8 in 1 multi Restaurant Food Ordering App|Food Delivery Android+iOS App Template| Flutter 2| Hungerz

Food Ordering with Advance POS System | Flutter UI Template Hungerz is an online food ordering app template which allows user to order food online as well as restaurant app to receive food order and delivery app to get delivery tasks. It has 8 different app UI which offer customers to order Food online, a Restaurant to get food orders, a delivery app to get food delivered. We developed these apps using Flutter, it’s is a leading cross platform technology which enables developers to write single codebase for both Android and iOS. This helps in shipping apps faster then traditionally developing apps for individual platform. Reasons to buy Our UI templates will help you to quickly get started with your project, now instead

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Courier Delivery Flutter App Template | 2 Apps | User App + Delivery App | CourierPro

CourierPro – Courier Delivery App + Delivery Boy App Template in Flutter Flutter is an open-source mobile application development SDK created by Google. It is used to develop applications for Android and iOS, as well as being the primary method of creating applications for Google Fuchsia, Flutter widgets incorporate all critical platform differences such as scrolling, navigation, icons and fonts to provide full native performance on both iOS and Android. CourierPro is a Courier delivery App template. User can send packages from one place to another place, Order grocery at nearby grocery shop and Order food from favourite restaurants. CourierPro developed using Flutter. That means that UI is compatible for both Android and iOS.

92.58 zł

4.75/ 4


SmartLearn - Online Learning app | Exam Preparation app | UI Kit

Change Log Version 1.0.1 -   8th Decmeber 2020 - Course detail Screen Added - Quiz detail Screen Added - Quiz Question Screen Added - Video lesson Screen Added - Article detail Screen Added - Minor Bugs Fixed Version 1.0.0 -   20th November 2020 - Initial Release OUR BUSINESS HOURS Monday – Saturday (10AM- 8PM) Indian Standard Time (IST/ GMT +5:30) Entertainment of any request by Email/Comment/Chat will be done only during our Business hours. Thank you ! OUR OTHER ITEMS

54.00 zł

3.33/ 3


On-Demand Home Services, Business Listing, Booking Flutter UI Template

On-Demand Home Services, Business Listing, Booking Flutter UI Template Flutter is an open-source mobile application development framework created by Google. It is used to develop applications for Android and iOS, as well as being the primary method of creating applications Backend Requests & Suggestions You can join our channel on Discord to request for admin panel or suggest any feature https://discord.gg/EhrMxuwVN2 Features More than 60 Screens: Login Register Forgot password Mobile verification Home Bookings (Ongoing, Completed …) Categories Sub Categories Profile Products By Category Home Service Detail Home Service Ratings Home Service Provider Favorites Grid & List Chat Filters Search Settings Checkout Scheduled Bookin

73.29 zł

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PullOuts - wysuwane widżety jQuery

PullOuts to samodzielny skrypt oparty na popularnej wtyczce WordPress - „Widżety PullOut” i może być używany na dowolnej stronie internetowej obsługującej HTML i JavaScript. PullOuts pozwala pobrać dowolny fragment zawartości ze strony internetowej i wyświetlić go jako widżet wysuwany. Niezależnie od tego, czy jest to blok tekstu, zdjęć, koszyk, login, formularz wyszukiwania lub subskrypcji, wideo lub inna treść - możesz to zrobić. Łatwy w użyciu generator kodów pomoże Ci ustawić widżety w kilka sekund. Elastyczne ustawienia: wiele wyzwalaczy do aktywowania wyciągnięć, nieograniczona liczba kolorów, setki ikon i dziesiątki efektów animacji poprawią twoją stronę internetową i zadziwią odwiedzających. Funkcje PullOuts Elastyczny widelec do wyciągania

38.57 zł

4.54/ 52