
Multi-Page Web to Lead Form Module

NOTE: This is a module for Perfex CRM . Not a standalone script. Brief Description Multi-Page Web to Lead Form Module is a fully responsive multi-page PHP working multipurpose ajax form with the necessary required field jQuery validation built on PHP, HTML5/CSS3, jQuery and Ajax. The module is easy to install and use. Let us help you split your long forms into multiple steps forms. Multi-Page Web to Lead Form Module has a very easy to use form builder process which is basically an upgrade of the core perfex web-to-lead form builder It is worth noting that this module provides three types of themes: Elegant Theme Classic Theme Standard Theme NOTE: We will be adding mor

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Assets Management module for Perfex CRM - Organize company and client assets

Note: This is a module for Perfex CRM. Not a standalone script. Brief description Assets Management Module for Perfex CRM, is a module that provides the ability of managing company’s assets inside Perfex’s dashboard. You will be able to separate your assets based on groups/locations/units and assign them to staff members. Check the next section of this description, for a complete list with functionality actions. * The recorded videocast contains visuals using Perfex CRM Flat Admin Theme. Our module will not change the apperance of your admin area. Included functions Assets Management Module contains the following functionality: Create assets (editing/removing it aswell) Create customer-based Assets, corporate-only assets and mixed ones Re

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Recruitment Management for Perfex CRM

Note: This is a module for Perfex CRM. Not a standalone script. Brief description Recruitment Module for Perfex CRM, is a set of tools designed to automate and manage your organization’s recruiting and staffing operations. From posting your jobs to keeping applicants connected and engaged throughout, Recruitment Module lets you manage your entire recruiting process. Reduce routine tasks such as scheduling interviews by automating your recruitment software and free up your schedule for more pressing activities. Online recruiting management systems create a one-stop application process for job seekers. With the help of an applicant tracking system and candidate relationship management, a recruiter can increase his or her client database and p

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Wtyczka Stripe Payment Gateway

Stripe Payment Gateway dla LaraClassified i JobClass Przed zakupem: Uwaga: To nie jest samodzielne oprogramowanie, jest to dodatek i do korzystania z tej funkcji potrzebujesz najnowszej wersji LaraClassified lub JobClass. Przed zakupem tego dodatku musisz upewnić się, że możesz korzystać z usług Stripe (na swojej stronie internetowej iw swoim kraju). Funkcje: Akceptuj płatności od reklamodawców korzystających z Stripe Payment Gateway Konfigurowalny tryb Live lub Sandbox Łatwa instalacja jednym kliknięciem, Włącz / Wyłącz Demo Payment Payment: Zrzuty ekranu Front: http://demo.bedigit.com/?product=LaraClassified E-mail: użytkownik @ demosite. com Hasło: 123456 Test karty z paskiem: https://stripe.com/docs/testing Jeśli masz jakieś pytania

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Thermal Printer Module for Foodomaa

Thermal Printer Module for Foodomaa™ allows the Foodomaa™ application to communicate to your locally available ESC/POS Thermal Printer. It allows both automatic and manual printing of Invoice and Kitchen Order Ticket (KOT) *The evaluation version prints a dummy Invoice and KOT receipt. The Thermal Printer Module is divided into two parts: Core Module Files Local Printer Server Installation Click here for installation instructions. Supported Printers Click here to view the list of all supported ESC/POS thermal printers. Please use the evaluation/trial version to test your printer before your purchase. Download Evaluation/Trial Version for Free

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Karenderia Inventory Addon

Karenderia Inventory application is addon for Karenderia Multiple Restaurant System. a web application that allows you to manage your sales and food stocks of your restaurant. Update your stock information, make purchases and view sales data and many more… Note to buyer: this addon is for Karenderia Multiple Restaurant System it will not run without this main item Features Dashboard Overview of inventory items and stock alerts Sales charts (bar, line and pie charts) Gross sales, discount , net sales and gross profit reports Reports Sale summary reports Sales by item Sales by category Sales by payment type Sales by addon Items Add,edit,delete view items Quantity

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Ultimate Dark Theme - Perfex CRM

Note: This is not a standalone script. It is a frontend theme for Perfex CRM. Perfex can be purchased here. Great Dark design for your Perfex CRM. Modern visual elements, animation effects and much more make up our additional design module for Perfex CRM. Try Ultimate Dark Theme! Admin credentials DEMO Login: [email protected] Pass: demo123 Client credentials DEMO Login: [email protected] Pass: demo123 Set-up Included documentation will help you upload and activate the design module inside Perfex CRM, if you are not aware on how to do it.

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Ulubione nieruchomości / zakładki

Jest to wtyczka do oryginalnego skryptu portalu agencji nieruchomości, a także do wykazu nieruchomości i portalu rezerwacji hoteli # 02. Przed użyciem tej wtyczki upewnij się, że kupiłeś i zainstalowałeś najnowszą wersję portalu agencji nieruchomości lub portalu ofert nieruchomości i rezerwacji hoteli nr 02. Wtyczka do zapisywania / usuwania ulubionych / zakładek dla zalogowanych użytkowników. Administrator może zarządzać i filtrować według użytkownika lub właściwości. Jak zainstalować Pobierz i zainstaluj skrypt portalu agencji nieruchomości lub portal ofert nieruchomości i rezerwacji hoteli nr 02 na swojej stronie Kup tę wtyczkę Wyodrębnij plik zip wtyczki na serwerze, na którym znajduje się instalacja skryptu Wymagania Wymagania Oryginalny skrypt portalu agencji nieruchomości lub lista nieruchomości i rezerwacja hoteli Por

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Facebook Leads synchronization module for Perfex CRM

Note: This is a module for Perfex CRM. Not a standalone script. Brief description Facebook Leads Integration Module for Perfex CRM, is a module that enables you to sync your Facebook Leads through your page’s forms with Perfex Leads. It uses Facebook oAuth connect in order to grant access to your Facebook Pages, it allows custom fields to be synced between Perfex and Facebook and you can subscribe to multiple pages of yours. Set-up You will not need any coding skills in order to set this payment module up, but you need to create a Facebook App through Facebook Developers account.Make sure that you understand what a Facebook App is and its review process for the necessary permissions in full, since you will need to go through it, from your

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Zoom Meeting Module for Worksuite SAAS

Note :  This is not a standalone script. This is a module for Worksuite SAAS version greater 3.8.1 Description This plugin allows you to create and start zoom meetings with the team and clients. Installation Guide https://froiden.freshdesk.com/support/solutions/articles/43000602199-zoom-module-installation Documentation Here is the link of documentation and setup. Visit https://froiden.freshdesk.com/support/solutions/articles/43000602229-zoom-module-setup

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Perfex E-shop Module - Sell Products & Services with POS support and Inventory Management

Note: This is a module for Perfex CRM. Brief description Perfex Shop module enables the ability to sell your own Products or Services, through Customers Area, along with a Powerful Reporting and Inventory Management. Create a product in seconds: Point Of Sale functionality is also included: Users will be able to add your Products or Services to their Cart and an invoice will be generated for them, once they decide to checkout their cart. Our module integrates two new email templates aswell, so staff members and purchasers are aware with the necessary notifications about their orders. Non-logged in users will be able to start an order and get redirected to the registration/login page (you will also be able to hide products from non

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Bulk Upload for GoStock

Bulk Upload is Add-on for GoStock – Free and Premium Stock Photos Script created with DropzoneJs, which facilitates the upload of multiple images. It is compatible with Amazon S3, DigitalOcean and Wasabi. Note: This Add-on is only for the Admin area Requirements: Minimum version (compatible): GoStock v3.5 Icons from www.flaticon.com and www.freepik.com

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Mini CMS dla motywu BBOOTS phpBB3 Ten MOD umożliwia administratorowi uruchamiającemu BBOOTS łatwe dostosowanie stylu BBOOTS za pomocą ACP (Administracyjny panel sterowania). Podobne do niestandardowych systemów motywów WordPress. Upewnij się, że BBOOTS (najnowsza wersja) jest zainstalowany przed instalacją tego skryptu: BBOOTS - HTML5 / CSS3 W pełni responsywny motyw phpBB3. Obsługuje phpBB 3.0, 3.1 i 3.2 W tym Mini CMS forum ADMIN będzie mogło wykonywać następujące czynności: Dodaj / edytuj / Usuń Menu główne i Menu mobilne Dodaj / edytuj / Usuń Logo i / lub logo tekstowe Dodaj / edytuj / Usuń Społeczności linki i ikony sieciowe. - Możesz również ustawić, czy linki są widoczne dla Zarejestrowanych użytkowników lub Gości. Dodaj Google Adsense lub niestandardowy baner / reklamy w różnych lokalizacjach forum. Dodaj konto Google Analytics

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REST API Module for Worksuite SAAS CRM

Note: This is a module for Worksuite SAAS CRM version greater than 3.6.1. Description The Rest API module enables you to use REST API for yours Worksuite SAAS CRM. We have used the Laravel Package https://github.com/Froiden/laravel-rest-api for the development Documentation and Endpoints Here is the link of documentation Visit https://documenter.getpostman.com/view/994834/SWTBcwoR for detailed RestAPI Documentation.

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Order Schedule Module for Foodomaa

This module allows the customer to schedule their order based on the Store’s Open/Close time set by the Store Owner. Version 1.0 [11/09/2021] - Initital Release. Click Here to read the full Documentation.

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Subdomain Module for Worksuite SAAS

Note :  This module will work only worksuite saas version greater than or equal to 3.6.6.  Description Now companies have have their own specific sub-domains Examples are firstcompany.worksuite.biz, secondcompany.worksuite.biz, froiden.worksuite.biz etc Installation Guide https://froiden.freshdesk.com/support/solutions/articles/43000569531-module-installation Documentation Here is the link of documentation and setup. Visit https://froiden.freshdesk.com/support/solutions/articles/43000569488-documentation-and-setup

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Przesyłanie zbiorcze - wtyczka do skryptu WorthMySite

Dodatek do przesyłania zbiorczego pomaga indeksować miliony witryn pod kątem skryptu WorthMySite. Może automatycznie filtrować złe słowa i zbanowane nazwy domen. Jest wykonany z AJAX i wykorzystuje zoptymalizowane wykorzystanie zasobów po stronie serwera, więc działa dobrze na hostingu współdzielonym. Przed zakupem upewnij się, że kupiłeś skrypt WorthMySite. Funkcje - Możliwe indeksowanie milionów witryn jednym kliknięciem - Automatycznie parsuj wszystkie nazwy domen z dowolnego formatu adresu URL - Automatycznie dodawaj do mapy witryny - Całkowicie AJAX (działa dobrze na współdzielonym hostingu) - Filtruj złe nazwy domen - Filtruj zakazane nazwy domen - Bez limitu Indeksować! Demo: http://script6.prothemes.biz/admin/bulk.php Wymagania Worth My Site - Kalkulator wartości witryny (wersja 1.5 (lub) Najnowsza wersja) Dziennik zmian

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Payroll Module For Worksuite SAAS

Note:This is not a standalone script. This is a module for Worksuite SAAS version greater than or equal to 3.6.1.   Set-up You will not need any coding skills in order to set this module up. You will be able to configure it in few clicks (we do provide documentation for that). we are available to assistance regarding installation and set-up, upon contact request. See Change Log Documentation Here is the link of documentation Visit https://froiden.freshdesk.com/support/solutions/folders/43000573533 for detailed Payroll Documentation.

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Custom Task Filters Module for Perfex CRM

Note:This Module is for Perfex CRM Brief Description “Custom Task Filter”, this module can be use in Perfex CRM to Extends its task filter functionality. You can create dynamic filter of your choice & save it for future use. (Usage : Mainly use for different kind of report need & at time access inbuilt functionally of Perfex CRM) It save time of user in generating similar kind of report as once template is save can be used anytime. Added advantage: Can be used to filter task related to Project, Invoice, Task, Customer, Estimate, Contract, Expenses, Lead & Proposal. Can be select custom period for between start date & due date. Report can Expert with required Column (i.e. can hide non required Column) Documentation It t

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Sales Commission Program for Perfex CRM

Note: This is a module for Perfex CRM. Not a standalone script. Brief description Commission Program is most commonly known as the variable component of a total sales compensation package. The total commission earned is dependent on each salesperson’s individual goals and their performance.Your commission structure ties a sales rep’s performance to the amount of money he or she will take home each paycheck. It’s no secret that accountability produces results, and a well-structured commission plan is an excellent way to incentivize top performance. Because there’s no one size fits all, sales compensation plans come in many shapes and sizes, including: salary/hourly + commission, commission-only, tiered commission, residual commission, and

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