
CG - katalog firm

Katalog firm jest dodatkiem do CompileGrid CMS. Administrator może zarządzać: Kraje Państwa [lub możesz zmienić ich nazwę na powiaty] Miasta Recenzje biznesowe Miejsca reklamowe Ustawienia Paypal Moderatorzy ... Moderatorzy mogą: Zmienić status / szczegóły firmy Ustaw firmę jako polecaną lub nie [tylko jeśli administrator to poda pozwolenie] ... Użytkownicy mogą: Dodaj / usuń edycję firmy Użyj paypal, aby wyróżnić firmę ... Demo: Strona internetowa: http://www.business.compilegrid.com/ Strona administracyjna: http: //www.admin. business.compilegrid.com/mng/login.php Nazwa użytkownika: [email protected] Hasło: admin

51.65 zł

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Currency Exchange Plugin

Currency Exchange add-on for LaraClassified Before you Purchase: Please Note: This is not a standalone software, this is an add-on and you will need the latest version of LaraClassified to use this feature. Here is the list of the currently implemented services: Fixer currencylayer 1Forge CurrencyDataFeed Open Exchange Rates Xignite Features: This add-on adds in the header of the front area a select box of currencies set from the Admin panel. And, allow users to get estimation of the items prices in other currencies. Demo: Screenshots If you have any question or need support Contact using this link – Contact Author

139.05 zł

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Customer Website For Multi-Restaurants Laravel App

- Version: 1.0.0 - Last update: 30/04/2021 - Files Included: Full Source code of Customer Laravel Website - Admin Panel not included Customer Website + PHP Laravel Admin Panel Our solution uses Laravel (PHP Framework for Web Artisans) Laravel is a web application framework with an expressive, elegant syntax. We’ve already laid the foundation — freeing you to create without sweating the small things. Customer Website Client User or email: [email protected] Password: 123456 Other Client User or email: [email protected] Password: 123456 Follow us on Social Media

154.94 zł

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Xero® Online Module for Perfex CRM - Spend less time on the books

NOTE: This is a module for Perfex CRM . Not a standalone script. Brief Description Integrating Xero with Perfex gives full visibility into how your business is running and where it can be improved. Accounting software and CRM work together to share data between sales and accounting, including customer information, sales orders, expenses, and invoicing Syncs both old and new Invoices, Customer Infomation, Payments etc. Xero® Online Module enables you to synchronize in Real Time or Scheduled, your Accounts, Taxes, Invoices, Payments, Expense Categories, Payment Methods etc… It is worth noting that although this module uses one way sync, there are some aspects that we run: Two-way sync: Taxes & Pa

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Customer Website For Grocery, Food, Pharmacy, Store Delivery Laravel App

- Version: 1.0.0 - Last update: 17/08/2021 - Files Included: Full Source code of Customer Laravel Website - Admin Panel not included Customer Website + PHP Laravel Admin Panel Our solution uses Laravel (PHP Framework for Web Artisans) Laravel is a web application framework with an expressive, elegant syntax. We’ve already laid the foundation — freeing you to create without sweating the small things. Customer Website Client User or email: [email protected] Password: 123456 Other Client User or email: [email protected] Password: 123456 Follow us on Social Media

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Financial Perfex CRM control Professional Expenses Weboox

Register your recurring expenses, the system informs the status and organization by expiration date. You register the supplier and mark cost centers to control where your money comes from. Have analytical reports with projection of accounts payable by period and can export to PDF, XLS and much more. You now have the financial projection with your recurring expenses. DEMO: https://testmodule.weboox.com.br/admin/ > Login: [email protected] Password: abc123 For Entrepreneurs who want to organize their Accounts Payable, with this module

115.21 zł

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Emoji / Emoticons - The Ultimate WoWonder Emoji / Emoticons Plugin

7/24 Live Support – WoWonder Compatible With v3.2.2It Is An Plugin For WoWonder It Contains 900+ Emoji It Is Easy To Install And Full Documentation Included1: It Contains 900+ Emoji / Emoticons2: Country Flags Are Also Included3: Responsive And Mobile Friendly Design4: All Versions Supported5: No Coding Knowledge Needed

59.59 zł

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Account Planning module for Perfex CRM - Strategic planning for your clients

Note: This is a module for Perfex CRM. Not a standalone script. Brief description Account Planning Module for Perfex CRM, is a strategic account planning tool, which, through a customer-centric approach to identifying priority accounts capturing and analysing critical information, allows you and your staff members to develop a strategy to expand and grow existing customer relationships. It creates a complete plan, with plenty of useful information through available options and data, separating them under four basic sectors for every plan: Due Diligence / Team Information / Service Ability Offering and Project Planning. It also uses MindMap, based on GOJS, in order for staff members to be able to create a visual approach of their strategy, a

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Reply Tracker for MailWizz EMA

Dedicated Reply Tracker for MailWizz EMA Build Great Active Contacts !, Know who respond to your campaign, when they respond and most especially take action (separate them from others and easily follow up) This extension enables reply/response tracking for your MailWizz EMA powered application!Since MailWizz EMA email box monitor is not built for tracking reply and dont give stat about responses from campaign likewise risk of deleting mails if not well configured, things could have been better if we could know who reply ,when they reply and which campaign they reply to.This extension aims to alleviate this and provide you simple tool to follow up with your active subscribers.! Simple scenario is sending a campaign to a listA gotten from

91.38 zł

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Advanced Task Timesheet Manager Module for Perfex CRM

Description: Note:This Module is for Perfex CRM Latest Version : 1.0.6 Brief Description “Advanced Task Timesheet Manager”, module can be use in Perfex CRM to Extends its task timesheet or Log time filter functionality and generate Staff Log time Report. “Timesheet Manager” allows you to manage Log time for all your Tasks from one location in Perfex CRM. It also creates dynamic filters for Tasks Timesheet. Manage Log time for all your Tasks from Dashboard Widget of Timesheet Manager. You can Manage your Task Log Time (Timesheet) from calendar drag and drop to change Log time Date and Time. “Timesheet Manager” provides Log Time(Timesheet) summary for that Task of selected Months for any user. This can be used to generate different kind

79.46 zł

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Advanced Lead Filters Module for Perfex CRM

Note:This Module is for Perfex CRM Brief Description “Advanced Lead Filters”, this module can be use in Perfex CRM to Extends its lead filter functionality. You can create dynamic filter of your choice & save it for future use. (Usage : Mainly use for different kind of report need & at time access inbuilt functionally of Perfex CRM) It save time of user in generating similar kind of report as once template is save can be used anytime. Added advantage: Can be used to filter Leads. Can be select custom period for between start date & due date. Report can Expert with required Column (i.e. can hide non required Column) Screenshots Create a Lead Filter Documentation It takes only a few seconds to be installed and activated. Do

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Bootstrap Blogifier

Quick and easy standalone PHP blog script or blog addon for any static Bootstrap website. Quick and easy setup does not even take a minute. Easy to Use | Responsive Bootstrap 3 | Admin Stand Alone Blog Application or Blog Addon to Any Site Unlimited Users | Unlimited Access Levels Add, Edit, Delete, Ban Users / Password Control SEF Urls and Non SEF Url Options Public Signup Enable and Disable Options Enable / Disable Comments Set Amount of Entries Per Page Set Custom Images for Entry and Listings Set Amount of Entries Per Page Loads Very Fast Text, Image and Video Entries Create, edit and delete categories Integrates Easily with Disqus Comments to Keep Quality Up and Spam Down Built on Slac Framework makes it easy to add more public and

119.19 zł

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Advanced Task Filters module for Perfex CRM

Note: This is a module for Perfex CRM. Brief description Advanced Task Filters allows you to create dynamic filters on task’s level, including any potential reporting you need for your personal or corporate use.It allows other staff members to create their own filters aswell, as a step to a more efficient and effective workday/workflow.Please give a quick check at our Video Preview, which showcases the functionality of our module. DocumentationIt takes only a few seconds to be installed and activated. Documentation is included, in order to ensure that you will go smooth through installing/activating process. If you have any questions, feel free to raise a support ticket at our support area.Guys from support department will get b

115.21 zł

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WhatsApp module for Perfex CRM - Support your clients and staff members through WhatsApp chat

Note: This is a module for Perfex CRM. Not a standalone script. Brief description WhatsApp Module for Perfex CRM, is a module that allows you to integrate the famous WhatsApp contact button, onto your Customers Area> and/or Administration area of Perfex CRM. Demo Since the functionality of this module is simple, and screenshots are also provided with the button, there is no actual need for a demo. Once you press the WhatsApp contact button, you will be redirected to a web/mobile (depending on your device) version of WhatsApp messenger, into an open conversation with the number set in settings, ending up in a live chat/live support with him. Compatibility Our module is compatible with the latest versions of Perfex CRM. Document

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Facebook Invite For Playtube

Facebook Invite is a Add-on For Playtube v1.8.1 and above.Now you website’s users can invite their facebook friends to join your video sharing website. Also,allow users to share your website on social networks.for eg:On “facebook,twitter,google plus,vk,linkedin etc.”Share this website on WhatApp is also included. Please watch screenshots and demo video for more details. Demo video: Right click and open this youtube video in browser tab What is Playtube? Playtube is a video sharing script, PlayTube is the best way to start your own video sharing website!! Features: Allow users to invite their facebook friends. Allow users to invite their facebook messenger friends Share this website on social networks also included. Allow users to

39.73 zł

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Szablon Europass (CV) dla FormFiller

To jest szablon rozszerzenia dla wypełniacza formularzy - systemu do tworzenia dokumentów PDF. Rozszerz swoją instalację wypełniacza formularzy o nowy potężny Europass z szablonu, daj użytkownikom i odwiedzającym możliwość łatwego tworzenia własnego CV Europass za pomocą kilku kliknięć. Funkcje w pełni kompatybilne ze standardowym szablonem Europass podzielonym na sekcje, łatwe w użyciu nieograniczone ekspertyzy, szkoła, sekcje doświadczeń Jeśli nie kupiłeś FormFiller, możesz kupić FormFiller tutaj.

23.84 zł

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Modern Quickad Classified Template

Modern Quickad Classified Ads Theme Before you Purchase: Please Note: This is not a standalone template, this is an add-on and you will need the latest version of Quickad Classified to use this template. QuickAd Classified Php script required for this template Quickad Classified CMS Quickad Ads Php Classified Script is Premium Classified Php Script with fully responsive Material & Classic design. Built to be beautiful, fast and powerful. One-click setup User can easily set up this theme and easy to use and customized. We used the best angular js admin dashboard templates for amazing user interfaces.Quickad android Native app available now check today. Support https://bylancer.ticksy.com/ Changelog = Version 1.9 = 02 Feb 2021 * Comp

115.21 zł

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Staff Outsourcing & Resources Booking for Perfex CRM - Outsource your employees

Note: This is a module for Perfex CRM. Not a standalone script. Brief description Staff Outsource and Resources Booking module for Perfex CRM, helps companies to outsource their staff members’ time, by providing an efficient way of managing their outsourced resources inside Perfex’s admin interface. Here’s how it works: Once module is activated, a new menu item will appear at the right column of your Perfex admin area, named Staff Outsource and Resources Booking Admin will be able to create Resources Groups, under which, staff members can be added, as part of a flexible categorization. Once you create your new group, you will be able to assign staff members available for outsource work at Resources tab. A complete booking showcase alo

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Weboox PRO theme for Perfex CRM

Demo: Link: https://crmteste.weboox.com.br > Login: [email protected] > Password: abc123 UPDATE 24/05/2020 —-—-—-—-—-—-—- – Fixed bugs in mobile mode; – Fixed layout estimativa; – Fixed estimativa signature. UPDATE 13/05/2020 —-—-—-—-—-—-—- – Fixed bugs in mobile mode; – Added profile in mobile mode; – Fixed proposal signature; – Fixed contract signature; – Fixed attachments in client tasks.

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Nova: Hackers News Theme

Uwaga: ten temat dotyczy Hackers News: Community Script

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