
Custom JavaScript module for Perfex

Note: This is a module for Perfex CRM. Not a standalone script. Perfex CRM that can be purchased here Brief description Custom JavaScript for Perfex CRM, is a module that allows you to integrate your custom JavaScript code, onto your Customers Area and/or Administration area of Perfex CRM. Demo Since each code/needs are unique, we are not able to provide any specific demo. Compatibility Our module is 100% any JavaScript code, but you may ensure that you code is not conflicting with Perfex’s core code. DocumentationIt takes only a couple minutes to be installed and activated. Documentation is included. If you have any questions, feel free to raise a support ticket at our support area.Guys from support department will get back to

75.49 zł

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Active eCommerce Auction Add-on

Note: Auction isn’t an independent system. This Auction is available only for Active eCommerce CMS. If you do not purchase Active eCommerce CMS yet then click here for purchasing Note: After activating this addon auction system will be available. Purchase today! & use Auction Addon for your eCommerce business which is only developed with the most efficient eCommerce CMS named Active eCommerce CMS. This addon provides auction functionality for ecommerce CMS where admin can create auction products for bidding. Customers can bid for auction products in a specific time period and after that a winner is selected based on bid amount. How does it work? Active eCommerce CMS should be pre-installed in your server Purchase Auction Addon for

99.32 zł

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Perfex CRM - Arabic Language Translation Pack

NOTE: This is not a standalone language, the language files requires Perfex CRM application installed, this is just a Arabic Language pack. This language pack simply provides the Language Translation of complete PerfexCRM in Arabic (Saudiarabian Language) INSTALLATION: After downloading the files simply add this folder in your crm directory to path application\language. That’s it! Simply select the new language from Setup->Settings->Localization and then select the new language. Demo: http://demo.uhscripts.com/admin Username: [email protected] Password: 1234 Then you can select your language (Arabic) and test it thoroughly before buying as you can easily check the full translated version in demo.

59.59 zł

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Wayne Mailwizz Frontend Theme

Wayne jest w pełni funkcjonalnym motywem Mailwizz Frontend. (Bez backendu) Jest to gotowa strona docelowa, na której możesz zaprezentować swój e-mail marketing. Oparty na Bootstrap v3.3.6 iw pełni responsywny. - Opracowany do płynnej współpracy z Mailwizz - Szybki i prosty w konfiguracji - Łatwy do dostosowania - 100% responsywny projekt - Dobrze skonstruowany kod - Przyjazny SEO - Ważny znacznik HTML5 i CSS3 - Kompatybilność z różnymi przeglądarkami (Chrome, Safari, Firefox, IE 9 + , Opera, Edge) Ten szablon ma wiele wspaniałych funkcji, w tym: - Naprawiono pasek nawigacyjny z płynnym przewijaniem - Przycisk logowania i rejestracji (wystarczy skonfigurować własne linki do stron logowania i rejestracji klientów) - Obracanie tekstu w nagłówku - Temat i ikony jonowe - Główne sekcje - Custo

83.43 zł

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Real Estate Mortgage Loan Calculator

This is a plugin for the original Real estate agency portal script. Please ensure you have purchased and installed the latest version of Real estate agency portal before using this plugin. Bootstrap standalone HTML example is also available in package, please check screenshots Requirements Working original Real estate agency portal script installation, min. version 1.5.4, link Or can be used also as standalone HTML mortgage loan calculator.

51.65 zł

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Offline Payment Plugin For QuickCMS

NOTE: This is not a standalone application, its a module that requires QuickQR QR Menu Maker or Quickad Classified or Quickjob Job Script application installed, this is a module for QuickQR or Quickad or Quickjob Php Script. Introduction Introduction to Offline Payment Gateway module for QuickQR or Quickad or Quickjob Php Script Offline Payment Gateway is a module for QuickQR QR Menu Maker or Quickad Classified or Quickjob Job Script that enables you to receive payments from these CMS. Set-Up / Installation: There is no coding skills needed at all in order to set this payment module. Similar to any other payment gateway on QuickQR or Quickad or Quickjob Php Script. How to installation Step 1: You just need to downl

115.21 zł

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Rakuten Plugin for Coupons CMS

Rakuten Plugin is an addon for Coupons CMS that allows you to import coupons and products from you rakutenmarketing.com/affiliate account directly to your Coupons CMS website. All features available: View and Import Coupons & Deals View and Import Products Quick Edit Before Importing Changelog 01.26.2019 – Compatible with Coupons CMS v7

95.35 zł

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Integracja MailWizz EMA z EmailListVerify.com

Integracja MailWizz EMA z EmailListVerify.com Czysta integracja z EmailListVerify.com dla aplikacji napędzanej MailWizz EMA! Po zainstalowaniu i włączeniu tego rozszerzenia klienci będą mogli dodawać własne poświadczenia i wybierać obszary, w których muszą zweryfikować wiadomości e-mail, na przykład mogą zdecydować o sprawdzeniu tylko wiadomości e-mail importowanych z ich list. Należy pamiętać, że przez klientów zakładamy, że każdy może zalogować się w obszarze klientów aplikacji, więc może to być tylko Ty, a jeśli używasz aplikacji jako platformy SAAS, Twoi klienci. ZAINSTALUJ w kilku prostych krokach - zaloguj się na zapleczu swojej witryny obsługiwanej przez MailWizz EMA i przejdź do menu Rozszerz, a następnie kliknij link Rozszerzenia. - Naciśnij przycisk przesyłania i wybierz

91.38 zł

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SMS Module for Worksuite SAAS

Note :  This is not a standalone script. This is a module for Worksuite SAAS version greater 3.7.5 Description This module will enable you to send SMS notifications to users. The Following SMS gateways are integrated. Twilio Nexmo (Now known as Vonage) Msg91 Installation Guide https://froiden.freshdesk.com/support/solutions/articles/43000569531-module-installation Documentation Here is the link of documentation and setup. Visit https://froiden.freshdesk.com/support/solutions/folders/43000571086

158.92 zł

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Motyw Coupy dla kuponów CMS

Wymagania Kupony CMS v7 Opis Motyw Coupy - to motyw dla CouponsCMS. Dziennik zmian 01.26.2019 - Kompatybilny z kuponami CMS v7 Uwaga *: Obrazy nie są dołączone.

95.35 zł

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Amazon S3 integration for MailWizz EMA

Amazon S3 integration for MailWizz EMA Important: This extension is compatible only with MailWizz 2.x. If you are still using MailWizz 1.x, you can still purchase a license for this extension and contact us to provide you the extension compatible with MailWizz 1.x. This extension allows you to send various assets from your MailWizz EMA power application to Amazon S3. For example, when you upload a template in backend or customers area, the assets for that template can be moved to Amazon S3. Features - Send assets to S3 while uploading emails in backend area - Send assets to S3 while uploading emails in customers area - Allow customers to use your S3 account to store the assets or force them to use their own Install/Configure in a fe

91.38 zł

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Zatrzymaj fałszywe rejestracje spamerów dla Wowonder

Zatrzymaj fałszywe rejestracje spamerów to dodatek do Wowonder. Spamer lub fałszywy użytkownik może użyć „Tymczasowego identyfikatora e-mail” lub „Jednorazowego identyfikatora e-mail”, aby ominąć proces weryfikacji adresu e-mail. Teraz możesz użyć tego dodatku do ochrony swojej witryny przed fałszywą rejestracją. : używają serwerów proxy i xyzmail.com, aby zalać Twoją witrynę niezweryfikowanymi kontami, lub używają serwerów proxy, dynamicznego adresu IP do tworzenia fałszywych zweryfikowanych kont na twojej stronie internetowej, które powodują problemy dla administratorów / moderatorów. Proszę obejrzeć zrzuty ekranu i wideo, aby uzyskać więcej informacji . Co to jest WoWonder? WoWonder to platforma sieci społecznościowej, która jest najlepszym sposobem na stworzenie własnej witryny społecznościowej lub społeczności internetowej. Demo wideo: Kliknij prawym przyciskiem myszy i otwórz ten film na youtube w zakładce przeglądarki Funkcje: Zatrzymaj Spamera / f

35.76 zł

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Nextpost Module: Auto Direct to Targeted Users

Nextpost Module: Auto Direct with Targeted Users Feature Now you can send direct messages to instagram users you choose based on hashtags, locations or specific usernames. This product is not standalone app. You need to get main Nextpost Instagram app to use this skin. You can get main Nextpost Instagram app from: https://goo.gl/IZNMaA

139.05 zł

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Zoom Live Class - InfixEdu Module

Demo: http://module.infixdev.com/ Zoom Module is ready for InfixEdu ERP, we have ready for the current version and upcoming Major release v5, now you can start your virtual class journey with the student also with staff Zoom free account for creating multiple live classes simultaneously for teacher use own API if permission provider by the admin Requirements: InfixEdu pre installed in your web server Download InfixEdu here – https://codecanyon.net/item/x/23876323 How InfixEdu Zoom Module Work: Shared Hosting also need to SSH key access enable Upload Zoom Module Update some files Update Database Setup Zoom App and configure We provide video tutorial A to Z InfixEdu Zoom Module Features:

258.24 zł

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Diagramy - Diagrams and BPMN for Perfex (Flowcharts, Process diagrams, Org Charts & more)

Note: This is a module for Perfex CRM. Brief description Diagramy module is complete diagram editor that will allow you to create, edit and share with your other staff members BPMN ( Business Process Model and Notation ), custom Flowcharts, Process diagrams, Org Charts, UML, ER & Network Diagrams through diagrams.net library. It also supports assignment to Projects and Tasks, so they can be browsed by Customer and his Contacts, in frontend (Customers Area). You will be also able to import 100% custom icons/images (currently only from remote URL source). Please click on Video Preview button so you can watch a basic demonstration of a diagram, along with all available shapes (more than 1.000) Our module allows dynamic filtering of diagr

115.21 zł

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Ultimate Green Theme - Perfex CRM

Note: This is not a standalone script. It is a frontend theme for Perfex CRM. Perfex can be purchased here. Great Green design for your Perfex CRM. Modern visual elements, animation effects and much more make up our additional design module for Perfex CRM. Try Ultimate Green Theme! Admin credentials DEMO Login: [email protected] Pass: demo123 Client credentials DEMO Login: [email protected] Pass: demo123 Set-up Included documentation will help you upload and activate the design module inside Perfex CRM, if you are not aware on how to do it. Cha

87.40 zł

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Perfex CRM Custom JS Module

NOTE: This is not a standalone module, the module requires Perfex CRM application installed, this is a module for Perfex CRM. Description: Perfex CRM Custom JS Module is a module that easily allows you to implement/integrate any script you want into the administrator area and the customers area. It is compatible with all possible services that allows web integration. Google analytics, Google tag manager, Facebook Pixel, All possible live chat platforms and everything else that can be implemented in <head>YOU TAG / SCRIPT HERE <head> . Other modules by i-Dev Perfex Light Theme Perfex Appointments Module Perfex Office Theme Perfex Dark Theme Perfex Chat Module Demo: There is no demo provided because all scripts tag

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Active eCommerce Chat & Support App for Support Board

Active eCommerce CMS App for Support Board The only chat truly integrated with Active eCommerce CMS! Increase sales, use bots and connect in real-time with your customers by integrating Active eCommerce with Support Board. Customers synchronization Support Board will automatically identify the currently logged-in Active eCommerce customer (or staff, seller), including the user details, and it will register it. You can also manually import existing customers. Customer Shop Details View your customers’ details, like orders history and products in the cart, directly in the

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Video BG Landing - Belloo Dating Software

New desktop landing page Remember that you need Belloo – Complete Premium Dating Software to get this landing working!

695.26 zł

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InfyChat - Laravel VueJS Chat App

InfyChat is a web-based chat system implemented using the Laravel framework + VueJS Javascript Framework. It’s built on Bookstrap4 with CoreUI Theme with the MySQL database. Also, available in Laravel + JS version. The goal of the system is to provide user-to-user messaging with the ability to search for users in the system and chat with each other. Support: You can also send us an email on [email protected] Features It has many rich features like, Members Admin Panel Real-time messaging Emoji Support Added Conversations list with unread messages count Media Uploads including Images, Documents, and Videos Youtube video link integration Read receipt Typing Status Online Offline Status Last seen status of a user Delete Conversations

115.21 zł

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