
Bookmify - Wtyczka WordPress do rezerwacji spotkań

Bookmify - prosty, funkcjonalny, wydajny i nowoczesny! Nasze oprogramowanie do planowania online ma wszystko, czego potrzebujesz, aby rozwijać swoją firmę i zarządzać nią w jednym, łatwym w użyciu i wydajnym interfejsie użytkownika. Pomaga zarządzać codziennymi sprawami, nadążać za harmonogramem i rozliczeniami oraz wysyłać kampanie e-mailowe - wszystko z jednego oprogramowania online. Jak zaktualizować wtyczkę 1. Pobierz najnowszą wersję wtyczki z https://codecanyon.net/downloads 2. Dezaktywuj i usuń Bookmify z pulpitu nawigacyjnego -> Wtyczki 3. Zainstaluj najnowszą wersję wtyczki (http: // bookmify. frenify.com/1/how-to-install/) 4. Proszę nacisnąć Ctrl + F5 po każdej aktualizacji

226.31 zł

4.65/ 26


SantaPress - WordPress Advent Calendar Plugin & Quiz

SantaPress is a WordPress Advent Calendar Plugin that makes it easy for you to provide an individual advent calendar on your website to surprise your visitors every day with a small gift until Christmas. Provided with 8 beautiful layouts and many great features (such as many customization options, snowfall, hidden mode etc.), this plugin makes your visitors want to come back every day. Plugin Features: 8 beautiful layouts with 25 door images each. That makes a total of 200 door images to choose from. Set the number of days for your calendar so you can decide whether you need 24 doors, 25 doors or any other number. Open doors as single pages, modal windows (popup), external links or link directly to WooCommerce products (if you have th

111.24 zł

5/ 14


Kalendarz wydarzeń Tiva dla Wordpress

Opis Kalendarz wydarzeń Tiva dla Wordpress to wtyczka, która pomaga zarządzać i wyświetlać wszystkie wydarzenia w kalendarzu. Zdarzenia zarządzania w witrynie administratora Wiele stylów i opcji umożliwia łatwe dostosowanie kalendarza. Do wyboru masz 2 układy: pełny układ i układ kompaktowy. Możesz również ustawić widok początkowy jako kalendarz lub listę wydarzeń. Kompaktowy układ Dzięki ładnemu wyskakującemu okienku, użytkownik może szybko przeglądać wydarzenia na każdy dzień, przeglądać listę wydarzeń i szczegóły wydarzenia. Twoje wydarzenia będą wyświetlane w żywy i logiczny sposób. Lista wydarzeń Dlaczego warto wybrać kalendarz wydarzeń Tiva dla Wordpress? Wyświetlaj przyjazne wydarzenia. Przeglądaj wydarzenia za pomocą kalendarza lub listy stylów. Szybki podgląd informacji o wydarzeniu z etykietką.

226.31 zł

4.06/ 33


Calendar Anything | Show any existing WordPress custom post type in a calendar

Show any existing WordPress custom post type in a calendar If you have a site and you already have an event plugin to manage your events, then you can show these events easily in cool calendars at your site (eg. in a widget, a page, etc.). Very useful for sites like gyms, schools, bars, restaurants, concert halls, etc. 11 Ready-to-use Themes Full Feature List Multiple calendar views Choose between month, agenda, list and basic view. Attach custom post types You can show any custom post type in your calendar. Attach multiple post types You can show multiple custom post types in the same calendar. Attach all events or selected only You can attach all events that belong to a custom post type or just the ones you select. Unlimited calendars C

92.06 zł

4.96/ 27


Wtyczka kalendarza wydarzeń WP

Kalendarz wydarzeń pozwala łatwo dodać do własnej witryny wordpress potężny interaktywny kalendarz do prezentacji wydarzeń. Jak to działa Administrator może utworzyć jeden lub więcej kalendarzy (np. Kalendarz dla każdej kategorii wydarzeń lub dla różnych lokalizacji…) z nieograniczoną liczbą wydarzeń do dodania. Wydarzenia mogą trwać jeden lub więcej dni i możesz dodać wiele informacji, takich jak godzina i data rozpoczęcia i zakończenia każdego wydarzenia, liczba dostępnych miejsc, wstęp wolny lub płatny, opis tekstowy, zdjęcia, filmy, mapa lokalizacji… itd. Czy masz wydarzenia w różnych miastach? Twórz kalendarze z nazwami miast i dodaj wszystkie wydarzenia według miast. Zarządzasz centrum kongresowym? Łatwo! Utwórz kalendarz dla każdego pokoju i dodaj wszystkie konferencje. Jesteś

80.55 zł

3.11/ 18


ReDi Restaurant Booking plugin for WordPress

ReDi Restaurant Booking plugin allows you to easily manage reservations for your restaurant business. Plugin allows you to manage reservations for your restaurant business. This plugin can help to receive reservations from clients online. Your clients will be able to see available space at specified time, and if it’s available, client is able to make a table reservation. Initially you need to setup number of persons that can book at one time, working times and restaurant details. Plugin automatically detects free seats and if available reservation is instantly confirmed. There is a possibility to control every incoming reservation as well in manual mode. Please find complete documentation here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B65Ps

379.74 zł

4.5/ 6


Kalendarz wydarzeń - Wtyczka WordPress DZS

Wprowadzenie - do góry Kalendarz wydarzeń, na który czekałeś. Prosty w konfiguracji. Potężny. Udokumentowane. Szybki. - Kalendarz wydarzeń DZS Wtyczka WordPress Funkcje łatwa instalacja? zakup, pobierz zip, przeczytaj dokumenty, powtarzaj wydarzenia? obsługa powtarzających się statusów wydarzeń - tylko jednorazowe, co miesiąc i co roku dzs podpowiedzi zawarte - wtyczka podpowiedzi z naszego portfolio jest dołączona, aby zapewnić użytkownikom bogate wrażenia z pięciu skórek - domyślny i kompatybilny z czarnym iPhonem / iPadem? ta wtyczka jest kompatybilna z iToys, nawet Android obsługuje główne przeglądarki? Czy w pełni przetestowany HTML? IE7, IE8, IE9, IE10, Chrome, Opera, Safari i Firefox są w pełni obsługiwane? inline conte

57.54 zł

3/ 8


ARB | Appointment Reservation and Booking Plugin for WooCommerce

ARB plugin allows your customers reserving Hotel rooms or resorts, appointments for Doctors, Courses, Salons, Renting products, and any other businesses which require appointment booking. ARB 2.8.2 is live! Compatible with WordPress 5.8.x / 5.7.x / 5.6.x / 5.5.x / 5.4.x Compatible with WooCommerce 5.6.x / 5.5.x / 5.4.x / 5.3.x / 5.2.x / 5.1.x / 5.0.x / 4.9.x / 4.8.x / 4.7.x / 4.6.x / 4.5.x — 4.0.x Skip to full compatibility List. ARB Reservations plugin is an easy-to-use and easy-to-manage booking tool, which is the most flexible Booking Platform based on WooCommerce. This WooCommerce extension plugin allows your customers to book Hotel rooms or resorts, appointments for Doctors, Courses, Salons, Renting products, and any other busines

210.97 zł

5/ 8


Fat Services Booking - Automated Booking and Online Scheduling

FAT Service Booking is WordPress plugin that provide you an automated booking and online scheduling of your services. It scans calendars for availability and extract free times. You control how customers can book the open time slots. FAT Service is made for large teams with easy control to your service, customer, calendar and your staff. You can track the appointments in calendar view. It provider monthly, weekly, daily and timeline view type for calendar, and can be filtered by employee, location, service or service category. Frontend demo | Backend demo user: demo/demo WHAT’S NEW IN 3.0 Re-schedule: Allows admin to easily update booking times Mutiple booki

149.60 zł

4.78/ 18


Visual Restaurant Reservation - WordPress Booking System

Create your own visual reservation system for your restaurant or cafe. With this plugin, you have an opportunity to create tables and seats by yourself on our grid, which is the main feature and is great. With the help of Drag & Drop method, you will be able to drag different kinds of tables on the grid of your restaurant and manage to count the maximum number of seats at each table as well as the number of tables. The visitors to your restaurant will decide what kind of table shape they prefer and then they will choose the table location in relation to the other tables on the grid. We are completely sure, that this way, the customers of your restaurant will be able to more quickly choose to come to your restaurant and form a positive i

149.60 zł

1.33/ 12


BMA - WordPress Appointment Booking Plugin for Enterprise

BMA – WordPress Appointment Booking Plugin for Enterprise- Advanced, Fast, Easy, Highly Functional, Robust Plugin for WordPress Websites The Book My Appointment is much more than a premium plugin for automated booking and scheduling appointments. In addition to offering a secure and accurately functioning appointment-booking tool, it also serves as a notification generator that helps you to run email campaigns, send reminder messages to clients via SMS and emails. Besides, scheduling appointments, sending emails, reminder notifications, you can even accept payments via different gateways (PayPal, Stripe) or simply allow the clients to ‘pay at the time of visit/arrival’ using this single plugin directly from your Wor

111.24 zł

4.2/ 5


Woocommerce Appointment Booking & Scheduling Wordpress Plugin - AppSpinner V 3.3

Introduction Appspinner is a simple yet powerful plugin for accepting online appointments & bookings on your WordPress blog site. No need to use third party appointment booking services, everything can be managed from inside the WordPress admin panel. Provide your clients with Out-of-box Appointment Management Solution. Languages included Frontend Dashboard Provider Page Create new page and insert this shortcode [provider_dashboard] from this page the providers/agents can manage their appointments and their services and timebreaks and holidays and their profile and other setting easly from fronteand dashboard page Group Booking Appspinner is perfect for group booking like : yoga class – Educa

111.24 zł

4.08/ 25


Deals Calendar - WordPress Plugin

DEALS CALENDAR PLUGIN This customizable deals calendar provides you a nice tool to create your own offers calendar which allows the users to open a new offer or gift you decide each day. It comes with 10 predefined calendars for different specific dates so you can directly start with one of them. This is a perfect way to engage the users and make them return to your website every day until the end of your offers. With this tool you can use all 10 prebuilt calendars, create as many calendars as you need and display them simultaneously in any page of your site in any of their 2 modes of display. FEATURES: Customizable: It offers several options, behaviors, colors and images for you to customize all of your calendars the way you want

80.55 zł

2/ 5


Appointment Booking and Scheduling for Wordpress - BookDice

BookDice is powerful yet very simple Wordpress Plugin, its coded well with lots of beautiful features which allow website owners to quickly add and enable online booking for almost every type of service business.Whether you run a hair salon, doctor, massage therapist, photographer or chiropractor it works like a charm for you, as setup is very easy and it convert your website into booking engine instantly. Broadview Innovations Pvt ltd. BookDice provides flexibility to modify its appearance very easily from its backend and having a lots of cool feature like pdf invoice, deposit, easy schedule setup, csv reports, coupons and many more. Online Payments can be collected easily using Paypal and Stripe and its adding. Demo ==========http

187.95 zł

3.5/ 16


VR Booking - 2 in 1 Booking and PMS in one WP Plugin for Property Rental Businesses

VR Booking is a 2 in 1 solution that combines Online Booking and Property Management System (PMS) customized for specific needs of property and accommodation rental businesses. - Powerful online booking engine with real time availability search and booking functionality anywhere on your website or integrated with your new template. - Availability calendar and iCal Sync for each property, variety of rate plans, booking modes and conditions, payments methods. - Property management system for your properties with customer database and invoices (PMS) Main Features turn-key Booking and Property Management System WordPress plugin seamlessly integrated into your WordPress website easy to use by customers easy to integrate

115.07 zł

2.45/ 11