
Telegram Marketer Tools 6

Telegram Marketer Tools6.0 The Telegram Marketer tools makes it very easy for you to use, integrates all common interfaces, and easily solves all marketing problems. This solution encapsulates the telegram protocol to build became API, let you use more simple and easy. In addition, Telegram Marketer Tools. provides an anti-blocking technique that reduces the chance of getting banned and keeps accounts safe App Features Full C#.net source code local database sqlite Very easy to use,for non-developer/developer filter,send ,receive,search Groups/User Search/Filter Excel contact data bulk import Predefined messages Batch Send message to Contact/Group Interval Batch Send message Join/Invite Group/Cha

142.02 zł

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Facebook Page Posts Scheduler - (Source Code Inclu

Video Demo + Instructions of Installation: From here Source Code Included If you want to add licensing system to the project, just contact us and we will help you. Facebook Page Posts Scheduler is a desktop software that allows you to schedule unlimited posts on your pages, publish manual posts inside the software, publish posts or post + images or posts +link. Once you have logged in with your Facebook account all your pages will be stored inside the program so you can add automation when you want without logging in again. The software asks you to log in one time to get the Long-lived-token of your account and long-lived token for all your pages. Features : New Interface Easy-use application Fully Customized Schedule Post, Post +

77.09 zł

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FBCE - Unlimited Facebook Comment Scraper

Facebook Comment Scraper, Exporter FBCE is a lightweight, simple and fast Facebook comment scraper that doesn’t require Facebook API. This is allows you to scrape unlimited Facebook comments. The built-in desktop application can export retrieved Facebook comments as JSON or even Excel file. See demo video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0cabqCINGIQ Features Does not require Facebook API Works on Windows, Linux, and macOS Support nested comments (replies) Export comments to Excel and JSON file Fast and lightweight scraper Portable With source code Easy-to-use API, targets .NET Standard 2.0 Best code quality, testable, include XML documentation

117.67 zł

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Facebook Pages AutoPoster via RSS

If you aren’t interested in source code, you don’t need to install any third-party software, just go to the folder named ‘Bin’ and launch the .exe file Source Code Included If you want to add licensing system to the project, just contact us and we will help you. Demo Video: https://giveawaysnetworks.net/videos/Facebook%20Autoposter.mp4 Facebook Pages AutoPoster via RSS is a desktop application that allows you to publish new posts from an RSS file on your Facebook page(s) and all of that is via your app on Facebook that you will create and link it to the software. You can add as you want from RSS files, automation, pages… Once you have logged in with your Facebook account all your pages will be stored inside the program so you can add au

77.09 zł

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Geny Instagram DM Bot | Send Messages to Specific Users, Instagram Marketing and More, With Filter

What is GENY INSTAGRAM DM BOT Nowadays every Successful Business & Individuals Understands the power of Social Media Marketing. and they know the important role of Instagram in Social Media Marketing. but engaging Instagram users by Likes, Comments & the following isn’t an easy task. they often need to hire a Social Media Expert team for this particular task and it consumes a lot of time & effort. See product video Features //V 1.0.0 1. All Unlimited Users You Want 2. Send Unlimited Messages 3. Create List of Random Messages and Send Randomly 4. Import/Export Messages & Users List 5. Target Specific profile by Username 6. Know the statut of users how many user recieved your msg 7. Filter Users 8.

77.09 zł

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Instagram Downloader with Source Code

Simple Instagram downloader with full source code in C#. It also supports Video, IGTV as well as Carousel Feature No API required Very light weight application Easy to Install Native windows application Source Code in C# Support IGTV and Video Download Requirement Windows Vista or Higher .net 4.0 or Higher

64.92 zł

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Geny Whatsapp Bot - Send Images/Videos And More...

Ever wanted to get an WhatsApp Bot that lets you message WhatsApp Numbers and promote you and your business Geny Whatsapp Bot ,an app to make your life easily. you can send unlimited messages to unlimited Numbers you can include videos/Images to send it to Numbers you choose You can send to Messages to your customers by one click. Growth your business NOW Features : Unlimited Messages To send Unlimited Numbers to Add Import/Export Messages & Numbers List Send Unlimited Messages To Unlimited Numbers Includes Videos/Images Send Images/Videos Create List of Random Messages and Send Randomly send selected message or all messages Send Message to many numbers you want Usage See https://youtu.be/QNi-mNZYEMw Sou

89.27 zł

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Realtime notification system with signalR, .NETCore, Angular

want to get a realtime notification system like Facebook? this application will help you to get started. you can send single users, multiple users & group notifications in realtime. – has lots of real-time examples of real-life problems. – has a rich client-side system with angular – visual studio solution for aspnet core web API + angular. Demo URL user : [email protected] | 1234 user : [email protected] | 1234 Key Features

81.15 zł

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Efface Telegram Bot

Ever wanted to get an Telegram Bot that lets you message Telegram users and promote you and your business? many of our Bot Customers requested us to develop a specific Telegram Bot, so now here it is. Efface Studios always try to make life easy with their Bot and other products, it doesn’t matter if you are an individual or a business person because Efface Telegram Bot is for everyone! Unlimited messages to add Send Unlimited Messages Create List of Random Messages and Send Randomly Import/Export Messages & messages list Delay Feature with Built-in Browser (No Need of any browser or drivers)

60.86 zł

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Efface Twitter Bot

people use Twitter to discover interesting people and companies online, opting to follow their tweets. With over 271 million active global users, Twitter is a great platform for businesses to communicate with their current audience, gain new prospects, and drive traffic to their websites. it’s an opportunity for individuals or businesses to connect with their new followers. Being a small business owner, it becomes immensely important for you to find which social media platform suits best for your business. Twitter being a leading social media platform attracts a lot of businesses toward it Why Twitter is Best For Business? It is not a broadcast medium Conversation on Twitter is

77.09 zł

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Efface Instagram Tools - Search Unlimited Hashtags and Captions

Easily discover unlimited Hashtags and Captions for your Instagram Post to boost Likes & Followers. Instagram tools will let you search unlimited hashtags & captions with just a keyword and you can copy them in one click. Search Unlimited Hashtags Search Unlimited Captions Requirements .Net Framework 4.8 Visual C++ 2015 (VC Redistributable / VC_redist.x86.exe)

48.69 zł

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Efface Messenger Bot

Ever wanted to get an Messenger Bot that lets you message Messenger users and promote you and your business? Efface Studios always try to make life easy with their Bot and other products, it doesn’t matter if you are an individual or a business person because Efface Messenger Bot is for everyone! Features: Send Message to Unlimited Users Send Unlimited Messages Create List of Random Messages and Send Randomly Import/Export Messages & Users List Send Message to all your inbox conversations Target Specific profile by Username or ID Now with Built-in Browser (No Need of any browser or drivers) Delay Feature Requirements to Run the Bot App

85.21 zł

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Efface WhatsApp Bot - Promote anything easily!

Ever wanted to get an WhatsApp Bot that lets you message WhatsApp Numbers and promote you and your business? many of our Bot Customers requested us to develop a specific WhatsApp Bot, so now here it is. Efface Studios always try to make life easy with their Bot and other products, it doesn’t matter if you are an individual or a business person because Efface WhatsApp Bot is for everyone! Features: Unlimited Numbers to Add Send Unlimited Messages Create List of Random Messages and Send Randomly Import/Export Messages & Numbers List Send Message to many numbers you want with Built-in Browser (No Need of any browser or drivers) and More… Requiremen

85.21 zł

4.5/ 6


Telegram Marketer Pro V4.x

About Telegram Marketer pro.Telegram Messaging solutions with a wide collection of options and services give the user more flexibility when they are sending their campaigns.these solutions allow users to send Telegram Campaigns in a very simple way moreover provide them tools to filter and verify Telegram accounts and numbers. search groups.. and more options and extract contacts from joined groups, With a FULL SOURCE CODE in .Net Visual studio C#In addition, Telegram Marketer pro. provides an anti-blocking technique that reduces the chance of getting banned and keeps accounts safeIt’s a turnkey scalable solution provided with full source code (C#.net) which gives users the freedom during customization.Features- Complete Solution- Filter, S

158.25 zł

3.58/ 24


Efface Instagram DM Bot - Promote Yourself & Your Business

Ever wanted to get an Instagram DM Bot that lets you message Instagram users and promote you and your business? many of our Bot Customers requested us to develop a specific Instagram DM Bot, so now here it is. Efface Studios always try to make life easy with their Bot and other products, it doesn’t matter if you are an individual or a business person because Instagram DM Bot is for everyone! Features: All Unlimited Users You Want Send Unlimited Messages Create List of Random Messages and Send Randomly Import/Export Messages & Users List Send Message to all your inbox conversations Target Specific profile by Username Now with Built-in Browser (No Need of a

85.21 zł

3.4/ 5


Efface YouTube Bot - Automate Your YouTube Experience

Efface Studios  Presents you the new  Efface Youtube Bot  to make your life easy, do you want to get tags for your video at once? or you want to unsubscribe your all subscribed channel in one click? want to support your favourite youtube channel by giving them like and comments on all their videos in one click? if yes then Efface Youtube Bot is your next Tool to making it all happen. FEATURES Auto Generate Trending Tags By Typing any Keyword related to your video Unsubscribe All Subscribed Channels at once Like All Videos of your favourite Youtube Channels Dislike All Videos of any Specific Youtube Channels

77.09 zł

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Efface Facebook Bot - A New Way of Social Engagements

Facebook is broadly Popular Social Media Platform with billions of clients from everywhere throughout the world and a standout amongst the best Place for advertising and drawing in Local and International Audiences with various substance to build their group of onlookers and Customers, numerous little and huge organizations the whole way across the world doing likewise for what reason don’t you do likewise? pause, do you believe it’s troublesome for you to draw in individuals? since you have no web-based life group and you’re in solitude or you don’t have throughout the day and time to do as such. NO WORRIES NOW! Efface Facebook Bot is here for you to enable you to draw in individuals by your responsive substance whenever. Features A

77.09 zł

4.73/ 15


WMGSP: grupa marketingowa wysyła pro

Nie ponoszę odpowiedzialności, jeśli masz To narzędzie pozwala komunikować się z odbiorcami, którzy oczekują otrzymania wiadomości (np. Klienci, studenci, pacjenci itp.), I nie jest to narzędzie do spamowania, więc nie jestem odpowiedzialny, jeśli zostałeś zbanowany . O Whatsap Marketing Groups Sender Pro. Rozwiązanie Pro WhatsApp Messaging z szeroką gamą opcji i usług zapewnia użytkownikowi większą elastyczność podczas wysyłania kampanii. Rozwiązania te pozwalają użytkownikom na wysyłanie kampanii WhatsApp w bardzo prosty sposób, a ponadto zapewniają narzędzia do filtrowania i weryfikacji grup WhatsApp oraz wyślij wiadomość testową do recenzji po wysłaniu i przeszukaniu grup według kraju… i więcej opcji i wyodrębnij kontakty z połączonych grup i żadnych połączonych grup, wygeneruj bezpieczne licencje

117.67 zł

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8GAG - serwis społecznościowy

Przesyłaj i udostępniaj zdjęcia, komentuj posty lub oceniaj zdjęcia, które lubisz! Wybierz tytuł, wybierz kategorię i prześlij swoje zdjęcia, aby inni mogli je zobaczyć. Obejrzyj wideo, aby zobaczyć dokładnie, co możesz zrobić. Możesz zalogować się przy użyciu swojego konta Facebook lub Google. Administratorzy mogą tworzyć użytkowników i przypisywać role. Administratorzy mogą również tworzyć / usuwać kategorie. Nie musisz się logować, aby przeglądać posty (ale robisz to, jeśli chcesz przesyłać, głosować lub komentować!). Jest to łatwy start dla każdego, kto chce założyć własną platformę mediów społecznościowych.

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Link .Net Core MVC Social Network System (v3)

Wprowadzenie Dzisiaj przeszliśmy do społeczeństwa bardziej powiązanego społecznie. Korzystanie z mediów społecznościowych rośnie dziś szybciej niż kiedykolwiek wcześniej. Od kontaktów towarzyskich z przyjaciółmi po zaangażowanie osób w firmach i instytucjach. Media społecznościowe to potężne narzędzie do zaangażowania użytkowników. Media społecznościowe zostały wykorzystane do oceny usług i zrozumienia potrzeb użytkownika. Ponadto jest wykorzystywany przez wiele firm do uzyskiwania informacji zwrotnych od klientów i sugestii dotyczących tworzenia lepszego produktu lub usługi lub ulepszania niektórych produktów i usług. Ponadto wiele firm korzysta dziś z mediów społecznościowych w celu usprawnienia komunikacji i współpracy między pracownikami, którzy są rozproszeni geograficznie. Społeczeństwo publiczne

219.11 zł

4.56/ 9