WooFood | Food Ordering Plugin (Delivery/Pickup) for WordPress & WooCommerce Live Accept or Decline Orders MultiStore Feature – For Merchants with multiple stores Automatic Send the Order to the Nearest store to the customer(*manually selection is also available) Maximum Distance for Delivery Distance Based Calculation / Polygon Based Calculation / Postal Code Based Pickup Option Multiple Customer Addresses Automatic Address Completion using Google Maps API Accept /Decline Orders WooFood is an online food delivery plugin for WordPress working with WooCommerce , a lightweight and simple Theme and Windows Software to create your online delivery system for your fast food, pizzeria, cafe or restaurant. You c
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Woo Custom and Sequential Order Number plugin has been conceived to solve one of the most annoying problems for the e-commerce owners. Bypassing the issue of the custom and sequential numeration for every kind of created element (both articles or products), the plugin grants you a superior control over a consecutive numeration for the created order of your store. Woo Custom and Sequential Order Number plugin allowing you to have custom ad Sequential order numbers rather than random ones Woo Custom and Sequential Order Number plugin has give you complete control over your order numbers, combined with the peace of mind try our free version Woo Custom and Sequential Order Number Lite Features Provides Custom and Sequential order nu
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Venus WooCommerce Wave Connector is an easy and intuitive plugin to link the data between your WooCommerce store and your Wave Accounting app instance. The Venus WooCommerce Wave Connector is designed to reduce your data entry load to zero while giving you full control over your data. Let Venus WooCommerce Wave Connector handle your data entry so you can spend time doing what you love – grow your business. Features: Export Products, Customers and Invoices: Ability to export products, customers and invoiced new or old with just One click. Import Product and Customer: Ability to import products and customers new or old with just One click. Automatic real-time sync: Just as a product, customer or order is cre
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Demo | Documentation WooCommerce Tiered Pricing – Price By Quantity Plugin empowers merchants to provide discounts for products based on quantity with more effective way by showing the quantity discount table on the product page. The customers can view the product discounts table based on quantity & add the specific quantity before adding the product to cart. The pricing ruleset can be applied on product level or categories level or global ruleset. The discount table can be shown on product page at three different places i.e. before add to cart button, after add to cart button or into the product tabs as a separate tab. The price of the product changes on run time as the quantity is increase and it is found in any rule. Download our ano
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Now, reward your customers for their purchases through reward points they earned which they can easily redeem on their next actions/purchases. Using our Bravo – WooCommerce Points and Rewards extension you can set how many reward points you want to set for a specific amount of purchases. You can set this threshold reward point per purchase as per your convenience i.e. for per product, category or globally. It gives you a control over the reward point/loyalty point management using Bravo – WooCommerce Points and Rewards plugin. You can also set what each point will worth. For instance, you may set one point equivalent to 1$ or 100 points could be equal to 1$, or any other value you wish to set. This way your customers can earn their
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WooCommerce B2B Sales Agents – #1 WooCommerce plugin to manage your sales agents network WooCommerce B2B Sales Agents is the best solution to introduce your company’s sales agents in online store with WooCommerce. All the features you need to manage sales agents network: commission calculation, customer assignment, statistics, notifications and so on… WooCommerce B2B Sales Agents does all of these, in only one plugin, to allow you to expand your digital business quickly and easily. PAY ONCE, LIFETIME UPDATES Unlike other plugins that require annual renewals, with WooCommerce B2B Sales Agents you have the most complete sales agents suite available with a single payment and at a constant price! In addition
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Prosta wtyczka do WooCommerce, której można użyć do włączenia ochrony hasłem dla swoich produktów, takich jak ogólne lub indywidualne dla każdego produktu, oczywiście, jeśli żądanie hasła jest włączone. Jeśli więc administrator włączy ochronę hasłem dla niektórych produktów - użytkownik zostanie poproszony o wprowadzenie hasła do produktu w celu jego zakupu. Aby zmienić styl, możesz użyć tych klas css: „product-protector-label” dla etykiety „product-protector-input” dla danych wejściowych Dostępne filtry dla programistów: woo_prod_protect_label (do zmiany domyślnej etykiety „Hasło produktu (wymagane)”) woo_prod_protect_hidden_price_text ( do zmiany domyślnego tekstu „Cena jest ukryta”) Priorytet: indywidualne hasło (!!!) Kategoria Pas
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Do it like Amazon or the other big online shops: Show variations as single products in your WooCommerce shop or category pages. With our neat plugin you are able to transform boring variable products into single products, that the user can buy or view directly. Why do you need this? Users can directly view variations inside your WooCommerce shop and categories Customers can add variations to their cart directly without having to select everything It increases your SEO traffic by creating more specific internal links Incredible Features Our plugin comes with multiple features, that will help you to easily setup single variations. Show Variations as Single Products Instead of just showing one variable product, our plugi
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WooCommerce Lucky Wheel to najlepszy sposób na zbieranie e-maili od klientów odwiedzających Twój sklep. Wtyczka oferuje Twoim klientom możliwość wprowadzania e-maili i skorzystania z okazji, aby wygrać kupon rabatowy, obracając koło za pomocą WooCommerce Lucky Wheel. Umożliwianie klientom subskrybowania wiadomości e-mail w celu uzyskania kuponu rabatowego. Automatyczne generowanie unikalnych kuponów za każdym razem, gdy klient wygrywa koło. Wyślij kod kuponu na adres e-mail wymagany do zakręcenia kołem. Synchronizuj wiadomości e-mail klientów z kontem MailChimp. CECHY: POP-UP: Małe okno podręczne pojawia się w rogu ekranu, kliknięcie go otworzy okna Lucky Wheel. Element koła: swobodnie dodawać / usuwać elementy koła, może wynosić do 20
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WordPress WooCommerce eBay Connector Plugin eBay is a multinational e-commerce Corporation, facilitating online consumer-to-consumer and business-to-consumer sales. eBay is one of the largest online marketplaces in the world. It’s a leading website where users can buy and sell their products globally. The one can open up the business’s potential by expanding the product presence to largest online marketplaces like eBay. Webkul’s WooCommerce eBay Connector plugin will integrate your WooCommerce store with eBay store because managing them separately is enough to sap all of the time and to drain profits. This plugin provides both ways integration that means admin can sync the products from WooCommerce store to eBay and vice versa. The admin
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Uwaga: przed aktualizacją wtyczki do najnowszej wersji należy wykonać kopię zapasową witryny internetowej, w tym bazy danych. Potrzebujesz różnych etykiet z innym zestawem list rozwijanych? Sprawdź to: https://codecanyon.net/item/wpce-woocommerce-parts-compatibility-editor/24115209 OPIS „Wyszukiwarka części samochodowych WooCommerce - Marka / Model / Rok / Silnik / Kategoria / Słowo kluczowe” jest jedną z najlepszych wtyczek znaleźć pojazdy lub części pojazdu w witrynie na podstawie marki / modelu / roku / silnika / kategorii / słowa kluczowego. Wtyczka zapewnia bardzo łatwy interfejs dla administratora. Administrator może dodać widżet filtru w dowolnym miejscu w witrynie za pomocą sekcji widżetów lub krótkiego kodu. Uwaga: pamiętaj, aby wykonać kopię zapasową bazy danych przed aktualizacją wtyczki lub importowaniem pliku CSV. NAJWAŻNIEJSZE
4.99/ 128
WooCommerce Photo Reviews to najlepsza wtyczka do recenzji dla WooCommerce, która pomaga wysyłać e-maile z przypomnieniami o recenzjach, umożliwia klientom publikowanie recenzji wraz ze zdjęciami produktów i wysyłanie e-maili z podziękowaniami z kuponami WooCommerce do klientów. Wyślij e-mail z przypomnieniem o recenzji z prośbą o sprawdzenie zakupionych produktów. Pozwala klientom publikującym recenzje zawierać zdjęcia produktów. Wyślij e-mail z podziękowaniami z kodem kuponu, gdy zostanie opublikowana opinia klienta. CECHY: RECENZJE ZDJĘĆ Wtyczka WooCommerce Photo Reviews pozwala Twoim klientom zamieszczać zdjęcia wraz z recenzją produktu. Ta funkcja pomoże Ci utworzyć społeczny dowód produktu i zwiększyć współczynnik konwersji.
4.98/ 46
Limited Time Deal Deal ends in: Featured Item — Best Seller B2BKing – #1 WooCommerce B2B and Wholesale Plugin B2BKing is the complete solution for running a Wholesale, B2B, hybrid B2B+B2C, or Private Membership store with WooCommerce. B2BKing takes care of everything, from basic B2B aspects such as hiding prices for guest users, to complex features such as tiered pricing structures, tax exemptions, VAT handling, and multiple buyers on account. From an extended business registration and separate B2B/B2C registration forms, to custom billing fields, an invoice payment gateway and negotiated price offers, B2BKing does it all. Lifetime updates. Pay once. While most wholesale plugins require a long commitment with yearly payments, B2BK
4.98/ 57
WooCommerce Email Template Customizer is a helpful tool that helps you build and customize the Email templates for WooCommerce. The plugin provides sufficient base elements and WooCommerce elements as well as developmental tools for users to build a completed email. You can easily drag and drop, edit and style for transaction emails using Layouts, insert desire contents with no coding knowledge required. Overall, you need to do is a couple of mouse clicks to create and experience your email template that will be sent to your customers. THE PLUGIN FEATURES: Easily drag and drop elements to build and customize emails: – The user-friendly email template builder allows you to build profess
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WooCommerce Admin Panel and WooCommerce Admin Theme Energy+ gives you an e-commerce focused panel by simplifying and improving Wordpress Admin and WooCommerce. Features - A brand new interface that focuses entirely on e-commerce - Number of visitors online - Hourly, weekly, monthly visitors - Tracking activities of online visitors - Tracking which products have been viewed during the day - Conversion rates - Widget support for dashboard - A beautiful interface to manage orders, products, customers, coupons, comments and reports. - Global search for orders, products and customers from anywhere - Theme support to keep you from having a boring interface - Notification center - Select which menu items will be on your panel No
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WooCommerce: Attach Me! to wtyczka woocommerce, która umożliwia kierownikom sklepów dołączanie dowolnego rodzaju plików do zamówień klientów. Dołącz zdjęcia, dokumenty, filmy, dowody ... bez ograniczeń! Ponadto Kierownicy sklepów mogą również: dołączać pliki do produktów (takie jak instrukcje, dokumenty itp.): Pliki te są automatycznie dostępne do pobrania na stronach produktów i / lub na stronie szczegółów zamówienia po ich zakupie przez klientów (i opcjonalnie widoczne tylko jeśli zamówienie osiągnęło określony status)! Możesz także określić termin ważności (tylko w przypadku załączników do zamówień)! twórz automatyczne załączniki e-mail: wysyłane, gdy WooCommerce wysyła wiadomość e-mail o statusie zamówienia Uwaga: Wtyczka, podobnie jak WordPress, wymaga wersji PHP w wersji co najmniej 5.5. URL LIVE DEMO
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Pola i opłaty za zakupy w WooCommerce pozwolą na łatwe stosowanie opłat (lub zniżek w przypadku, gdy wartość opłaty jest ujemna) oraz wyświetlanie dodatkowych pól w formularzach rozliczeń i wysyłki! Zarówno opłaty, jak i dodatkowe pola można stosować / wyświetlać zgodnie z zasadami logiki… a wszystko to przy użyciu przyjemnego edytora wizualnego! Uwaga: Wtyczka, podobnie jak WordPress, wymaga wersji PHP w wersji co najmniej 5.5. LIVE DEMO http://www.codecanyon.eu/wcccf/wp-admin (konto administratora sklepu) użytkownik: przepustka demo: demo (konto klienta) użytkownik: przepustka demo2: demo Jak automatycznie zaktualizować wtyczkę Aby otrzymywać automatyczne aktualizacje, wystarczy zainstalować i skonfiguruj wtyczkę aktualizującą Envato: https://goo.gl/pkJS33. Oficjalny przewodnik wyjaśniający sposób konfiguracji można znaleźć
4.97/ 34
video: How to use PWF plugin? | Demo | documentation | Free Version. Increase online sales with the PWF WooCommerce Product Filters, this plugin can help your customers to find products in your shop faster and easier. The plugin has a well-thought-out caching system for the load speed improving, coming with drag and drop form builder. This plugin allows shoppers to easily filter through products by categories, taxonomies, attributes, tags, custom fields, price range, stock status, orderby, authors (vendors), search, Rate. Available fields Box list, Checkbox list, column layout, Color list [ color or upload image ], Date, Dropdown [option select2 with multiselect], Price slider, Radio Button, Range slider[meta – taxonomy – rate], Text lis
4.96/ 27
Track your shippings progress through AfterShip service using nice visual timelines! LIVE DEMO https://www.codecanyon.eu/wcafw/wp-admin (Shop admin account) user: demo pass: demo The plugin relies on the AfterShip service so it requires at least a free AfterShip plan to work. The plugin author is not affiliated with the AfterShip service in any way, for any matter regarding the subscription plans you have to eventually contact the AfterShip service. How it works The WooCommerce AfterShip plugin allows your customer to keep track of shippings through timelines displayed on the Orders details page! It is straightforward to use: Through the WooCommerce AfterShip menu insert the AfterShip API Key (you will find a link to generate it) Selec
4.96/ 24
What is WooCommerce Product Variations Swatches? WooCommerce Product Variations Swatches is a professional plugin that allows you to show and select attributes for variations products. The plugin displays variations select options of the products under colors, buttons, images, variation images, radio. Therefore, the plugin helps the customers observe the products they need more visually, save time to find the wanted products than dropdown type for variations of a variable product. Variation Swatches on Shop Variation Swatches on Product page WooCommerce Filter Widgets FEATURES Converting any variations dropdown type into swatches with a couple of clicks. When you activate WooCommerce Product Variations Swatches plug
4.96/ 48