
Edytuj pole bazy danych PRO (Ajax + PHP)

Edytuj pole bazy danych PRO to skrypt internetowy, który pomaga wyświetlić żądane pole z bazy danych i możesz je edytować za pomocą Ajax (bez przeładowywania strony). Pole można edytować w różnych typach: tekst, obszar tekstowy, wybierz, przycisk opcji, data, suwak, colorpicker, przycisk włączania / wyłączania, pole lokalizacji mapy google, odtwarzacz wideo generuje się automatycznie z linków na youtube, przesyłanie zdjęć, przesyłanie plików, zmiana hasła (md5), edytor HTML. Można także dodawać do edytowalnych filtrów pól (jest adres e-mail, adres URL i inne). Bardzo łatwy w użyciu Nie potrzebujesz znajomości języka PHP. Możesz wygenerować kod bezpośrednio za pomocą naszego CodeGenerator. Funkcje Możesz wyszukiwać pola w bazie danych MySQL i: wyświetlać je na różne sposoby:

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DML Skrypt mapy Google dla PHP

Wtyczka DML Google Maps to przydatne narzędzie dla programistów internetowych, którzy chcą tworzyć aplikacje internetowe do tworzenia map i rysowania kształtów w interfejsie. Opiera się na nowoczesnych narzędziach, takich jak jQuery, JavaScript, AJAX, Bootstrap, HTML5 i CSS3. Ta wtyczka zapewnia elastyczny interfejs sieciowy dla użytkowników, umożliwiający dodawanie znaczników i rysowanie wielokątów, prostokątów, polilinii, okręgów i tras w celu tworzenia map online. Użytkownicy mogą dodawać / edytować / usuwać obiekty w Mapach Google. Użytkownicy mogą również wprowadzać okno informacyjne i opis z zaawansowanymi funkcjami dla wszystkich tworzonych obiektów. Przed zakupem możesz przetestować i grać w DARMOWĄ wersję. Kliknij tutaj, aby pobrać bezpłatną wersję. Pomaga ci samodzielnie tworzyć mapy google dla stron internetowych w j

130.70 zł

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Nifty - Academy LMS Theme

Introduction : Nifty theme is a modern UI template for academy lms. It redefines the layout of academy lms to a completely new taste which brings a professional look and feel to your LMS web portal. Important notice : Nifty theme works only with Academy LMS. You have to purchase and install Academy LMS in your web server before purchasing Nifty theme. This theme doesn’t work standalone. Download Academy LMS from here – https://1.envato.market/jGqOZ Read the full documentation on theme management here – http://www.academy-lms.com/docs/academy-lms-theme-introduction-14 About Academy LMS ACADEMY is a marketplace script for online learning. Here students and teachers are combined together for sharing knowledge through

183.80 zł

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TikTok Video Downloader Without Watermark & Music Extractor

Description: It is one of the best TikTok Downloaders available online to download TikTok videos without watermark. You are not required to install any software on your computer or mobile phone, all that you need is a TikTok video link, and all the processing is done on our side so you can be one click away from downloading videos to your devices. Why choose our script? Well, we’ll not brag about this but it is one of the top-quality script available in the market and provide more functions than it’s competitor sites. We crafted a highly professional UI and used advanced technologies on Frontend and Backend. We’re using Vue.Js Single Page Application along with PHP, SASS, Typescript & Webpack. Which makes this script light, responsive

130.70 zł

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Wasabi - Direct Multipart File Transfer

Description: Wasabi Hot Cloud Storage is an enterprise-class and tier-free bit-bucket storage provider that’s compatible with and comparable to Amazon’s S3 business cloud storage solution. With a price of $5.99 per terabyte (TB) per month (based on $.0059 gigabyte or GB per month) and with server farms in 6 regions, Wasabi Hot Cloud Storage has a minimum monthly charge associated with 1 TB of storage ($5.99 per month). If you store less than 1 TB of active storage in your account, then your total charge will still be $5.99 per month.Clearly designed to compete with Amazon’s popular S3 cloud storage solution for enterprise users, Wasabi Hot Cloud Storage’s lower cost (80 percent cheaper) and no additional charges for ingress or egress and

77.61 zł

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Email Based Subscriber Notification System

Email Based Subscriber Notification System is a tool for sending out bulk e-mail messages. It has a lot of features: you can manage your mailing lists, set up email marketing campaigns in few easy steps, track results and many more. Features Import subscribers from different sources Personalized templates Template live preview Visual and HTML editors for email template Detailed statistics Campaign wizard Unlimited mailing list Managing of mailing lists Translation ready Role-Based Access Control Timezone configuration Applications demo DEMO: https://sender.php8developer.com Root credentials Login: root Password: root Administrator credentials Login: admin Password: admin Campaign manager credentials Login: campaign_manager Password:

98.03 zł

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RotaGo SaaS - Staff Scheduling Tool

Overview Managing employees, their availability, shifts, leaves, and rates could become quite overwhelming, especially when you have multiple locations to cater to. Well no more. With RotaGo, from managing employee details to assigning them shifts and leaves, you can do the needful from one place Demo Url : Demo Link Login as Super Admin : [email protected] / 1234 Login as Company : [email protected] / 1234 Login as Manager : [email protected] / 1234 Login as Employee : [email protected] / 123456 What to expect from RotaGo SaaS – Staff Scheduling Tool Easy to assign employee based on ava

118.45 zł

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Imgbob - Upload And Share Images Platform

Customer ratings Imgbob is a script that makes you creating an Image Hosting website where can any user or any visitor can upload multiple images by selecting the photos or just drag them anywhere on the home page. upload progress is visible and intuitive and uploaded images can be previewed and every image uploaded will have a specific URL that can share anywhere. the interface is completely responsive and easy to use.. Front End Features: Upload multiple images free & easy with or without an account Login & Signup Social login or signup Nice user dashboard with all activites Manage all uploaded images in gallery Update account information & change password Back End Features: Full & Nice admin panel All website s

159.30 zł

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Construct - Building and Construction Website CMS

Overview Construct is a responsive business, building and construction related Website Content Management System (CMS). This CMS is built completely with PHP and MySQL. It has a nice and attractive front end and back end interface that are really awesome and eyecatching. The back end has a lot of nice and maintainable features that are needed for a modern and professional website to handle the contents easily by client. Almost all kinds of changes are possible to do using the admin panel without having any kind or programming language knowledge. This CMS is built using the procedural php (with PDO feature) and without any framework. For this reason, it can be customized easily by most of the developers. This CMS is strong against SQL inj

159.30 zł

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Xain - Hotel Management System with Website

Our online Hotel Management System is a web application. This system is developed to automate day to day activity of a Hotel. It will help you to be more technical competencies such as serving, revenue management, accounting and facilities management. And from the admin panel, an admin user can monitor everything. Key Features of XainHotel : Display all conversation information and menu on any mobile devices with a variant screen size. E.g. desktop, tablets, smartphones. And Multi-Language can be supported. In the admin panel, it has a dashboard, where user can easily get information about Today Booking, Total customer, Total Amount, Total Booking, and etc. with graphical view.

812.82 zł

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Midrub Facebook Ads Manager - skrypt dla automatycznych reklam na Instagramie, Facebooku i Whatsapp

Midrub Facebook Ads Manager to aplikacja dla Midrub. To nie jest samodzielny skrypt. Midrub Facebook Ads Manager pozwala na najlepsze zarządzanie reklamami na Facebooku, Facebooku Marketplace, Facebook Messenger, Instagram i Whatsapp. Link do wersji demo: https://www.rackpoint.co.uk/social/ (kliknij Reklama) Dzięki Midrub Facebook Ads Manager możesz w łatwy sposób tworzyć nieograniczoną liczbę kampanii reklamowych, zestawów reklam i reklam. Midrub Facebook Ads Manager ma łatwy w obsłudze interfejs i każdy może tworzyć kampanie reklamowe, zestawy reklam i reklamy za pomocą kilku kliknięć. Możesz używać tej aplikacji do usług SAAS, tworząc oryginalne przewodniki i pomagając ludziom zarządzać ich reklamami, np. Profesjonalistami. Podobnie jak na Facebooku, Midrub Facebook Ads Manager generuje podgląd dla wszystkich obsługiwanych platform

40.85 zł

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Spreadsheet Online for Perfex CRM

Note: This is a module for Perfex CRM. Not a standalone script. Brief description Spreadsheet Online Module is a powerful spreadsheet editor that lets you do pretty much everything you can do with contemporary spreadsheet software like Excel. This module helps you reach your goals and lead you to make better decisions. There’s nearly nothing you can’t track and manage using this module. A. Spreadsheet Editor – Save and manage your precious data with spreadsheets. Edit spreadsheets online: Nothing beats the simplicity of entering data into a table. With this in mind this module provides an online spreadsheet editor which allow users to insert their data into their documents without hassle. You can even apply formulas and calculations to the

220.56 zł

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KING Media - Trending & Popular Slider Plugin

Trending & Popular Slider Plugin KING Media Script ,

98.03 zł

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LeadGo - Lead Management Tool

Overview LeadGo is a Lead management tool for maintaining precision in managing of multiple leads. Using this proficient tool you could manage the visibility of your leads across various stages in the pipeline. It guarantees improved efficiency with an ease in allocating multiple resources to various leads simultaneously. Demo Url : Demo Link Owner : [email protected] / 1234 User : [email protected] / 1234 What to expect from LeadGo – Lead Management Tool An effective dashboard to get an overview on required information An ease in adding payments and products on an invoice Convert Lead into Deal Restri

77.61 zł

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Wyszukiwarka sklepów biznesowych | Lokalny

Ponad 100 zadowolonych użytkowników! Dziękuję bardzo! Dostępny podobny motyw Wordpress! Niezwykle elastyczny portal reklamowy z ogłoszeniami branżowymi i innowacyjnymi funkcjami branżowymi, zaprojektowany specjalnie z myślą o łatwym dostosowywaniu, tłumaczeniu i użyciu. Szablon dokumentacji Podręcznik użytkownika, baza wiedzy, FAQ, centrum wsparcia Administrator, prezentacja użytkownika Frontend logowanie i przesyłanie lokalizacji Portal firmowy Portal ogłoszeń niejawnych - Unikalne cechy Kraje Mapy geologiczne SVG do łatwego wyszukiwania w oparciu o lokalizację Niestandardowe pola z edytorami wizualnymi (pola tekstowe, dane wejściowe, listy rozwijane, przesyłanie) / udogodnienia / odległości bezpośrednio od interfejsu administratora (nie są potrzebne umiejętności programowania) Linki do interfejsu szkieletowego

196.06 zł

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Quizier Multipurpose Viral Application & Capture Leads

Planning to start your own online business similar to Playbuzz, BuzzFeed or Nametests? Quizier is ready-to-go solution and a platform approach for that requirement. Quizier includes all the necessary features you need to kick-start a booming online business similar to Playbuzz or BuzzFeed. You can use Quizier in order to deliver a storytelling platform for your users that will help them in creating and publishing various contents. You can allow your users to share various types of contents including Polls, Quizzes, Quotes, countdowns, lists, and various others to several social networking sites or on the web by using the most advanced story builder. Quizier is the best way to present your business, website, blog, entertainment, v

322.68 zł

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Academy LMS Paystack Payment Addon

Introduction This addon provides paystack payment gateway facility to Academy Lms students during purchasing a new course. By installing this addon, you can sell courses to your students by popular paystack payment gateway. How it works Academy lms should be pre-installed in your server Purchase paystack payment addon for academy lms from codecanyon Download and install the addon to your academy lms portal Follow the given documentation regarding paystack configuration setup and system currency setup After activating the paystack payment addon, students will be able to see the paystack option during course purchasing checkout page Once the payment completed by paystack, student will be notified with a success message If the purchased cour

142.96 zł

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Menedżer domen i hostingu

System został stworzony, aby dać webmasterom łatwy w obsłudze i przejrzysty przegląd wysokości dochodów lub strat z hostingu. Składa się z czterech modułów i każdy z nich obsługuje różne zadania. Jeden do tworzenia, modyfikowania i usuwania domen, jeden do tworzenia, edytowania i usuwania serwerów jeden do obliczania dochodu i jeden, który może zmieniać dane logowania do systemu. Webmaster otrzymuje także ogólny status swoich serwerów na każdym module. Konto demo: nazwa użytkownika: admin Hasło: admin Dokumentacja: http://demo.erdsoft.net/Domain_and_Hosting_Manager/readme/

44.93 zł

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Laraloop - A Handcrafted Laravel Starter Kit

Hi, I’m Laravel starter kit for your next project. Sometimes creating a starter kit is easier said than done. With Laraloop, it’s just easier. Build rich & beautiful experiences for your project, increase your productivity and grow your business. Jam-packed with all the right tools. Package Based Architecture Packaged-based architecture allows for a powerful release mechanism so that developers and package maintainers can make improvements without disturbing the rest of the application. Search like a pro Did you mean autocomplete? Autocomplete with fuzzy search or more famous Did you mean? that you saw on Google. Aggregate any model in search result. Code Generator Create base project skeleton in minutes for any

159.30 zł

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CyberBukit Membership - Multipurpose PHP Login and User Management with Payment, Front-End

The Coupon and Affiliate Add-on, Multiple Payment Gateways Add-on are available now.  https://codecanyon.net/item/cyberbukit-addon-coupon-and-affiliate/30873286 https://codecanyon.net/item/cyberbukit-addon-multiple-payment-gateways/32088383 See my projects based on CyberBukit Membership CyberBukit TTS – Text to Speech – SaaS Ready CyberBukit Automatic Writing – SaaS Ready About CyberBukit Membership CyberBukit Membership is an open-source script based on PHP & MySQL; We use Codeiginter3 as its framework. By using CyberBukit Membership, you will benefit from: 1. Easily build your user management system. 2. Develop your own software based on this script to save much of your development time as we have already provided many basic featur

204.23 zł

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