
Element Visual Composer FAQ Dodaj

Pokaż atrakcyjne FAQ (często zadawane pytania) Zaprezentuj swoją stronę internetową za pomocą dodatku faq dla kompozytora, co jest ważne, ponieważ strona FAQ stanowi wyjątkową okazję do bezpośredniego rozwiązania problemów i usunięcia przeszkód na drodze do zakupu. Dlaczego FAQ jest ważny dla Twojego sukcesu? załóż nową firmę lub markę i chcesz zdobyć więcej świeżych klientów dla dobrze prosperującego biznesu, ale chciałbyś wiedzieć, że możesz skutecznie zmusić odwiedzających witrynę do korzystania z twoich usług lub produktów. W takim przypadku Faq znacznie ułatwia wybór klientom. sekcja Często zadawane pytania (FAQ) jest częścią twojej witryny .FAQ Visual Composer Addon Visual composer faq addon pozwala dołączyć faq do swojej witryny z różnymi opcjami. Ta wtyczka używa

63.57 zł

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Magento 2 Auto Faktura

Omówienie W przetwarzaniu zamówień klientów, właściciel sklepu musi długo czekać na fakturę i wysyłkę, aby zrealizować zamówienia. Przy niewielkiej liczbie zamówień może nie być problemu, ale przy dużych zamówieniach to naprawdę zajmuje trochę czasu. Auto Faktura to rozszerzenie optymalizujące proces płatności z automatycznym generowaniem faktur i wysyłek, a także automatycznie wysyłanymi fakturami i e-mailami wysyłkowymi do klientów. Dzięki temu potężnemu rozszerzeniu administrator może łatwo i szybko zarządzać zamówieniami oraz kontaktować się z klientami. Funkcje Automatyczne tworzenie faktury i wysyłanie faktury e-mail po zamówieniu pałacu klienta Automatyczne tworzenie przesyłki i wysyłanie wiadomości e-mail po zamówieniu pałacu klienta Ena

154.94 zł

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Ultimate Watermark vQmod V4 (Brak w magazynie, 360 ° Rota

NAJWYŻSZE ZALETY »Auto Marka / logo producenta Znak wodny dla każdego produktu inaczej» Filtr miniatur dla Pomijanie znaku wodnego na małych zdjęciach i miniaturach produktów »Definicja filtra strony i treści z wyłączeniem znaku wodnego» Obsługa tekstu Znak wodny z plikami czcionek .ttf »Obsługa przezroczystego tła na PNG / Pliki znaków wodnych GIF »Regulacja nieprzezroczystości / przezroczystości» Obrót o 360 ° dla WSZYSTKICH znaków wodnych, nawet w trybie powtarzania »Brak znaku uzupełniającego w magazynie» Elastyczne dziewięć pozycji znaku wodnego dla leniuchów »Filtr GrayScale dla łatwiejszego szarego logo» Tryb powtarzania / TILE do wypełnienia obraz produktu z logo znaku wodnego »Automatyczna zmiana rozmiaru na ogromnych zdjęciach produktu» Plik łatwej konfiguracji (watermark.conf) STANDART

59.59 zł

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Pakiet form płaskich 2

Funkcje 8 Formularze HTML5 + CSS3 5 Motywy kolorystyczne Czysty i prosty design W pełni responsywne Zapytania o media dla najpopularniejszych urządzeń Czcionka internetowa Google Stan normalny, najechanie myszką i naciśnięty przycisk Ikony: Font Awesome zapewnia zestaw +300 różnych ikon Zapytania o media dla najpopularniejszych urządzeń Obsługiwane główne przeglądarki Czyste i prawidłowe znaczniki Dołączona dokumentacja Darmowe aktualizacje Bonus: Darmowy obraz tła Ten pakiet zawiera: Formularze wniosków Formularze płatności Formularze kontaktowe Formularze logowania Formularze rejestracji Formularze resetowania Formularze logowania Subskrybuj formularze Pomoc Z przyjemnością Ci pomogę, jeśli masz jakieś pytania dotyczące tych tabel. Jeśli masz jakieś pytania, możesz się ze mną skontaktować za pośrednictwem formularza kontaktowego na mojej stronie użytkownika. ja

19.86 zł

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Bootstrap Responsive Tabs

1. Wprowadzenie TABS z responsywnym projektowaniem stron internetowych, które używają tylko CSS i HTML. Te tabele cenowe są wyposażone w 8 unikalnych wzorów, w których każdy wzór ma wiele motywów kolorystycznych i wykorzystuje ikony Czcionki Niesamowite. Demo stron Mutipage Czysty i prosty design HTML5 i CSS3 Darmowa czcionka Google Dobra struktura Łatwa personalizacja W pełni responsywny projekt Wszystkie pliki są dobrze komentowane Crossbrowser Kompatybilny z IE9 +, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome Rozbudowana dokumentacja 4. Użyte czcionki Raleway Font Awesome 5. Kredyty i zasoby Uwaga: - Proszę o kontakt poprzez e-mail lub stronę mojego profilu. Jestem tu by pomóc! Produkt Arklogics Email - [email protected]

19.86 zł

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Płytki fortepianowe - HTML5 (Capx) + AdMob + Analytics + Tabela liderów + Osiągnięcia

Opis Piano Fast Tiles to narzędzie do pomiaru czasu. Dotknij czarnych kafelków i stwórz piękną melodię! Pobierz w Google Play Pobierz APK Funkcje Construct 2 capx Pełna gra Łatwa zmiana skórki Łatwy kod Mobilny Zoptymalizowany Admob Reklamy Rankingi Osiągnięcia Analityka I więcej… Informacje zwrotne W przypadku jakichkolwiek pytań proszę o kontakt: [email protected] Zrzuty ekranu

67.54 zł

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Pakiet nr 2: 11 GRY HTML5 (CAPX + HTML5) i PONAD 85% ZNIŻKI

11 SUPER GAMES BUNDLE 11 Niesamowite gry wykonane przy użyciu silnika konstrukcyjnego 2. Dołączone CAPX i HTML5. grywalne na urządzeniach mobilnych i sieci. AdMob w pakiecie dla urządzeń mobilnych. WIĘCEJ NIŻ 85% ZNIŻKI Funkcje: Zawiera 2 pliki Construct. Dołączone pliki HTML5. Łatwa kontrola. Eksportuj do Androida / iOS / Web. Resulotion 720 × 1280. Łatwa zmiana skórki. Obsługiwane reklamy AdMob. Gry w pakiecie: Super Kid Adventure Walking Monsters Gravity Ball Kolor Cube Flip Dino Run Adventure Math Edukacja Dla dzieci Monsters Run Adventure Bieganie Santa Strzelaj do balonów Pop Pop Ninja Run Adventure Więcej GIER:

103.30 zł

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Luksusowy hotel - banery reklamowe HTML5

Luksusowy hotel - banery reklamowe HTML5 zaprojektowane przy pomocy Google Web Designer. I zapewnił 7 popularnych używanych rozmiarów na rynku. * Zawiera plik pomocy * ROZMIARY 1. 300 × 600 2. 300 × 250 3. 728 × 90 4. 160 × 600 5. 180 × 150 6. 320 × 50 7. 336 × 280 CECHY 1. Czcionki internetowe Google. 2. W pełni edytowalne. 3. Nieskończona pętla. 4. Darmowe aktualizacje. POBIERZ BĘDZIE ŁĄCZYĆ 1. 7 banerów HTML5 Gotowych do użycia. 2. 7 plików źródłowych GWD edytowalnych w Google Web Designer. 3. Kształty i ikony w zestawie. Obrazy nie są wliczone Źródło obrazu http://photodune.net/ Proszę oceń nas, jeśli podoba ci się nasz przedmiot.

39.73 zł

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Monster | Baner firmy HTML 5 Google

Monster Business | Animowany baner Google to piękny zestaw szablonów banerów, stworzony do wszystkich celów biznesowych. Cechy: -7 standardowych rozmiarów: -300 × 250, 728 × 90, 160 × 600, 250 × 250, 300 × 600, 728 × 210, 336 × 280. -HTML5 / CSS3 efekty; -Łatwy do edycji; -Google Web Fonts; -Wykonane z Google Web Designer; Co otrzymujesz: 7 szablonów reklam HTML, gotowy do użycia 7 szablonów PSD, które można łatwo dostosować za pomocą darmowego oprogramowania Google Web Designer Zdjęcie dzięki uprzejmości: Wszystkie obrazy są wyświetlane tylko, nie są zawarte w głównym pakiecie do pobrania. Ale muszę podziękować autorom za ich wspaniałe obrazy. Aby wyświetlić wszystkie źródła obrazu, odwiedź następujący link https://www.shutterstock.com/image-photo/group-business-people-working-office-desk-254348194?src=5V

47.67 zł

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Cafenod – Coffee Shop Joomla Template

Cafenod – Coffee Shop Joomla Template. It is a modern, beautiful, & Coffee Shop Template, Specially Designed for coffee shops, cafe bars, cafeteria. If you would like to build an amazing website for your bistro, coffee shop, cafeteria, etc. Cafenod – Coffee Shop Joomla Template is the best choice! Cafenod is build on Helix Ultimate with SP Page Builder and J2store for Shop system with Reservation table form. Cafenod – Coffee Shop is build with 3 home pages & inner pages are easily customizable and perfectly suitable for your website. Package Quickstart installation included We included Quickstart Pack zip for you to have our demo in seconds. Quickstart Pack is joomla installed + templates, extensions, plugins, configured and ready t

150.97 zł

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Businex – Corporate HubSpot Theme

Businex is a clean-cut, presentable, and versatile HubSpot theme. It’s specially designed for both freelancing and corporate businesses with creative ideas. This HubSpot theme will take your company to greater heights by cultivating an eye-catching online presence for you. With some customization tweaking, it can look different in every way – sharp and stylish! List of Page Templates Home About Page FAQ Page Team Page System Pages Blog Blog Details Contact List of System Pages Membership Login membership Registration Subscriptions Confirmation Subscription Preferences Backup Unsubscribe Search Results Password Prompt 404 500 Features List Fully Responsive to fit of all the major devices W3C Validated Code Clean Code Speed Optimized C

186.73 zł

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Foodry - Fast Food & Restaurant Responsive Shopify Theme

Foodry is a Multi Store Responsive Shopify Theme suitable for every type of store. Foodry is a Shopify Theme which is supported by SEO standard of e-commerce major. Moreover, Fully Responsive design makes Foodry to be compatible with all of mobile devices. Foodry – Fast Food & Restaurant Responsive Shopify Theme is flexible and smart design. All of controllings is adopted. You won’t have to spend a lot of time or need to many techniques to adjust it. Everything is customized easily. 5 main designs will give you more choice for your store. Theme Features Powerful Customize Automatic Price Change Flexible Built-in Mega Menu Advanced Layered Navigation Unlimited Google Fonts Site Identity Header & Footer Style Options A

222.48 zł

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Lightness - Premium OpenCart theme

Lightness is premium responsive OpenCart template with a boxed layout and an ultraminimalist monochromatic design. Its homepage possesses a complex structure, which features various content areas, tabs and widgets, to help you display your top products with maximum effectiveness. The navigation of this responsive template is powered by a sticky mega menu and multifunctional mega footer.Lightness is equipped with a broad choice of plugins and modules for any purpose: Google Maps, Olark Live Chat, Twitter Timeline, Facebook Box, Pinterest Profile Widget, and many more. This template also supports multiple currencies and languages, comes with blog functionality, and works perfect in any modern browser. Features: Responsive design

190.70 zł

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Spare O - Simple Responsive Email Template

The sales day are coming ! Get deluxe email template with 10+ email template layout and create unlimited newsletter email for your customers. Spare O is a Multipurpose responsive email template designed for Agency, Start Up, Business, Adventure and other general purposes. Spare O email template is fully integrated with StampReady, MailChimp, CampaignMonitor and Mailster it’s fully customizable on those email service platforms. Spare O was made for those who want to impress their potential customers, It’s design is guaranteed to look amazing in every inbox or every devices. Convinced? Buy Spare O Now! Features Multipurpose template Responsive template MailChimp ready Campaign Monitor ready

75.49 zł

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Mawa — Repair and Installation Services Unbounce Template

The perfect drag & drop onepage landing page! Mawa is a Creative Responsive Unbounce Landing Page Template for many purposes, it could be used as Heating, Cooling, Plumbing, Electrical Installation & Maintenance services. Top Features: Drag & Drop Page Builder Desktop + Mobile Versions (Responsive Design) 100% Customizable Clean and Beautiful Design High Converting Template Real Time Statistics Working Contact Form Well documentation Excellent Customer Support, We care about your site as much as you and will help in anyway possible and much more Build landing pages in hours, not weeks. Unbounce powerful drag & drop landing page builder lets you create pages without any help from a technical team. The Unbounce “

47.67 zł

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Olio | App Landing Page Template

  Olio is a clean and modern app landing page template. It’s a clean and beautifully designed HTML landing page template that is an ideal fit for app landing page. The Olio layout looks beautiful at any size, be it a laptop screen, iPad, iPhone, Android Mobile or tablets. It has purpose oriented design, responsive layout and special features. Olio is Well organized and very easy to customize. It has everything you need to launch your site within next few hours! Features: Responsive Design Based on Bootstrap 4 W3C validator JQuery and CSS3 Animation Mailchimp Ready Clean & Ultra Modern Design Developer Friendly Commented Code Responsive Lightbox Plugin Cross Browser Compatability 900+ Font

55.62 zł

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Scientific Calculator

Simple Scientific Calculator Using HTML, JavaScript and CSS This is easy to use the scientific calculator. In this calculator have included all the information that is useful in doing scientific mathematics equations. We have included all the information about and user-friendly manual with step by step instructions. Main Features Easy to use Modern, Trendy and Responsive Design Square Operations, Cube Operations, Root Operations, Logarithm Operations, Trigonometry Functions and More Equation parsing gives instantly results of any mathematical equation Valid HTML5/CSS3 Optimized for search engines Ultra responsive layout Fully customizable Cross Browser Compatibility: Firefox, Chrome, Safari,

99.32 zł

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Academy LMS Scorm Course Addon

Introduction This addon provides facility to create scorm courses in your Academy Lms running course portal. Using this addon, you can make a course from ispring, articulate or adobe captivate in your existing course portal. How it works Academy lms should be pre-installed in your server Purchase certificate addon for academy lms from codecanyon Download and install the addon to your academy lms portal After installation, the admin will get a new option for creating scorm type course. Upload your scorm course from the website you have selected. Your scorm course will be now ready for students to learn from their account panel. Benefits for the site admin You can create your courses in those websites and upload them into your academ

234.40 zł

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PHP OAuth Social Login & Register Script

As is known, nowadays filling in registration forms is tedious and time consuming. With just one click, you are now trending in current user data from social networking sites like facebook, twitter, google, microsoft, linkedin and github. PHP OAuth Social Login & Register Script is a PHP web based projects need to have a registry and login system. PHP OAuth Social Login & Register Script is fast and easy, allowing people to login/register to your web site faster. This will increase the number of registered users on your site. We have included 6 CSS3 button style. You can choose the one that works best for you. Connect people to your website faster. SUGGESTED ITEM

79.46 zł

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ASP.NET Core Shopping Cart - Razor Pages and Entity Framework Core

Product Description ASP.NET Core Shopping Cart is a simple, easy-to-use, ready-to-use ASP.NET Core Razor Pages and Entity Framework Core and SQL Server database that enables you to create an online marketplace. ASP.NET Core Shopping Cart has an easy Admin Panel page that gives you full control over categories, products, orders, customers list, slideshows and admin profile. ASP.NET Core Shopping Cart has an easy Customer Panel page that gives you full control over orders and customer profile. With our responsive e-commerce script, you will have your online store displayed correctly across a wide range of end-user devices and screen resolutions for easy ordering and checking out process. What you will get is: Full

178.78 zł

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Hospital Management System | ASP.NET Core | EF Core

Hospital Management System | ASP.NET Core | EF Core Hospital Management System is a complete and multi-functional hospital or medical center management system, build using ASP.NET Core. The system can provide an automated way of managing any hospital activities rather than a traditional system. Moreover, this system can operate regular hospital activities like inpatient, outpatient, billing, test, bed management, account sector, etc. accurately and efficiently. Also, it helps to generate the daily, weekly, monthly, half-yearly, and yearly reports of sales, revenue, patients, lab test, bed management, etc. as your requirement easily. To see these reports, you need to click on some options. The most important thing is that an admin can

274.13 zł

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Hexagon Grid Gallery Addon for WPBakery Page Builder (formerly Visual Composer)

You can create responsive hexagon style galleries with Hexagon Grid Gallery Addon for Visual Composer WordPress Plugin on any page. Hexagon Grid Gallery addon will display your images and galleries awesomely in anywhere. Hexagon Grid Gallery Support Free support on https://themeofwp.com/support/ Hexagon Grid Gallery Documentation You can find documentation at https://themeofwp.com/plugins/vc-hexagon-grid/doc/ Hexagon Grid Gallery Top Features Works with any theme or plugin! Create hexagon grid gallery in few seconds Predefined Visual Composer templates included One click predefined template/element usage Works/Compatible with Standalone Visual Composer & Any Visual Composer bundled Theme Highly

75.49 zł

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SP Filter Product - Advanced Filters PrestaShop 1.7 Module

SP Filter Product - A powerful and flexible module which supports display products from selected categories in many types: Featured product, Best seller, New product, Most viewed… Supporting responsive layout for any devices, this module is ideal to use as a front-end product showcasing for modern stores. With the friendly user interface in Admin panel, you can set how many columns displayed for different devices as well as many other options to be chosen for showing: title, description, and price or read more…. There are many more other awesome features that you can explore through the Demo. Main Features Compatible with PrestaShop 1.7.x Support Responsive layout Multi-module in the same page Support with all browsers (IE+9, FireFox, Ch

154.94 zł

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Eva - Ring & Sphere Pre Loader Animation

Eva – Ring & Sphere Pre Loader Animation Very easy to use Supports all latest browser versions Fully responsive No images, site loads faster This animation can be used so that your customers on the site do not get bored waiting.

19.86 zł

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Quarentine - Html5 Game(CAPX)

GAME FEATURES: - Educational - Informative - Didatic - Quiz - Drag & Drop - Playable in all platforms (Mobile, PC, etc.) - Easy to Reskin - Easy to Change Source - Documentation - Construct2 Source (Capx) What you Get Documentation Construct2 Source (Capx) Html5 Exported Available for Freelance Work Memory Coronavirus Quarentine Fly Ghost 2048 Game Candy cane Hit Santa Calus Match 3 Santa Gravity Dunk Ball NG Puzzle Math Up Down Pongie Slash Sushi Pistol & Bottles Glass the Ice Find Pairs Twinz Pairs Magic Show Two Cars Hidden Objects Slot Machine Bet Candy Match 3 Coloring Kids FindToys Two Guns Biggest Gum Cut Fru

115.21 zł

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Sameang Music React Native Template

Samneang Music React Native Template is a concept of a musical app realized with the React-native and Javascript component technologies build into real native app for iOS and Android. it’s supported localization all text label used in one files only so easy to change use your own text label. Featured Library Filter Discover Radio Search Settings Music List Artists List Albums List Playlists List Player Mini Player Supported localization Use global styles in themes folder easy to change color Latest version react native Files included in the purchased ZIP: Documentation React Native JS Files We may not respond to comments or provide support during holidays and weekend ( Saturday- Sunday) Working days:

95.35 zł

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React Bitcoin Ticker

React Native app for Android and iOS to monitor changes in the price of a crypto currency and a review of news on this topic Config App Application Features - React Native mobile app - Sketch files included - Easy to track crypto currency - Coins list - Details for coin - Chart for coin - News list - Global info for cryptocurrency - Multi Language (Including RTL) - The possibility of zoom chart is added - Show to value follows finger - Added search for a list of coins - Include adMob - Added function “Share app”

154.94 zł

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MKS -Video Downloader

MKS Video Downloader helps you download videos from top video sites with format support. It also capable to download videos from the playlist and multiple videos from websites like facebook,instagram,tiktok,youtube etc Requirement: Internet access Python should be installed on system Python 3.2+ you can download https://www.python.org/downloads/ install setup as admin privilege How to use: Just put absolute url of single/multiple/playlist video from website. Some sites are restricted so use proxy to avoid errors. you can give preference of video quality in multiple video download via configuration sites support: 1tv: Первый канал 1up.com 20min 220.ro 23video 24video 3qsdn: 3Q SDN

154.94 zł

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Fitx - Fitness & Gym Elementor Template Kit

FITX is designed for fitness, gym, sport, martial arts or coaches and athletes who wants to showcase their work and services in a professional way. Templates : Homepage About Us Classes Trainers Facilities Contact Us Single Event Single Classes Single Trainer Pricing Plan Required Plugins : Elementor Contact Form 7 ElementsKit Lite How to Install: Install and Activate the “Envato Elements” plugin from Plugins > Add New in WordPress Do not unzip Go to Elements > Installed Kits and click the Upload Template Kit button. Before importing a template, ensure the Install Requirements button is clicked to activate required plugins For best results, do not import more than one template at a time

83.43 zł

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EcoPeace – Environment & Ecology NGO Elementor Template Kit

EcoPeace is a modern Elementor Template Kit that designed to create a website for the Environment & Ecology, Foundation, Donations, Fundraising, and any kind of Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO). This kit has a beautiful and unique design with a 100% responsive layout and retina-ready. This template kit includes stunning carefully crafted 16+ stunning templates, you can build your professional-looking website with a low budget just in a click away! Features: Using Free Plugins (Elementor Pro is not required) Modern, Classic & Clean Design 16+ Ready to use templates Fully Responsive Layout Retina Ready Fully Customizable Cross Browser Compatibility: Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera Templates Includ

95.35 zł

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