia układu. System jest bardzo prosty i został opracowany przy użyciu Codeigniter w wersji 3 i HMVC. Układy stron są zapisywane w bazie danych, a następnie wyświetlane w interfejsie. Ten skrypt ma głównie na celu skrócenie czasu programowania dla programistów opracowujących systemy wymagające definicji / budowy układu. Funkcje Układ przeciągnij upuść Builder Implementacja backendu W oparciu o Bootstrap stąd powstały układ jest responsywny Łatwy do wdrożenia Wyczerpująca dokumentacja Poświadczenia administratora Adres URL administratora: http://codewhip.net/ci_layout/ Dem

59.59 zł

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SendinBlue SMS notification Module for Perfex CRM

SendinBlue SMS notification Module for Perfex CRM will allow you Send Sms notification to any country using your company name. You don’t need to buy additional phone number. The module integrates SendinBlue, you can check the screenshots here in the item to get more familiar how the module flow will look after purchase.  The SMS log will be stored in Perfexcrm ACTIVITY LOG and Sendinblue dashboard All sms notification that can be triggered in Perfex CRM is available and you can also send personalised sms to your customers from the admin panel. Sms notifications added includes: Invoice Overdue Notice Invoice Payment Recorded Estimate Expiration Reminder Proposal Expiration Reminder New Comment on Proposal (to customer) New Comment

75.49 zł

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Livestock Management System

Key Features: Livestock Management Shed Management Vaccine Management Purchase Management Sales Management Expense Management Financial Report Supplier Database Client Database Staff Database General Settings Database Backup Multiple Languages

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Laravel User Role and Permission

User Role and Permission is a powerful user management system: You can create role, customize permission under a department/designation or without department and assign your users underneath your created role or permission. Each Signup Admin user manage own user. There is an attractive dashboard where you will get  all detail about this application. Security Protected from SQL injection & common security vulnerabilities CSRF Protection – Protected from cross-site request forgery (CSRF) attacks Session Protection – highly secure Laravel session mechanism Secure password hashing 100% Object Oriented Server Requirements 100% Object Oriented PHP PDO extension Mbstring

47.67 zł

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Google Analytics module for Perfex CRM

Note: This is a module for Perfex CRM. Not a standalone script. Perfex CRM that can be purchased here Brief description Google Analytics for Perfex CRM, is a module that allows you to integrate your Google Analytics service, onto your Customers Area and/or Administration area of Perfex CRM. Demo Since every Google Analytics code is unique, we are not able to provide any specific demo. Compatibility Our module is 100% Google Analytics compatible and it provides a great compatibility for other analytics services, like: Leadfeeder, Kissmetrics, Woorpa, GoSquard, FoxMetrics, Mixpanel, Heap etc. If for some reason, you want to ensure about compatibility, feel free to raise a comment! DocumentationIt takes only a couple minutes to b

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