
Pasek nawigacyjny Responsive Right Side

Funkcje Side Responsywne Mega menu Rozwijane menu mega Właściwy efekt Formularz wyszukiwania Aktywny link Aktywny Obróć Nieograniczony menu rozwijane Obsługiwane przez Flamecore Organizacja Ramy podstawowe http://getcore.github.io Autor Andika Chamberlin http://instagram.com/andikachamberlin

11.92 zł

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Gra pamięciowa - gra edukacyjna HTML5

GRA PAMIĘCI - GRA EDUKACYJNA HTML5 Ulepszenie pamięci jest częścią tej gry pamięciowej, proces można wykonać w kilku krokach, które mogą być łatwe i wykonywane bez wysiłku. Czas przetestować swoje umiejętności pamięci! Zobacz, ile poziomów możesz pomyślnie ukończyć w krótszym czasie. Baw się dobrze, budując swoją pamięć i zapamiętując CECHY: Sterowanie myszą lub dotykiem Działa na wszystkich przeglądarkach HTML5 i urządzeniach mobilnych W zestawie Konstruuj 2 pliki Możliwość korzystania z C2 w wersji bezpłatnej, ponieważ zawiera mniej niż 100 zdarzeń Uwzględnione zasoby (obrazy i muzyka) CO UZYSKASZ Skonstruuj plik 2 z całkowicie skomentowaną wersją demonstracyjną gry kodowej Dokumentacja Jeśli masz jakieś pytania, nie wahaj się zadać pytania. DOSTĘPNE DLA PRACY FREELANCE Jeśli musisz wprowadzić zmiany w tym dokumencie

63.57 zł

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Maze - gra logiczna HTML5

Maze Maze to gra logiczna HTML5. Znajdź wyjście z labiryntu w najkrótszym możliwym czasie. Wybierz jeden z trzech poziomów trudności: łatwy, średni, trudny. Powodzenia! Łatwa instalacja Pakiet ZIP zawiera grę o rozdzielczości 768 × 1400, którą można skalować w celu dopasowania do ekranu zorientowanego w pełni na urządzenie. Po prostu prześlij na swój serwer lub dołącz do CTL Arcade WordPress Plugin dla jeszcze łatwiejszej instalacji. Personalizacja W grze można w pełni dostosować skórki do brandingu. Cały kod źródłowy jest dołączony, dzięki czemu możesz łatwo wprowadzać zmiany lub zatrudnić nas, aby dostosować grę dla Ciebie. Zgodność W pełni kompatybilny z większością serwerów, jednak zawsze warto skontaktować się z zespołem administracyjnym lub firmą hostingową. Oczywiście osiągnięcie 100% co

75.49 zł

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Sky Knight - gra strzelanka HTML5

Sky Knight is Shoot 'em up (shmup) pionowo przewijana strzelanka retro z widokiem z góry. Musisz bronić ziemi przed atakiem wrogów, jest 7 broni (wzór pocisku), które pomogą ci na każdym poziomie, losowo upuszczane, gdy wróg zostanie zniszczony. Czy potrafisz przetrwać atak wrogów? I walcz z ostatnim bossem, aby wygrać tę grę. Cechy: 10 trudnych poziomów. 7 wzorów pocisków do ataku bronią gracza. 2 bossów czeka i jest gotowych rzucić ci wyzwanie. Korzystanie z Construct 2 oficjalnych wtyczek bez wtyczek innych firm. Game Pad obsługiwany (tylko dla strzału gracza i kontroli ruchu). Obsługiwana darmowa wersja Cocoon.io. Postęp automatycznego zapisu poziomu. Zoptymalizowana przeglądarka mobilna i mobilna natywna. 1 kod źródłowy Capx dla natywnych wersji stacjonarnych i mobilnych

87.40 zł

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Fat Eagle - gra HTML5

Pomóż Grubemu Eaglowi latać i dowiedz się, jak prawidłowo go szkolić, aby bezpiecznie latał przez przeszkody. Gwarancja godzin zabawy! Jaki jest jego rekord?

27.81 zł

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Stick Soldier - gra mobilna HTML5 (Construct 3 | Construct 2 | Capx)

Stick Soldier - HTML5 Mobile Game (Capx) Opis: Przytrzymaj palec na ekranie, aby kij urósł. Rozciągnij drążek, aby dosięgnąć platform i chodzić po nich. Uważaj! Jeśli kij nie jest wystarczająco długi, przewrócisz się! JAK DALEKO MOŻESZ GO ??? Made in Construct 2. Ciesz się grą! Funkcje: Pełna gra; HTML5 Mobile Zoptymalizowany; Zoptymalizowana aplikacja mobilna Ludei; Sterowanie jednym przyciskiem; Prosta rozgrywka; Łatwy do Reskin; Łatwe dodawanie treści; Łatwe do zmiany źródło; Touch & Mouse; Efekty dźwiękowe; Odtwarzane na wszystkich platformach (mobilne, na PC itp.); Wsparcie online 24/7; Dołączone pliki APK dla urządzenia z Androidem; Dołączone pliki do eksportu do IOS i

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Rush Box

-Rush Box dokonany na silniku gry Construct 2, zawiera 21 poziomów losowo -Odpowiada na wszystkie urządzenia -Łatwy do ponownej skórki -Zawiera wszystkie pliki źródłowe gotowe do eksportu na gry mobilne i internetowe (HTML5, Cordova, Cocoonjs) i .CAPX -elastyczny Funkcje systemu zdarzeń - Konstruuj 244+ - Graj na komputerze i urządzeniu - Łatwy eksport do HTML5 na stronę - Gotowy do eksportu na Androida, iOS z platformą Cordova, taką jak Intel XDK, telefon, CocoonJS? Ludei Integracja AdmobAds -Touch & Mouse -Share na Twitterze

87.40 zł

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Greenvillage - Gardening & Landscaping HubSpot Theme

The Greenvillage is a HubSpot Theme build for Lawn Services Business, Landscaping Companies, Groundskeepers, Landscape Architects, Gardening Business, Florists, firewood, flowers, ecology, landscape, lawn, lumberjack, Big or Small Gardener Business, Agriculture and companies that offer related services.The design is very elegant and modern, and also very easy to customize with 1170px grid. Build your company website easily with the Drag and Drop Page Builder. Gardener stand out from the crowd and that will turn your visitors in to customers. If your company are Lawn Services Business, Landscaping Companies, Small Gardener Business, Agriculture or all of that together, you’ll certainly find a layout that will fit your needs Template

226.46 zł

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Gameshop - Responsive PrestaShop Shopping Themes

Gameshop – A Powerful PrestaShop Theme To Create Any Stunning Store Gameshop is a Multi-purpose PrestaShop 1.7 Theme with a wide range of features and functions for building sophisticated online stores. Out of the box, Gameshop works ideally for gaming equipments, electronics, apparel, accessories and other hitech-related web shops. Some of the functions of Gameshop are slider, mega menu, one step checkout, ajax add to cart, hod deal slider, clean single product layout and blog section. Gameshop is everything you need to succeed in eCommerce! Compatible with PrestaShop 1.7.0.x to 1.7.7.x (The Latest version of PrestaShop Now is time for you to discover live demo and checkout if you really love! Let’s view some prominent featur

278.10 zł

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Fitness-Responsive Email Template + Stampready Builder

Fitness-Responsive Email Template + Stampready builder Fitness-Responsive Email Template which can be use for any kind of business like Services, Fashion, Blog post, Business, e-Commerence,Designers, Event, Portfolio and much more. Fitness-Email Template are very well-organized and structured. Design is clean and professional. you can easily customize it as per your need. Checkout our other profiles on Envato RSATheme File Included: HTML Ready Template StampReady Compatible Template MailChimp Ready Template Campaign Monitor Ready Template Organized and layered PSD Help Documented HTML Page Fitne

55.62 zł

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RESTA - Responsive Restaurant Email Template

RESTA – Responsive Restaurant Email Template + Stamp Ready Builder RESTA is a responsive email template designed for Restaurant, Bakery, Cafe, Cooking, Foods, Hotel, E-commerce, Business and general purposes. Access to Stampready Template Builder Features Maximum of three columns Responsive template Drag-Drop / One-click – Stampready template builder MailChimp Ready Campaign Monitor Ready Major mail clients and browser display tested Gmail, Yahoo, Rediffmail, All Outlook Versions, Thunderbird, Opera mail and more Firefox, Chrome, IE, O

71.51 zł

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Job Application Form

Responsive Bootstrap Employment/Job Application, Satisfaction, Leave Form with all the necessary fields which can help you get detailed information of an applicant. This multistep wizard forms  are created using the latest bootstrap 4 framework along with the use of CDNs to load forms faster.With this one as your basic, you can customize and create many different sleek designed forms not only related to jobs but also create forms as per your requirements.  HIRING MADE EASY ! SEND FORM DATA DIRECTLY TO YOUR EMAIL ! Key features :100% Responsive (Mobile friendly). SMTP option available.Send form data to email.Multistep wizard forms with validation. CDNs used – Quick form loading. Well Documented (You can create your own forms – from scratch)

51.65 zł

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Smart School Online Course

Online Course addon adds Online Course module in Smart School https://1.envato.market/smart_school . Using this module teacher/staff can create online free or paid online course with their study material based on video, audio or in document content format. These online courses can be purchase and access by students for online study anytime anywhere. Smart School Version 6.3.0 with Online Course demo is available at https://demo.smart-school.in/site/login Key Features - Add online course from admin panel and assign to any teacher Teacher can also create online course for class-section Online course is divided in to Sections, Lessons and Quiz Online course can be created as free or paid Paid online course can be

194.67 zł

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Core Admin - User Management System in ASP.NET CORE & Angular

Change Log 28.APR.2021 - ver 3.0.2 - New: MySQL Database added 31.MAR.2021 - ver 3.0.1 - Fix: Minor bug fix 25.MAR.2021 - ver 3.0.0 - Update: Support .NET Core – 5.0.201 - Update: Support Entity Framework Core – 5.0.4 - Update: Support Angular – 11.2.6 16.JAN.2021 - ver 2.0.4 - Fix: Minor bug fix 20.DEC.2020 - ver 2.0.3 - Fix: Minor bug fix 19.DEC.2020 - ver 2.0.2 - Fix: Login page correction - Fix: Mail confirmation correction - Fix: Two factor authentication correction 10.DEC.2020 - ver 2.0.1 - New: External Login 10.NOV.2020 - ver 2.0.0 - New: 2 Factor Authentication 24.AUG.2020 - Fix: sidebar active inactive problem fixed - Fix: In dashboard login history line

154.94 zł

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Progress Bar for Windows Forms

This is Progress Bar control. Fancy, fresh, stylish, progress control that will enrich the look of your application and will move the User Interface as well as User Experience for desktop applications on a whole new level. Thanks to the GDI+ and a ton of adjustable properties, this ProgressBar control can be adjusted to meet your personal taste with only a few adjustments. Background color can be changed, There is a 3D effect that can be ON, or it can be flat and simple. Orientation can be set to Vertical or Horizontal, The Value and unit of value can be shown in the middle of the progress bar and many more adjustments.

63.57 zł

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EQ Event Calendar

Real planning tool EQ Event Calendar is not limited to list your events: it describes your events, announces their dates and places. Moreover, through the party administrator, create, add, delete or modify projects to infinity. Choose languages, dates and locations for all your projects. Finally, this extension JOOMLA is customizable according to your wishes. With EQ Event Calendar create, manage and share events on your website is quite easy. Supplied with online documentation, you can perform the installation and setup with a few clicks. Easy to install and configure Compatible 3.x Possibility of sharing with Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn accounts Displays the categories and the days events Displays the date and location of eve

67.54 zł

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CSS3 Video Play Button Animation Effect

Item Description: CSS3 Video Play Button Animation Effect is Validated Code and Well Commented. Recommended for HTML, HTML5, Font Awesome icon. Website Simple and Eye-catching. 100% Responsive layout to fit any screen size. Supports All Major Browsers. Viewable in Desktop, Laptop, Tablet and Smartphone. It helps in easy integration to any Web Projects. Well Documented with sufficient screenshots which will help you to edit. Item Features: HTML5 CSS3 CSS3 Button No JavaScript YouTube Play Button Video Play Button Animation Effect Font Awesome icon Clean and Fresh Code Animation hover effect W3 Validation All Browser Support Well Documentation Easy to Customize Need Support? If you ha

7.95 zł

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Amdash - Bootstrap 5 Admin Template

Description Amdash is a responsive bootstrap 5 admin template. It has multiple dashboard variations. It is built with the latest bootstrap 5 frameworks. It works on all major web browsers, desktops, and all smartphone devices. It is a very easy-to-customize and developer-friendly template. It has a huge collection of UI components with the latest jQuery & bootstrap plugins. It can be used for any type of web applications eCommerce dashboard, custom admin panel, project management admin, CRM, cms, etc. Template Key Features Multiple Color Dashboard 60+ Responsive HTML Pages Easy to Customizable 200+ UI Icons Multiple Chart Options W3C Validated Code Multiple Table Layout Examples 100% Html Responsive Pages Data Table with Paging &am

59.59 zł

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Logi Truck React Native Theme

Logitrucks UI/UX provides complete design for the transportation scenarios, a neat interaction screens between the customer and transporter which greatly aligned to the logical flow of the transportation business,if developed using this UI/UX it becomes a complete transportation mobile application solution which can run in both the Android and IOS platforms.

313.86 zł

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iOS News App - Multipurpose Blog/News/Fashion/Magazine

Full Specifications Relatively clean design and codes Minimum external libraries Simple, powerful and customizeable backend panel using PHP Support multiple categories Support HTML webview content Support customized content paging using infinity scroll Support RTL layout Save news for offline reading Support Firebase push notification integration Support pull to refresh layouts Complete API documentation for further customization What You Get : Full IOS Source Code (Xcode) Full Php Code of Server Side Full Documentation with Screenshot

75.49 zł

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Financerr - Business & Finance Template Kit

Financerr is a modern and unique finance and business Elementor Template Kit that you can use for building a website for Financial Service, Finance Company, Financial Advisor, Accountant, Insurance, Consulting Business or any other related business. ​ This template kit includes stunning carefully crafted 15+ stunning templates, you can build your professional website just in a click away. ​ ​ Features: Using Free Plugins (Elementor Pro is not required) Modern & Clean Design 15+ Templates with Global Theme Style Fully Responsive Layout Retina Ready Fully Customizable Cross Browser Compatibility: Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera ​ Templates Include: ​ Homepage 1 Homepage 2 About Us Services

95.35 zł

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Kitzen | Modern Kitchen Elementor Template Kit

Version 1.0.0 – WordPress 5.x tested Elementor Builder ( Free ) Save $49 Completely free with Elementor ( FREE ) You have full Template Kits like Demo Kitzen | Modern Kitchen Template Kit Kitzen is built and suitable for modern furniture products in kitchen room, living room, bedroom or office. Flexible settings, fast loading, premium modules, easy manage, easy customize, especially book design. After importing the demo, you just need to change some information on the template to have a complete website. It is optimized for seo very well. All of the copyrighted images you can use for your website. You are looking for a WordPress kitchen room, living room, bedroom or office, this is the best choice Kitzen is a multi-purpose and res

115.21 zł

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Childbia - Childcare Elementor Template Kit

Childbia is playful and modern template kit for Children and Education website. It is crafted using rounded-rhombus shape and bright color scheme to emphasize playful side of children yet still formal and tidy. Childbia template kit has various page including About Us, Class Program, Teacher Info, and Gallery. Plugin Dependencies : Elementor Elements Kit Metform Templates 01. Home 1 02. Home 2 03. Services 04. Services Info 05. Class Program 06. Single Class Program 07. About Us 08. Single Teacher 09. Gallery 1 10. Gallery 2 11. Gallery 3 12. Testimonial 13. FAQ 14. 404 Font Used Baloo Bhai 2 Open Sans How to Install: Install and Activate the “Envato Elements” plugin from Plugins > Add New in WordPress Do not unzip Go to

75.49 zł

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Orange CV/Creative Portfolio Elementor Template Kits

Orange is a modern and very dynamic template, giving an elegant and trendy impression making it suitable for a website. Orange is perfect for designers, freelancers, programming, and other professions. Orange was created to help you promote yourself and your work, so that orange can also be used as a portfolio and CV for your profession, Templates : Homepage 1 Homepage 2 About Portfolio 1 Portfolio 2 Pricing FAQ 404 Services Contact Required Plugins : Elementor Elementor Pro ElementsKite Lite Essential Addons for Elementor How to import Template Kit? Install and Activate the Envato Elements plugin from Plugins > Add New in WordPress, then import the Kit zip under Installed Kits by clicking th

59.59 zł

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Readin - Blog & Magazine Elementor Template Kit

Readin – Magazine Elementor Template Kit that includes 12 home page designs and gives you the ability to build an almost infinite number of magazines. Mix blocks via easy and intuitive. drag and drop Elementor page builder to create new layouts. This kit has been optimized for use with the free Hello Elementor theme but may be used with most themes that support Elementor. Elementor Pro upgrade is required for some templates and features (not included) True no-code customization with drag and drop visual builder Customize fonts and colors in one place or fine-tune on individual elements Modern, professional design Fast-loading Works with most Elementor themes. Included Templates 12 Home Layouts About Me Contact Search popup 404

115.21 zł

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Interact - Digital Agency Elementor Template Kit

Interact is an Elementor Template Kit for quickly and easily creating websites for your tech, startup or creative business using the Elementor Page Builder plugin for WordPress. This kit has been optimized for use with the free Hello Elementor theme but may be used with most themes that support Elementor. This Elementor template carefully crafted by experience designers with great attention to details, flexibility, and performance specifically for developing unique websites and themes based on WordPress. Features True no-code customization with drag and drop visual builder Customize fonts and colors in one place or fine-tune on individual elements Modern, professional design Fast-loading Works with most Elementor themes. Fun and uni

83.43 zł

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Netcel - Business Consulting and Finance PSD Template

Netcel PSD Template – Overview Netcel is a Modern and Elegant PSD Template Specially Designed for Consulting, Business, Finance, Insurance and other type of related businesses. Netcel Template comes with fully Layered PSD Files and Clean Layout Design with Premium attention to details. Netcel PSD Templates are easy to customizable and Easy to use to suit you and your customer needs. We have built this PSD Template base on in-depth research on Consulting, Finance and Insurance Business, tailored to your need and to the expectation for your clients. List of Pages : 01-Homepage v1.psd 02-Homepage v2.psd 03-Homepage v3.psd 04-Homepage v4.psd 05-Homepage v5.psd 06-About.psd 00-Leadership 01.psd 00-Leadership 02

47.67 zł

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Mobile & App Templates - Blogs in Photoshop

MBA: Mobile & App Templates – Blog in Photoshop Premium blogging Mobile & App designs for Bloggers, News, Magazines & Publishers. Anyone who needs pixel perfect professional blogs online for mobiles can use this template as a base for design purposes.It’s easy to edit, whoever have basic knowledge of Photoshop can easily edit. Features: 39 Unique Designs Premium Designs based on App Standards Grid Based Designs Pixel Perfect Fully Vector Super Easy to Edit Managed Layers Google Fonts Black & White Templates iPhone X Size Designs Advertisement Spaces How to Edit: In the Photoshop Files folder you will find 2 Folders – (Black & White) that includes 39 PSD files in each folder. Total 78 PSD’s are provided. Eac

99.32 zł

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Najlepszy dzień - Responsywny motyw OnePage Wedding Drupal

Zawiera Drupal 7,6 Łatwy w użyciu, a zarazem bardzo potężne opcje motywu W pełni responsywny HTML w komplecie Gotowy na siatkówkę Zbudowany z prawidłowym HTML5 i CSS3 Wyświetl nieograniczoną liczbę zdjęć i pokazu slajdów 2 wersje nagłówka Odliczanie weselu w zestawie Skórki kolorów: różowy, czerwony, niebieski i brązowy CSS3 Dziennik zmian animacji - 6 sierpnia 2019 ************************************ - Zaktualizuj motyw do wersji 7.6

154.94 zł

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