
AppForms - nowoczesne i responsywne formularze

AppForms można łatwo zainstalować, zmodyfikować i dostosować do własnych potrzeb, a także elastyczne opcje stylu. Zawiera różne formularze, a wszystkie formularze mają różne arkusze stylów. Pliki HTML5 i CSS3 są sprawdzane i dobrze komentowane. Zapewnia jako podstawowy interfejs użytkownika do projektowania wszystkich formularzy. Oto, co zawiera ten pakiet: Formularz logowania Formularz rejestracji (1) Formularz rejestracji (2) Formularz płatności Formularz karty kredytowej Subskrybuj Formularz wsparcia Formularz przeglądu Formularz opinii Formularz opinii Formularz kontaktowy Zapomniałem formularza Zresetuj formularz SZABLONOWE FUNKCJE Elastyczny i elastyczny 100% responsive Layout Czysty spójny formularz Projekt interfejsu Pure HTML5 + CSS3 Gotowy na siatkówkę Łatwo zmieniaj kolory Łatwe do edycji czcionki internetowe Google W pełni kompatybilny ze wszystkimi głównymi przeglądarkami, takimi jak Firefox, Safari,

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Wstążka - elastyczne tabele cenowe

Tabele cen z responsywnym projektowaniem stron internetowych, które używają tylko CSS i HTML. Te tabele cen zawierają 5 unikalnych wzorów, przy czym każdy wzór ma wiele motywów kolorystycznych i wykorzystuje ikony Czcionki Niesamowite. Ten produkt zawiera CSS i HTML, nie jest to wtyczka Wordpress. Dostępna jest wersja WordPress Funkcje Elastyczne projektowanie stron internetowych 5 unikalnych wzorów 19 kolorów dla każdego projektu Podpowiedzi z tekstem i listami 12 pozycji podpowiedzi 2, 3, 4, 5 układów kolumn 3 rodzaje animacji najechania Różne motywy kolorów dla każdej kolumny Łatwy w użyciu i dostosowywalny Dobrze udokumentowany Kompatybilny z czcionką Bootstrap Niesamowite ikony Brak Javascript, tylko Changelog HTML i CSS 10 stycznia 2017 - Wersja 1.1 Dodano 2 nowy projekt

35.76 zł

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Członkowie zespołu CSS Showcase

Członkowie zespołu to nowoczesna prezentacja Css. Ma 18 stylów. Możesz łatwo korzystać z Prezentacji członka zespołu na swojej stronie internetowej. CIESZ SIĘ ZESPOŁU SHOWCASE Z CAŁKOWITYM 18 STYLEM CZŁONKA CZŁONKA ZESPOŁU Wtyczka zespołu Prezentacja główna Główne cechy • 18 unikalnych stylów • responsywny projekt • w pełni konfigurowalny • nieograniczony styl kolorów • obsługa wszystkich przeglądarek • czyste kodowanie, weryfikacja W3c • pierwsze wsparcie 24/7 • Krok po kroku Dobrze udokumentowane kredyty Wielkie dzięki poniższemu źródłu. dodatek suwaka zespołu nie byłby możliwy bez tych źródeł. • Niesamowite czcionki • Czcionki Google Ważne: Po zakupie naszego produktu, Sir, jeśli napotkasz problem z instalacją lub dostosowaniem, prosimy o kontakt z nami za pośrednictwem wiadomości e-mail Envato. Postaramy się jak najlepiej wspierać Ciebie.

23.84 zł

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Myframe - Tiny Live Preview Frame & Switcher Size

O Myframe: Jeśli jesteś projektantem lub programistą i sprzedajesz swoje prace na Envato, uważam, że ta wtyczka jest idealna i bardzo ważna dla Ciebie. Tak więc szablony HTML z naszą niesamowitą wtyczką paska demonstracyjnego Myframe. Jest to pasek demonstracyjny wyświetlany na górze strony, umożliwiający podgląd innego motywu. Pasek demonstracyjny można dostosować na stronie „frame.css”. Jedną z głównych cech tego skryptu jest możliwość testowania responsywnych układów za pomocą paska demonstracyjnego (wypróbuj ikony mini urządzenia), możesz przesłać własne logo i ulubione, zakupić i usunąć dołączony przycisk iframe. Za pomocą myFrame! Możesz tworzyć nieograniczoną liczbę wersji tematycznych. Możesz stworzyć wspaniały pasek demonstracyjny bez konieczności programowania lub programowania! CECHY: Responsive Design Layout. Test responsywny

39.73 zł

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Lady Celebrity - Construct 2 HTML5 Dressup Game

Lady Celebrity Dressup to gra polegająca na ubieraniu się w HTML5. Otwórz swoją garderobę, ubierz najfajniejszą gwiazdę popu i wejdź na scenę! Ta gra jest gotowa do eksportu do Intel XDK i może być używana z AdmobAds. AdMob jest obecnie oficjalnie obsługiwany tylko z Intel® XDK. Użyj AdmobAds, aby dodać identyfikator swoich reklam i zacząć zarabiać w tej grze! Podręcznik krok po kroku dotyczący implementacji AdmobAds znajduje się tutaj Ta gra została opracowana w wersji Construct 2: https://www.scirra.com/construct2 Gra jest w pełni kompatybilna ze wszystkimi najpopularniejszymi urządzeniami mobilnymi. Po prostu nie możemy zapewnić pełnej zgodności z dźwiękiem na wszystkich urządzeniach. OSTRZEŻENIE: Gra została zbudowana przy użyciu Construct 2. Zgodnie z Construct 3 wszystkie gry bu

67.54 zł

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Fidget Spinner Revolution - gra zręcznościowa HTML5

Fidget Spinner Revolution Fidget Spinner Revolution to gra umiejętności HTML5. Jak długo możesz kręcić przędzarką? Sprawdź swoje umiejętności, zbieraj monety i kup wszystkie błystki w sklepie! Łatwa instalacja Pakiet ZIP zawiera grę o rozdzielczości 840 × 1360, którą można skalować w celu dopasowania do ekranu z pełnym urządzeniem. Po prostu prześlij na swój serwer lub dołącz do CTL Arcade WordPress Plugin dla jeszcze łatwiejszej instalacji. Personalizacja W grze można w pełni dostosować skórki do brandingu. Cały kod źródłowy jest dołączony, dzięki czemu możesz łatwo wprowadzać zmiany lub zatrudnić nas, aby dostosować grę dla Ciebie. Zgodność W pełni kompatybilny z większością serwerów, jednak zawsze warto skontaktować się z zespołem administracyjnym lub firmą hostingową. Naturalnie

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Slime Volley

Slimes + Beach Volleyball, czy jest coś więcej do powiedzenia? Funkcje Wysoka powtarzalność Zoptymalizowany dla urządzeń przenośnych Automatyczna zmiana rozmiaru Urocza grafika Wykonana za pomocą Phaser Jak grać Dotknij / Kliknij, aby się poruszać. Dotknij / kliknij górną część ekranu, aby przejść

55.62 zł

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Consulta - Professional Business, Financial Drupal 9 Theme

Consulta is the Perfect Finance, Consulting & Business Drupal theme. Consulta is best suited for corporate website like Financial Advisor, Accountant, Consulting Firms etc. This is a business template that is help full for online presence for Corporate Business and Financial Firms Changes logs VERSION: 1.2 + Updated core to latest 8.8.5 + Updated contrib module VERSION: 1.1 + Updated core to latest 8.8.5 + Updated contrib module + Updated header.less + Added sub theme consulta_sub

178.78 zł

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Factoria - Factory & Industry HubSpot Theme

Factoria – Factory & Industry Hubspot Theme. Factoria – Factory & Industry Hubspot Theme developed specifically for all type of Industry business, Industry business and startup company etc. Factoria is best suited for Industry firm, corporate business, engineering or machinery businesses etc. Online Documentation Factoria Hubspot theme Description Full Features List: 10 Page templates Homepage About Blank Landing-page Service List Service Single Testimonial FAQ Blog-index Blog-post Contact Fully Responsive Special look & feel

274.13 zł

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Blooria - Modern and Clean Magazine Ghost Blog Theme

THIS IS NOT A WORDPRESS THEME. PLEASE NOTE THAT WE DO NOT PROVIDE REFUNDS FOR MISTAKEN PURCHASES. Blooria is an easy, clean and modern multipurpose ghost blog theme. This theme is for bloggers, journalists, activists, writers, authors. This will support all devices like desktop, tablet, mobile. It has a lot of features that you need. Features Dark and Light Mode Ghost 4.x Support Clean Design Responsive Theme W3 validated Code Content API v4 Publication title and description Primary Navigation Secondary Navigation Social accounts link Publication icon, logo and cover image Tags with name description and image Featured post slider Primary tag Primary author Multi autho

194.67 zł

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Medica - Unbounce Medical Landing Page

Medica : is new Unbounce template made for medical projects. It also can be used for multi purpose. PSD files design needed elements are included. We hope you like it! General Features Medical and Multi Purpose Landing Page. Highly Responsive. Unbounce Page Builder. Flexible Elements. PSD Included. Detailed Documentation. Sources and Credits Unbounce – Unbounce.com Unsplash – unsplash.com Beautiful Flat Icons – 150 Free Outlined Icons Chubby Icons – Chubby Icons Note: No preview images are included in main file.

83.43 zł

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Crtivoo - Creative Business Email Template

This templates is responsive email templates for corporate. it can use for anycreative segment. Layered psd file, editable, clean designs, well grouped, are include on this templates. Update 25/6/2016 Add new templates Add iconset All Features Responsive Email Template. Full Layred PSD files Documentation HTML without tags version StampReady compatiable files CompaignMonitor copatiable files Mailchimp compatiable files File Include Mailchimp Compatible file Responsive Email Templates StampReady Compatible file CompaignMonitor Copatible file HTML Templates Without Tags Layered PSD Documentation HTML file Compability Android AOL Mail Chrome AOL Mail Explorer AOL Mail Firefox Apple Mail

79.46 zł

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Simple Cookie Notice Script

With Simple Cookie Notice, it’s so easy to create Cookie Law Notification for your website. The script allows you to write a cookie alert message, provide a link and two buttons for user interaction, Allow or Decline. Why do you need a cookie notice? New EU Cookie Law affect any website that operates in the EU even if your website is based in US and has a .com or .net domain but interact with people from Europe your website has to comply with cookie law, read more Why Simple Cookie Notice ? The main reasons why you have to use Simple Cookie Notice is simplicity and flexibility. You can select top, right, bottom or left position of the cookie notice on the page. Also you can customize colors to match the look and style of your website. C

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Twitter for Midrub InboxAll

Twitter for Midrub InboxAll is a network option which could be integrated with the Midrub InboxAll app. To understand better what is Twitter for the Midrub InboxAll app please watch this video https://youtu.be/ISSyiohQ6X8 Midrub InboxAll is an app for Midrub which shows you in real time the last private messages, direct messages, comments and tweets from the social networks. You can see all your private activities in one place. In addition, you can connect as many social accounts as you want. The Midrub InboxAll allows you even to reply to the received  private messages, direct messages, comments and tweets.  The Midrub InboxAll  has support for networks. With networks i mean social networks, email servi

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BidLab - Online Bidding & Auction Platform

Bidlab is a complete solution for an Online Bid and Win (Auction) website. Bidlab is an online-based platform that helps people and businesses from across the globe to sell their items by setting up an auction. eBay is undoubtedly the largest auction site on the internet and prides itself as the biggest online shopping mall with over 100 million registered users. operations here on BidLab is very simple, the admin can set unlimited auctions from the admin panel, users able to registered for free and they able to BID any item by any amount. when auction time will be finish, the top BIDDER will won the product or service. BidLab is endlessly appealing, feature-loaded, customized, and possesses the remarkable capability of running on all devic

234.40 zł

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DotNet Core Log Viewer

Log files are often viewed as plain text. A log viewer will parse your log file and read the information. This helps you find, analyze, and fix issues faster. In current version there are this feature: Multiple File Support Drag & Drop File Support Filters Available Search Support Built With - Dotnet Core 3.1 Changelog Version 1.0.0 Init release

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Forced Login Prestashop

Forced Login is a Prestashop plugin that provides store owners the option to allow customer access to the website catalog only when they are registered and logged in. Are you a store owner who wants to allow your customers access the website only when they signup and log into their account? Then the Forced Login module is exactly for you. You can allow access for customers to the website only when they are logged into their account and other customers would be denied to access the website. You also have the option display only the homepage to the customers who are not logged in and you can enable or disable this option whenever need be. This Prestashop module just keep your users aways from unauthorized access to the website content and

87.40 zł

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CSS3 Circle Loading Animation Effects

Item Description: CSS3 Circle Loading Animation Effects is Validated Code and Well Commented. It helps in easy integration to any Web Projects. Item Features: HTML5 CSS3 No Bootstrap No JavaScript CSS3 Circle Loading Animation Effects Clean and Fresh Code W3 Validation All Browser Support Well Documentation Easy to Customize Note: This Product includes HTML and CSS, it’s not a WordPress Plugin. Need Support? If you have any question or difficulty regarding this item, please feel free to message me from Contact form on my Profile Page romincomputer.

7.95 zł

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Knot logical game - HTML5 Game + Mobile Version! (Construct 3 / Construct 2 / Capx)

Knot-is a logical puzzle game that offers challenges with gradual difficulty. Connect the hexas to solve the puzzles. The level is complete when everything is connected without loose ends. The game was made using the program Construct 2, included capx file. Use the most stable version of the program. If you want to edit the game, you will need to have a license of the program. But to edit the images, just replace them. Customize your own game!! Put it on ios or android! Full Game; Full HD; HTML5 Mobile Optimized; One Touch Control; Touch & Mouse; Sound Fx; Playable in all platforms (Mobile, PC, etc.); Online Support 24/7; Included Files for Expo

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Neon Invaders HTML5 Game - Construct 3 Source-code

“Neon Invaders” is a game inspired by one of the first games ever created, Space Invaders. A shoot-up style game, where the player must defeat enemies before they reach you. With arcade mechanics and easy gameplay, it allows great fun. Defeat all enemies and win each level, advancing to accumulate the most points. The graphics were created in the neon style, they are colorful and beautiful. Use Arrows and Space bar on Desktop and Touch Buttons on devices - Easy to change the images, just replace the image file! - Developed using Construct 3 Release r210.2. FEATURES: - HTML5 game Compatible With All Browsers - High Resolution (1280×720p) - AdMob Ads (Mobile advert) Supported in Construct 3 (NOT INCLUDED on source-code) - Playable on all p

115.21 zł

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Foodizm - Restaurant Food Ordering App UI Kit in Flutter

Foodizm – Restaurant Food Ordering App in Flutter UI Foodizm App UI Kit in Flutter – By using Foodizm UI Kit Designed in Flutter you can save your time for front end development with powerfull features, Responsive design for All android and ios devices   Key Features of Foodizm App Template Elegent UI Designed in Adobe XD (We can provide Files if you want) One Restaurant Menu of Restaurant All products (by category or by menu) Cart Checkout Card and Cash Payment Method Deals   List of Screens Splash Welcome Tutorial(3 Screens you can add more) Login(OTP, Facebook and Google) Location Permission Elegent Navigation Drawer Restaurant Menu Product Details Products by Category Cart Checkout Track Order Profile Addresses Pa

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Transistor S (iOS) - live radio

Single radio stream Support icecast, shoutcast, mp3 (direct stream) User comments Metadata ICY support (artist / track name) Support 64bit Support iOS 13.x Unique dark theme Prepared for translation into any languages Parse server Push notification (onesignal) Authentication by mail Admob support (banner) Social web page (Facebook, Twitter, your site and etc.) Easy customisation Clean code Documentation include Setup does not require deep programming knowledge Why are you using Parse platform and not php? The answer will be impressive: You do not depend on any provider You pay only for your VDS server and nothing more There are no limits (except for those set on the hosting server) Parse server scalable If you have come up with a

111.24 zł

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Wellness - Elementor Template Kit

This kit requires the Elementor Pro upgrade for some templates and features (not included) Wellness Template Kit contains a collection of over 25 visual layouts that are compatible with your Elementor page builder. The Kit features a, blue and white color scheme with fresh light photos. Each of these pre-made templates are fully customizable in the editor. You change the photos & font to make it your own.Wellness Template Kit This light coloured template is suited to any health wellness, yoga, meditation, mental health, beauty website. What’s Included in the Zip: Home Page design Header design Hero design ‘Theme Style’ compatible About page Contact Page Call to action boxes Designs to layout text Google

99.32 zł

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FinCorp - Insurance & Marketing Elementor Template Kit

FinCorp is an Elementor Template Kit for Business and Services. Its suitable for Insurance, Finance & Marketing, Landing Pages. FinCorp is designed with latest design trends like colorful SVG illustrations. Note: This is an Elementor Template Kit and only work with the Elementor Plugin. Download HTML Version here Live Preview (Pages) Home Page FinCorp Features: Latest & Modern Design Responsive design & mobile device compatibility 12+ Template Kit Sections SEO Friendly & Fast Loading SVG Illustrations Exceptional Support and more… Required Plugins Elementor Free How to import Template Kit? Install and Activate the “Template Kit – Import” plugin from Envato. And upload the downloaded package from themeforest. Change

154.94 zł

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Katy - Kids Birthday Party Planner & Invitation Elementor Template Kit

Katy is a colorful and fun birthday party invitation Template Kit for babies and kids. Besides that, this template allows you to create a joyful and playful website for kindergarten, kids’ events, or all kid’s services. This template has a beautiful and unique design with a 100% responsive layout, retina-ready, and very easy to customize because using Elementor so you don’t need a single line of coding! This template kit includes stunning carefully crafted 17+ stunning templates, you can build your colorful birthday party or event website just a click away. Features: Using Free Plugins (Elementor Pro is not required) Modern & Clean Design Colorful & Fun Assets 17+ Ready to use templates Fully Responsive Layou

95.35 zł

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Infinity Fashion - WooCommerce Elementor Template Kit

Infinity Fashion Template Kits is for businesses and entrepreneurs looking for a beautiful feminine layout that supports WooCommerce online shop. Ideal for Boutiques, Fashion Shows, Spas, Beauty Salons, Yoga Classes, Organic Food Store, or whatever you want! It features beautiful typography and a clean modern layout. Templates Home About Us Services History Team Blog Lookbook Shop FAQ Contact Single Product Single Blog Header Section Footer Section Features 10 Pages + Header & Footer Included Clean & Modern Design Shop Page Included (WooCommerce Compatible) Single Product & Single Blog Included Fully Customizable Required Plugins Elementor Essential Addons for Elementor Contac

99.32 zł

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Momo Creative Portfolio & Resume Elementor Template Kit

Momo is a beautifully clean and suitable template, with a modern design with wonderful colors Momo is best suited for designers, web developers, digital agencies, freelancers, artists, creators of any other professions. Creating a Resume or personal website is an effective way to promote yourself and showcase your works. Templates : Homepage Service Portofolio Portofolio Project Pricing Resume Contact 404 Template Kit Features Lightning Speed Service Fully Customizable Designed in Elementor 100% Pixel Perfect One Click Import Custom Skape Blocks 404 Required Plugins installed with kit: Elementor Elementor Pro

115.21 zł

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Space - Beauty Salon Elementor Template Kit

Space – Beauty Salon Template Kit is a collection of layout templates for the Elementor Page Builder WordPress plugin. It is clean and modern design which is useful for beauty salon, beauty skincare, websites, and others. Features: Modern & Clean Design 10 Pages Ready to Use Templates Easy to Customize Fully Responsive Note: This kit requires Elementor Pro upgrade, not included in download. Elementor Pro Theme Builder: Header Footer Required Plugin: Elementor Elementor Pro (not included) How to Install: Install and Activate the “Envato Elements” plugin from Plugins > Add New in WordPress Do not unzip Go to Elements > Installed Kits and click the Upload Template Kit button. Before importing a template, ensure th

99.32 zł

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Rockster – Admin Dashboard

Templates Included: Dashboard 01. Dashboard #1 02. Dashboard #1 [Notifications] 03. Dashboard #1 [User Menu] 04. Dashboard #2 05. Dashboard #2 [Chat] 06. Dashboard #3 07. Dashboard #4 08. Dashboard #5 09. Dashboard #5 V.2 10. Dashboard #6 11. Dashboard #7 12. Dashboard #7 [Add Card] 13. Dashboard #7 [Add Contact] E-Commerce 14. E-Commerce – Products 15. E-Commerce – Products – Filter 16. E-Commerce – Products [Actions] 17. E-Commerce – Search Results 18. E-Commerce – Add Product V.1 19. E-Commerce – Add Product V.2 [Information] 20. E-Commerce – Add Product V.2 [Images] 21. E-Commerce – Add Product V.2 [Pricing] 22. E-Commerce – Add Product V.2 [Inventory] 23. E-Commerce – Add Product V.2 [Shipping] 24. E-Commerce – Orde

103.30 zł

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MediDove - Medical and Health PSD Template

MediDove – Medical and Health PSD Template. MediDove is a PSD template specially made for Hospitals, Dentists, Gynecologists, Physiatrists, Psychologists and Laboratories related websites. The PSD files are fully layered and customizable and all elements are in groups and can easily identify by the group name as well. Placeholders will let you easily identify the image container and change an image version. This PSD template can be easily customized – each PSD file is carefully layered and contains an overview of the hierarchy of groups and layers for easy access. You can easily replace any picture by your own one in just a few clicks. Feature list 5+ Layered PSD’s 1+ Homepage Layouts Important Details Pages Google Free Fonts Acti

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