
Multisite & Domain Mapping Plugin

Turn your website into a more professional website using the Multisite & Domain Mapping features. Before you Purchase: Please Note: This is not a standalone software, this is an add-on and you will need the latest version of LaraClassified or JobClass to use this feature. Features: Customize URLs with Domain Mapping (by setting a sub-domain (or domain) per country). Allow you to use the core app with multiple sub-domains or domains. Allow you to set logo and website name per country (Convenient for multi domains use). Optimize your website SEO per sub-domain (or per domain). All the other purchased add-ons will be available for the configured domains / subdomains. NOTE: Since the Multisite & Domain Mapping plugin does the same

1,982.48 zł

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Active Matrimonial Support Ticket add-on

Note: This Support Ticket system isn’t an independent system. This Support Ticket system is available only for Active Matrimonial cms. If you do not purchase Active Matrimonial CMS yet then click here for purchasing Purchase today! & use Support Ticket System for your matrimonial business which is only developed with the most efficient matrimonial system named Active Matrimonial cms. By this Support Ticket Addon enables the features for users to communicate with the admin. Admin can assign satffs to ticket the support messages and reply to them. Also tickets can be organized according to category and status. How does it work? Active Matrimonial cms should be pre-installed in your server Purchase Support Ticket addon for Active Ma

59.59 zł

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Razorpay Payment Gateway for Perfex CRM

NOTE: This is not a standalone payment gateway module for Razorpay, the module requires Perfex CRM application installed which can be purchased here.Razorpay payment gateway for Perfex CRM will allow your customers to pay invoices using Razorpay with credit card and other banking methods that Razorpay provides. Razorpay provides a quick and secure way of accepting payments from your customers.The Checkout form provides your customers a streamlined flow for initiating payments. The payment details submitted by the customer are secured and tokenized by Razorpay.The modules integrates Razorpay checkout.js, you can check the screenshots here in the item to get more familiar how the module payment flow will look after purchase.

103.30 zł

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Bookmarks for Tasks - Perfex CRM module to organize your tasks in bookmarks

Note: This is a module for Perfex CRM. Not a standalone script. Brief description Tasks Bookmark module for Perfex CRM, helps you categorize your tasks in Bookmark lists, so they can be easily grouped/searched and prioritized. Here’s how it works: Once module is activated, a new menu item will appear at the right column of your Perfex admin area, named TASK BOOKMARKS Clicking on it, will lead on Tasks Bookmark creation page, where you will be able to create a new bookmark: Create your first bookmark, by adding a name, an icon and a color for it: Every bookmark that you create will be listed near every task, in a new column, so you can easily append a task to it: You will also be able to pin this bookmark onto Dashboard, so all of its

115.21 zł

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Przewodnik po mieście - Import miejsc / firm Google

Wyróżnij swoją aplikację szczegółowymi informacjami o miejscach w szerokim zakresie kategorii z tej samej bazy danych, co Mapy Google i Google+. Wymagania (jeden z): Skrypt nieruchomości> = Skrypt niejawny ADS> v1.6.0 Skrypt przewodnika po mieście v1.6.0> = Skrypt rezerwacji hotelowej v1.6.0> = v1.6.0

115.21 zł

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Egifts - premium plugin for peepmatches script

E-gifts is a premium plugin for peepmatches script, so this plugin not working alone, you should buy peepmatches script first from HERE Then Add E-gifts to its plugins . By E-gifts plugins your site users can surprised each others by sending gifts, like advanced dating sites such as badoo and twoo . You can earn from your site that built with our peepmatches software, since this plugins working with credits system you can set credits amount for any gift. or leave any other gifts for free . 1- Users Features Site Members can surprised each others by send E-gifts from profiles send gift button Nice E-gifts gallery Instant Notification for received gifts Gift receiver can send a return gift to sender Received gifts blo

59.59 zł

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Smart School Online Course

Online Course addon adds Online Course module in Smart School https://1.envato.market/smart_school . Using this module teacher/staff can create online free or paid online course with their study material based on video, audio or in document content format. These online courses can be purchase and access by students for online study anytime anywhere. Smart School Version 6.3.0 with Online Course demo is available at https://demo.smart-school.in/site/login Key Features - Add online course from admin panel and assign to any teacher Teacher can also create online course for class-section Online course is divided in to Sections, Lessons and Quiz Online course can be created as free or paid Paid online course can be

194.67 zł

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Wiktionary Dictionary - Wikipedia API Based PHP Dictionary Script

There are lots of translators today in Internet. But I was wondering how to draw the line between a translator and a dictionary. It’s simple, translator gives us just the meaning of given word or phrase. But a dictionary is much more informative. It gives us more than a meaning of a word. I can remember how I learn English when I was a teenager. It was really amazing to use a Oxford Dictionary. Even if it was amazing to find a word using a hard dictionary, it was really hard too. So I thought how to create a dictionary using PHP and MySQL. After days of study on the subject I finally understood that using Wiktionary.org is the best way to create a dictionary using their API. Also it does not need any database. Just PHP can create a nice dic

43.70 zł

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REST API Module for Worksuite CRM

Note: This is a module for Worksuite CRM version greater than 3.6.4. Description The Rest API module enables you to use REST API for yours Worksuite CRM. We have used the Laravel Package https://github.com/Froiden/laravel-rest-api for the development Documentation and Endpoints Here is the link of documentation Visit https://documenter.getpostman.com/view/994834/SWTBcwoR for detailed RestAPI Documentation.

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Karenderia Multi-Currency

Karenderia Multi-Currency is addon modules for Karenderia Multiple Restaurant System allows your customers to switch between currencies and helps your merchant to accept payments in multi-currency. The exchange rate can be set up manually or automatically using the finance provider you choose from backend, also this addon can automatically get customer’s geolocation and display the price in the customers’ native currency. Important Notice you cannot use this as stand alone application, it requires Karenderia Multiple Restaurant System for this application to work. for this addon to work you need to update your Karenderia Multiple Restaurant System to latest version 5.4.3 Watch Karenderia Multi-currency installation and quick instructio

115.21 zł

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Zoom Meeting Manager

NOTE: This is not a standalone module, the module requires Perfex CRM application version 2.4.2 installed, this is a module for Perfex CRM. Introduction Introduction to Zoom Meetings Manager – Zoom API module for Perfex CRM One Zoom global account that can be used by all staff depending on permissions given by Admins to Create, View or Delete. Zoom Meeting Manager uses Zoom API and brings Zoom directly to Perfex CRM with abilities to Create, View, Start Meetings and Delete meetings with ease. By default Zoom’s basic account doesn’t allow you to add participants to a meeting. In Zoom Meeting Manager you can add Leads, Staff and Contacts directly from your CRM as attendees (participants) and notify them by email, Zoom Meeting Manager all

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Pushover - Instant Push Notifications for Perfex CRM

Note: This is a module for Perfex CRM. Brief Description This module allows you to receive instant Pushover Notifications on a number of devices when a support ticket is raised via your Perfex CRM by clients. By enabling, you will be able to allow staff and yourself to get a push notification on their mobile devices when a support ticket is raised by a client, either via email (if you have this set up) or via the client portal. Prerequisites: You will need a Pushover account, and you will also need to download the Pushover app (free 30 day trial Apple/Andriod devices). You can see Pushover’s pricing structure. At the time of publishing there is a fee of 5USD for a lifetime after the 30 day free trial. Note – We have no affiliation with Pu

83.43 zł

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Pin Login Module for NexoPOS 3.x

This module modifies the login page of NexoPOS and provides a way to log in using a pin code. The pin code is composed of the user id and other numbers chosen by the user. The reason why the pin has a prefix is to ensure that from their profile, users cannot guest other users’ pin. Demo Pin Code : 3123456 Demo Link: https://v3-pinlogin.nexopos.com each user can then define their pin from they profile. For more informations about how this module works, consider reading the post written about.

67.54 zł

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Export Customer Details (KYC Compliance) Module for Perfex CRM

Note:This Module is for Perfex CRM Brief Description “ Export Customer Details (KYC Compliance) ”, this module can be use in Perfex CRM to add extra features for clients management. You can map uploaded client files as KYC and save that details, so you can easily print or download PDF of Client details with their KYC files. This module can be used to map list of services given to client by using Items as a service. Added advantage: Client Matrix – Generate detailed KYC form of your client & Map service/Item. Manage Your client details linked with custom field. Map KYC documents with client (image upload). Download/Print in pre-define form with your logo, client logo/picture. Set custom heading & font colour to matc

79.46 zł

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Zoom Live Class Add-on: iNiLabs

iNiLabs Zoom Live Class addon integrate Zoom Live Class feature into iNiLabs School Management System.This feature allows admins/teachers/staff to create online live classes using Zoom.us API service and students can join the session from their panel according to class, the section has given schedule. This module ensures also class privacy, which means no outsiders can log in to the class session without having the right authority. This module is compatible with iNilabs School Management Latest version 4.6. Features Zoom live class add-on, compatible with iNiLabs School Management System. - Admi, teacher & users can create, delete and join Live class - Students can join the live class session from their panel as per schedule - No

99.32 zł

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Radio - Module for SoundKit

Soundkit is a Social Music Sharing Platform similar with Mixcloud, SoundCloud, allowing users to upload their music online and share with the world This module allow your members to post their radio stations PODcast e.t.c on your site

154.94 zł

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Laravel INBOX

Please note: You must have basic knowledge of Lavavel Framework This plugin works only on IMAP. We charge 50USD per installation.

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Ultimate Orange Theme - Perfex CRM

Note: This is not a standalone script. It is a frontend theme for Perfex CRM. Perfex can be purchased here. Great design Orange color for your Perfex CRM. Modern visual elements, animation effects and much more make up our additional design module for Perfex CRM. Try Ultimate Orange Theme! Admin credentials DEMO Login: [email protected] Pass: demo123 Client credentials DEMO Login: [email protected] Pass: demo123 Set-up Included documentation will help you upload and activate the design module inside Perfex CRM, if you are not aware on how to do it.

87.40 zł

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Add-on Statuses Module for Perfex CRM

Note:This Module is for Perfex CRM Latest Version : 1.0.0 Brief Description “Add-on Statuses”, module can be use in Perfex CRM to Extends its default Project and Task statuses. “Add-on Statuses” allows you to create more statuses for Tasks and Projects in addition to existing status in Perfex CRM. Manage Sequence or Order of added new Statuses. Add your own Colors for your added Status. Preview Added advantage: Add new Statuses in Projects and Tasks. Quickly manage statuses. Automatically applied on List of Tasks and Projects and its filters. Added statuses will adopt same behaviour like default statuses of Tasks/Projects. Default Statuses will be shown in list of Statuses for display purpose. Documentation It takes only a few

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Ankieta addon ver. 2.0 dla crea8social

Ankieta addon ver. 2.0 dla crea8social - PHP Social Networking Platform pozwoli ci utworzyć ankiety w swoim poście. Demo na: crea8social.sictron.com Zaloguj się: demo Pass: 123456 Video View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nAJy6CZGLVg Funkcje: - Pracuj z crea8social v4.2 i nowszymi. - Liczenie głosów w czasie rzeczywistym bez odświeżania strony - Możesz stworzyć nieskończoną liczbę opcji ankiety - Czysty i responsywny płaski projekt - Animacja w czasie rzeczywistym, gdy statystyki się zmieniają - Statystyki: procent, liczba głosów, całkowita liczba wyborcy. - Duszka pola wyboru (Możesz łatwo zmienić wygląd przycisków opcji) - Głosowanie anonimowe - Ludzie głosowali na informacje Ważne: Dla poprawnego działania dodatków wyłącz pamięć podręczną zapytań na swojej stronie. Iść do

39.73 zł

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