
Android Jokes & Memes App (Joke, Meme, Image Jokes, Text Jokes)

Jokes is a app which contains humorous conversation. App has Jokes with taglines, comedy humour, punchlines, memes. Through the app, you can add category name, title, description and memes images. You can share to social media. It’s easy to search. DOWNLOAD DEMO APK: CLICK HERE Demo Admin: http://www.viaviweb.in/envato/cc/jokes_app_demo/ Username: admin Password: admin Features Get the category list Get category wise jokes and memes list Get latest jokes and memes list Jokes of the day feature Search jokes by tagline and category name Search memes by category and tag Copy and share jokes User can download and share memes User Uploaded jokes and memes Add to favourite features for jokes and memes Login

95.35 zł

2.13/ 8


Fire Wall | Native Android HD Wallpaper App with Firebase Back-end

Features Here is the detailed feature list: No Programming needed Firebase realtime database as back-end Online HTML editor to create formatted contents JSON formatted online database Complete Offline reading facilities Native android HTML formatted contents support Unlimited Wallpapers Enhanced online / offline search facilities Favorite List to Bookmark Wallpapers Wallpaper Sharing Facilities Wallpaper download Facilities Wallpaper crop Facilities Wallpaper set Facilities Supports RTL Arabic Layout PUSH Notification Material COlor theme Enha

31.78 zł

4.64/ 14


MULTI VENDOR E-COMMERCE IONIC 5-FIREBASE /Customer&ShopManager App,SuperAdmin&Manager webbackend/

UPGRADES Aug 30 2019 Customer can able to login with Firebase Mobile Phone Number to Multi Vendor System Customer can able to register with Firebase Mobile Phone Number to Multi Vendor System Aug 15 2019 Documentation has upgraded with Firebase Mobile Auth login and register Firebase Setup Documentation Section Upgraded Customer can able to upload their profile image Added Forgot Password Page , which means customer can able to change their password using their email address Aug 1 2019 Added Green Theme into Ionic 5 Firebase Multi Vendor Customer Application Added Golden Theme into Ionic 5 Firebase Multi Vendor Customer Application Search section integrated to IONIC 5 FIREBASE Multi Vendor Customer Application Jul 15 2019 Linear , Pie , Gr

111.24 zł

5/ 4


Slot Machine- Combo 3 In 1 Unity Casino Game

SALE 50% OFF | FROM 13/9/2021 TO 20/09/2021 Change Log[05/April/2021] Update Project with Unity 2019.4.10f1(64bit) Fix some minor bugs Update all services: Ads, IAP, Leaderboard.. also update document tutorial Description Slot Machine is an extremely popular game and there are many players who are constantly searching and playing it daily on mobile devices. We will provide you with a sample Project Slot Machine with the full features of a Slot Machine made with Unity, with easy customization.! Slot Machine is very suitable for Classic Game Casino project: Casino Classic Game How to intergrate Casino Classic and Slot Machine Tutorial Features Made with Unity – the leading engine for game development! (Requi

393.32 zł

5/ 3


Najlepsza aplikacja na żywo Tapety (GIF / Wideo / Obraz)

Ultimate Live Wallpapers App to mobilny system tapet działający na platformie Android, który służy do tworzenia własnych aplikacji do tapet. Dzięki zaawansowanym funkcjom i pięknemu projektowi oraz responsywnemu panelowi administracyjnemu można zarządzać filmami, obrazami, gifami, ofertami, kategoriami, użytkownikami, powiadomieniami, lanuanami, zarabianiem płatności i innymi. Ta aplikacja została stworzona przez Android Studio po stronie klienta, a następnie Php / MySQL po stronie administratora. Działa na platformie Android, która jest najpopularniejszym systemem operacyjnym na świecie. Korzystając z tej aplikacji, możesz zaoszczędzić pieniądze i czas na tworzeniu aplikacji dla własnej aplikacji Tapeta. Cechy: Ekran powitalny Intro Strony Uprawnienia Strona Suwak na stronie głównej (Link, kategoria, tapety) Popularne kategorie

139.05 zł

4.78/ 41


Monster Jump

Monster Jump – Endless Jumping Arcade So now you’re a space monster jumping in the space. Jump from platform to platform, collect more coins and grab useful power-ups. Avoid collisions with asteroids, space mines and robots and jump as much higher. Just tilt your device or press left or right on keyboard to move left/right then tap the screen to shoot. Features HD Graphics – All sprites in .PNG included. Sound FX and Music – All sounds and music are included. Player can switch all sounds to on/off. Construct 2 source file – Editable Construct 2 file that contains source code of the game. Mobile Ready – Game is mobile optimized and ready for export to mobile platforms. AdMob Advertising – Earn money showing ads in your game from truste

99.32 zł

0/ 1


Dør - Modern Architecture and Interior Design Theme

Here’s a fresh architectural marvel from Mikado – Dør, a theme for modern architecture and interior design websites, compatible with Elementor and WPBakery Page Builder both. Packed with ready-to-go interior design and architecture portfolio layouts, bundled with 2 premium plugins and equipped with all the elements & options you can wish for, Dør provides you with everything for a professional architecture or interior design website. It’s the only architect your site will ever need. Present your architecture portfolio or interior design projects the right way – here’s Dør. Here’s a link if you wish to view the Dør documentation. If you have any questions or wish to learn more about Dør theme, we’ve compiled a huge selection of usefu

297.97 zł

4.38/ 16


PixModal - Responsive Modal Popup

PixModal - Responsive Modal Popup PixModal to wielofunkcyjna modalna wyskakująca wtyczka do witryn Bootstrap z różnymi dostosowaniami. Pixmodal jest responsywny kompatybilny z urządzeniami mobilnymi, tabletami i komputerami stacjonarnymi dla nowoczesnych przeglądarek internetowych. Funkcje Pixmodal: Zminimalizowana produkcja i kody źródłowe Łatwa instalacja i integracja Łatwy w użyciu i dostosowaniu Responsywny i przyjazny mobilnie modal Lekki modal, sprawi, że twoja strona będzie nadal ładowana szybko! Łatwa integracja z Bootstrap 4 75+ kombinacji animacji 20+ modalnych przykładów Wsparcie Czcionka Niesamowite zrzuty ekranu Wsparcie Jeśli masz jakieś problemy lub problemy

39.73 zł

0/ 1


DotLife | Coach Online Courses WordPress

DotLife | Coach Speaker WordPress Theme Overview DotLife WordPress Theme is a responsive WordPress theme created especially for life coach, speaker, mentor, instructor, teacher, consultant, tutor etc. Built with LMS and online courses management for business coach & speaker. DotLife support responsive layouts built especially for business coach & speaker website so it looks great on all devices. It also support multiple features such as popup builder, mailing list and online courses which support for online payment. It has various ready to use layouts for different designs for business coach & speaker website and band which can be imported with one click. Features 7 Homepages for different designs business coach & s

234.40 zł

4.8/ 54


Venuse - Responsive Hitech/Digital Magento 2 Store Theme

Venuse is a modern and massive Magento 2 theme Magento 2 theme that comes with a bunch of cool features like a powerful mega menu, unlimited Google fonts with the option to add personalized fonts through the admin panel, font colors, ajax attribute search, quick cart pro, unlimited color options, one-click import sample data and much more. It is built with completely new feature-rich Framework that lets users and any developers update and customize quickly and easily. Venuse helps you build any beautiful website for almost store types without cost and time for coding.. Now is time for you to discover live demo and feel the difference of having a truly comprehensive theme!! Just some outstanding features of Venuse: ✔️ Modern Design

309.89 zł

0/ 1


WhatsApp Chat - WordPress WhatsApp Chat

WhatsApp chat plugin will help you to option to Non-stop messaging with clients on your site with on the website. Your customers will appreciate the opportunity. Customizable and easy-to-use WhatsApp Chat on WordPress website in a few minutes! Elfsight plugin whatsapp will offer a full range of styling settings and responsive layouts. WhatsApp live chat plugin will contribute in to fulfil your company aims. This plugin is your choice if Strengthen website visitors engagement;  Involve more clients to your site;  Boast about business right on the homepage Grow trust level of your users to the company.  Draw higher your leads Grow your social media audience range.  Demonstrate your ideal rating about your company

95.35 zł

5/ 9


Arup - Creative Multipurpose PSD Template

Arup – Creative Multipurpose PSD Template Arup is a PSD template specially designed Software Landing ,App Landing , SaaS , SEO,Interactive Agency,Creative agency , Digital agency, Creative Protfolio ,start-up and related any business , agency & business consult, business corporate, blog, e-commerce, online shops, and much more. The Template is based on 1170 Bootstrap based design so this Template will be 100% fluid responsive on any device. In addition, you are getting 75 Creative PSD layered files. Everything is in Documentation file so that you can change anything easily.. Template Features: 75 psd files are created in Adobe CC All illustration files included 7 Elegant Niches Creative Agency, Digital &a

31.78 zł

0/ 1


AnalyzeThat - Survey and Poll Analysing Tool

AnalyzeThat is a tool for analyze all kind of question/answers data and surveys. It has a built-in editor for data filtering and data grouping, and with it is very easy to create your own reports to analyzing the provided data. The tool was written with the help of Knockout JS and jQuery frameworks, therefore there is a standalone Knockout JS component and also a jQuery plugin as well. Of course you can use both of them, even separately, by your choice. AnalyzeThat is compatible with both Bootstrap 3 and Bootstrap 4. It works in all major browser and it has responsive design as well, but the latter depends on the length of the questions and answers. The plugin supports to edit, save and delete reports and youe also can configure predef

35.76 zł

0/ 0


Sassgen | SaaS Landing Page HTML Template

Sassgen | SaaS Landing Page HTML Template SassGen SaaS Landing Page Template is a modern template clean and Responsive HTML5/CSS3 SaaS landing page based on Bootstrap All files are clearly organised. A better way to present your digital product ans services Specifications: 5 Different Layouts 4 Color Versions Sketch file included 500+ Font Icons Used Images not included with the main file. Bootstrap 4 SASS CSS Unique Design Clean Design Fully Responsive Design Google Fonts Clean and well commented codes Well documented Cross browser compatible – IE9+, Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera Creadits Images from Unsplash Video converted via video.online-convert.com Bootstra

47.67 zł

0/ 0


Sfarimi - szablon zestawu szkicu interfejsu użytkownika

O Sfarimi to nowoczesny i świeży szablon do internetowego sklepu z pamiątkami. Dostosowaliśmy ten szablon do Twojej usługi. Ten szablon zawiera listę produktów, szczegóły produktu, koszyk, płatność. Wypełniony szablon i gotowy do sklepu z upominkami, dystrybutorów prezentów, sprzedawcy prezentów itp. Te pliki szkiców są dobrze zorganizowane, warstwowe i odpowiednio nazwane. Funkcje szablonu: 14 Układ ekranu Wszystkie kształty są wektorowe i w 100% konfigurowalne W pełni warstwowe, skalowalne i edytowalne Łatwe do zastosowania własnej marki / koloru Na podstawie stylów i symboli szkicu Czcionki Google 14 Ekrany szkiców 01_Splash 02_Login_Register 03_Login 04_Register 05_Reset Hasło 06_Explore 07_Kategorie 08_ Widok siatki produktu 09_ Widok listy produktów 10_ Szczegóły produktu 11_Wishlist 12_C

55.62 zł

0/ 0


TheGym - szablon Joomla do jogi, fitnessu i akcesoriów

Sj TheGym to profesjonalna siłownia, fitness, joga, osobisty trener i sklep z siłowniami, wielofunkcyjny szablon Joomla o wysokiej jakości i nowoczesnym designie. To świetne rozwiązanie dla każdej siłowni, centrum fitness i sklepu z siłownią. Szablon Fitness Joomla to połączenie komponentów Content i VirtueMart 3, które pozwalają zbudować profesjonalne Gym Gym, Yoga, Fitness Personal Trainer Center ze zintegrowanym sklepem internetowym. Poza tym szablon Sj TheGym - Gym Joomla jest wysokiej jakości i bogaty w funkcje, które dają użytkownikom potężne możliwości kontrolne bez konieczności posiadania dużej wiedzy na temat programowania. Motyw Yoga Joomla zapewnia szczegółową dokumentację, w której można łatwo skonfigurować dowolne elementy szablonu. Jeśli szukasz oszałamiającego Fi

190.70 zł

0/ 0


Facebook Chat - Facebook Messenger for WordPress

With the help of Facebook Chat you Faster responding to clients’ needs on the website. Your website visitors will have access to get in touch with you on Facebook Messenger right from your website.  Elfsight Facebook live chat will surprise you with many customization options and premade layouts. Our plugin will contribute to accomplish your website aims. This plugin is your choice if you want to turn website visitors into leads you want to make it easier for your clients to get in touch with you you don’t want to rack your brains over setup and customization of the plugin you are looking for a working solution worth its price Launch the online demo now. Link to demo Add the best Facebook messenger plugin on WordPress web page in a minute

95.35 zł

4.63/ 8


Guard Patrolling System

Guard Patrolling System Nowadays guard patrolling is very most important in day or night to reduce any losses from our premises, so basically we need to buy much hardware to monitor guard patrolling and attendance. This app helps to monitor guard patrolling with no more hardware needed just you can use your own mobile and just one step you are ready to launch the guard patrolling system with real-time reporting.  Track guards are working hours and attendance.  Track guards in time and out time Track guards patroling realtime  Track missed checkpoints during patrolling How it works It’s a simple way to work with this app, simply print QR code or get qr code stickers from the market and stick on walls or gate, etc where you want track patr

214.54 zł

4.6/ 10


Szablon aplikacji natywnej Healer React

Szablon aplikacji Healer - to aplikacja React Native Mobile, która demonstruje interfejs użytkownika na Androida i iPhone'a. Zarządzaj lekami, lekarzem, umówioną wizytą, przeszukuj lekarza i szpital, wskaźniki, wysyłaj i wypychaj powiadomienia. Funkcja obejmuje Regularne React Native i Expo 56 Mobilny ekran Podgląd JPG Zestaw interfejsu użytkownika aplikacji na Androida i iOS Może zintegrować się z React-Redux JavaScript Developers Demo Expo Demo. Pliki JSON w zestawie Przewodnik po dokumentach APK Demo Update - Wrzesień 16.2019 # Zaktualizuj najnowszą wersję (v4.0.3 ) # Napraw niektóre błędy Aktualizacja - 05 sierpnia 2019 #Aktualizacja React Natywna wersja Aktualizacja - 16 sierpnia 2019 # Naprawiono błąd Aktualizacja - 24 czerwca 2019 # Naprawiono: Drobny błąd. # Zaktualizuj najnowszy zestaw SDK Expo

190.70 zł

0/ 0


Block Puzzle (ADMOB+GDBR)

★★★ Block Puzzle Jewel ★★★ The goal is to drop blocks in order to create and destroy full lines on the screen both vertically and horizontally. Don’t forget to keep the blocks from filling the screen in this addictive puzzle game. Change Log version 2019_11_25 Update the build tools to 3.5.2 integrate API-29 resolve the problem Google Key Features: Easy to edit and reskin Optimized for Mobile ADMOB INTEGRATED ( BANNER AND INTERSTITIAL ) GDPR Support 24/7 How To : Open Project Into Android Studio. How to the package name How to the name of game How to Change Graphics game. How to Change Audio game. How to change the Admob Banner and

47.67 zł

5/ 3


PS Store (aplikacja mobilna eCommerce dla każdego właściciela firmy) 1.7

Aplikacja Android na PS-Store (mobile e-commerce) jest gotową aplikacją dla właściciela sklepu, który chce stworzyć tam własny sklep mobilny. Wypróbuj aplikację demo sklepu ps tutaj Jeśli podoba Ci się nasza aktualizacja wersji, nie zapomnij dać 5 gwiazdek. Dzięki Funkcje aplikacji na Androida 1) Wybrane kategorie, podkategorie i produkty 2) Wyszukiwanie i filtrowanie produktów 3) Szczegóły produktu 4) Dodaj do koszyka 5) Zarządzanie koszykami 6) Transakcja w kasie 7) Produkty z rabatem 8) Kupon z rabatem 9) Kolekcja produktów 10) Ulubiony produkt użytkownika 11) Logowanie, rejestracja i wylogowanie użytkownika

234.40 zł

4.58/ 12


System zarządzania użytkownikami w ASP.NET MVC 5

System zarządzania użytkownikami to aplikacja ASP.NET MVC 5, która pozwala właścicielom stron internetowych szybko dodawać i włączać uwierzytelnianie, autoryzację i zarządzanie użytkownikami do ich stron internetowych. Został zaprojektowany zgodnie z najnowszymi standardami bezpieczeństwa i kodu i jest gotowy na witryny o wysokiej dostępności. Mimo że jest napisany w MVC 5, może służyć do bezpiecznego logowania, uwierzytelniania, autoryzacji i pełnego zarządzania użytkownikami dla dowolnej aplikacji ASP.NET. Funkcje Bezpieczna rejestracja użytkownika i logowanie Zapomniałem hasła Zaloguj się przy użyciu nazwy użytkownika i adresu e-mail Interaktywny pulpit nawigacyjny Nieograniczona liczba ról użytkownika Potężny panel administracyjny Nieograniczona liczba uprawnień

111.24 zł

0/ 2


Slick Theme for Coupons CMS

Slick Theme is a new and minimal design for your website that is running CouponsCMS script. It will change the entire look of your website. Slick has been designed as a minimal theme and it do not include single pages for products & coupons in comparison with the Default theme included in CouponsCMS script. Minimal & simple is the goal of the theme, it includes new features as ajax search for the form on front page and more. The archive you download by purchasing this theme also includes premium plugins as Blog, Campaigns. Requirements Coupons CMS v7 Description Slick Theme – is a theme for CouponsCMS. FREE Premium Plugins Blog Plugin Campaigns Plugin Note*: Images are not included.

95.35 zł

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Endless - Angular 12 Admin Template

Endless Angular Theme is pure angular theme, Yes! you read correct, it’s No Jquery angular admin theme including all feature and functionality with ease of integration for your project. Endless theme document will help you to understand angular from scratch to making perfect real time dream application. Endless – Bootstrap Angular 11 Admin Template Features Build with Angular 11 No JQuery Attractive Dashboard Smooth Customizer Light & Dark templete Multiple Color Options Firebase Integration Firebase Todo Integration Firebase Contacts Integration Firebase CRUD Integration RTL support Fully Responsive layout Feather Icon Detailed Documentation Workable Application

71.51 zł

5/ 22


FeBe - Facebook Sells And Marketing Tool

F-commerce and marketing script FeBe is a standalone facebook messenger bot that allows you to sell your product from your facebook page and website. FeBe is also a tool for marketing on Facebook. Currently, facebook messenger has 1.2 billion monthly active users. Most of the E-commerce companies have started selling their products via facebook messenger. To make the selling process easy and automated we have developed software that will auto-answer your customer’s query, allow them to browse products in messenger, see the details of products and they can pay via Paypal and Stripe. On the other hand, you can see you’re earning analytics, manage orders, products, and customers from the admin dashboard. Login Details Login Url A

154.94 zł

2.5/ 4


Pet Salon - Szablon Joomla do pielęgnacji zwierząt domowych z programem budującym strony

Pet Salon to nasz nowy jasny szablon Joomla, który stworzy świetną stronę internetową dla zwierząt i opieki nad nimi, usług pielęgnacyjnych dla zwierząt domowych, kliniki dla zwierząt, centrum weterynaryjnego, sklepu zoologicznego, salonu, a nawet hotelu dla zwierząt! Nasz bardzo responsywny szablon Joomla wygląda tak samo niesamowicie na zewnątrz, jak i wewnątrz! Powita odwiedzających za pomocą suwaka o pełnej szerokości, w którym możesz umieścić niesamowity obraz i wypełnić najważniejsze informacje o swojej firmie. Następnie strona główna pokazuje wszystkie dokładnie przemyślane sekcje, takie jak sekcja about, sekcja mobilnego spotkania pielęgnacyjnego, sekcja usług i kontakty, oczywiście. Szablon jest wyposażony w super wygodną funkcję - Sp Page Builder, która daje ci taką możliwość

190.70 zł

0/ 1


Webwall - Fashion Responsive Email Template + StampReady & CampaignMonitor compatible files

Stampready is the only service that allows 3rd party template to use their editor (It’s not FREE), Our templates are compatible files only. About Template Webwall Newsletter Template with StampReady Builder. this Templates is designed for Fashion which can be used for any type of e-commerce business. We design a newsletter templates for Multipurpose and Responsive section. Edit to Stampready Template Builder Templates Features Fashion Multipurpose Responsive Newsletter Maximum of Four columns 50 Fashion Templates 425+ modules Major browser compatible [IE, Firefox, Chrome, Opera and Safari] Major email clients support [Windows MS Outlook, Thunderbird] Major web mail services support [Gmail, Outlook in browser, Yahoo mail,] Documentation

47.67 zł

0/ 1


InfixEdu School - School Management System Software

Demo: http://infixedu.infixlive.com/login Whats New v6: Lesson Plan | Chat Reliability is the key factor when it comes to running a School Management System. Any lag or disturbance can affect your reputation. And we completely understand this responsibility from our 20 years+ of experience in working in this field. We know every nitty-gritty detail of this respected industry. With our experience and state-of-the-art interface designs, we have created INFIX in School Management ERP System which is extremely reliable, intuitive, and easy to use. It can cater to all your needs of managing school, college, and any other educational institution eliminating the tedious manual processes. With a framework built this solid and re

274.13 zł

4.7/ 23


xGames – script Download Free Games System with Website

Other Demo Here Limited Discount 25% off For The First 25 Buyer Overview Xgames – script Download Free Games System with Website is awesome website Download Free Games with the system preferred to work on the languages of Arabic, English and German. Checkout the demo to learn more . Browser Compatibility xGames – script Download Free Games System with Website has been tested to work best with IE10+, latest versions of Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Safari, Android and iOS mobile browsers. Support Support requests can be requested via the the comments section at codecanyon, or a direct mail to : [email protected] Features Demo Admin Contact Us To Login Details Native admin laravel [email protected] Features This scr

59.59 zł

2.33/ 6