
UltraResponse - dodatek EZ Inboxer: ukrywanie / usuwanie komentarzy i automatyczna odpowiedź na zdjęcie / gif / wideo

UltraResponse - dodatek EZ Inboxer, który pozwala ukryć / usunąć komentarz, aby zapobiec kradzieży klienta i usunąć niechciany komentarz z posta na Facebooku. Zawiera również funkcję automatycznego odpowiadania na komentarze za pomocą obrazu / gif / wideo, aby uatrakcyjnić odpowiedź na komentarz! Upewnij się, że jest to odpowiedź na komentarz, a nie odpowiedź na wiadomość prywatną. Czy wiesz, ile kradzieży twojego klienta przez twoich konkurentów? Tak, twój konkurent zawsze patrzy na twoją stronę i aktywnie wysyła prywatną wiadomość, która komentuje twoją stronę. Ukryj komentarze po udzieleniu odpowiedzi, że nikt nie może zobaczyć komentarza i zapobiec kradzieży klientów. Funkcje Ukryj komentarz do strony Usuń niepotrzebne

111.24 zł

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Supplier Management module v2.3.4 for Perfex CRM

Supplier relationship management is the discipline of strategically planning for, and managing, all interactions with third party organizations that supply goods and/or services to an organization the objective of SM is to maximize the value of those interactions. Know your supply chain, know your risk, build relationships and partners to conduct business transactions. Use SM module to build a list of suppliers all in Perfex. Stay on top of business and manage your supplier’s relationships, all from Perfex CRM. Assign suppliers to specific staffs of your team and let them manage the relationship. Allow suppliers to collaborator in the supplier portal Make notes, statements, invoices, Credit note, estimate, tickets, contrac

139.05 zł

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Active eCommerce Offline Payment Add-on

Note: This Offline Payment system isn’t an independent system. This Offline Payment system is available only for Active eCommerce cms. If you do not purchase Active eCommerce CMS yet then click here for purchasing Purchase today! & use Offline Payment System for your eCommerce business which is only developed with the most efficient eCommerce cms named Active eCommerce cms. By this Offline Payment Addon you can get payment from your customers via bank transfer, check payment or any other custom manual payments. For example, a customer first placed an order selecting an offline payment method, then he/she can transfer money to your bank account, deposit a check into your bank account or any other method according to your instructio

99.32 zł

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Formularz zapytania o zweryfikowaną odznakę Sngine

Zaktualizowano: 12/05/2016 Demo - Zobacz ten film Zweryfikowany wniosek o system Sngine to wtyczka do Sngine. Odtąd użytkownicy mogą wysyłać Ci e-maile z prośbą o zweryfikowanie ikony w swoim profilu Co to jest Sngine ??? Cóż, Sngine v2 + to platforma sieci społecznościowych, która jest najlepszym sposobem na stworzenie własnej witryny społecznościowej lub społeczności online. Uruchom go w zaledwie 1 minutę dzięki najlepszym funkcjom. Łatwo zainstalować Funkcje:> Użytkownicy będą mogli wysłać Ci wiadomość e-mail z prośbą o zweryfikowanie ikony do swojego profilu> Dodano Google recaptcha dla bezpieczeństwa i zapobiegania spamowi e-mail. > Możesz wyłączyć google recaptcha z panelu administracyjnego> Dodano przyjazny interfejs użytkownika. > Pozwoli to zaoszczędzić przepustowość ..

23.84 zł

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Asset Management Module for Worksuite SAAS

Note:This is not a standalone script. This is a module for Worksuite SAAS CRM version greater 3.5.0. Description The Asset module enables you to use asset for yours company Worksuite SAAS CRM. You can manage assets available in your office. Assets like Computer , printer, etc. You can track the lending history of asset too Documentation Here is the link of documentation Visit https://froiden.freshdesk.com/support/solutions/folders/43000566133

158.92 zł

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Looper PLUGIN for PHP Encoder & Obfuscator

PHP Obfuscator and Encoder Looper PLUGIN for PHP Encoder & Obfuscator With this looper script you can make your PHP source code even more unreadable for normal people but the script will still work on your webserver. This is very useful when you give a script to someone but you don’t want them to view your php source code. This script is a PHP source-code looper. It provides anti-theft protection for your scripts and functions by allowing you to loop the encryption of your php source code several times. This online tool use also PHP to protect your code from reverse engineering and modification. Main Features LOOP THE ENCRIPTION UP TO 128 TIMES With this Plugin you decide how many times should the result be encrypted; It’s

35.76 zł

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Active eCommerce Seller Subscription Add-on

Note: Seller Subscription isn’t an independent system. This seller subscription is available only for Active eCommerce cms. If you do not purchase Active eCommerce CMS yet then click here for purchasing Note: After activating this addon seller commission/category based commission will be disabled. Purchase today! & use Seller Subscription Addon for your eCommerce business which is only developed with the most efficient eCommerce cms named Active eCommerce cms. By this Seller Subscription Addon you can add a new feature to create subscription package for you sellers/vendors. you can create unlimited package with physical & digital product upload limit, package icon, name, price & package duration. Sellers/Vendors will find tho

99.32 zł

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Live Chat for Perfex CRM

Note: This is a module for Perfex CRM. Not a standalone script. Perfex CRM that can be purchased here Brief description Live Chat for Perfex CRM, is a module that allows you to integrate your Live Chat service, through almost every chat provider, onto your Customers Area and/or Administration area of Perfex CRM. Demo Since every chat provider has its own different chat, we are not able to provide any specific demo. Compatibility Our module is 99,9% Live Chat services-ready and it provides a great / easy integration for more than 2000+ services, like: Olark, LiveChat, LivePerson, Intercom Chat etc. If for some reason, you want to ensure about compatibility, feel free to raise a comment! DocumentationIt takes only a couple minut

75.49 zł

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Klasa PHP DosDetector

PHP Dokumentacja klas DosDetector Wersja: 1.1 Wydanie: czerwiec 2013 Słowo kluczowe: bezpieczeństwo, php, klasa, zapora ogniowa, atak DoS, IDS / IPS 1. Czym jest ta klasa? Ta klasa PHP służy do zapobiegania atakowi Denial of Service (DoS) na twój serwer WWW napisanym przez PHP. Uruchomienie tego skryptu spowoduje monitorowanie wszystkich żądań z adresu IP i zalogowanie go w pamięci podręcznej (buforowanie APC PHP). Jeśli adres IP wyśle zbyt wiele żądań do serwera, uruchomi system zapobiegania intruzom (IPS) i automatycznie zablokuje ten adres IP. 2. Wymagania systemowe PHP 5.x Pamięć podręczna APC (Dowiedz się więcej

43.70 zł

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Payroll Module For Worksuite CRM

Note:This is not a standalone script. This is a module for Worksuite CRM version greater 3.8.3.   Set-up You will not need any coding skills in order to set this module up. You will be able to configure it in few clicks (we do provide documentation for that). we are available to assistance regarding installation and set-up, upon contact request. Documentation Here is the link of documentation Visit https://froiden.freshdesk.com/support/solutions/folders/43000573533 for detailed Payroll Documentation.

115.21 zł

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HR Payroll for Perfex CRM

Note: This is a module for Perfex CRM. Not a standalone script. Brief description HR Payroll module allows you to pay your employees quickly and correctly every time you run payroll. The right system can shave hours off your payroll process, help you pay payroll taxes, and comply with labor laws. Module Features Employee Profile Management Attendance Information Management Commission Information Management Salary Deductions KPI Bonus Insurance Management Income Taxes Management Payslip Template Management Payslips Management Settings: Income Tax Rates Income Tax Rebates

214.54 zł

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Recenzje portalu nieruchomości

To jest wtyczka do oryginalnego skryptu portalu agencji nieruchomości. Przed użyciem tej wtyczki upewnij się, że kupiłeś i zainstalowałeś najnowszą wersję portalu agencji nieruchomości. Dodaj oceny, recenzje, komentarze dla zarejestrowanych użytkowników na stronie podglądu nieruchomości. Jak zainstalować Pobierz i zainstaluj skrypt portalu agencji nieruchomości na swojej stronie Kup tę wtyczkę Wyodrębnij plik zip wtyczki na serwerze, na którym znajduje się instalacja skryptu Administrator-> Ustawienia-> Ustawienia systemu-> Włącz recenzje Wymagania Działa oryginalny skrypt portalu agencji nieruchomości instalacja, link

75.49 zł

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Multichannel Two Factor Authentication for Perfex CRM

Note: This is a module for Perfex CRM. Not a standalone script. This module requires an additional hook for perfex crm, please read the documentation for details Brief description Multichannel Two Factor Authentication (Multichannel 2FA) is a method of Multi-Factor Authentication where one or more the Authentication Factors involved are communicated over separate communication channels or protocols. Generally, Multiple-channel Authentication implies a higher Level Of Assurance for Authentication. Set-up Included documentation will help you upload and activate the module inside Perfex CRM, if you are not aware on how to do it. This module requires an additional hook for perfex crm, please read the documentation for

154.94 zł

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Human Resources Management - HR module for Perfex CRM

Note: This is a module for Perfex CRM. Brief description This is the first complete Human Resources Management (HRM) solution for Perfex. Human Resources Management module for Perfex CRM, helps companies save time and manage their Human Resources directly inside their dashboard. It includes the following HR functions: * Screenshot items and video preview, are showcasing an installation of this module under a Perfex installation which uses Flat Admin Theme, which is an item of our team ( https://bit.ly/perfexflat ) This module complies with every CSS standard of your current theme and/or default Perfex theme for the admin area. → Staff management with lots of new available data: → Contracts management with lots of available

194.67 zł

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Perfex CRM Office Theme

NOTE: This is not a standalone theme, the theme module requires Perfex CRM application installed, this is a theme module for Perfex CRM. Description: Modern and futuristic new Office Flat Pro Perfex CRM theme for Perfex CRM that redesigns the ADMIN AND CUSTOMERS AREA and beautifies user interface and design. Demo credentials: All customers wants to check/preview the theme Perfex Office Flat Pro Theme before purchasing, there is demo available online demo can be found here, feel free to give it a try hope you like it. Users: - Username: [email protected] - Username: [email protected] - Username: [email protected] - Password: 123123 Clients: - Username: [email protected] - Username: [email protected] - Password: 123123 Documentation

115.21 zł

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Call And Order Module for Foodomaa

Call And Order module for Foodomaa facilitates Admin, Staffs and allowed Store Owners to take orders over the call on their website. 4x your reach and customer retention Features One-Click Login to any customer without using a password or an OTP. Place order easily using the Customer Application. All the features of the Customer Application can be used (like Tip, Wallet, Coupon, etc) Access to all previously saved addresses of the Customer. Guest Checkout with Optional Email and Password fields. Can assign permission “Login as Customer” to any Staff account. Allow permission to selected Store Owners to access the module. Video Demo Version 1.0 [11/09/2021]

75.49 zł

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Scraper - Content Crawler PHP Edition

Scraper is an automatic plugin that copies content and posts automatically from any web site. With tons of useful and unique features, Scraper PHP script takes content creating process to another level. View Documentation Design your own scraping method with visual editor, Scraper will automatically fetch and post 7/24 for you.

55.62 zł

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Customer Loyalty and Memberships for Perfex CRM

Note: This is a module for Perfex CRM. Not a standalone script. Brief description Customer Loyalty & Memberships Module lets you loyalize your customers by rewarding them with points. With Customer Loyalty & Memberships, you can efficiently implement a reward system in your store. The loyalty points received by customers are redeemable as offering coupons, discounts on purchases, or other loyalty rewards. Not only that, the points are redeemable to attain the loyalty membership too, and become a part of the brand’s loyal members community. What is customer loyalty? Customer loyalty is a customer’s willingness to repeatedly return to a company to conduct some type of business due to the delightful and remarkable experiences they have

194.67 zł

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Project Roadmap - Advanced Reporting & Workflow for Perfex CRM Projects

Note: This is a module for Perfex CRM. Brief description Project Workflow module provides you advanced reporting for your Perfex CRM Projects, inside admin area.It generates usable reports for every project, straight at your dashboard and allows you to filter projects, based on advanced reporting (Milestones, Tasks etc). It works fine with every custom Project status aswell.Please give a quick check at our Video Preview, which showcases the functionality of our module. DocumentationIt takes only a few seconds to be installed and activated. Documentation is included, in order to ensure that you will go smooth through installing/activating process. If you have any questions, feel free to raise a support ticket at our support area.Guy

154.94 zł

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