
PayU Payment Gateway Plugin

PayU Payment Gateway for LaraClassified and JobClass Before you Purchase: Please Note: This is not a standalone software, this is an add-on and you will need the latest version of LaraClassified or JobClass to use this feature. Before buying this add-on, you must make sure that you are able to use the services of PayU International (for your website and in your country). Features: Accept Payment from Advertisers using PayU Payment Gateway Configurable Live or Sandbox Mode Easy One Click Installation, Enable / Disable Payment Gateway This plugin works according to the coverage of PayU (So you have to set up the countries codes (example: “PL”) for Country coverage). WARNING: This plugin uses the PayU International API. Demo: Sc

139.05 zł

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Financial Perfex CRM control Professional Expenses Weboox

Register your recurring expenses, the system informs the status and organization by expiration date. You register the supplier and mark cost centers to control where your money comes from. Have analytical reports with projection of accounts payable by period and can export to PDF, XLS and much more. You now have the financial projection with your recurring expenses. DEMO: https://testmodule.weboox.com.br/admin/ > Login: [email protected] Password: abc123 For Entrepreneurs who want to organize their Accounts Payable, with this module

115.21 zł

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Nova: Hackers News Theme

Uwaga: ten temat dotyczy Hackers News: Community Script

39.73 zł

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Płatność SMS za potężny system wymiany

Zezwalaj osobom kupującym monety, wysyłając SMS-y lub dzwoniąc na telefon. Ten skrypt korzysta z systemu paygol (gdzie pieniądze idą, gdy użytkownicy płacą, możesz wypłacić z Paypal i więcej) Jest to dodatek do http://codecanyon.net/item/powerful-exchange-system/533068 Dla WhatsApp w wersji 2.0 plus apk

23.84 zł

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Integracja MailWizz EMA z EmailListVerify.com

Integracja MailWizz EMA z EmailListVerify.com Czysta integracja z EmailListVerify.com dla aplikacji napędzanej MailWizz EMA! Po zainstalowaniu i włączeniu tego rozszerzenia klienci będą mogli dodawać własne poświadczenia i wybierać obszary, w których muszą zweryfikować wiadomości e-mail, na przykład mogą zdecydować o sprawdzeniu tylko wiadomości e-mail importowanych z ich list. Należy pamiętać, że przez klientów zakładamy, że każdy może zalogować się w obszarze klientów aplikacji, więc może to być tylko Ty, a jeśli używasz aplikacji jako platformy SAAS, Twoi klienci. ZAINSTALUJ w kilku prostych krokach - zaloguj się na zapleczu swojej witryny obsługiwanej przez MailWizz EMA i przejdź do menu Rozszerz, a następnie kliknij link Rozszerzenia. - Naciśnij przycisk przesyłania i wybierz

91.38 zł

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PHP-HUB - Funkcja autoloadera włącznie Kolekcja funkcji PHP

GIT HUB Funkcje PHP i kolekcja fragmentów PHP-HUB - Funkcja autoloadera włącznie. Kolekcja funkcji PHP Jest to PHP-HUB, BIG kolekcja funkcji php, która przyspiesza proces tworzenia aplikacji, zapewniając zestaw 130 przydatnych funkcji ładowania automatycznego. CO NOWEGO? PHP-HUB jest całkowicie nową wersją od zera! Wybrane ręcznie - nowe funkcje JAK CO WIDZISZ? CO TO JEST? Jest to prosta, ale DUŻA kolekcja funkcji php, która przyspiesza proces tworzenia aplikacji, zapewniając zestaw bardzo przydatnych i przetestowanych funkcji. Zawiera 130 często używanych funkcji, z których wszystkie są bardzo proste w użyciu i dostosowywaniu. Ponadto obiecuję, że będę dodawał funkcje przy każdej aktualizacji. Jeśli masz jakieś sugestie, daj mi znać z com

75.49 zł

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Wtyczka Colorbox dla Sngine

Zgodność: Sngine 2.6 Dodaj kolor, który publikujesz w swoim skrypcie sngine Możesz teraz wybrać więcej spośród 15 różnych kolorów dla swojego pudełka (posta), w którym możesz stworzyć najlepszy styl dla swojego statusu. ten skrypt ma licznik tekstu dla limitu 50 znaków, bo nie ma problemu z postem, który zawiera dużo tekstu. Co to jest Sngine? Sngine to platforma sieci społecznościowej, która jest najlepszym sposobem na stworzenie własnej witryny społecznościowej lub społeczności online. Uruchom go w zaledwie 1 minutę dzięki najlepszym funkcjom. Jest łatwy w instalacji.

27.81 zł

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Klasa PHP DosDetector

PHP Dokumentacja klas DosDetector Wersja: 1.1 Wydanie: czerwiec 2013 Słowo kluczowe: bezpieczeństwo, php, klasa, zapora ogniowa, atak DoS, IDS / IPS 1. Czym jest ta klasa? Ta klasa PHP służy do zapobiegania atakowi Denial of Service (DoS) na twój serwer WWW napisanym przez PHP. Uruchomienie tego skryptu spowoduje monitorowanie wszystkich żądań z adresu IP i zalogowanie go w pamięci podręcznej (buforowanie APC PHP). Jeśli adres IP wyśle zbyt wiele żądań do serwera, uruchomi system zapobiegania intruzom (IPS) i automatycznie zablokuje ten adres IP. 2. Wymagania systemowe PHP 5.x Pamięć podręczna APC (Dowiedz się więcej

43.70 zł

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SendinBlue SMS notification Module for Perfex CRM

SendinBlue SMS notification Module for Perfex CRM will allow you Send Sms notification to any country using your company name. You don’t need to buy additional phone number. The module integrates SendinBlue, you can check the screenshots here in the item to get more familiar how the module flow will look after purchase.  The SMS log will be stored in Perfexcrm ACTIVITY LOG and Sendinblue dashboard All sms notification that can be triggered in Perfex CRM is available and you can also send personalised sms to your customers from the admin panel. Sms notifications added includes: Invoice Overdue Notice Invoice Payment Recorded Estimate Expiration Reminder Proposal Expiration Reminder New Comment on Proposal (to customer) New Comment

75.49 zł

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Blog - Module for Soundkit

Soundkit is a Social Music Sharing Platform similar with Mixcloud, SoundCloud, allowing users to upload their music online and share with the world This module allows you to create artists from admin panel relating to your music genres, artists, songs e.t.c

99.32 zł

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Customer Loyalty and Memberships for Perfex CRM

Note: This is a module for Perfex CRM. Not a standalone script. Brief description Customer Loyalty & Memberships Module lets you loyalize your customers by rewarding them with points. With Customer Loyalty & Memberships, you can efficiently implement a reward system in your store. The loyalty points received by customers are redeemable as offering coupons, discounts on purchases, or other loyalty rewards. Not only that, the points are redeemable to attain the loyalty membership too, and become a part of the brand’s loyal members community. What is customer loyalty? Customer loyalty is a customer’s willingness to repeatedly return to a company to conduct some type of business due to the delightful and remarkable experiences they have

194.67 zł

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Find Your Facebook Friend - Wowonder

This add-on is for WoWonder. You can find your Facebook friends on WoWonder. It is easy to install and full documentation included. Requirements: PHP 5.4 or Higher. ssl certificate

51.65 zł

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Slick Theme for Coupons CMS

Slick Theme is a new and minimal design for your website that is running CouponsCMS script. It will change the entire look of your website. Slick has been designed as a minimal theme and it do not include single pages for products & coupons in comparison with the Default theme included in CouponsCMS script. Minimal & simple is the goal of the theme, it includes new features as ajax search for the form on front page and more. The archive you download by purchasing this theme also includes premium plugins as Blog, Campaigns. Requirements Coupons CMS v7 Description Slick Theme – is a theme for CouponsCMS. FREE Premium Plugins Blog Plugin Campaigns Plugin Note*: Images are not included.

95.35 zł

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Razorpay Payment Gateway for Perfex CRM

NOTE: This is not a standalone payment gateway module for Razorpay, the module requires Perfex CRM application installed which can be purchased here.Razorpay payment gateway for Perfex CRM will allow your customers to pay invoices using Razorpay with credit card and other banking methods that Razorpay provides. Razorpay provides a quick and secure way of accepting payments from your customers.The Checkout form provides your customers a streamlined flow for initiating payments. The payment details submitted by the customer are secured and tokenized by Razorpay.The modules integrates Razorpay checkout.js, you can check the screenshots here in the item to get more familiar how the module payment flow will look after purchase.

103.30 zł

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Egifts - premium plugin for peepmatches script

E-gifts is a premium plugin for peepmatches script, so this plugin not working alone, you should buy peepmatches script first from HERE Then Add E-gifts to its plugins . By E-gifts plugins your site users can surprised each others by sending gifts, like advanced dating sites such as badoo and twoo . You can earn from your site that built with our peepmatches software, since this plugins working with credits system you can set credits amount for any gift. or leave any other gifts for free . 1- Users Features Site Members can surprised each others by send E-gifts from profiles send gift button Nice E-gifts gallery Instant Notification for received gifts Gift receiver can send a return gift to sender Received gifts blo

59.59 zł

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Smart School Online Course

Online Course addon adds Online Course module in Smart School https://1.envato.market/smart_school . Using this module teacher/staff can create online free or paid online course with their study material based on video, audio or in document content format. These online courses can be purchase and access by students for online study anytime anywhere. Smart School Version 6.3.0 with Online Course demo is available at https://demo.smart-school.in/site/login Key Features - Add online course from admin panel and assign to any teacher Teacher can also create online course for class-section Online course is divided in to Sections, Lessons and Quiz Online course can be created as free or paid Paid online course can be

194.67 zł

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Export Customer Details (KYC Compliance) Module for Perfex CRM

Note:This Module is for Perfex CRM Brief Description “ Export Customer Details (KYC Compliance) ”, this module can be use in Perfex CRM to add extra features for clients management. You can map uploaded client files as KYC and save that details, so you can easily print or download PDF of Client details with their KYC files. This module can be used to map list of services given to client by using Items as a service. Added advantage: Client Matrix – Generate detailed KYC form of your client & Map service/Item. Manage Your client details linked with custom field. Map KYC documents with client (image upload). Download/Print in pre-define form with your logo, client logo/picture. Set custom heading & font colour to matc

79.46 zł

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Bulk Upload for GoStock

Bulk Upload is Add-on for GoStock – Free and Premium Stock Photos Script created with DropzoneJs, which facilitates the upload of multiple images. It is compatible with Amazon S3, DigitalOcean and Wasabi. Note: This Add-on is only for the Admin area Requirements: Minimum version (compatible): GoStock v3.5 Icons from www.flaticon.com and www.freepik.com

71.51 zł

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Ultimate Orange Theme - Perfex CRM

Note: This is not a standalone script. It is a frontend theme for Perfex CRM. Perfex can be purchased here. Great design Orange color for your Perfex CRM. Modern visual elements, animation effects and much more make up our additional design module for Perfex CRM. Try Ultimate Orange Theme! Admin credentials DEMO Login: [email protected] Pass: demo123 Client credentials DEMO Login: [email protected] Pass: demo123 Set-up Included documentation will help you upload and activate the design module inside Perfex CRM, if you are not aware on how to do it.

87.40 zł

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Add-on Statuses Module for Perfex CRM

Note:This Module is for Perfex CRM Latest Version : 1.0.0 Brief Description “Add-on Statuses”, module can be use in Perfex CRM to Extends its default Project and Task statuses. “Add-on Statuses” allows you to create more statuses for Tasks and Projects in addition to existing status in Perfex CRM. Manage Sequence or Order of added new Statuses. Add your own Colors for your added Status. Preview Added advantage: Add new Statuses in Projects and Tasks. Quickly manage statuses. Automatically applied on List of Tasks and Projects and its filters. Added statuses will adopt same behaviour like default statuses of Tasks/Projects. Default Statuses will be shown in list of Statuses for display purpose. Documentation It takes only a few

87.40 zł

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