
Neon Pong - gra zręcznościowa HTML5

Neon Pong Neon Pong to gra zręcznościowa HTML5. Czy naprawdę chcesz, abyśmy wyjaśnili rozgrywkę?!? Zręcznościowa gra par excellence. Ciesz się naszym specjalnym hołdem dla pierwszej popularnej gry wideo na świecie. Łatwa instalacja Pakiet ZIP zawiera grę o rozdzielczości 1120 × 1400, którą można skalować w celu dopasowania do ekranu zorientowanego w pełni na urządzenie. Po prostu prześlij na swój serwer lub dołącz do CTL Arcade WordPress Plugin dla jeszcze łatwiejszej instalacji. Personalizacja W grze można w pełni dostosować skórki do brandingu. Cały kod źródłowy jest dołączony, dzięki czemu możesz łatwo wprowadzać zmiany lub zatrudnić nas, aby dostosować grę dla Ciebie. Zgodność W pełni kompatybilny z większością serwerów, jednak zawsze dobrze jest to sprawdzić w zespole administracyjnym lub h

67.54 zł

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Soap Ball Craze - HTML5 Construct Physic Game

Soap Ball Craze to gra fizyczna HTML5 Construct 2 składająca się z 24 poziomów. Pop wszystkie kulki wymagane do osiągnięcia celu na każdym poziomie! Odkryj wszystkie specjalne piłki i bronie na 24 poziomach tej trzeszczącej gry !! Ta gra jest gotowa do eksportu do Intel XDK i może być używana z AdmobAds. AdMob jest obecnie oficjalnie obsługiwany tylko z Intel® XDK. Użyj AdmobAds, aby dodać identyfikator swoich reklam i zacząć zarabiać w tej grze! Podręcznik krok po kroku dotyczący implementacji AdmobAds znajduje się tutaj OSTRZEŻENIE: identyfikator wtyczki admob (com.cranberrygame.phonegap.plugin.ad.admob) w tym przewodniku nie jest aktualizowany. Najnowsza wtyczka to: cordova-plugin-admobpro. Musisz wybrać wtyczki innych firm, upewnij się, że pozyskujesz je z

67.54 zł

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King Bacon vs Vegans - gra zręcznościowa HTML5

King Bacon vs Vegans King Bacon vs Vegans to gra zręcznościowa HTML5. W Veganopolis właśnie rozpoczęła się wielka wojna! Podły król Bekon i jego niegodziwi pomocnicy psują miasto! Zniszcz je wszystkie! Ale uważaj, aby nie zabić żałosnych kurczaków pędziących dla bezpieczeństwa! Łatwa instalacja Pakiet ZIP zawiera grę o rozdzielczości 1136 × 832, którą można skalować w celu dopasowania do ekranu z pełnym urządzeniem. Po prostu prześlij na swój serwer lub dołącz do CTL Arcade WordPress Plugin dla jeszcze łatwiejszej instalacji. Personalizacja W grze można w pełni dostosować skórki do brandingu. Cały kod źródłowy jest dołączony, dzięki czemu możesz łatwo wprowadzać zmiany lub zatrudnić nas, aby dostosować grę dla Ciebie. Kompatybilność W pełni kompatybilny z większością serw

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King Of Drift - gra HTML5, mobile, ADS, kokon, liderów, constr2-3

INFORMACJE O PROJEKCIE King of Drift to gra zręcznościowa, w której musisz jeździć jak najwięcej. Uważaj, zawsze możesz zejść z drogi! Rywalizuj z innymi graczami i ustanawiaj własne rekordy. Najlepszy gracz otrzyma honorowe miejsce Ta gra jest odpowiednia na wszystkie platformy. Ma adaptacyjny projekt i gotową część klient-serwer dla tabeli liderów. Dane twoich graczy będą przechowywane w bazie danych. Gra ma nowoczesny, płaski wygląd i wiele więcej JAK GRAĆ Aby grać na PC, użyj sztuczek na klawiaturze Aby grać na urządzeniu mobilnym - kliknij prawą lub lewą stronę ekranu POBIERZ PLIKI APLIKACJI DO TESTOWANIA -> KingOfDrift (ARM-v7) -> Funkcje KingOfDrift (x-86) Gra działa na wszystkich popu

83.43 zł

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Animowane banery hostingowe - HTML5 Google Web Designer

HTML5 Animowane szablony banerów reklamowych. Utworzono za pomocą Google Web Designer Funkcje elementu: Bardzo szybka i łatwa personalizacja Użyte czcionki Google Web Utworzone i w pełni edytowalne za pomocą Google Web Designer Kompatybilny z Adwords i Doubleclick Pixel-Perfect kompatybilny z wieloma przeglądarkami Co obejmuje? 6 popularnych rozmiarów: 160 × 600, 300 × 250, 728 × 90, 468 × 60, 300 × 600, 180 × 150 Szczegółowy plik instrukcji 6 miesięcy Wsparcie produktu Bezpłatne aktualizacje pozycji Uwagi: Obraz „serwera WWW” nie jest zawarty w pobierz plik, służy tylko do przeglądania wersji demonstracyjnej. Odwiedź istockphoto.com lub photodune.net, aby uzyskać duży wybór zdjęć. Czy chcesz, abyśmy dostosowali ten produkt do twoich dokładnych specyfikacji? Oferujemy usługi dostosowywania przedmiotów za niewielką opłatą, skontaktuj się z nami, aby rozpocząć!

39.73 zł

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Education HTML Template using Bootstrap 5 - MaxCoach

Education HTML Template using Bootstrap 5 – MaxCoach Education Website Template – MaxCoach would be a great solution for building a nice-looking and sophisticated website if you offer online learning and related things. This elegant e-Learning website template combines catchy web design with tons of features in a single package! This comprehensive education bootstrap template comes with 12 unique homepage layouts to create a professional-looking academic website. Discover why Education Website Template – MaxCoach is one of the best education HTML templates for creating a striking online presence for your educational website. Check out what our valuable clients have said about this academic website template. This school website te

71.51 zł

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Steaque | Steak House and Coctail Bar Joomla Template

Steaque | Steak House and Coctail Bar Joomla Template with beautiful elegant design and premium look elements make Steaque more impressive. You might be use Steaque for all kind of food and beverage sector. Bootstrap framework with clean Joomla structure makes template easy to edit and customize. All pages tested on major browsers and devices. Fully responsive template with retina icons and elements. Steaque 2.0 Update: Joomla 3.10.1 Steaque 1.9 Update: Joomla 3.9.28 Steaque 1.8 Update: SP Page Builder Pro 3.7.12 & Helix Ultimate 1.1.4 Steaque 1.7 Update: Joomla 3.9.27 Steaque 1.6 Update: Joomla 3.9.26 Steaque 1.5 Update: Joomla 3.9.25 Steaque 1.4 Update: SP Page Builder Pro 3.7.9 Steaque 1.3 Update: Joomla 3.9.24 Steaqu

75.49 zł

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Benime - CCTV Surveillance Service HubSpot Theme

Introduction Benime – CCTV Surveillance Service HubSpot Theme is creative, modern, clean and user friendly designe for any kind of Surveillance Companies, Home Security, Security Firms, Security System Providers, Security Companies, Security Installation Service, CCTV and Security Services websites. Themes Home About Services Service Details Portfolio Team Blog Blog Detail Contact System Pages 404 500 Membership Register Membership Login Subscriptions Confirmation Subscription Preferences Backup Unsubscribe Membership Reset Password Request Membership Reset Password Search Results Password Prompt Features Drag-drop Enabled System Pag

393.32 zł

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Onky | Butcher, Food and Meat Shop Shopify Theme

Food & Meat Shop Shopify Theme Onky | Butcher, Meat food shop Shopify theme. Best for online retailers like fresh meat sellers, butcher, butchery, pork shop, meat stall, chicken store, mutton stall, pig farm, poultry farm, organic chicken shop, steak house, steak restaurants, barbecue restaurant, an Italian restaurant, grill restaurant, restaurant shop, seafood shop, fish farm, agriculture Shop, veg farm store, fruits store, organic food store, fresh & packed food, and all modern meat-related business and minimal restaurant websites. Onky is a trending, responsive eCommerce theme that comes with spectacular parallax effects and easily customizable options. It is best for selling all meat foods such as pork, cattle, buffal

218.51 zł

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Boyka - Fashion Shopify Theme

Boyka Fashion eCommerce Shopify Theme + RTL + Dropshipping is a modern responsive premium Shopify theme. Its design is very simple and clean that is why you must be impressed at a glance. It has plenty of options to display your products as your own wish. This responsive Shopify theme is perfect for fashion brand clothes, bags, shoes, glasses, accessories etc. In addition, Boyka has a group of elegant features which are unique and smooth. This customize theme offers 6 Home Versions along with RTL version, Theme Color Options, 25+ Sections, 15+ Pre Loader, Services, Testimonial, Banner, Latest Blog, Contact From, Contact Map and plenty more. Finally, Boyka gives you freedom of choice. You can enjoy Boyka Fashion eCommerce Shopify Theme

190.70 zł

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Cloin - HTML Landing Page Template

Cloin is a Lead Generation flexible business HTML5 landing page. This Template offers many various possibilities which will help you easily create a beautiful, stunning and unique landing page. Choose from 4 homepage versions: Lead Generation Form, Banner Video Background, Banner Fullscreen and Fixed Width. Just Click On Demo to fill your needs. Promote your project with stylish blocks, which are easy to create and edit. General Features Based on Twitter Bootstrap 3.3.5 Built With Sass 100% W3C Valid Files Fully Responsive Layout (PC, Tablet and Mobile phone) Cross Browser Compatible (Chrome, Opera, Safari, Mozzila, IE9+) Taking Care of Content Possibilities Lead Generation PHP Form 3 Banners Variants 8 Content Blocks Very Easy to Custom

47.67 zł

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Hotel Booking - Multipurpose Responsive Email Template

Hotel Booking- Multipurpose Responsive Email Template + Stamp Ready Builder Hotel Booking is a Multipurpose responsive email template designed for Hotel Booking, Restaurant Booking, booking, bar, business, Travel, Room Booking, food, hotel, pizza, reservation and general purposes. Access to Stampready Template Builder Features Maximum of three columns 20+ Modules Responsive template Drag-Drop / One-click – Stampready template builder MailChimp Ready Campaign Monitor Ready MyMail for Wordpress Major mail clients and browser display tested Gmail, Yahoo, Rediffmail, All Outlook Versions, Thunderbird, Oper

79.46 zł

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Invoza - Responsive Landing Page Template

Invoza is a multi purpose Bootstrap 4 landing page template.It is an excellent HTML template for startup, business, application, saas, marketing, agency, business etc. It’s fully responsive and built with bootstrap v4.4.1. Users will love your site because it gives them a unique user experience (UX), clean, modern & beautiful design. You will be easily able to customize it for your needs.FEATURES: Based on Twitter Bootstrap 4.4.1 6+ Different Home Pages SCSS Support Built with HTML5 & CSS3 Font Icons Google Fonts Easy to Customize Cross Browser Optimization Clean code Modern Design And much more… Please Note : This item is static HTML5 template, It’s not a WordPress theme. Images are only for demo purpose, not included in download

87.40 zł

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Cheerart - Bootstrap Responsive Masonry Gallery

About Cheerart Cheerart masonry gallery is a smart simple design to display your cheerful happy photos to your site. A perfect design to show your photo to your viewers. Cheerart Masonry is a user friendly and highly customizable. All you can to change to display your gallery on your projects in your desired location! Main Features Based on Bootstrap 4 Valid HTML5 & CSS3 W3 Validate Full Responsive Easy Customize Clean & Modern Design Boxed Layouts Grid & Cobbles Version Cross Browser Support Sortable columns Well documented No Error ! Resource Credit Google Fonts Bootstrap Jquery Fancybox View Demo Cheerart Version 2 – Released on

27.81 zł

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Codeigniter Grocery CRUD Material Design for Bootstrap Theme

Introducing – Codeigniter – Grocery CRUD – Material Design for Bootstrap Theme You’ll get Material Design for Bootstrap Theme, Modal Box supported, Paging, Scrollable, Fully working system including MySQL files with included extended documentation and much more… Free Item Support Free support on https://themeofwp.com/support/ Documentation You can find documentation at https://themeofwp.com/plugins/grocerycrud/doc/ Top Features Create a full stable Codeigniter CRUD in 30 seconds! Compatible with CodeIgniter latest version Beautiful and elite design Material Design for Bootstrap theme Modal box supported Scrollable views Multilingual: Already translated into 34 languages – and changing between la

79.46 zł

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Advanced Restaurant Management System | Point Of Sale C#

Advanced Restaurant Management System 2 Projects | ERP with source code C# & SQL database. You’ll receive 2 projects. Demo Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4jdix9LjNH0 2 Years Support free for Extended License Advanced Restaurant Management System has a wide range of features that makes restaurant operations very easy and enjoyable. This is developed with C# as the front end and MSSQL server 2012 as the back end. You’ll get full 2 projects & source code. Project-2 Live Demo Screenshots: Requirements : Visual Studio 2015 Microsoft SQL Server 2012 or later Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio Windows 7/8/10 (Operating System) If you need third-party software please contact w

353.59 zł

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SwissMICSI Payment Module for prestashop

SwissMicsi Payment is a Prestashop module which allows the Prestashop Store owners to accept credit cards, Bank Wire, Postfinance and cheque.

87.40 zł

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Eva - Awesome Spinner Pre Loader Animation

Eva – Awesome Spinner Pre Loader Animation Very easy to use Supports all latest browser versions Fully responsive No images, site loads faster This animation can be used so that your customers on the site do not get bored waiting.

7.95 zł

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Cartoon Coloring Book - HTML5 Game for Kids - Construct 2 source-code (.capx)

“Cartoon Coloring Book” is an great game for children of all ages. There are 12 beautiful levels for kids to play with. Games like that will help develop their sense of creativity. Have fun with this amazing game for kids! - Easy to change the images, just replace the image file! NOTE: The game’s Reskin is required for resale or publication in app stores, such as the Play Store, App Store, etc. For publication on html5 game sites or sites that do not resell the game, it is fully permitted, there is no need to reskin it. INSTRUCTIONS TO PLAY: - Select an image, select the brush size, select the color and use your creativity to color the drawings! FEATURES: - HTML5 game for your site! - High Resolution (1280×72

71.51 zł

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Ionic 5 Fruit Full App with Firebase/Angular Dashboard backend

- Version: 8.0.1 - Last Update: 21 11 2020 (Big Update) - Backend Update to Angular 11 - This is Exclusive Product Licence from Envato New Features - Updated Our Item to Latest Angular 11 - Added User Page - Added 8 New Charts     Ionic5 Fruits Commerce Shop App With Admin Backend/Firebase/Angular 11 All you want from app Ionic5 Fruits Commerce Shop App With Admin Backend is complete mobile app solution for android and iOS platform with fruits shop Admin with Firebase as backend. You have variety of readymade e-commerce pages to create your

99.32 zł

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ios 14 All Widgets in Single App, In-App Purchase & Custom Fonts, Colors for Widget

Looking for a photo, Color, Clock, Weather widgets app for new iOS 14 ? You are One Step away. All Widget in Single App is a simple, intuitive, stable and feature-rich app that is just designed for you APP FEATURES: In-App Purchase Clasic Design Multi Color Selection Custom Fonts to Design widget lightweight application No [PROGRAMMING] Skills is Required to Run the Project 1 TAP to Live App on Store Multiple HD Backgrounds DEVELOPMENT FEATURES: iOS 14 Widget with SwiftUI Native and Clean code (easy to customise) Developed by the latest Technologies Swift UI Easy to re-skin or re-Use Requirements Mac computer with Xcode 12 installed to update the codes. This app works on iOS 14+ Os Versions Live Demo URL Guide you how app works

147.00 zł

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Trans Atlantic – Transportation & Logistics Elementor Template Kit

Trans Atlantic is a transportation & logistics Elementor Template Kit. The template is pixel-perfect designed, making sure your final creation is flexible and easily extendable. Also, Trans Atlantic works flawlessly on various screen size devices. With 17 page and section templates available, you’ll have your new website ready in no time. Page templates included Home About Team Style guide Single Post 404 Archive Offcanvas Detail Service Contact Blog Testimonial Career Services Header Footer Elementor Pro Features Header and Footer Builder Theme Styles Required Plugins Elementor Elementor Pro DethemeKit for Elementor (installed automatically) How To Install To use the Template Kit import plugin, follow the steps belo

115.21 zł

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Kidzena – Kindergarten & Preschool Elementor Template Kit

Kidzena is a modern and clean Elementor Template Kit created especially for Kindergarten and Preschool, as well as it fits perfectly for child care centers or any children-related website. This template has a beautiful and unique design with a 100% responsive layout, retina-ready, and without a single line of coding! This template kit includes stunning carefully crafted 16+ stunning templates, you can build your professional-looking business website just in a click away. Features: Using Free Plugins (Elementor Pro is not required) Modern, Classic & Clean Design 16+ Ready to use templates Fully Responsive Layout Retina Ready Fully Customizable Cross Browser Compatibility: Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera

95.35 zł

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Arches – Minimal Architecture & Interior Design Elementor Template Kit

Arches is a clean and minimal architecture & interior design Elementor Kit. The template is pixel-perfect designed, making sure your final creation is flexible and easily extendable. Also, Arches works flawlessly on various screen size devices. With 17 page and section templates available, you’ll have your new website ready in no time. Page templates included Header Footer Home About Team Property Page Property Single Portfolio Contact Blog Single Post Style Guide 404 Coming Soon Blog Archive Optin Popup Offcanvas Elementor Pro Features Header and Footer Builder Theme Styles Required Plugins Elementor Elementor Pro DethemeKit for Elementor (installed automatically) How To Install To use the Template Kit import plugi

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Miker - Movie & Film Studio Elementor Template Kit

Miker Movie and Film Studio Template Kit is for Movie Production, Film studio, Creative & Entertainment Template Kit is mainly focused on filmmakers, film studios, film campaigns, film production companies and movie marketing. From the first glance, you will be impressed with its trendy and energetic design with smooth transitions and animations. Required Plugins : Elementor (Free) Themesflat Addons For Elementor MetForm Kit Key Features: One Click Demo Import Unique and Modern Style. Clear and Clean Layout Cross browser compatible Built-in Header Footer Post Widget Carousel Slide Box ( Create sliders with anything ) Ultra Responsive and Retina Ready Compatible with most WordPress Themes Optimized for search engines

115.21 zł

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The Builder - Construction & Architecture Elementor Template Kit

The Builder is a modern and unique construction & architecture elementor template kit. Build for a website construction, architecture, real estate, or any other related services website. This template is packed with 10 different pages for your website. This kit is optimized for the free Hello Elementor theme but works with most themes that use elementor. DEMO PAGES Home Page https://template-kit.rootlayers.com/thebuilder/template-kit/home About Us Page https://template-kit.rootlayers.com/thebuilder/template-kit/about-us/ Services page https://template-kit.rootlayers.com/thebuilder/template-kit/services/ Testimonials page https://template-kit.rootlayers.com/thebuilder/template-kit/testimonials/ Careers page https://tem

95.35 zł

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Restead – Real Estate & Property Elementor Template Kit

Restead is an Elementor Template Kit for quickly and easily creating websites for your Real Estate or Property business using the Elementor Page Builder plugin for WordPress. This kit has been optimized for use with the free Hello Elementor theme but may be used with most themes that support Elementor. Features: Using Free Plugins (Elementor Pro is not required) Modern & Clean Design 15+ Ready to use templates Fully Responsive Layout Retina Ready Fully Customizable Cross Browser Compatibility: Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera Templates Include: Home About Us Services Property List Property Detailst Agent FAQ Blog Single Blog Contact MetForm Contact 404 Page Header Footer Global Theme Style Required Plugin: E

95.35 zł

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Jobie Admin - Portal Dashboard UI Template Figma

Modern dashboard User Interface design template for a Job hiring manager. This template is ideal for a job portal app, a hiring app, a freelancer app, a career app, and any job app, and any admin dashboard website. Make your admin dashboard design looks stunning and eye-catching using this template. This template includes 12 unique and modern User Interface screens in Figma format with dark and light mode. You can easily edit and customize using Figma. Highlights: 12 High-quality Screens in Figma Template Support dark and light mode Using FREE Font from Google Font Well Documented Easy to edit and customize Using 1920px width Pages: Dashboard Search Job Applications Profile Companies Statistics Job Details Home / Newsfeed Detai

55.62 zł

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Movie Pro - Film and TV Show PSD Template

Movie Pro – Film and TV Show PSD Template Online Movie,Video & TV Show PSD Template .Advantage of this project that it includes many directions. The latest movie news, movie trailers, new movies releases and more. Movie industry is considered to be one of the most profitable and popular out of the whole entertainment sphere. So, our movie templates are professionally designed for various projects such as movie blogs, cinema home pages, movie portals, online tickets agencies, TV series websites and film productions. This PSD template For the Movie, Video, TV Show, clean, creative, entertainment, landing, modern, movie, one page, page, sliders, template, youtube and Many more. Features 12 Unique Fully Layered PSD Files w

39.73 zł

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NRGagency - kreatywny motyw agencji na jednej stronie

Przedstawiamy NRGagency NRGagency to profesjonalny, jednostronicowy, kreatywny motyw Drupal, idealny dla agencji cyfrowych, firm marketingowych i innych kreatywnych firm. Ten uniwersalny motyw jest kompatybilny z wieloma przeglądarkami, w pełni responsywny i gotowy na siatkówkę. NRGagency jest łatwo konfigurowalny i łatwy w utrzymaniu, dzięki czemu praca z nim jest przyjemnością. Motyw działa pięknie na wszystkich urządzeniach, z płynnymi animacjami i optymalną prędkością. Najważniejsze funkcje Zawiera pakiet instalacyjny demonstracyjny - profil instalacyjny Drupal Obsługiwane przez Drupal 7.3.x i Bootstrap 3.x Przejrzysta, łatwa do zrozumienia dokumentacja, idealna zarówno dla początkujących, jak i zaawansowanych użytkowników. Czysty i nowoczesny design, perfekcyjny w pikselach, w pełni responsywny i gotowy na siatkówkę Nowoczesne, jednostronicowe, płynne przewijanie

234.40 zł

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