
Scrum Planner

Scrum Planner to narzędzie do zarządzania projektami umożliwiające korzystanie z planowania sprintu. Zawiera moduł planowania i zadań sprintu. Funkcje, 1. Zarządzanie codziennymi działaniami związanymi z zarządzaniem projektami 2. Czysty widok wszystkich sprintów, zadań 3. W pełni responsywny projekt przyjazny dla urządzeń mobilnych / tabletów 4. Sprawdź, które zadania są przypisane do kogo 5. Zaktualizuj status, aby śledzić sprinty i zadania. 6. Cleaver / Advance / Szybkie wyszukiwanie sprintu i zadań. 7. Wszystko jest oparte na Angular JS, niezwykle przyjazne dla użytkownika. 8. Pojedyncza strona do zarządzania wszystkimi Twoimi działaniami. 9. Sprint - lista sprintów, dodawanie / modyfikowanie sprintów, usuwanie sprintów, czyszczenie wyszukiwania 10. Zadania - dodawanie zadań do sprintu, usuwanie zadań, lista zadań z tasakiem Technologia wyszukiwania: 1. ASP.Net MVC - 4.6+ (Co

375.65 zł

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Alea POS Printer Service

Introduction Alea POS Printer Service Pos printer service application for your web application, so that your web application can print to a mini pos printer, only for the windows desktop How it works Run Install service Then from html send post data json and json must be converted to base64save, action => http: // localhost: 5488 / prtraw Examples of shipping methods are in the Sample Folder System Requirements • Require Architecture x64 & x86 • Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10 • Works Only with Thermal Printer with 80mm inches : TM-T20II and TM-U220 is recommended

117.14 zł

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Technical Service Maintenance and Repair Program for Layered Architecture and C# Winforms

In this project, we have developed a Technical Service Tracking Program for our valued customers. You can watch the promotional video of all modules. I will introduce other modules below. I hope you liked our project. I am sure you will be interested. It was a program that we created and wrote the algorithm to meet the needs of all technical service stores. We will keep the project updated constantly. You can explain the features you want to be added by sending an e-mail. One Technical Maintenance Tracking V1: We have coded all the modules below and we will be presenting them to you … • Brand / Model Cards: In this module, we can list the brand and models belonging to that brand and perform operations such as adding, deleting, updatin

2,015.61 zł

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eLearning (WOT) - Learning Management System MVC

Hello ! Friends eLearning (WOT) fills in as a stage that permits teachers from everywhere throughout the world to spread information. Let’s allow us to explain our product. Students take courses largely as a means of improving skills . Believe it or not, in present eLearning (WOT) for serious learning, bursting with features & with latest SEO standards simply didn’t exists at a very affordable price tag. Our all in one software is sparkling with features, customer-friendly, secure, scalable, reliable, great looking, synchronized, expandable & flexible. A deal is the goal, and your online class is the place clients can either desert things in the passageways or end on a positive note. With eLearning (WOT), student can buy your co

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One Car Rental Software, Professional Car Rental Program, Car Rental Project, C # Rent A Car Project

This project will enable you to record data such as reservations, payment records, service records, accident reports in future versions, maintenance and repair records, traffic fines records, expense cards, expenditure and collection for your customers doing rent a car business .. One Rent a Car project V1: We have coded all the modules below and we will be presenting them to you … • Brand / Model Cards: In this module, we can list the brand and models belonging to that brand and perform operations such as adding, deleting, updating. • Company Cards: In this module, we will record the companies we will use for vehicles. For example, you will be able to record motor insurance companies, insurance agencies, inspection stations and 4

2,015.61 zł

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