
News247 - News Magazine HTML Template

WordPress Version Available News247 is a News and Magazine HTML template with tons of features options. It is a great solution for a News, Magazine, Small Company, and Business News. This amazing News template built with Bootstrap4 framework, Owl Carousel, Unique home variations, and so on. Support You can mail us on [email protected] or See Comments and Support tab Template Features 5 Home variation 4 Different Header Layout Multipage Design HTML5 Validated Based on Twitter Bootstrap 3 and 4 Responsive Template FontAwesome icons Isotope Google Web Fonts Working Contact Form Stylist News Page Documentation Easy to customize and user friendly Version: 2.0 (7-12-20) # Updated with Lat

69.44 zł

4.75/ 4


Skote - CodeIgniter, PHP & Ajax Admin Dashboard Template

Skote is available in 3 different versions. Codeigniter 4, PHP & Ajax versions are separate. You can use any one of them you like. Sketch, Figma, Adobe XD files are also available with this template. Contact us via support for Adobe XD files. Skote is a fully featured premium admin dashboard template built on top of awesome Bootstrap ^5.1.0. It’s crafted using modern web technologies HTML5, CSS3 and jQuery. Skote is an admin dashboard template that is a beautifully crafted, clean & minimal designed admin template with Dark, Light Layouts with RTL options. You can build web applications like Saas-based interface, eCommerce, Crypto, CRM, CMS, Project management apps, Admin Panels, etc. Skote – Codeigniter, PHP & A

73.52 zł

5/ 4


Industrio - Industrial Industry & Factory

Industrio – Industry, Factory & Engineering HTML Template developed specifically for all types of industry, engineering or machinery businesses. Well-structured code and easy to use documentation help you to get a great business website. Features 3 AWESOME Home Variation. Clean & Modern Design Valid HTML5 & CSS3. Built Based on Bootstrap Mailchimp integrated. Working PHP Contact Form. Build With SASS Sticky Menu When Scrolling Down Awesome Unique Look. Cross Browser Optimization. Google font. Dedicated support Free Updates and much more…. Images are not included in the download file! Files includ

69.44 zł

4.25/ 4


Bemax - paralaksa jednej strony

Bemax to szablon Parallax One Page to idealny szablon dla startupów biznesowych, studia internetowego i agencji kreatywnych. Responsywne w oparciu o Bootstrap. To jest jedna strona do umieszczenia twoich informacji. Wszystkie pliki i kod są dobrze zorganizowane i ładnie skomentowane w celu łatwego dostosowania. Główne cechy +6 Kreatywne wersje demo oparte na Bootstrap Najnowsza wersja HTML5, CSS3, jQuery 100% responsywny formularz kontaktowy z Ajax Łatwy do dostosowania Ważny zoptymalizowany pod kątem HTML5 Retina Gotowy na podstawie Sass Minimal i czysty HTML CSS JS Zawarte czcionki Czcionki Niesamowite ikony Ikony Et-line Darmowe czcionki Google. Wszystkie pliki są dobrze skomentowane Dobrze Dokumentacja Bezpłatne aktualizacje Disp

49.01 zł

3.75/ 4


Listagram - Directory Listing HTML Template

Listagram is the only directory listing HTML template you’ll ever need. Packed with powerful features, flexibility and top notch user experience – it is built to make your life easy. Listagram is developed with latest trends in mind and is optimized for SEO to make it a success story for your business. It is perfect choice for a range of businesses from – business directory, hotel booking, travel planner, real estate listing, events, property listing, restaurants listing, entertainments, car/motor listing etc. FEATURES OVERVIEW 70+ Valid HTML Pages. Dashboard / Admin panel Google Map + Open Street Map integrated 10+ Elegant & clean Home pages. 5 Unique Hero styles. Fully Responsive Menu 20+ Filt

77.61 zł

3.75/ 4


Blix - Mobile HTML Template

BLIX HTML Mobile Template BLIX is an HTML mobile template created for a mobile websites, web apps, and integrated with solutions like phonegap, for real native apps. It is build using an original design concept, some amazing page animations and a perfect responsive code. Demo resources: Images – https://unsplash.com/ Free icons – https://linearicons.com/free Changelog Blix V2 – released on July 06, 2018 A new demo version is included that uses simple HTML pages without Ajax, and without Framework7. See the files inside “blix-multipage-no-ajax” In the main demo “blix-main” we have create 2 examples of how to use the header with the logo title centered, and icons in the left side. See index-centered-header.html and page-with-center

77.61 zł

4.75/ 4


Corano - Jewelry Store Website template

Corano – Jewelry Store Website template is an elite class website template for online Jewellery Shop, Ornaments, Watch, Smart Watch, Cosmetics and other luxury products business. You will be bewildered to see the catchy design of this complete HTML template. Corano offers 36+ HTML Pages that includes 6 Unique Home Versions, 7+ Shop Style, 4+ Single Product Pages and 10+ Blog Pages. Pages have been designed with the best quality of variation and creativity. This responsive template is supported by all the major browsers of the market as well. However, Corano has used Bootstrap5, SASS, CSS3 and HTML5. Super-responsive layouts and efficient cross browser compatibility bring a remarkable height of excellence to this template. Moreover, Cora

69.44 zł

4.5/ 4


Wkrótce szablon

Wkrótce - uniwersalny szablon już wkrótce Wkrótce jest piękny i uniwersalny już wkrótce szablon z 18 odmianami strony głównej i integracją Mail Chimp. Obejmuje to wersję ciemną i jasną, a także różne układy - subskrybuj formularze, odliczaj, przyciski. Kolejnymi świetnymi funkcjami są sekcje O nas, Portfolio / Prace, Usługi i Kontakt z mapą. Funkcje Bootstrap 3 Działające formularze kontaktowe Poczta Integracja szympansa Efekty cząstek Suwak Efekty nagrywania Suwak Zoom Animacje Samoobsługowe wideo Odliczanie Prezentacja produktu Generator trójkątów Jeśli Ci się spodoba, oceń go! Ikony, czcionki i logo Obrazy czcionek Lato

57.18 zł

3.75/ 4


Political HTML Template - FrontRunner

An HTML Template for your Political Campaign, Super PAC, Candidate, Organization, Political Party or Interest Group Looking for the WordPress version? You can get it here! We’d love to tell you all about how awesome our Political HTML template is, but you really need to see this for yourself. Try the live demo NOW! Theme Features Super-ultra-mega responsive SEO optimized News and Blog templates Events and Calendar listings Issues templates Videos templates YouTube integration Landing page templates Newsletter sign up template (HTML only) Donations template (HTML only) Contact form (HTML only) Error page template Custom sign in (HTML only) Bootstrap 3 Retina ready All Photoshop files included and so much more… (HTML only) – Ite

118.45 zł

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Mousiqua - Music Band Html Template

MOUSIQUA is a modern music Band and Musician Template, it allows bands and musician to introduce themself with a unique simple scrollable one page fully loaded with a lot of section to get people know a lot of of infos. Features : Responsive layout Retina Ready Multiple section to feat every needs One page navigation Html 5 & CSS3 Unique design Block design sections Twitter feed Single album page Build with the latest bootstrap v4 and much more… The sounds used in this template are not included in the main download files, and are only for demo purposes, the sound are from audiojungle and are just preview for the original sounds. The images used in this template are not included

102.11 zł

3.25/ 4


Volunteer - Responsive HTML Template for Charity & Fund Raising

Overview Voluntee is a HTML template is created for non-profit websites, like governmental social program websites, NGO, Donation and fundraising websites, etc. Voluntee is a charity template, as well as a non profit theme for any social organizations, funds and donation campaigns.Looking for WordPress version? Features Latest Bootstrap 6 unique home variation 3 landing pages layouts Donation Count Down for Charity & Fund Raising Super Responsive Parallax effect Valid HTML5 & CSS3 Working PHP / Ajax Contact Form Awesome Unique Look Unique effects and functionality Smooth transition effects Cross Browser Optimization Google font What do you get? All HTML files documentation If you purchase this

73.52 zł

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Vineyard Church - One Page Responsive Religian

Podgląd wideo HD Opis Motyw Vineyard Church- to elastyczny płaski szablon HTML5 stworzony specjalnie dla kościołów. Szablon używa Bootstrap 3. Jest kompatybilny ze wszystkimi nowoczesnymi przeglądarkami i przyjazny dla wyszukiwarek. Kolory Zielony Pomarańczowy Niebieski Fioletowy Czerwony Funkcje projektowe: Twitter Bootstrap Rewolucja Suwak Odtwarzacz audio 100% responsywny Układ graficzny Poprawne szablony HTML5 Galeria zdjęć z lightbox Optymalizacja wyszukiwarek Ponad 500 czcionek Google Możliwość użycia ponad 700 czcionek Zawiera niesamowite efekty animacji 24/7 Zadawaj pytania za pośrednictwem forum i wiele więcej… UWAGA: Obrazy próbek online należą do ich właścicieli i są wykorzystywane wyłącznie do celów demonstracyjnych. Aktualizacja 1.1 - 27 czerwca

98.03 zł

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Astrology and Horoscope Responsive HTML 5 Template

Astrology Multipurpose Responsive HTML Template Astrology is a clean responsive HTML Template suitable for Astro business or multipurpose Zodiac website. It comes with 67 Valid HTML5 & CSS3 Pages based on Twitter Bootstrap grid system, a Unique designed Header and Footer with a elegant and beautiful Homepage with a detailed Pricing Table. You can display all the different Astrology related services with this template like Horoscopes readings, Gemstone Consultancy, Numerology, Tarot Card Readings, Birth Journals and Vastu Shastra Consultancy. Users can login and you can set appointments between your Astrology enthusiast customers and Astrologers, Tarot readers and Gemstones. You can maintain a neat blog with different kinds of layout op

77.61 zł

3/ 4


La Boom - Food & Restaurant Bistro HTML Template

A. Introduction La Boom is a mega food & beverages HTML Template for bakery, food, beverage, cuisine, organic, sushi, coffee, pizza, tea, wine or restaurant & other food relevant businesses. It can be used for introducing about your restaurant, team, service, order system, contact info or show gallery, write blog about cooking, etc You can convert it to Wordpress, Magento, Shopify, PrestaShop, Joomla, Drupal. The HTML Template are fully Responsive and customizable and all elements are in sections. If you like La Boom – Coffee, Cake & Bakery HTML Template Please, don’t forget to rate this item B. Main Features 05 HomePages Style Creative and unique design 35 Unique Pages Revolution slider o

102.11 zł

4.75/ 4


Wedding Bells - Responsive Szablon HTML

Wedding Bells - Responsive Wedding Template „Wedding Bells” to szablon HTML / CSS. Został stworzony dla par, które chcą zbudować swoją stronę ślubu. Projekt jest responsywnym projektem ślubnym, który dostosuje się do rozdzielczości wszystkich urządzeń. Układ szablonu zawiera niestandardowe strony dla niszy weselnej, takie jak RSPV, galeria zdjęć, bridemades i drużbowie, lokalizacja ślubu, odliczanie do dat wydarzeń. Szablon zawiera 5 już zdefiniowanych kolorów z nieograniczonymi możliwościami. Aby zmienić kolor, wystarczy edytować kod koloru w pliku CSS. Przetestuj kolory Pełna lista funkcji Elastyczny suwak na stronie głównej Inteligentny elastyczny układ siatki Rozwijane menu jQuery - gotowe na telefony Responsywne caro

69.44 zł

4.75/ 4


Interrio - szablon HTML dla architektury i projektowania wnętrz

Wprowadzenie: Interrio - szablon HTML dla architektury, budownictwa i projektowania wnętrz specjalnie dla usług projektowania wnętrz, jadalni, projektowania zewnętrznego, projektowania kuchni, projektowania salonu, projektowania sypialni głównej, domku, przemysłu, szpitala itp. Interrio pomoże Ci zbudować piękno i nowoczesną stronę internetową w krótkim czasie. Interrio - szablon HTML dla architektury i nowoczesnego studia projektowania wnętrz ma piękno i szereg funkcji, dzięki którym Twoja witryna wyróżnia się z tłumu. Obsługiwany przez HTML 5, CSS 3, jQuery z elastycznością Bootstrap 3. Uzyskaj Interrio teraz! Projekt jest bardzo elegancki i nowoczesny, a także bardzo łatwy do dostosowania za pomocą siatki 1170px. Ten szablon zawiera niezbędne funkcje do Twojej obecności w Internecie, takie jak o nas, t

69.44 zł

4.75/ 4


Helpo | Fundraising & Charity HTML Template

Helpo | Fundraising & Charity Nonprofit HTML Template If you are working for a fundraising campaign or a charity project, you will come across the need to have an appealing website for it and raise funds. Helpo is the perfect HTML template available for you to get and develop that website with ease. Helpo is one of the most popular HTML templates among volunteers, non-profit organizations, and NGOs, which often engage with fundraising and charity projects. One of the most prominent features available in Helpo fundraising and charity HTML template is that it has the ability to create the urge among people to go ahead and donate towards the good cause. Along with that, it is possible for you to see people coming forward to donate mone

57.18 zł

4.75/ 4


W-Shipping -The Multipurpose Shipping, Cargo and Logistics HTML5 Template

Pure HTML template, please don’t be confuse. Description w-shipping is Bootstrap 4x HTML5 fully Responsive LTR + RTL version and a great design idea for convert into the website of Online cargo business. “W-shipping” is a creative modern and multi-purpose HTML Template. Template designed for Wordpress, Joomla, and other systems. In line with Material design trends, colour fresh and dynamic. Creative Layout and Smart. Super Clear and Clean code! This is a great choice! 27 HTML files included – very easy to customize. Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you not understand anything or face any problem. I will help you Main Color : #eb0028 Why you buy it? As of my observation of other web templates, which are n

98.03 zł

5/ 4


Exhibz - Conference and Event HTML Template

Ehxibz is a Creative and Modern Event HTML5 Template for organizing meeting, seminar, conference, venue or any other kind of event. All HTML Files Is Perfectly Organized, So You Can Easily Customize Everything You Need. The template also comes with twitter bootstrap 4, 3 Home Variations, Beautiful Schedule Tab, Feature rich pages and more. WordPress Version Available Images are only for demo and not included with the download bundle Template Features Completely Unique Default Home Page Design 7 Home Variations 5 Different Header Layout Multipage Design 2 Speakers Layout 3 Schedule Layout HTML5 Validated Based on Twitter Bootstrap 4 LESS files are available

69.44 zł

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Rewy - Gatsby React IT Startup Template

Rewy is a modern React GatsbyJS template for IT & SEO Agencies and Startups. The template contains 9+ demo variations with a blog, blog details pages. It looks beautifully stunning on all types of screens and devices including Windows, Mac, iOS, Android, etc. It is built with Strapi CMS V3.5+, ReactJS, GatsbyJS v3+, GraphQL, PostgreSQL, Cloudinary, HTML5, CSS & Bootstrap 5.x. This template has RTL features included for the Arabic and Hebrew languages websites. Also, it has Dynamic Contact Form feature integrated for sending email through website contact form. The Rewy is developer-friendly, fast, lightweight, and clean. The template is easily customizable and expandable with detailed documentation. Our fast and friendl

98.03 zł

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