
Food Booking Website in ASP.NET

Project Description Online Food Booking Website developed using Asp dot net, SQL server, Bootstrap. It is tested and ready to use for your food booking business. Clover.com is integrated, order made on website immediately reflect in clover POS , alert in kitchen ,clover payment gateway integrated and sms alert on successful order made on website. What You will get: Complete source code Full Database Support 24X7 Front View Features Eye catching landing page Customer Registration and Login

410.47 zł

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Google Map Business Extractor

Source Code Included If you aren’t interested in source code, you don’t need to install any third-party software, just go to the folder named ‘Release’ and launch the .exe file If you want to add licensing system to the project, just contact us and we will help you. Google Map Business Extractor is an advanced tool to extract business information from Google Map, You can extract the : Business NameDescriptio Website Phone Address Global RatingTotal ReviewsPlus CodeExtract the images (New) Google Map Business Extractor allows you to set how many businesses you want to extract, just set the pages counts field, and every page contains 20 business, you can also set some advanced settings like set how many seconds to wait after every scrape o

120.24 zł

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The Zayka - uniwersalna restauracja, motyw Food & Cafe MVC

Zayka - Wielofunkcyjna restauracja, jedzenie i kawiarnia Motyw MVC Zayka to wysokiej jakości motyw MVC, zaprojektowany dla stron restauracji, gastronomii i kawiarni. Zayka został opracowany przy użyciu architektury MVC i zasilany przez Angular Js w celu zwiększenia wydajności. Unikalne projekty, urzekające suwaki i innowacyjne narzędzia do tworzenia stron internetowych bezproblemowo wspierają rozwój Twojej firmy online. Łatwy w użyciu, czysty i najwyższej jakości projekt oraz dostosowywanie jakości kodu, responsywny szablon, kreatywne suwaki, elastyczność, skróty, wiele opcji blogów - to wyjątkowe funkcje i jakość, dzięki którym wyróżniamy się z tłumu. Przegląd głównych funkcji: Asp.Net MVC: Zayka został opracowany na architekturze MVC, która ułatwia obsługę

327.55 zł

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MongoSHOP Ecommerce Business Management System. Build ASP.NET CORE 3.1.3 and MongoDB

“MongoSHOP” is the Ecommerce Business Management System. The greatest feature of this ecommerce system with POWERFUL ADMIN PANEL! MongoSHOP is build ASP.NET CORE 3.1.3 and MongoDB , so its platform independ , very lightweight and very scalable . Full Source Code ASP.NET CORE 3.1.3 C# and MongoDB Live-Demo: Frontend: https://codemonkeybd.com/mongoshop Admin Login: https://codemonkeybd.com/mongoshop/admin/ Admin Username: admin Password: 123456 User: user Password: 123456 Key Features Exclusive Layouts Easy to use User-friendly Interface Easy Installation Fully responsive Admin Dashboard Clean and Comment based Coding Important Dashboard Statistics Forget Password Option Product Search in Header Customer Rating System Customer

223.89 zł

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MultiCoreSHOP: Ecommerce Management System. Build ASP.NET CORE 5.0 and MS-SQL Server

“MultiCoreSHOP” – Ecommerce System. The greatest feature of this ecommerce system with POWERFUL ADMIN PANEL! MultiCoreSHOP is build ASP.NET CORE 5.0 and MSSQL Server , so its platform independ , very lightweight and very scalable . Full Source Code ASP.NET CORE 5.0 C# and MSSQL Server Live-Demo: Frontend: https://codemonkeybd.com/coreshop Admin Login: https://codemonkeybd.com/coreshop/admin/ Admin Username: [email protected] Password: 123456 User: [email protected] Password: 123456 Key Features Exclusive Layouts Easy to use User-friendly Interface Easy Installation Fully responsive Admin Dashboard Clean and Comment based Coding Important Dashboard Statistics Forget Password Option Product Search in Header Customer Rating Syst

223.89 zł

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Mailox : All-in-one eMail Tools (Source Code Included)

Video Demo : From Here​ Source Code Included If you aren’t interested in source code, you don’t need to install any third-party software, just go to the folder named ‘Bin’ and launch the .exe file If you want to add licensing system to the project, just contact us and we will help you. Mailox is a windows application that helps you to validate, check, manage your email lists and extract emails + send bulk emails. Mailox has 6 tools and they are : ★ Emails Format Checker + Emails Format Checker: this is useful tool that help you to extract invalid emails format from large mail lists. eg. valid format = “[email protected]”, invalid format = “emailsadress@” or “emailsaress@domain” or “emailsdress” ★ Emails Domain Validator +Emails

120.24 zł

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Online Cake, Cafe and Bakery Shop in ASP.NET

Project Description Online Cake, Cafe and Bakery Shop in ASP.NET, SQL server, Bootstrap. It is tested and ready to use for your Cake, Cafe and Bakery booking business. Clover.com is integrated, order made on website immediately reflect in clover POS , alert in kitchen ,clover payment gateway integrated and sms alert on successful order made on website. What You will get: Complete source code Full Database Support 24X7 Front View Features Eye catching landing page Customer Registration and Login

410.47 zł

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Bramka płatności Skipjack dla ASP.Net

Jeśli ta wtyczka jest przydatna, czy możesz pomóc nam ją ocenić? będzie to dla nas duża zachęta do poprawy. SkipJack Payment Gateway dla ASP.Net Payment Gateway dla stron eCommerce opartych na ASP.Net SkipJack Payment Gateway dla stron eCommerce lub oprogramowania eCommerce opartych na ASP.Net SkipJack Payment Gateways zapewnia ogromną elastyczność przy najwyższych standardach bezpieczeństwa, ochrony i niezawodności, co ułatwia klientom korzystanie. Łatwo go zintegrować i rozszerzyć. Ta usługa płatności jest najlepsza dla początkujących, małych, średnich lub dużych sprzedawców internetowych. SkipJack Payment Gateways pozwala akceptować transakcje ze wszystkich głównych kart kredytowych, w tym Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover, Diners Club, JCB itp. Formularz SkipJack

161.70 zł

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Cardstream Payment Gateway dla ASP.Net

Cardstream Payment Gateway dla ASP.Net Cardstream Payment Gateway dla witryn lub oprogramowania eCommerce opartego na ASP.Net. Cardstream Payment Gateways zapewnia ogromną elastyczność przy najwyższych standardach bezpieczeństwa, ochrony i niezawodności, co ułatwia klientom korzystanie. Łatwo go zintegrować i rozszerzyć. Ta usługa płatności jest najlepsza dla początkujących, małych, średnich lub dużych sprzedawców internetowych. Cardstream Payment Gateways pozwala akceptować transakcje ze wszystkich głównych kart kredytowych, w tym Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover, Diners Club, JCB itp. CardStream Form Output Niektóre funkcje Szybka i łatwa integracja z dowolnymi stronami internetowymi ASP.Net. Bezpieczna i niezawodna platforma płatnicza, która ułatwia dostosowywanie

286.09 zł

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Payzippy With Asp.net C #

Bramka płatności Payzippy dla Asp.net zapewnia. Wysoce bezpieczny, oparty na REST, przyjazny dla użytkownika interfejs. Pracowaliśmy nad tym, aby uczynić to tak prostym, jak to możliwe. Payzippy obsługuje wszystkie główne karty kredytowe i debetowe, obsługuje także obsługę bankowości netto dla głównych banków indyjskich.

82.92 zł

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Scan Payment App with Xamarin Forms and .NET Core API

This app was created for merchants to allow customers to scan QR codes and make payments. The pandemic has forced many of us to shift over to contactless payments and this is a solution to that problem. Merchants can request an amount. Customers then scan the merchant’s personal QR Code and accepts the payment. The merchant will then receive a push notification saying the user has accepted/rejected the payment. Technologies include the following: ➤ .NET Core 5 ➤ Xamarin Forms 5 ➤ Microsoft SQL Server 2016 ➤ ASP.NET Core Authentication ➤ Stripe (payments) and Firebase integration (push notifications) Admins: ➤ Create merchants ➤ Assign roles to users ➤ Assign merchants to users Merchants: ➤ Request payments ➤ Refund payment

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ECommerce Website in Asp.net MVC 5 and MsSql

Perfects Code has created e-commerce Project. That has all the features. Using e-commerce portal users can buy or sell their products. The main feature of this portal is Multi Vendor. Multiple Vendor can register and sell there own products in this portal. e-Commerce also manages your product stock. We are providing this project with full source code. Project source code is written professionally. User has Managed using Microsoft Identity. SturctureMap has used to resolve dependencies and Code written in repository pattern and Entity Framework. In e-commerce portal four payment gateway has integrated like PayPal, PayU, Razorpay and Icici. We also integrated DTDC API for tracking. This project is developed in Asp.net MVC 5 and MsSql W

203.16 zł

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MailMax : Advanced Bulk Email Sender

Source Code Included If you aren’t interested in source code, you don’t need to install any third-party software, just go to the folder named ‘Release’ and launch the .exe file If you want to add licensing system to the project, just contact us and we will help you. MailMax is a windows application that helps you to send bulk emails with advanced options, with MailMax you can import your emails from Text or CSV files, Create Your Message with/without attachment, Manage Your SMTP Server + SMTP Tester(a useful tool to test your server before start sending), Send multiple campaigns with different SMTP Server, Get a full report of sending. MailMax allows you also to use the SMTP Rotation which gives you the right to send emails from the same

120.24 zł

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Point Of Sale (POS) - Pharmacy - C# MySQL

Point Of Sale (POS) – PHARMACY – Inventory – C# MySQL Users Management System access privileges 1.- Administrator 2.- Employee Manage Categories – Create, Update, Show, Delete (Category Name). Manage Items – Create, Update, Show, Delete (item code, item name, purchase price, sale price, quantity, image). Supports Barcode Reader. Record of Expenses Automated Customer Registration and Filtration Reset of Sales, Expenses and Customer Registration Register Sales very easily Register Sales with debt option Manage Debts Complete outstanding debt. Barcode creator Sales Report Sales of the day. Sales between date range. Sales Details. Debt Report. Report of Income a

244.63 zł

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Amazonex : Amazon Products Scrapper

AmazonEx is an advanced tool to extract product information from Amazon, You can extract the Product Name, Price, Brand, ISIN, Availability, Total Reviews, Product Link, Total Reviews, Plus Code, and also the new option: extract the images of the product into your PC. AmazonEx allows you to set how many businesses you want to extract, just set the pages counts field, and every page contains from 1- to 25 products. You can also set some advanced settings like set how many seconds to wait after every scrape or extract operation, how many seconds to wait after every X scrape operation, you can set all at 0 to finish the extract process as possible. AmazonEx allows you also to know how many products are being extracted, how many pages

120.24 zł

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