

NgAspCrm to system zarządzania relacjami z klientami (CRM). Aplikacja została zaprojektowana dla małych i średnich firm. NgAspCrm to profesjonalna aplikacja, która zapewnia automatyzację sił sprzedaży, w tym obsługę kont i kontaktów, kampanie marketingowe, wsparcie klienta, współpracę, raportowanie itp. NgAspCrm umożliwia tworzenie nowych kontaktów, kampanii i potencjalnych klientów. Umożliwia utrzymanie uporządkowanego przeglądu firmy i klientów. Opiera się na Angular JS, ASP.NET i Entity Framework.

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.Net Core Business Layer For All Projects

.Net Core Business Layer For All Projects This library can be used for any .net core project. You can easily modify the library to fulfill your requirements. It is so easy to to implement, only thing you should do is creating your db entities. Then you can immediately get,insert,update,delete and more with your entities. Avaiable Methods Get By Id Get By Custom Field Get Many Get Many By Ids Get Many By Field Get Many Contains Get Many by Predefined Field Get Many by Stored Procedure Execute Sql Function with Output Execute Stored Procedure with Output Execute Stored Procedure Insert New Entity Insert Bulk Entities Update Entity Update Bulk Entities Delete Entity Delete Entity By Id Delete Bulk Entities Demo application is included with f

39.73 zł

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Unistaller Pro Source Code

If you aren’t interested in source code, you don’t need to install any third-party software, just go to the folder named ‘Bin’ and launch the .exe file Source Code Included If you want to add licensing system to the project, just contact us and we will help you. Demo Application: http://giveawaysnetworks.net/Application-Demos/Unistaller-Pro-Demo.zip Uninstaller Pro helps you to uninstall software and remove unwanted programs easily. Features Complete powerful software uninstall Remove junk files and unnecessary program files Compatible with all 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Windows Vista, 7, 8, 8.1, 10 Portable version for all your personal Windows devices Customizable and flexible easy to use user interface

35.76 zł

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Hotel Management System - VB, ASP.NET, AJAX, Multiple TAX (GST)

Hotel Management System is a ASP.NET and Microsoft SQL Server based web application that allows you to manage residential hotel business. It help you to manage your Guest, One-click guest check in/check out, Reservation, Hotel Billing, Food Services Etc. The system interface is very user-friendly. Full source code included (HotelManagementSystem.sln, .ASPX , .VB , .ASAX , .config , .JS , .CSS , .JSON , dbHotelSys.sql, dbHotelSys.bak, User Manual.docx, Developer Guide.docx, Host ASP.NET Website.docx ) Uses Technology in Hotel Management System: ASP.NET Web Forms Visual Studio 2015 VB Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 or Later Bootstrap, jQuery, jQuery AJAX, Font Awesome Live Demo Credentials: Demo Link: http://hotel.linkbirdtec

119.19 zł

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Church Management Software

Easy to use Church Management Software suitable for small and large churches. It has modules built for every department of the church. Supports Windows 7, 8, 8.1 and 10 MAIN FEATURES: MEMBER MANAGEMENT- 1. Add, Edit or Delete Membership records. 2. Create member record with passport picture 3. Send Members SMS and Email ie. Tithe Gratitude Message, Announcements via SMS and email etc. 4. Record and track membership attendance in detail and summary WELFARE MANAGEMENT 1. Record members’ welfare contributions and process welfare withdrawals 2. Able to print Welfare statements for members INCOME AND EXPENSE 1. Capture the church’s income and expenditure (Financial inflows and outflows) 2. Generate Income Statements for specific p

810.47 zł

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Geokoder i odwrotny geokoder - kod źródłowy

Geocoder i Reverse Geocoder to aplikacja komputerowa .net, która konwertuje adresy na lat / lng (geokodowanie) i lat / lng na adres (geokodowanie odwrotne). Pozwala na import pliku CSV, a także eksportuje wynik do pliku CSV. Wszystkie nasze generatory kodów dla PHP, C #, VB.Net i Entity Framework (bez źródła). Wszystkie nasze generatory kodów dla PHP, C #, VB.Net i Entity Framework (z kodem źródłowym). Cechy: Konwertuje adresy na lat / lng (geokodowanie). Konwertuje lat / lng na adres (odwrotne geokodowanie). Importuje dane z pliku CSV. Eksportuje wynik do pliku CSV. Korzysta z Google Geocoding API. Obsługuje pojedyncze, jak i wiele adresów pól, tzn. Możesz mieć jedno pole dla pełnego adresu lub wiele pól, np

115.21 zł

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Angular Easy starter - App and Asp Core API

VIDEO TUTORIAL This is a featured rich application which contains Angular Starter Template With Asp Core APi Project to give you full understanding of how you can use asp core api with angular. It also includes swagger client to automatically document your API methods. All we have provided all CRUD operations. Some of the features are below : Angular App Features : – Save information in token as claims & retrieve it - save data in local cache and retrieve in angular app - Add (POST), Fetch(GET), Edit(PUT), Remove(DELETE) operations using asp core api - Easy Html design to understand angular code. Later You can use any html template once you understand the angular. - Bootstrap 4 responsive design - Local storage, Mode

35.76 zł

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Pomocnik daty i godziny

DateTimeHelper oszczędza czas programowania, rozwiązując wiele problemów napotykanych przez programistów podczas pracy z klasą DateTime w .NET Framework. Skrzyżowania przedziałów czasowych i relacje Rozszerzenia DateTime ułatwiają życie Generator formatu RSS Funkcje roku, kwartału, miesiąca i tygodnia Wszystkie włączone wielojęzyczne

23.84 zł

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Ebay products scraper .NET

Do you need to scrape all products from EBay.com? Our application can help you with that! EBay Scraper from the DataExcavator team is a simple and functional solution to extract products data from EBay.com. The program carefully processes the pages from the EBay website, saving their data on your computer. Do you want to quickly and easily scrape all products data from EBay.com including pictures and parameters? Then you’ve come to the right place – this is what our application is for. What data does the program collect from the EBay.com website? Our application extracts almost all data from EBay product pages – description blocks, pricin

63.57 zł

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Narzędzie do pobierania załączników e-mail

Ta aplikacja pozwala zalogować się do serwera e-mail i pobrać wszystkie załączniki do wiadomości e-mail. Możesz wybrać foldery, które chcesz pobrać, filtrować według zakresu dat lub filtrować według określonych typów plików, takich jak pliki PDF, arkusze kalkulacyjne Excel itp. Zaloguj się, filtruj, pobieraj. Proste i łatwe.

31.78 zł

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Efface Email Scraper - Email Marketing Makes Easy

Do you need to scrape email addresses from web pages, and don’t know how to do it or don’t have a tool capable of it? Efface Email Scrapper has a powerful multi-threaded email scraper that can scrape email addresses from webpages, it’s is a powerful email extraction tool. it automatically fetches valid email IDs of your choice from the web pages, you can copy-paste particular email ids you need or export all of them to a text or CSV file. if you are looking to scrape emails from all top websites within a niche with a click of a button, then this tool is for you. Source code Is Included

95.35 zł

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School Management System - Complete project with accounting

School Management System with full configurable from zero point. Student Registration with Parent Information.User Mangement with Role, Semester, subject, class, exam and dynamic grading system. Result process and reporting,Accounting with three year comparable Balance Sheet and Income Statement. Database Management and more. Features of School Management System—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—- Full configurable system from beginning. User management system. Keep parents’ information. Student registration with related to parent information and finally take admission. Keep records of staff and teachers. Handling inquiries from prospective students. Handling the admissions process. Managing and creating classes, subjects, exams. Handling records of examina

194.67 zł

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DotNet Core DataTables Grid

Korzystanie z technologii: MVC dotnet core 2.2 Bootstrap 3/4 jQuery jQuery datatables.net Funkcje: MVC - Bootstrap 3/4 Responsive Serwer i filtr po stronie klienta Filtr na poziomie kolumny Sortowanie kolumn Eksport danych - Kopiuj, CSV, Excel, PDF, Filtr zakresu wydruku Filtr autouzupełniania Filtr rozwijany Filtr dat Filtr liczbowy Wspólne wyszukiwanie tekstowe Stronicowanie Liczba wpisów pokazuje Resetuj wszystkie filtry kolumnowe Jak uruchomić w VS Code Przed uruchomieniem musisz utworzyć skrzynkę danych o nazwie „DataTablesDemo” i przywrócić bazę danych z pliku „DataTablesDemo.bak” Zaktualizuj ciąg DefaultConnection w appsettings.json i appsettings.Development.json przywróć dotnet altana zainstaluj dotnet build dotnet uruchom

59.59 zł

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ShreeQMSP - Queue Management System for Pharmacy Stores in VB.Net and MySQL

Introduction ShreeQMSP is an incredible Queue Management System for pharmacy store and is meant to make the life easy by reducing waiting time of the customers. We know that long queues and waiting are among the prime causes of customers dissatisfaction at busy pharmacy counters. ShreeQMSP solve this problem with an ease. It also increases the revenue of the organisation by making them more systemized. In short it facilitates a seamless customer journey. ShreeQMSP is a desktop windows based software and can easily work in a LAN environment. It is very easy to install and deploy with no expensive hardware. Main Modules 1. Pharmacy Kiosk Kiosk module is meant to issue token to the customer as per his purpose of visit. 2. Customer Display

178.78 zł

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ShreeVMSHS - Visitor Management System for Housing Society in VB.Net and MySQL

Introduction ShreeVMSHS is a visitor management system for housing society and is meant to keep the proper record of the visitors. With the help of this software the security person can easily allot the gate pass/visitor pass in a very short time. It also keep the records of visitor previous visits. In case of emergency these records are very essential to identify the visitor at a later stage. ShreeVMSHS solve the security problem of any society irrespective of its size with an ease. It inform the meeting person regarding guest arrival through email. The visitor can exit from any gate. It also increases the revenue of the organisation by making them more systemized. In short it facilitates a seamless visitor journey. ShreeVMSHS is a deskt

178.78 zł

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Constro - motyw biznesowy Umbraco dla branży budowlanej

Constro - motyw biznesowy Umbraco dla branży budowlanej Constro to ekskluzywny wielofunkcyjny, w 100% responsywny motyw Umbraco z potężnymi funkcjami. Proste i dobrze skonstruowane kodowanie, wysoka jakość i elastyczny układ, skalowalne funkcje do tworzenia dostosowanych stron internetowych. Constro zawiera LeBlender, zagnieżdżone treści, suwak uSky, formularze Umbraco, Smart Blog zintegrowane. Constro oferuje niezrównaną dostępność do tworzenia pięknych i zorientowanych na klienta stron internetowych. Unikalne projekty, przyciągające wzrok portfolio i innowacyjne narzędzia do tworzenia stron internetowych bezproblemowo wspierają rozwój Twojej firmy w Internecie. Temat został stworzony specjalnie dla budownictwa, budownictwa, architektury, firmy, firmy, elektryki, złotej rączki, hydraulika lub elektryka, inżynierii, przemysłu, w

313.86 zł

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Gym Management System

Gym Management System has been developed on VB.NET and Microsoft SQL Server/ Microsoft SQL Server Compact database. In these modern days when people all over the world have become so much concerned about their health and diet, it is but obvious that they continually seek out for Gym center. Gym Management System is an easy way to use gym and health gym membership system. It can helps to keep records of members and their memberships, and give permit communication between members. We believe that you will find this application to be handy for your gymnasium. It works the best on desktop and laptop. Brief overview of the technology: Full Source code Included (GymManagementSystem.sln, .vb , .rdlc , .xsd, .ico, dbGymManagementSystem.sql,

119.19 zł

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BotHub - All in One Bot

Are you tired of finding and buying each automation bot for each platform? No worries! This is what BotHub is for. if you own a business and trying to do any kind of marketing for any of your products or services on Social Media Networks like Instagram, Facebook, Twitter or so on, but don’t want to sit on your computer all-day just posting the same post or attracting users by engaging with their posts then Bothub is one of the best opportunity you can avail right now because it comes with many Efface automation bots for major Social Media Networks, you can check the list below of all automation bots & tools. What is BotHub? Click here to watch the video   BotHub comes with demandi

313.86 zł

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UrbanClap Invoice Management - On Demand Service Invoice, UrbanClap Multiple Currency Invoice

UrbanClap Invoice Management – SIM – Service Invoice Management is software for invoice management for service based business. BEFORE PURCHASE PLEASE NOTE: We don’t provide any support or installation services as its easy and guide inside download. Support not possible due to we have lots of work and limited member. If product is suitable to you then and then purchase else find alternative. WE ARE VERY CLEAR IN TALK. AS WE CAN NOT WORK SO WE HAS TO DENY. UrbanClap Invoice Management – SIM is single software can manage invoice for Multiple company, Multiple branch for single company, Multiple seller, Multiple services and Multiple Currency. UrbanClap Invoice Management – SIM support both online and offline with small requirement. Base requi

107.27 zł

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Oprogramowanie do zarządzania sprzedażą produktów ratalnych

Ta rata Oprogramowanie do zarządzania sprzedażą produktów ma moduł Insatllment: Sprzedaż na kredyt / Sprzedaż na raty / Wynajem Sprzedaż Moduł na raty Odbiór pieniędzy Odbiór raty Odbiór kredytu Faktura sprzedaży Miesięczna rata System Nadchodzący raport Rata System raportowania SYSTEM ZARZĄDZANIA UŻYTKOWNIKA Rejestracja użytkownika (Szczegóły) Typ użytkownika (np; administrator, personel, menedżer itp.) Odzyskiwanie hasła Zmiana systemu Hasło Dane logowania do systemu ELEMENT / PRODUKT Nazwa produktu Cena produktu Kategoria produktu Podkategoria produktu Obraz produktu Cechy produktu Wszystkie informacje o produkcie (dodawanie, edycja, usuwanie, aktualizacja) Eksport listy produktów do programu Excel KLIENT Automatyczny Generuję identyfikator Nazwa, adres, numer kontaktowy miasta, e-mail Numer telefonu komórkowego, uwaga Wszystkie informacje

591.96 zł

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