
Skrót kafelków izometrycznych obrazów dla WPBakery Page Builder (wcześniej Visual Composer)

Izometryczne kafelki obrazu dla WPBakery Page Builder (dawniej Visual Composer) Izometryczne kafelki obrazu Dodatek WPBakery Page Builder stanowi wyjątkowy zwrot w prezentacji zdjęć i portfolio. Elastyczne i łatwe w użyciu, dodają ogromnego efektu wizualnego do Twojej witryny WordPress. Możesz mieć kwadratowe lub prostokątne kafelki i skonfigurować je w 10 różnych układach. Uprościliśmy wszystko. Po prostu aktywuj wtyczkę do motywu WordPress, a element Isometric Tiles stanie się dostępny w WPBakery Page Builder. Następnie wybierz zdjęcia, edytuj układ, kąt pochylenia, rozmiar płytki, odstęp między płytkami, kolory boczne i wiele innych. Możesz także ustawić, aby zajmował całą szerokość strony, aby uzyskać maksymalną niesamowitość. Wtyczka również w

47.27 zł

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Bookly Compound Services (Add-on)

Important: This plugin is an add-on that requires the Bookly PRO installed and activated. View Bookly PRO page at Codecanyon. Bookly Compound Services Add-on will let you bundle existing services into one complex service that clients will be able to book as any ordinary single appointment. Features: Services grouped into bookable sequences: each compound service can include several simple services and waiting/preparation windows between appointments. Several employees involved in one booking: all separate appointments within one complex service can be performed by different staff members. Efficient use of staff hours: each employee is only booked for their part of the appointment. Seamless integra

114.23 zł

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Premium Charts for Elementor

Premium Charts and Graphs for Elementor allows you to create amazing charts easily inside Elementor Page Builder. Elementor charts widget is the first advanced Elementor widget that help you create any kind of charts with numerous customization options inside Elementor Page Builder. 7 Charts Types Linear and Logarithmic Charts Unlimited Customization Options Charts Templates included Supports Multiple Data Sets Premium Elementor Charts Types Pie Chart Doughnut Chart Polar Area Chart Line Chart Vertical Bar Chart Horizontal Bar Chart Radar Chart Change Log Version 1.0.7 - Tweak: Add different color to each dataset value in vertical/horizontal bar Chart widget. - Tweak: Added Data Format Locale option t

74.84 zł

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Jelly Posts Layout for Visual Composer

Jelly Posts Layout for Visual Composer is a Premium WordPress plugin that clean design and fully responsive layout. This plugin is useful with many carousel style, slider style, and options Features - 14 post magazine layout include slider and carousel - Options color for each page builder block - Options for disable feature in post - Sticky sidebar on page builder - Post type supported - Easy to use and customize - Clean code design - Plugin Style effect only feature in this plugin only - Clean layout and design - Fully responsive - Smooth VC frontend editor - Smooth animation carousel and slider - and more options….....

70.90 zł

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Modal Box / Popup dla Cornerstone

Modal Box For Cornerstone to dodatek do narzędzia do tworzenia stron z kamieniami węgielnymi, które pozwala na łatwe wyświetlanie dowolnego rodzaju treści za pomocą modalnego pudełka lub popu na stronie opartej na kamienia węgielnym. Ta wtyczka dodaje nowy element o nazwie ModalBox do listy elementów kamienia węgielnego i umożliwia wyświetlanie 4 różnych typów treści w polu modalnym. Wtyczka pozwala na 4 różne metody, takie jak przycisk, obraz, automatyczne i wyjście, aby wywołać modalne okno / wyskakujące okienko na stronie. Możesz także umieścić wiele modalnych okien / wyskakujących okienek na jednej stronie bez problemów i problemów. Funkcje Umożliwia użycie dowolnego niestandardowego kodu HTML lub shortcode dla zawartości modalnej. Łatwo przekształca Wordpress Image Gallery w modalną galerię zdjęć. Pozwala ci

63.02 zł

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Formy grawitacyjne Kreatora stylu

Style Builder for Gravity Forms sprawia, że stylizowanie formularzy jest szybkie i przyjemne. Nie musisz już bawić się klasami css. Style Builder wykona za Ciebie całą brudną robotę. Możesz stworzyć idealną harmonię w swoim motywie i formularzach grawitacyjnych. Główne cechy Obsługa widżetów 8 wbudowanych szablonów Nieograniczone niestandardowe style Ponad 130 opcji dostosowywania Utwórz z łatwością wiele stylów w jednym formularzu Łatwe wprowadzanie stylów, etykiet i opakowań Obsługuje wartości szesnastkowe, procentowe i em we wszystkich polach Dostosuj komunikaty o błędach i komunikaty potwierdzające Użyj próbnika kolorów, aby wybierz kolory lub wprowadź wartości w kodzie szesnastkowym lub rgb Obsługuje program WordPress Media uploader i galerię dla obrazu tła Ustaw kolory tła, rodzinę czcionek, obramowania, cienie, rozmiar czcionki, kolory czcionek,

66.96 zł

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Elegant Elements for WPBakery Page Builder

Elegant Elements is an add-on for WPBakery Page Builder and requires the plugin WPBakery Page Builder plugin to be installed and active in order to use it. Elegant Elements for WPBakery Page Builder is a complete web design toolkit that helps you design your websites faster and without having any coding knowledge. You can design a complete website from a custom header, mega menu to custom footer using WPBakery Page Builder. Features Overview 60+ Beautifully Crafted Elements Elegant Elements for WPBakery Page Builder add-on provides you with 60+ unique and beautifully crafted elements that will help build your websites in no time. All the elements are 100% frontend editor compatible, meaning you can design your site live! NEW: Row Pub

82.72 zł

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Fast Media Gallery For Visual Composer - Wordpress Plugin

Welcome to Fast Media Gallery for Visual Composer. With this awesome plugin you can build your media gallery using visual composer. You can choose beetween 13 differents style with grid or masonry layout. You can choose your responsive version with default responsive, custom responsive or fluid responsive. This is an addon for Addons For WPBakery Page Builder for WordPress (formerly Visual Composer) Features FAST MEDIA GALLERY: 13 Differents style Layout: Masonry/Grid Columns Layout: 1 to 9 Pagination with 2 differents style Lazy Load effect Animations Types of Element: image, video (youtube, vimeo or local video), audio (soundcloud, local), iframe, image with custom url Custom Thumbnail size. You can cho

74.84 zł

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Online Exam Management - Education & Results Management

Online Exam Management is a WordPress plugin to create and manage online exams for students and publish exam results. You can Create exams, set exam centers, duration, date and start time. Manage students and assign roll numbers to each student. Conduct Multiple exams and View completed exams, recent exams, upcoming exams, and on-going exams. Payment gateway : 1. Stripe 2. Razor-pay Exam Questions types Objective :- Add objective questions to exam. Set maximum marks, negative marking, options, correct option etc. Single-Choice Questions:- Add any number of options for a question and set the correct answer among the options. Multi-Choice Questions:- Add any number of options for a question and set multiple correct answers

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Social Share top Bar AddOn - WordPress

Social Share & Locker Pro – the Main Plugin Description Social Share & Locker Pro Wordpress Plugin is the ultimate social plugin built to help all the customers being more visible into the Social Networks. Is not just a simple social plugin, is that plugin that cover all the necessities and desires. With just few clicks you can set your social icons exactly into the right place or you can lock your content requesting a share on one of the social networks available. Social Share & Locker Pro WordPress Plugin is very very easy to use and counts provided are the real share counts. The social plugin check with the Social Networks included into the plugin to get exactly the number of shares for your page, nothing less, nothing m

31.51 zł

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Bullet List for WPBakery Page Builder (Visual Composer)

The best Bullet Lists pack for WPBakery Page Builder (Visual Composer). Choose from more than +20 different customizable Bullet List layouts we created just for your needs. This pack is truly awesome and unique in its design and usability. Bullet List Features Fully WPBakery Page Builder (Visual Composer) Compatible 20+ Bullet Lists to choose from Fully Responsive Special Colors Editable Fields 1000+ Icons Custom Hover Effects CSS3 Multiple Bullet Lists in one page and many others features It’s time to gain Unlimited Power More WPBakery Page Builder (Visual Composer) Bundles This plugin is the addon for WPBakery Page Builder (Visual Composer)

63.02 zł

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Elementor Post Grid Builder - Frontend Sort and Filter

Elementor Post Grid Builder Addon Elementor addon to build advanced posts grids. Useful for generating post grid from your blog posts and custom posts. Supports ACF and WooCommerce This is an add-on for the Elementor Page builder. Creating a post grid for your website allows you to generate more leads by giving your users a quick view of the content, product or services. WordPress comes with amazing features allowing the users to build anything they like but a user is required to know how to code and other complex things. Also, It’s a time-consuming task. We decided to help you! this Elementor post grid addon helps you build a grid visually as you want to. It’s very customizable allowing you to change each part of the grid. Elementor Post

114.23 zł

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Gravity Forms international phone input

This plugin can be used for for easy phone number input in international format with using flags of countries. Consist the option to set country automatically (using client IP) and phone number validation. To start plugin work – you need to activate it and enable “Friendly int. phone field” on your “Phone” field. It’s really simple. Also check WP WooCommerce version of the plugin here: Link Features: New! Ability to prevent form submit without correct phone number[s] Comfortable usability via admin panel Works with any Wordpress theme Cross browser compatibility No coding required Available filters: gfip_prevent_wrong_phone_submit – Prevent form submit without correct phone number[s] gfip_success_message – C

78.78 zł

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Simple Sliders for WPBakery Page Builder (Visual Composer)

The best Simple Sliders pack for WPBakery Page Builder (Visual Composer). Choose from 20 different customizable Simple Slider layouts we created just for your needs. This pack is truly awesome and unique in its design and usability. Simple Sliders Features Fully WPBakery Page Builder (Visual Composer) Compatible 20 Simple Sliders to choose from Fully Responsive Special Colors Editable Fields 1000+ Icons Custom Hover Effects CSS3 Multiple Simple Sliders in one page and many others features It’s time to gain Unlimited Power More WPBakery Page Builder (Visual Composer) Bundles This plugin is the addon for WPBakery Page Builder (Visual Composer)

63.02 zł

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Masker – Clipping Mask for Elementor

Give your images a new shape using the Masker widget. With this simple and fun Elementor widget, you can add any clipping mask for your images to get a unique and attractive element to your website. It also allows you to apply a mask to a specific part of the selected image. The plugin comes with 30+ preset image masks that can be applied fast and easily. You can even use a custom shape in SVG format. The Masker widget is an interesting solution for your design that does not require additional coding or CSS knowledge and offers your visitors something new. To better understand the capabilities of the widget, we included 5 templates in the package. These are just some examples that can inspire you to create your style. It

39.39 zł

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MapSVG.Gallery: gallery / slider / lightbox - add-on for MapSVG WordPress mapping plugin

This is add-on for MapSVG WordPress Interactive Maps plugin. Compatible with MapSVG version >= 4.0.3. Demo: http://mapsvg.com/add-ons/gallery With MapSVG.Gallery add-on you can create a gallery in Popovers or Details View using images attached to your Regions or Database Objects. Set gallery type, thumbnails size, margins, background color, lightbox and other options. Everything is touch-friendly: swipe images left & right (slider & lightbox), pinch-zoom (lightbox), swipe up/down to close lightbox.

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