
Project Roadmap - Advanced Reporting & Workflow for Perfex CRM Projects

Note: This is a module for Perfex CRM. Brief description Project Workflow module provides you advanced reporting for your Perfex CRM Projects, inside admin area.It generates usable reports for every project, straight at your dashboard and allows you to filter projects, based on advanced reporting (Milestones, Tasks etc). It works fine with every custom Project status aswell.Please give a quick check at our Video Preview, which showcases the functionality of our module. DocumentationIt takes only a few seconds to be installed and activated. Documentation is included, in order to ensure that you will go smooth through installing/activating process. If you have any questions, feel free to raise a support ticket at our support area.Guy

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Multi-Page Web to Lead Form Module

NOTE: This is a module for Perfex CRM . Not a standalone script. Brief Description Multi-Page Web to Lead Form Module is a fully responsive multi-page PHP working multipurpose ajax form with the necessary required field jQuery validation built on PHP, HTML5/CSS3, jQuery and Ajax. The module is easy to install and use. Let us help you split your long forms into multiple steps forms. Multi-Page Web to Lead Form Module has a very easy to use form builder process which is basically an upgrade of the core perfex web-to-lead form builder It is worth noting that this module provides three types of themes: Elegant Theme Classic Theme Standard Theme NOTE: We will be adding mor

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Customer Website For Multi-Restaurants Laravel App

- Version: 1.0.0 - Last update: 30/04/2021 - Files Included: Full Source code of Customer Laravel Website - Admin Panel not included Customer Website + PHP Laravel Admin Panel Our solution uses Laravel (PHP Framework for Web Artisans) Laravel is a web application framework with an expressive, elegant syntax. We’ve already laid the foundation — freeing you to create without sweating the small things. Customer Website Client User or email: [email protected] Password: 123456 Other Client User or email: [email protected] Password: 123456 Follow us on Social Media

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Bulk Upload for GoStock

Bulk Upload is Add-on for GoStock – Free and Premium Stock Photos Script created with DropzoneJs, which facilitates the upload of multiple images. It is compatible with Amazon S3, DigitalOcean and Wasabi. Note: This Add-on is only for the Admin area Requirements: Minimum version (compatible): GoStock v3.5 Icons from www.flaticon.com and www.freepik.com

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REST API Module for Worksuite SAAS CRM

Note: This is a module for Worksuite SAAS CRM version greater than 3.6.1. Description The Rest API module enables you to use REST API for yours Worksuite SAAS CRM. We have used the Laravel Package https://github.com/Froiden/laravel-rest-api for the development Documentation and Endpoints Here is the link of documentation Visit https://documenter.getpostman.com/view/994834/SWTBcwoR for detailed RestAPI Documentation.

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PerfexWiki - Internal knowledge for Perfex CRM

Note: This is a module for Perfex CRM. Not a standalone script. Internal knowledge for Perfex CRM An internal wikipedia solution to help organize and manage your knowledge resources. Intuitive, efficient, easy to use Demo PerfexWiki Demo website: http://perfexlanding.zillapage.com/admin Account demo: email: [email protected] pass: [email protected] Support Send me a email [email protected] Change log Version 1.0.3 – 16/5/2021 - Fix bug css display article document - add fullscreen article edit - Add type mindmap for article - Show mindmap and publish mindmap Version 1.0.2 – 16/5/2021 - Fix some CSS - Add public feature - Add bookmark features. Version 1.0.1 – 15/5/2021 - Initial Release

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Advanced Lead Filters Module for Perfex CRM

Note:This Module is for Perfex CRM Brief Description “Advanced Lead Filters”, this module can be use in Perfex CRM to Extends its lead filter functionality. You can create dynamic filter of your choice & save it for future use. (Usage : Mainly use for different kind of report need & at time access inbuilt functionally of Perfex CRM) It save time of user in generating similar kind of report as once template is save can be used anytime. Added advantage: Can be used to filter Leads. Can be select custom period for between start date & due date. Report can Expert with required Column (i.e. can hide non required Column) Screenshots Create a Lead Filter Documentation It takes only a few seconds to be installed and activated. Do

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WhatsApp module for Perfex CRM - Support your clients and staff members through WhatsApp chat

Note: This is a module for Perfex CRM. Not a standalone script. Brief description WhatsApp Module for Perfex CRM, is a module that allows you to integrate the famous WhatsApp contact button, onto your Customers Area> and/or Administration area of Perfex CRM. Demo Since the functionality of this module is simple, and screenshots are also provided with the button, there is no actual need for a demo. Once you press the WhatsApp contact button, you will be redirected to a web/mobile (depending on your device) version of WhatsApp messenger, into an open conversation with the number set in settings, ending up in a live chat/live support with him. Compatibility Our module is compatible with the latest versions of Perfex CRM. Document

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Facebook Invite For Playtube

Facebook Invite is a Add-on For Playtube v1.8.1 and above.Now you website’s users can invite their facebook friends to join your video sharing website. Also,allow users to share your website on social networks.for eg:On “facebook,twitter,google plus,vk,linkedin etc.”Share this website on WhatApp is also included. Please watch screenshots and demo video for more details. Demo video: Right click and open this youtube video in browser tab What is Playtube? Playtube is a video sharing script, PlayTube is the best way to start your own video sharing website!! Features: Allow users to invite their facebook friends. Allow users to invite their facebook messenger friends Share this website on social networks also included. Allow users to

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Szablon Europass (CV) dla FormFiller

To jest szablon rozszerzenia dla wypełniacza formularzy - systemu do tworzenia dokumentów PDF. Rozszerz swoją instalację wypełniacza formularzy o nowy potężny Europass z szablonu, daj użytkownikom i odwiedzającym możliwość łatwego tworzenia własnego CV Europass za pomocą kilku kliknięć. Funkcje w pełni kompatybilne ze standardowym szablonem Europass podzielonym na sekcje, łatwe w użyciu nieograniczone ekspertyzy, szkoła, sekcje doświadczeń Jeśli nie kupiłeś FormFiller, możesz kupić FormFiller tutaj.

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Weboox PRO theme for Perfex CRM

Demo: Link: https://crmteste.weboox.com.br > Login: [email protected] > Password: abc123 UPDATE 24/05/2020 —-—-—-—-—-—-—- – Fixed bugs in mobile mode; – Fixed layout estimativa; – Fixed estimativa signature. UPDATE 13/05/2020 —-—-—-—-—-—-—- – Fixed bugs in mobile mode; – Added profile in mobile mode; – Fixed proposal signature; – Fixed contract signature; – Fixed attachments in client tasks.

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Nova: Hackers News Theme

Uwaga: ten temat dotyczy Hackers News: Community Script

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Custom JavaScript module for Perfex

Note: This is a module for Perfex CRM. Not a standalone script. Perfex CRM that can be purchased here Brief description Custom JavaScript for Perfex CRM, is a module that allows you to integrate your custom JavaScript code, onto your Customers Area and/or Administration area of Perfex CRM. Demo Since each code/needs are unique, we are not able to provide any specific demo. Compatibility Our module is 100% any JavaScript code, but you may ensure that you code is not conflicting with Perfex’s core code. DocumentationIt takes only a couple minutes to be installed and activated. Documentation is included. If you have any questions, feel free to raise a support ticket at our support area.Guys from support department will get back to

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Rakuten Plugin for Coupons CMS

Rakuten Plugin is an addon for Coupons CMS that allows you to import coupons and products from you rakutenmarketing.com/affiliate account directly to your Coupons CMS website. All features available: View and Import Coupons & Deals View and Import Products Quick Edit Before Importing Changelog 01.26.2019 – Compatible with Coupons CMS v7

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Zatrzymaj fałszywe rejestracje spamerów dla Wowonder

Zatrzymaj fałszywe rejestracje spamerów to dodatek do Wowonder. Spamer lub fałszywy użytkownik może użyć „Tymczasowego identyfikatora e-mail” lub „Jednorazowego identyfikatora e-mail”, aby ominąć proces weryfikacji adresu e-mail. Teraz możesz użyć tego dodatku do ochrony swojej witryny przed fałszywą rejestracją. : używają serwerów proxy i xyzmail.com, aby zalać Twoją witrynę niezweryfikowanymi kontami, lub używają serwerów proxy, dynamicznego adresu IP do tworzenia fałszywych zweryfikowanych kont na twojej stronie internetowej, które powodują problemy dla administratorów / moderatorów. Proszę obejrzeć zrzuty ekranu i wideo, aby uzyskać więcej informacji . Co to jest WoWonder? WoWonder to platforma sieci społecznościowej, która jest najlepszym sposobem na stworzenie własnej witryny społecznościowej lub społeczności internetowej. Demo wideo: Kliknij prawym przyciskiem myszy i otwórz ten film na youtube w zakładce przeglądarki Funkcje: Zatrzymaj Spamera / f

35.76 zł

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Diagramy - Diagrams and BPMN for Perfex (Flowcharts, Process diagrams, Org Charts & more)

Note: This is a module for Perfex CRM. Brief description Diagramy module is complete diagram editor that will allow you to create, edit and share with your other staff members BPMN ( Business Process Model and Notation ), custom Flowcharts, Process diagrams, Org Charts, UML, ER & Network Diagrams through diagrams.net library. It also supports assignment to Projects and Tasks, so they can be browsed by Customer and his Contacts, in frontend (Customers Area). You will be also able to import 100% custom icons/images (currently only from remote URL source). Please click on Video Preview button so you can watch a basic demonstration of a diagram, along with all available shapes (more than 1.000) Our module allows dynamic filtering of diagr

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Ultimate Green Theme - Perfex CRM

Note: This is not a standalone script. It is a frontend theme for Perfex CRM. Perfex can be purchased here. Great Green design for your Perfex CRM. Modern visual elements, animation effects and much more make up our additional design module for Perfex CRM. Try Ultimate Green Theme! Admin credentials DEMO Login: [email protected] Pass: demo123 Client credentials DEMO Login: [email protected] Pass: demo123 Set-up Included documentation will help you upload and activate the design module inside Perfex CRM, if you are not aware on how to do it. Cha

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Paystack Payment Gateway for Perfex CRM

. Paystack payment gateway for Perfex CRM will allow your customers to pay invoices using Paystack with credit card and other banking methods that Paystack provides. Paystack provides a quick and secure way of accepting payments from your customers.  The payment details submitted by the customer are secured by Paystack. The modules integrates Paystack , you can check the screenshots here in the item to get more familiar how the module payment flow will look after purchase. NOTE: This is not a standalone payment gateway module for Paystack, the module requires Perfex CRM application installed which can be purchased   here FOR SUPPORT,open a support ticket and we will be happy to assist you. Change Log 1.0.0b: Add support fo

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Multiple Users Mod - A Simple File Sharer Module (Addon)

This is an addon for the Simple File Sharer – so please be sure to fulfill the Requirements with an up to date SFS (at least V3.1++) short dispription SFS Multiple Users Mod enables multiple Users for your SFS installation with their own files administration area simple installation via the SFS module installer running out of the box as full site multi-language support (as the SFS itself) demo Admins’ Back-End: http://sfs.envato.homac.at/SFSMods/users/sfs-admin.php (admin:pass) Users’ Back-End: http://sfs.envato.homac.at/SFSMods/users/ucp/ (please create your own user in the Back End) features → Mod’s Front-End • Login as registered user with email address and password • Forgotten password function → User Mod’s Back-End

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Multisite & Domain Mapping Plugin

Turn your website into a more professional website using the Multisite & Domain Mapping features. Before you Purchase: Please Note: This is not a standalone software, this is an add-on and you will need the latest version of LaraClassified or JobClass to use this feature. Features: Customize URLs with Domain Mapping (by setting a sub-domain (or domain) per country). Allow you to use the core app with multiple sub-domains or domains. Allow you to set logo and website name per country (Convenient for multi domains use). Optimize your website SEO per sub-domain (or per domain). All the other purchased add-ons will be available for the configured domains / subdomains. NOTE: Since the Multisite & Domain Mapping plugin does the same

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