
Biuletyn Popup Pro

Jest wygrana-wygrana! Rozszerzenia można użyć w celu poprawy współczynnika konwersji sprzedaży i zbudowania listy subskrybentów biuletynu. Wygrana klienta: otrzyma rabat za zamówienie. Zwycięstwo właściciela sklepu: lepszy współczynnik konwersji sprzedaży i większa lista subskrybentów. Dzięki tej metodzie można poprawić listę subskrybentów do 300% +. Prawdopodobnie jest to najlepsza metoda na zbudowanie listy subskrybentów biuletynu. Jak to działa? Wyświetli wyskakujące okienko, jednorazowo dla każdego klienta, z formularzem subskrypcji i propozycją subskrypcji i otrzymania za to bezpłatnego kodu kuponu rabatowego (np. 5 euro). Jeśli klient ma mały kupon rabatowy, istnieje większe prawdopodobieństwo, że klient dokończy zamówienie. Otrzymasz również e-mail klienta i będziesz mógł wysyłać biuletyny z nowymi ofertami.

210.56 zł

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Carte - Ekskluzywne wykresy cenowe Bootstrap

Tabele cen i wykresy dla Bootstrap z Carté są tutaj, aby pomóc Ci dokonać tej sprzedaży! Dzięki 3 wyjątkowym stylom prezentacji możesz przedstawić swój produkt lub usługę w najlepszym świetle. Ponadto będziesz gotowy na cały ruch mobilny, ponieważ Carté jest zasilany przez Bootstrap. Zwykłe tło, wielokolorowy lub pojedynczy kolor Użyj wykresu z prostym tłem, wieloma kolorami lub jednym kolorem. Wybór nalezy do ciebie. Sprawdź nasz podgląd wszystkich przykładów. Zawiera 4 kolory do wyboru 3 style tabeli Wyróżniona kolumna Dostosowywalny komunikat wstążki Obsługiwane czcionki Fantastyczne ikony Obsługiwane czcionki Google Użyj go, aby zaprezentować swoje ceny produktów, zapisać się na bezpłatne wersje próbne, podać informacje o ofertach usług i wiele więcej. Uzyskaj s

23.84 zł

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Burger Maker - gra HTML5

Burger Maker to gra HTML5, w której musisz ułożyć idealnego burgera, postępując zgodnie z listami zamówień. Pakiet ZIP zawiera grę o rozdzielczości 1024 × 768, która skaluje się proporcjonalnie do bieżącego urządzenia z ekranem. Jak grać: 1. Użyj palca lub myszy, aby wybrać składniki 2. Podaj burgera, gdy będzie gotowy 3. Strzeż się dodatków odliczających czas: Ta gra jest kompatybilna z tablicą wyników dla gier HTML5, jest to strona dodatków, na której użytkownik może przesłać wynik i wyświetlić listę najlepszych 10 liderów. Możesz go zdobyć tutaj. Funkcje: pełna personalizacja (szybkość gry, wynik gry) Składniki można łatwo zmieniać (zasoby obrazu, miniatura) Udostępnij wynik (Facebook, Twitter, Google) High Definition (1024 × 768) Auto-Resize (Responsive) Mysz i sterowanie dotykowe R

59.59 zł

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Pakiet gier edukacyjnych # 1 - 6 gier HTML5 (w zestawie CAPX)

Pakiet gier edukacyjnych # 1 Zaoszczędź 60%, kupując ten pakiet gier edukacyjnych. Pakiet zawiera 6 niesamowitych gier edukacyjnych. Zobacz poniższą listę: Funkcje: Działa na wszystkich przeglądarkach HTML5 i urządzeniach mobilnych Łatwy sposób dodawania / zastępowania obrazów Dołączony plik Construct 2 Co otrzymujesz Plik Construct 2 z całkowicie skomentowaną wersją demonstracyjną gry kodowej Dokumentacja - Jak dodać go do swojej witryny Jeśli masz jakiekolwiek pytanie, nie wahaj się zadać. JEŚLI CHCESZ GRA, PROSZĘ ZOSTAWIĆ PRZEGLĄD DOSTĘPNY DO PRACY FREELANCE Jeśli chcesz wprowadzić zmiany w tej lub innej grze lub potrzebujesz zupełnie nowej gry, prześlij mi wiadomość. GRY ZAWARTE W TEJ GRONIE Feed Mypetdog Number - Edukacyjna gra HTML5 Kids Puzzle Game - HTML5 Gra edukacyjna Match Mons - Pu

234.40 zł

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Gra Monster Rush HTML5

POTWÓR POTWORÓW Pośpiesz małego potwora do cukierka, aby go nakarmić, ale uważamy na kolce. Wybierz monety i kup nowe postacie. Monster Rush to słodki silnik Construct2 Fresh z doskonałą grafiką, dźwiękami i animacjami. Nakarm potwora, wybierz monety i kup nową postać w sklepie. Gra została wykonana przy użyciu programu Construct 2, dołączonego pliku capx. Użyj najbardziej stabilnej wersji programu. Wszystkie moje gry mają stopień trudności kodu, więc możesz to sprawdzić przed zakupem. Wszystkie moje gry mają komentarz do każdej linii kodu, dzięki czemu możesz dowiedzieć się wszystkiego o każdym kroku. Łatwa do ponownej skórki. Trudność tego silnika to 3/5 gwiazdek łatwa do nauczenia GameEvents: 127 Dołączona wersja na Androida HD Ready CAPX wliczony w cenę

198.65 zł

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Pakiet - gry HTML5 9

Pakiet 9 gier, 70% zniżki. Linki https://codecanyon.net/item/bubble-touch-html5-game/20954369 https://codecanyon.net/item/jelly-crush-game-html5-capx/20944505 https://codecanyon.net/item / control-html5-game-capx / 20925223 https://codecanyon.net/item/neon-pong-html5-game/20847583 https://codecanyon.net/item/space-html5-game-capx/20624438 https: //codecanyon.net/item/cave-html5-game-capx/20592432 https://codecanyon.net/item/scape-the-block-html5-capx/20518156 https://codecanyon.net/item/balance- html5-game-capx / 20496034 https://codecanyon.net/item/2football-html5/20469441 Funkcje Made in Construct 2 Łatwa do edycji i zmiany skórki Zoptymalizowane dla urządzeń mobilnych Odtwarzane na wszystkich platformach

107.27 zł

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Christmas Breaker - gra HTML5 Construct Match 3

Christmas Breaker to gra polegająca na dopasowaniu 3 HTML5. Celem gry jest wyczyszczenie całej siatki pasującej do dwóch lub więcej bloków tego samego koloru. Użytkownik traci życie, jeśli kliknie pojedynczy blok Ta gra jest gotowa do eksportu do Intel XDK i używania jej z AdmobAds AdMob jest obecnie oficjalnie obsługiwany tylko z Intel® XDK. Użyj AdmobAds, aby dodać identyfikator reklamy i zacząć zarabiać dzięki ta gra! Podręcznik krok po kroku dotyczący implementacji AdmobAds znajduje się tutaj Ta gra została opracowana z Construct 2: https://www.scirra.com/construct2 Pakiet ZIP zawiera grę w rozdzielczości 640 × 960, która skaluje się w celu dopasowania aktualne urządzenie ekranowe. Gra jest w pełni kompatybilna ze wszystkimi najpopularniejszymi urządzeniami mobilnymi. My ju

67.54 zł

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Portik - Creative Portfolio Joomla Template

Portik – Creative Portfolio Joomla Template is a Creative, Trendy and modern Joomla template for portfolio, photographers, Travel photographers, Film Makers etc… Portik is build on Helix Ultimate with Template Options (from where you can change colors in few seconds), Drag and Drop Page Builder, J2store for ecommerce . You can build your site fast with our Quickinstall (demo installation) and you don’t need to install joomla, modules, extensions, just install our quickinstall on clean database and subdomain/main domain, set your admin password adn you are ready to go. Is very simple and you can read more about this in our documentation. Portik – Creative Portfolio Joomla Template can be easily optimised to have a good score in google.

170.83 zł

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KorKi - Tax & Finance HubSpot Theme

KorKi – Tax & Finance HubSpot Theme is perfect for financial consulting businesses and agencies. The modern design works well for those who want to build a site with plenty of features available. With KorKi, you will have access to 10+ page templates and 31 modules, giving you absolute power in customization options and creativity. This HubSpot Theme contains extensive grids for presenting your content across portfolios, blogs, team profiles, projects, and events without compromising appearance or content connection. The versatility it offers, coupled with robust customization options, make this theme easy to manage and highly effective. Online Documentation List of Page Templates (10+) Home About Service Servic

393.32 zł

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Marketo - Multipurpose Responsive Email Template 30+ Modules - StampReady + Mailster & Mailchimp

Marketo – Multipurpose Responsive Marketo Email Template Marketo Email templates Compatible with StampReady Builder, MailChimp, Campaign Monitor, Mailster, HTML and other major email marketing platforms. It is completely customizable. Marketo is Professional, Time saving and clean Email newsletter. Marketo is perfect for all who want to Connect with your subscribers and make more sales. Marketo is a Responsive Multipurpose Email Template for who want to look different. It is designed guaranteed to look amazing in every inbox, on every device. What you get Responsive email templates with different layouts. This Template is fully editable with online Builder feel fre

63.57 zł

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Lihat - Responsive Email + StampReady Builder

Lihat Responsive e-mail template designed for multipurpose bussines. Lihat is modern and minimalism, best to gain new clients or customers. It also have bunch of feature like stampReady e-mail template builder (drag n drop), MailChimp ready templates, and CampaignMonitor templates ready templates are also included. Carefully crafted to make it compatible with All device and almost all e-mail clients. If you have vision to reshape the world, then this is the best e-mail campaign design for you.FEATURES Responsive Email Template Drag & Drop in StampReady Unlimited Colors StampReady, Campaign Monitor & MailChimp compatible Documentation FILE INCLUDED StampReady compatible file Campaignmonitor compatible file MailChimp compatible fi

71.51 zł

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Black & White Portfolio HTML Template - Phkr

PHKR is an ultimate one-page HTML5 template for your online portfolio website! The template is Easy, Clean, and coming with Retina-Ready design layout, enabling better publishing online. The template coming with seven homepage variations with AJAX-enabled contact form submission. The PHKR is built on Bootstrap 5.x with an awesome customized slider. Also, the template source code is easily customizable by any non-tech user. The detailed documentation will help very easy and fast customization of the template files. The template has RTL feature included so, using for Arabic and Hebrew language based website would be quick and easier. The PHKR ultimate template is very much suitable for freelancer, designer, programmer, engineer, onl

67.54 zł

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Super - Wizard Form Google Spreadsheets Based

Super Wizard Form Pack is very useful for any campaign, event, registration, seminar any other function. you can easily integrate HTML form in your HTML template or landing page and when user fill form then you can get all user data check in Google Spreadsheet. Super Wizard Form Pack is a bootstrap & materialize framework design forms set including 20 different type of form design. Anyone can easily update/edit this item to follow our well sorted Documentation. When a user fill any registration form, its information will available on your Google spread sheet. You do not need any developer to do coding in the backed. We have such a design form that you can be edited by yourself. You can easily manipulate user data in Google Spre

39.73 zł

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Advance Cpanel Hosting Manager

Cpanel Hosting Manager let YOU and YOUR clients perform cpanel operations without having to login to your cpanel. It enables you to easily manage your clients with access level restriction, manage domain, email, database and manage files. Main Features Details Features User/Hosting Management Create Unlimited Roles and Permission Give your clients priviledge(e.g can view/add/delete domain,subdomain,email,database,files…etc) Build in roles: Super Admin and Admin with ability to add more roles Enable or Disable an Account Manage multiple domain on one server allowing each clients to have access to their domain ONLY Super Admin choose whoever sees what and how… or see nothing Easy to setup no database setup

95.35 zł

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Advanced Ajax Star Ratings

Advanced Ajax Star Ratings Pattern Design: Using Html , Css , Bootstrap , Advanced Ui Design. Development Area: Using Ajax Jquery , PHP (Object oriented programming), Mysqli. Dynamic Ratings System with sweet alerts return response.

27.81 zł

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Female Freelance - A freelancing platform - Asp Net MVC 5

Description This script is specially designed for women where they can come together to barter their wisdom, talents, and skills. No matter what you are – an herbalist, a graphic designer, a life coach, a nutritionist, stay at home, or shaman. You have something to exchange. Ask for what you need, or offer what you have to share, and sit back and watch how our world expands as we connect to one another and lift each other up. This is a platform that helps the peoples to find talent for their projects and its also provide a way to help the peoples in their works. The service facilitates meetings between employers and freelancers who can aid them in brand building or their marketing efforts, providing

214.54 zł

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PayMe Service WHMCS Payment Gateway Plugin

PayMe payment gateway for WHMCS Features: Supports Sandbox Testing Mode Supports Live Payments Mode Charge your customer for any service Save Customer’s Card for future payments No hassles of WHMCS CVV/CSV restriction for future charge No need of PCI compliant iFrame payments on your WHMCS No redirection on 3rd party page Automatic activation of service after successful payment Automatic deletion of services after you make refund from PayMe account Card can be charged securely anytime without involvement of customer Requirements: Supports WHMCS 7.2 and later Supports PHP 5.6 <= PHP 7.3

87.40 zł

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CSS3 Button Animation Effect

Item Description: CSS3 Button Animation Effect is Validated Code and Well Commented. It helps in easy integration to any Web Projects. Item Features: HTML5 CSS3 2 Different CSS3 Button Animation Effect Clean and Fresh Code Animation hover effect W3 Validation All Browser Support Well Documentation Easy to Customize Need Support? If you have any question or difficulty regarding this item, please feel free to message me from Contact form on my Profile Page mukti_mukta.

7.95 zł

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Clean Maze - HTML5 Game (Construct 3 / c3p)

Clear the maze of slipping liquid. The game was made using the program Construct 3, included c3p file. Use the most stable version of the program. If you want to edit the game, you will need to have a license of the program. But to edit the images, just replace them. Customize your own game!! Put it on ios or android! Full Game; HTML5 Mobile Optimized; One Touch Control; Touch & Mouse; Sound Fx; Playable in all platforms (Mobile, PC, etc.); Online Support 24/7; Included Files for Export to IOS & Android; Simple Gameplay; Easy to Reskin; Easy to Add Content; Easy to Change Source; No Programming Knowledge Needed! I

75.49 zł

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HashGram - Android Photo and Video sharing App

Bring your own Instagram like App to the market in a few hours on Android Platform Hashgram is an effective Social Networking app packed with a profusion of features starting from the simple news feed to complex image filters. Status Updates, Image sharing, Push Notifications and way more to go. Application features : Make New Posts Is there something interesting happening in your life or at the moment? Use this feature to update a new post and let the world know. Integrated Realtime Chat You can chat directly with your friends, colleagues using the Instagram clone direct chat feature. Read-Write Comments Post Comments on user posted photos. Hash Tags Functionality You can add hash tags in the comment section of the

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SCANCAM - QR and BarCode Scanner and Generator

SCANCAM QR & Barcode Scanner can scan and read all QR / barcode types including text, url, ISBN, product, contact, email, location, Wi-Fi and many other formats. You can also upload QR code image and get the QR result. The script can generate QR codes like plaintexts, URLs, Address, Phone numbers etc. It also has the download option of the generated. code. App Features Read QR AND BarCode with Camera Read with QR Image Upload Generate QR Codes of Email,Text,Phone Number, Contact etc Generate QR Codes of Email,Text,Phone Number,Message, Contact etc Simple & easy to Use Instant scan Internet connection is not required for scanning QR code or barcodes Flashlight supported Scan history saved Admob Interstitial Ads Upd

75.49 zł

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Bindlex Smart Page Viewers

Bindlex Smart Page Viewers is designed to add real visitors on the sites you need. This program allows you to add up to 100 real visitors to several sites simultaneously. They can be used for testing, anonymous browsing, navigation like a real browser with multiple identities. With this tool you are able to modify the proxy of each visitor, change information such as the Device from which you access the site, the Browser or operating system.

631.69 zł

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Tomahawk - Online Courses Elementor Template Kit

New version – v.1.0.7 – September 1, 2021 Full Wordpress v.5.8 compatibility Full Elementor v.3.4.x & Elementor Pro v3.4.x plugin compatibility Full Envato Elements v.2.0.x plugin compatibility Welcome to Tomahawk a template kit for online education and courses. If you are looking for a clean and well designed template this template is for you. It has 16 pre built layouts full of beautiful and attractive graphic features. This kit requires the Elementor Pro upgrade for some templates and features (not included) Features True no-code customization with drag and drop visual builder Customize fonts and colors in one place or fine-tune on individual elements Modern, professional design Animated hero overlay Fast-loadi

83.43 zł

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Svay - Personal Template Kit

SVAY is an amazing personal WordPress Elementor template kit. This is powerful and quick to develop a personal portfolio site. This is a creative Elementor template kit that will help to showcase your creative work or portfolio and services. SVAY template-kit includes pages like About us, Portfolio, Project info, Services, and Contact pages. Project info layout helps you to showcase your project case studies and the latest work. SVAY – Personal template-kit comes with a modern and clean design with a huge set of contemporary layouts designed to help you create a powerful showcase website. You can change the look and feel. No need to understand codding. It builds for one of the popular drag and drops page builder Elementor. A quick way to bu

99.32 zł

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Flix - Film & Video Production Elementor Template Kit

Flix – Film & Video Production Elementor Template Kit. This Template is a modern Elementor For Film, Video, Movie, And Music Videos. This Template is designed for Template Kit and it’s Very Easy to customize. Templates: Home About Team Team Detail Gear Service Project One Project Two Contact 404 Not Found Features Header & Footer Builder Required Plugins : Elementor ElemensKit Elementor Pro How to Install: Install and Activate the “Envato Elements” plugin from Plugins > Add New in WordPress Do not unzip Go to Elements > Installed Kits and click the Upload Template Kit button. Before importing a template, ensure the Install Requirements button is clicked to activate required plugins For best result

83.43 zł

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Archodern - Interior & Architecture Elementor Template Kit

Archodern is an Elementor Template Kit for quickly and easily creating websites for your business using the Elementor Page Builder plugin for WordPress. This kit has been optimized for use with the free Hello Elementor theme but may be used with most themes that support Elementor. This kit requires the Elementor Pro upgrade for some templates and features (not included) Features True no-code customization with drag and drop visual builder Customize fonts and colors in one place or fine-tune on individual elements Modern, professional design Fast-loading Works with most Elementor themes. How to Install: Install and Activate the “Envato Elements” plugin from Plugins > Add New in WordPress Do not unzip Go to Elements &g

35.76 zł

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Greancy - Digital Business Agency Elementor Template Kit

Greancy – Digital Business Agency Template Kit is an amazing new creative agency WordPress Elementor template kit. This is powerful and quick to develop a site for not only a design agency but for every creative people or design business. This is an Elementor template kit that will help to showcase your creative work or portfolio services. Greancy – Digital Business Agency Template Kit includes pages like About Us, Portfolio, Services, and Contact us. The various Home layout helps you to showcase your agency.Greancy – Digital Business Agency Template Kit comes with a modern and clean design with a huge set of contemporary layouts designed to help you create a powerful showcase website. You can change the look and feel. No need to understand

99.32 zł

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Lumb - Plumbing Service Elementor Template Kit

Lumb is an Elementor Template Kit for quickly and easily creating websites for your business using the Elementor Page Builder plugin for WordPress. This kit has been optimized for use with the free Hello Elementor theme but may be used with most themes that support Elementor. Lumb is a template kit for plumbing service company, designed in a responsive, unique design and modern design. Features True no-code customization with drag and drop visual builder Customize fonts and colors in one place or fine-tune on individual elements Modern, professional design Fast-loading Works with most Elementor themes. Templates global style header footer home about service list service Detail project list testimonial team 404 page career contact

79.46 zł

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Amber Six - Creative Multipurpose PSD Template

Amber Six is a multipurpose, professional, clean, creative modern and easy to use PSD template which is suitable for all areas. It’s ideal for any company project. You can edit easily this PSD, it’s 100% customizable. All shapes are resizable, with no quality loss, removable and editable. This PSD template is perfect for convert into HTML, WordPress, Joomla and other CMS. Please don’t forget to rate us 5 stars and WRITE A REVIEW to support us to make new awesome designs. Enjoy! Amber Features: 20+ Stunning PSD templates 12+ Homepage variations (V1.1) Unlimited Portfolio variations Pixel perfect Unique and modern style Detail layered PSDs Well organized Based on Bootstrap 1170px grid system Easily customizable Photoshop files After sa

19.86 zł

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Blitz - Responsive Multi-Purpose Drupal Theme

Opis Blitz to elastyczny, nowoczesny i elastyczny wielofunkcyjny motyw Drupal. Motyw Blitz odpowiedni dla każdego rodzaju witryny: biznesowej, korporacyjnej, portfolio, osobistego bloga itp. Motyw może być świetnym punktem wyjścia dla wyjątkowej strony internetowej Funkcje Drupal Funkcje Profile instalacyjne Responsywny motyw Kompatybilny z Drupal 7.x HTML5 i CSS3 Awesome Sass + Kompas SUSY Grid 2.x Flexslider Sowa-karuzela Portfolio (układ 1, 2, 3 i 4 kolumn) Dwa układy pojedynczych stron Tabele cenowe (układ 3 i 4 kolumny) Dwa układy Formularz kontaktowy Warstwowe PSD są dołączone w celu łatwej modyfikacji i Dostosowanie Kredyty Obrazy: Obrazy https://www.flickr.com/

190.70 zł

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