
Bookly Authorize.Net (Add-on)

Important: This plugin is an add-on that requires the Bookly PRO installed and activated. View Bookly PRO page at Codecanyon. Make it easy for your customers to pay online through Authorize.Net payment gateway with Bookly Pro – #1 WordPress Booking & Scheduling plugin. Authorize.Net is a United States-based payment gateway service provider allowing merchants to accept credit card and electronic check payments through their website. Easily set up and use the Bookly Authorize.Net Payments Add-on with our detailed documentation.

117.82 zł

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WPBakery Page Builder (formerly Visual Composer) Add-on - Zoom or Magnify

Give user the flexibility to display large images in Zoom or Magnify mode, then user can see more details of the image. Note: you can get this addon from WPBakery Page Builder (formerly Visual Composer) Extensions Addons All In One. It’s recommended to purchase the All In One package which also contains other addons in the future update: This plugin is the addon for WPBakery Page Builder, it requires WPBakery Page Builder to be installed and activated on your site. Update log Oct 14, 2015 - Fix the compatibility with upcoming Visual Composer 4.8 Features You can choose to display the image in Zoom or Magnify mode. In Zoom mode, you can choose the control bar position, container background pattern, container width etc in the backend

40.63 zł

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Creative Devices Mock-ups for Visual Composer

Hey guys, We’re very excited to announce our next creative WordPress theme. Smoothly is more powerful than Colors Creative and Seriously. It contains 6 unique demos with dozens of creative inner pages. It includes enhanced versions of all our premium plugins (these versions will not be publicly available on Codecanyon), Visual Composer, and several exclusive plugins only available within this supercool theme. Right now, we’re fine tuning its demos and documentation. If you like it, please, feel free to drop us a line via the form on this page. Creative Devices Mock-ups is a Visual Composer Add-on from the creators of Colors Creative WordPress theme that will give you the best looking Device Mock-ups on the planet!

52.82 zł

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Hexagon Grid Gallery Addon for WPBakery Page Builder (formerly Visual Composer)

You can create responsive hexagon style galleries with Hexagon Grid Gallery Addon for Visual Composer WordPress Plugin on any page. Hexagon Grid Gallery addon will display your images and galleries awesomely in anywhere. Hexagon Grid Gallery Support Free support on https://themeofwp.com/support/ Hexagon Grid Gallery Documentation You can find documentation at https://themeofwp.com/plugins/vc-hexagon-grid/doc/ Hexagon Grid Gallery Top Features Works with any theme or plugin! Create hexagon grid gallery in few seconds Predefined Visual Composer templates included One click predefined template/element usage Works/Compatible with Standalone Visual Composer & Any Visual Composer bundled Theme Highly

77.19 zł

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Bookly Multiply Nominacje (dodatek)

Ważne: Ta wtyczka jest dodatkiem wymagającym zainstalowania i aktywacji Bookly PRO. Zobacz stronę Bookly PRO w Codecanyon. Pozwól swoim klientom określić długość ich spotkań, rezerwując kilka identycznych usług w kolejnych spotkaniach. Może być wykorzystywany do usług elastycznych czasowo lub do rezerwacji przez menedżerów dla kilku osób z rzędu. Następnie system znajdzie przedziały czasowe, które mogą pomieścić określoną liczbę identycznych spotkań z tym samym dostawcą z rzędu. Przeczytaj, jak skonfigurować i korzystać z dodatku Bookly Multiply Nominacje w naszej szczegółowej dokumentacji.

117.82 zł

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Restaurant Menu for Visual Composer

Add Restaurant Menu item to Visual Composer Note: Before purchasing this add-on, please make sure that you purchased Visual Composer plugin. This plugin will add a new content block called “Restaurant Menu” to your visual composer interface. Features Custom Menu Number Add the Name of the menu Give it a price Describe your menu Add labels like HOT or NEW Multiple Layouts possible (see Demo) Please check out our live demo. Changelog ====== 1.0.6 ====== - FIX: Updated Documentation - FIX: Small bug fixes ====== 1.0.5 ====== - FIX: Increased padding to avoid number overflow - FIX: set overflow to hidden for X AND Y ====== 1.0.4 ====== - FIX: Translate Errors - FIX: PHP warning where $settings

77.19 zł

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Szablon eksportu i importu dla WPBakery Page Builder | Temport

Zakładasz nową stronę internetową i chciałbyś wziąć ZAPISANE SZABLONY? Po prostu wyeksportuj szablony i zaimportuj je do nowej witryny za pomocą TEMPORT. TEMPORT pozwala eksportować i importować zapisane szablony dla WPBakery Page Builder (wcześniej Visual Composer) za pomocą kilku kliknięć. CECHY Importuj / eksportuj szablony w formacie JSON - weź swoje szablony niestandardowe, które chcesz. Eksport jednego szablonu - eksportuj tylko te szablony, które chcesz. Eksport wielu szablonów - eksportuj wybrane szablony. Eksportuj wszystko - eksportuj wszystkie szablony jednym kliknięciem. Multisite (Network) - eksportuj i importuj szablony z jednego miejsca. UWAGA: Wtyczka będzie działać dla tego samego motywu z tym samym krótkim kodem. Nie można importować / eksportować szablonów dla 2 witryn

52.82 zł

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Bookly Outlook Calendar (Add-on)

Important: This plugin is an add-on that requires the Bookly PRO installed and activated. View Bookly PRO page at Codecanyon. Keep your appointments in sync between Bookly Calendar and Outlook Calendar! Bookly Outlook Calendar add-on enables a full bidirectional synchronization which makes it easy to schedule, view and manage appointments in both calendars. Bookings made via Bookly will be instantly copied to your Outlook Calendar and new events, updates and cancellations from Outlook Calendar will be immediately reflected in Bookly. Features: Automatically sync all calendar data and any updates between two calendars; Select from 3 sync modes to meet your requirements; Specify how much of appointments history you wish to sync; Configu

199.08 zł

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