
Egzamin testowy

Stwórz własną niestandardową aplikację do testu papieru Android Opracuj przykładowe pytania, ćwicz pytania, testy papieru, zadaj pytanie, próbne testy, próbka aplikacji mobilnej. Ma obiektywny quiz z kilkoma pytaniami tekstowymi i odpowiedziami. Pytanie z czterema opcjami zostanie wyświetlone w formacie tekstowym; użytkownik musi odpowiedzieć na pytanie związane z odpowiedzią udzieloną w określonym czasie. • Wszystkie pytania i odpowiedzi przechowywane w aplikacji • Test można dodać w kategorii i podkategoriach • Udostępnianie wyników w sieciach społecznościowych Twitter i Facebook • Pytania wielokrotnego wyboru z czterema opcjami • Wyniki przechowywane w bazie danych aplikacji • Zarabiaj na aplikacji i dodaj kod Google Admob Pełny Kod źródłowy Zapewniamy pełny kod źródłowy z wideo

75.49 zł

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Jigsaw Puzzles Epic Game

For Reskin or Any Query Or Any help you can contact on below whats app no. and skype Skype ID :- live:.cid.e3ae68fab75f95f1   Click Here For Demo Apk https://drive.google.com/file/d/17JUroaQ4MhwhRi0duEr71uWIPZ2bRZuc/view?usp=sharing This is a free jigsaw puzzle game for adults. Choose a picture from 10 000 HD collection of puzzles. Use your own photos to create puzzles. Play 170 free HD jigsaws per month. Choose the number of pieces in a puzzle. Play classic jigsaw puzzles game that are like real puzzles. Don’t lose puzzle pieces, take jigsaw puzzle anywhere, kill the time in a queue while playing.   You can make your pic as a puzzle, Simple just click on gallery and select your pic and cut as your requirements ➤ 10 reasons

95.35 zł

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Emoji Camera Maker

Kod Emoji Camera Maker jest teraz konwertowany na Android Studio i jest teraz kompatybilny z wersją Androida 8.0. Jest kompatybilny z telefonem i tabletem z Androidem. Demo: plik demo apk Funkcje aplikacji: Ekran powitalny. Wybierz zdjęcie z aparatu / galerii. ponad 50 atrakcyjnych emotikonów / naklejek. Wybierz emotikony / naklejki, aby umieścić na zdjęciach. Powiększanie / pomniejszanie, obracaj w lewo / prawo za pomocą 2 palców, aby dopasować emotikony. Zapisz obrazy na karcie SD. Łatwy do dostosowania. Udostępniaj zdjęcia w dowolnej aplikacji społecznościowej. Zintegrowane reklamy banerowe / intersitials AdMob. Łatwy do dostosowania. Łatwe do zmiany emotikony i możesz utworzyć nową aplikację, wykonując zaledwie podstawowe czynności. Dobrze udokumentowane. Nowe zmiany są: zgodne ze wszystkimi najnowszymi wersjami Androida. Kompatybilny z tabletem. Teraz lepiej się dzielić

79.46 zł

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Zgadnij miejsce - gra na Androida

Omówienie gorącej oferty Gra Zgadnij miejsce ma ponad 100 poziomów na 100 miejsc na całym świecie. Pozwól użytkownikom przetestować swoją wiedzę i zgadnij, jaki kraj lub miasto to miejsce znajduje się na zdjęciu. Wypełniliśmy go wieloma funkcjami i stworzyliśmy niesamowity projekt. ma tabelę wyników, niektóre pomagają odgadnąć miejsce i udostępnić je znajomym, ma również panel administracyjny, aby dodawać nowe poziomy, jak chcesz, zamiast przesyłać nową wersję w Google Play i więcej innych funkcji .. Ciesz się !! Zawiera +100 poziomów. Panel administratora. RateMyApp & Share. System pomocy. Efekty dźwiękowe. Języki RTL. Tabela liderów. Nowy admob. Samouczki wideo. Łatwe dostosowywanie. Przygotowano ponownie skórę. Eclipse i Android Studio. Tabele wyników, IAP i

313.86 zł

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Cam Scanner - Android App with Admob Ads

Cam Scanner is an excellent tool for scanning a variety of documents. It is a PDF document scanner app that can turn your phone into a scanner. You can scan anything such as photos, documents, receipts, and so on. It’s never been easier to scan documents with your smartphone; with this scanner app, you can scan color documents, photographs, images, and text. Every person, whether a school student, a college student, a business person, or anyone, needs a scanner app. The camera scanner software allows you to scan your images and documents in high quality, making it easier for the reader to read the texts. Besides, the app has various auto-correcting functions, such as increasing the brightness and filtering the image for a better a

115.21 zł

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DocDirect App - Doctor Directory Android Native App

This is an excellent Android native app which is built to work with “Directory DocDirect – Responsive WordPress Theme for Doctors and Healthcare Directory” https://themeforest.net/item/docdirect-responsive-directory-wordpress-theme-for-doctors-and-healthcare-profession/16089820 Demo APP Link : https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.app.amento.docdirect App Features Login and Signup Providers Advance Search Latest listings Featured Listings Profile Management Detailed Provider Page Appointment with COD Review Management Booking listings for providers My schedules Submit question and asnwers and much more Release 1.0.3 -- Patient Booking List Added -- Design Improve

1,187.90 zł

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NeonLMS Script Android App

NeonLMS Android App A handy mobile solution for your NeonLMS script users to access the system on the go. The features included are: – Social Login along with traditional Password Login – Browse and Quick search courses – Curated home page – Optimised video player for lessons – Enrol in free course – Add to cart and purchase course – Payment acceptance via Stripe, Paypal and Offline – Course certificate download – Chat messaging with course teacher – Join forum and discuss – Multiple language support – Contact us How to? Q. Change package name? A. In app module gradle file manually change the package name of application Q. Change application name? A. In String.xml file you can change the application name. Q. Change logo? A. In drawable

194.67 zł

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Floating Stickies

Ideal app to create sticky notes and reminders!! Floating Stickies allow you to create quick sticky notes. These sticky notes are visible on the screen while using another app. Simple to use and reminds your important tasks or notes. A sticky note is the best solution to manage important notes and reminders. When you get a new thought or new important task, you can quickly add it using “Floating Stickies” and it will remind you always about that task. Floating Stickies is a very easy and useful app that lets you keep notes of the things that you keep on forgetting or things that you want to remember. Using “Floating Stickies” you can easily add notes, resize it, minimize it or delete it very easily Features Sticky notes are visible over

63.57 zł

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Video Channel + Reward Coin

Video Channel + Reward Coin is a mobile app which run under Android platform that used for your own video application, and support from Android 4.2 and higher. With powerful and Responsive Admin Panel can manage unlimited category and sub category and publish unlimited videos. You can select your favorite player from admin panel like: ExoPlayer, JzPlayer, YouTube Player, Vimeo Player and WebView Player. This application created by Android Studio for client side and then PHP MySQLi (Codeigniter) for Admin side. Run under Android platform which is the most popular operating system in the world. Using this application you can save your money and time in creating application for your own video app.. Live Preview Download Android Demo:

115.21 zł

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Educational Theory and Quiz Tests Android App

Overview Android Universal App Template for you to build any educational app, Full working app, including list of content, quiz mode, explanation for each question, quiz statistics. You can easily customize this App Template to any theme of your choice by just changing app colors, icons, theory content, quiz content and Default images. Check out the current version on google play. DOWNLOAD Download your copy today and start making money! Features and Requirements - Easy to understand and update - Theory section with pdf files - Quiz questions loaded from json file - Integrated Google AdMob - Quiz results statistics - Wrong answer explanation - Offline data support - Send feedback button: send an email to the deve

95.35 zł

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Caption On Pic

Caption On Pic - piękny sposób na wyrażenie swoich uczuć dzięki naszej aplikacji Niesamowite efekty tekstowe na zdjęciach. Nie wpisuj nudnego tekstu na obrazie, skorzystaj z naszej aplikacji, aby tworzyć wspaniałe efekty czcionek. Spraw, aby Twój obraz był jeszcze bardziej atrakcyjny, dodając do niego Naklejki, Podpis i Ramkę. Kluczowe funkcje Łatwy w użyciu interfejs - żywy i kolorowy! 30 szablonów motywów! Wybierz zdjęcie z galerii lub zrób nowe, aby ozdobić je oryginalną wiadomością! Wybierz czcionkę, dodaj tekst do swoich zdjęć! Ułóż swoje wspomnienia z życia pięknymi konturami! Naklejki niestandardowe Funkcja niestandardowego wskaźnika podpisów w reklamie HomeScreen MOb: Reklama banerowa i reklama pełnoekranowa Łatwa personalizacja Projekt Eclipse Pobierz APK

59.59 zł

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Restaurant Food Delivery App with Delivery Boy

Introduction Food app is the complete solution for an online food delivery in which restaurant add their restaurant to increase their sales , user can order food from the, & company earn their commission It contain addon installation features which enable admin to install multiple addon regarding payment , email , otp providers.It support quick installation in which user can install web script by following few simple steps on quick installation page Feature Support Multiple Countries Support Multiple Cities Multiple Payment methods (COD , Credit/Debit Cards , Wallet) Support Today Deals Also Support Flash Sales Support Google Places Nearby Places Searches Location selector by dragging on Map Support multiple

194.67 zł

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My Safety Guard

My Safety Guard keeps you in touch with your closest contacts by instantaneously sending a photo, GPS information and other information when you need them the most. With just one touch, this application keeps you connected when you are: In an emergency Hiking or Biking Walking to school or college Working late at night Leaving a bar or party Entering a taxi Traveling to unfamiliar city My Safety Guard is The Safety App for your Smartphone. It allows you to inform your closest contacts of your whereabouts, including photo and GPS information, with the touch of a button. My Safety Guard combines multiple features of your smartphone, including time stamp, GPS, camera and texting, to help you protect yourself. In addition to emer

87.40 zł

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Tempo (Gold Edition) Great templates for incredible projects

Tempo’s a mobile app templates built on top of material design that’s suitable for Android app developers. It Includes all the default screens with many elements that you would need and it is ready to use, just put your logo, change the colors and call your APIs. App Features: Material Design: following Android Design Guidelines. Many widgets: Toolbar, CollapsingToolbarLayout, SlidingPaneLayout, DrawerLayout, RecyclerView, SwipeRefreshLayout, FloatingActionButton, TextInputLayout, TabLayout, ViewPager, CardView. Icons: A wide range of free Google icons and Fontello (Icon fonts). Activity Transitions: Beautiful

83.43 zł

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Menedżer wydatków - pełna aplikacja na Androida

EXPENSE MANAGER EXPENSE MANAGER lub DEM to jedna z najlepszych aplikacji finansowych na rynku smartfonów. Jest to aplikacja przeznaczona do organizowania dochodów i wydatków, ruchy pieniędzy są rejestrowane według daty, możesz przeglądać raporty codziennie, co tydzień, co miesiąc lub co rok. Porządkowanie wydatków pozwala lepiej kontrolować swoje pieniądze. Daily Expense Manager to idealna aplikacja do śledzenia efektywności finansowej. Jest łatwy do zrozumienia i najlepszy sposób na rejestrowanie danych finansowych. Cechy: ANDROID STUDIO WSPARCIE Atrakcyjny interfejs użytkownika Urzekająca grafika i design Money Manager Koszty Tracker Przypomnienie o rachunkach Zarządzaj paragonami Zestaw Notifi

75.49 zł

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Uderz mola w AdMob

O tej grze… Wystaw palce na próbę z Whack a Mole! 20 poziomów, aby przetestować najszybszego z łowców kretów. Sprawdź swoją wytrzymałość. Intensywna akcja. Sprawdź nasze demo: Śledź nas: Wsparcie:

23.84 zł

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Android Application For MTDB - Ultimate Movie&TV Database

Android Application For MTDB – Ultimate Movie&TV Database Android Application For MTDB is dedicated to MTDB – Ultimate Movie&TV Database Android Application For MTDB is integrated with high end Libraries which is used for processing your MTDB script and provides high performance on streaming videos. Android Application For MTDB is a native Android application which is specially designed for MTDB WebSite. With this Application you can get all information about movies, artists and stream videos in your Android Phone. It is quick, easy and affordable. This App has many useful built-in features and services. This App does not require programming skills. Code is easily configurable and customizable. Compatible with MTDB Websi

139.05 zł

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Freshly - Native Grocery Delivery Boy Android App

Native Grocery Delivery Boy / Rider / Driver Android App built-in Android Studio Our online grocery shopping software has been designed to provide an all-rounded app solution for multi-store grocery shopping. The UI has been crafted to provide a seamless grocery shopping experience for users inspired by apps like Instacart, Swiggy, Grofers & more.With this grocery delivery app clone you can extend your business to multiple locations and get new customers and that helps to grow your grocery chain business exponentially How Can you Start You can buy the app from us and run as your own for the lifetime. It is our responsibility to develop the app, keep updating and upgrading to make it stand out. You don’t have to worry about app dev

95.35 zł

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Coronavirus (COVID-19) Safety Guide - Live News + Real time Map + Real time Stats + AdMob

This app provides Coronavirus safety guide information for users. Developed using the latest Android Studio. This app provides all official Information from WHO with beautiful UI, real-time news, statistics, admob and many more. Features: - Android Studio - Offline Safety Information from WHO - Beautiful UI - Real-time Statistics - Real-time Coronavirus related news - Admob Demo apk: Google Drive Important Note : Google Play currently rejecting apps with name like coronavirus, covid-19. Upload your app on play store with name like ncovid-Safety Guide, ncov19, etc. If You’re going to upload with name like coronavirus or covid-19 , it might be rejected from play store.

23.84 zł

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Smart Hospital Android App - Mobile Application for Smart Hospital

Smart Hospital Android App is native Android application for Smart Hospital : Hospital Management System https://1.envato.market/smart_hospital Smart Hospital Android App is a simple and intuitive application focused on patient activities and patient can access their hospital information on mobile. The aim is to not only provide doctor appointment feature but also make interaction and reporting of patient billing and hospital activities. Smart Hospital Android App is highly customizable that means you can change its logo, primary and secondary colors to change app theme colors, enable disable modules. Important Note: Smart Hospital Android App version 1.1 supports Smart Hospital version 3.1 . Smart Hospital Andr

194.67 zł

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