
METAPRO | ULTIMATE Skrobak do proxy

METAPro | ULTIMATE Skrobak do proxy! Jedyny skrobak do proxy, którego będziesz kiedykolwiek potrzebować! Zdrap miliony serwerów proxy, nie otrzymując duplikatów SUPER SZYBKO !. To narzędzie zostało opracowane z myślą o szybkości, abyś mógł zeskrobać jak najwięcej serwerów proxy tak szybko, jak to możliwe. To zdecydowanie najlepszy skrobak proxy na CodeCanyon. To jest naprawdę szybki skrobak proxy. To narzędzie pomaga zeskrobywać proxy z wielu stron internetowych. Wszystko, co musisz zrobić, to wykonać kilka prostych kroków pokazanych poniżej. Musisz zaimportować listę słów kluczowych, które określają, jakiego rodzaju proxy chcesz zeskrobać, a następnie uruchom. Następnie zapisujesz listę stron, które zeskrobałeś i ładujesz je do `Skrobaka Proxy`, a następnie dopiero zaczynasz scrapi

115.21 zł

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KartPul - Multipurpose WooCommerce Theme

KartPul is WordPress ecommerce theme based on WooCommerce plugin. It is suitable for digital, electronics, mobile, food, vegetables, plant, garden tools, auto, fruits, kitchen, watches, accessories, furniture, art, ceramic, handicraft, decor, fashion, jewellery, lingerie, lighting and home accessories store. It is also multipurpose theme which can be used for any kind of online store. KartPul WooCommerce theme is looking good with it’s clean and fresh design. All sub pages are customized. Compatibility WordPress 4.8.x, 4.9.x, 5.0.x, 5.1.x, 5.2.x, 5.3.x, 5.4.x, 5.5.x, 5.6.x, 5.7.x, 5.8.x WooCommerce 3.x.x, 4.x.x, 5.x.x Most Popular WooCommerce Themes from TemplateMela Key Features Using Google Fonts Easy Customize

83.43 zł

4.46/ 118


Landrick - Saas & Software Bootstrap 5 Landing Page Template

Please Note: This item is a static HTML5 template, It’s not a WordPress theme. Landrick is a Powerful Saas & Software Bootstrap Template. It is an excellent HTML template for startup, coworking space, cloud hosting, car ride, classic saas, classic application, event, business, application, educational course, personal portfolio, services, enterprise, minimal portfolio single product, saas, Social media marketing, Digital marketing/agency, Email Templates, Online Learning Course, marketing, agency, Careers, Customer Supports, Onepage Landing, and much more. Landrick is fully updated with the latest Bootstrap v5.0.2. It is 100% responsive and looks stunning on all types of screens and devices. Users will love your site beca

79.46 zł

4.99/ 67


Louis – Handmade & Craft Shopify Theme

Louis – Handmade & Craft Shopify Theme is a Handmade Shop Shopify theme. It is dedicated to accessories, fashion, furniture, home decor, handmade pottery, and jewelry. Louis theme has a minimal design, which is built based on powerful Shopify Sections using drag & drop page builder. You can easily adjust your online store as you desire. Louis offers 2 Homepages with endless customization options. This eCommerce Shopify theme has amazing features to boost your online business store. Louis is perfect for showcasing your products. Display your each and every product equally. You will get numerous options to sort your collection and beautifully show your products on your web-store. Louis – Handmade shop Shopify Theme is cross-bro

111.24 zł

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Mingo - Ghost News News Theme

Mingo to responsywny blog o nowoczesnym designie, responsywnym układzie i unikalnych funkcjach. Może być stosowany w dowolnej niszy, szczególnie w stylu życia, technologii, osobistej, fotografii, blogu korporacyjnym itp. W tym temacie uwzględniliśmy 3 różne odmiany strony głównej wraz z odmianą post / strona. Jest kompatybilny z Ghost 2.x i działa z każdym widżetem Koenig. Najważniejsze cechy 3 Wariacje na stronie głównej Gotowy na najnowszą wersję Ghost 2.xx Czysty design Lekki i minimalistyczny design 100% responsywny, ładnie wygląda na każdym urządzeniu. Składnia Podświetlacz (Pryzmat) Gotowe do tłumaczenia Dołączone pliki programistyczne. (Zminimalizowany i zoptymalizowany kod z Gulpem) Zawiera SCSS Bootstrap 4 Framework Gulp Obsługiwane wersje HTML5 i CSS3

234.40 zł

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Dzień dobry - szablon blogu Jekyll

Dzień dobry to minimalnie zaprojektowany kreatywny motyw Jekyll, odpowiedni dla każdego rodzaju prywatnego lub firmowego bloga i czasopisma. Funkcje Minimalistyczny design Unikalna i kreatywna koncepcja Łatwe dostosowywanie Dynamiczne suwaki Układ kreatywny W pełni responsywne animacje CSS3 Czcionka Niesamowite ikony Darmowe aktualizacje i wsparcie Darmowe czcionki Google Używany

115.21 zł

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Woodstock - Fastest Shopify Sections Theme -Free Multilanguage App - PageSpeed 99/100 - Multipurpose

Woodstock is a Modern Fully Responsive Retina Ready Shopify theme, fast loading, fully SEO support and boost your sale with thousands of special features….. Woodstock theme is suitable for any kind of shops, and the dropshipping store like fashion, cloth, electronics, furniture, accessories, watches or any other. Start your Store right away with Woodstock theme. Recommended by Envato Tutsplus as one of the best Shopify themes. Just install the Boostheme Toolkit app on your store. From this app, you can install the theme you want to use for the trial. Please refer to more details at https://woodstock-docs.boostheme.com/shopify-apps/boostheme-toolkit-app#2-install-shopify-themes. We have been very successful wi

234.40 zł

5/ 28


TopMart - MultiPurpose Responsive Magento 2 Shopping Theme

TopMart is an advanced Magento 2 theme fully customizable and suitable for e-commerce websites of any purpose. The template is also the typical modern Magento 2 theme by universality, attractiveness and easy customization. It is also compatible with Multivendor extension & Onepage Checkout extension, certainly attract customer to your site by a professional way. Empowered by the fantastic Magento 2 and various powerful eCommerce features, TopMart helps you to build any beautiful website for almost store types without cost and time for coding. Now is time for you to discover live demo and checkout if you really love! Let’s view some prominent features! Just some outstanding features of TopMart: ✔️ Modern Design with Highly Customi

357.56 zł

4.5/ 4


Alita - Flowers & Gifts Shop Shopify Theme

Alita is developed by Envato Top Elite author team – tvlgiao. Inherited all powerful functionality of our bestselling Shopify theme, with newer and trending design styles. It is best suitable for: fashion store, selling cloth apparel t-shirt. Minimal white bright & clean design, high-res retina, pastel harmony colors. Simple, minimal, super light-weight and fast loading, SEO microdata coded. And more design for bicycle, sport, outdoor,... . Built with impressive WOW animation effect, parallax style, full-screen slideshow, full-width page, powerful theme settings, easy to change colors, fonts, custom layouts with Sections ready. Furthermore, with our excillent support team, we’re commited to supporting you with al

222.48 zł

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XeroChat - kompletne oprogramowanie marketingowe Messenger na Facebooku

XeroChat to najbardziej kompletny skrypt marketingowy Messenger na Facebooku. W połączeniu ze wszystkimi potężnymi narzędziami, takimi jak Messenger BOT Builder, Comment BOT Builder, Messenger Broadcaster, Facebook Poster, RSS Poster, Existing Messenger Subscribers Import i wiele innych funkcji, Xero Chat to najlepszy wybór do codziennych rozwiązań marketingowych. Najlepszą częścią tego systemu jest to, że można przesyłać wiadomości promocyjne do subskrybentów komunikatora. Możesz importować nieograniczoną liczbę kont na Facebooku, nieograniczoną liczbę stron na Facebooku. Jest to system dla wielu użytkowników z białą etykietą, więc możesz tworzyć nieograniczoną liczbę użytkowników, aby móc z niego korzystać. Funkcje Messenger BOT Funkcje: Odpowiedz wi

95.35 zł

4.94/ 138


Novine - React Next eCommerce Templates

Novine is a clean and modern purse React Next JS eCommerce template. It is built on React.js, Next.js, React-Redux, ES6+, Sass, and Bootstrap 5.x. Novine has Stripe payment included with an easy checkout feature. It has responsive beautiful design layouts with an amazing Retina Ready visual UX/ UI experience. The template has 15+ demo variations with lots of inner pages. The Novine has a well commented and easily customizable source code with detailed documentation. These will help make the template usable and customized based on the ultimate eCommerce website needs. Main Features: Built on pure React.js without jQuery 15+ Demo Variations React v17+ Next.js v11.0.1+ Bootstrap v5.0.2 ES6+ CSS &

99.32 zł

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Pustak — eBook Unbounce Landing Page Template

Pustak is a Creative eBook Unbounce Responsive Landing Page Template, it could be used as an email lead generation and increase your conversion rate. Create high conversion landing pages in minutes! Top Features: Drag & Drop Page Builder Desktop + Mobile Versions (Responsive Design) 100% Customizable Advanced form builder & add fields customize Clean and Beautiful Design High Converting Template Real Time Statistics Working Contact Form Well documentation Integrate With Your Favorite Marketing Tools Dynamic Keyword Insertion for PPC campaigns Excellent Customer Support & We care about your site as much as you and will help in anyway possible and much more!.. Build landing pages in hours, not weeks. Unbounce powerful dra

55.62 zł

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Uspołecznić | Przyciski mediów społecznościowych

Przegląd Socialize to łatwy w obsłudze i kolorowy, kreatywny produkt wykonany w CSS3. Funkcje 3 dostępne rozmiary 7 Dostępne style Łatwy do wdrożenia, wystarczy dodać kilka klas. Działa na linkach, przyciskach Ładnie degraduje w starszych przeglądarkach Gładkie efekty Nie są wymagane żadne obrazy Szczegółowa dokumentacja Darmowa biblioteka czcionek Zobacz, jak korzystać z funkcji towarzyskich na youtube

15.89 zł

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North - Adventure Responsive Email Newsletter Template

North is a Multipurpose responsive email template specially designed to bring the vibes of adventure to the theme it can be used for marketing, agency, travel, start up, and other general purposes. North email template is fully integrated with StampReady, MailChimp, CampaignMonitor and Mailster it’s fully customizable on those email service platforms. North was made for those who want to impress their potential customers, It’s design is guaranteed to look amazing in every inbox or every devices. Convinced? Buy North Now! Features Multipurpose template Responsive template MailChimp ready Campaign Monitor ready StampReady drag & drop builder Mailster ready Pure HTML File

71.51 zł

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Newton Email-Template + Online Builder

20 unique modules Responsive email template Drag and Drop Online Email Builder Unlimited colors and variations Save template and edit later Multiple export options (HTML, MailChimp, CampaignMonitor) Email on Acid tested, test results provided Commented code Well documented If you need support, please mail us to [email protected] For online help documentation Click here Responsiveness is not supported in Gmail Android with a Non Gmail Account. Email clients that support custom web fonts: Apple Mail, iOS Mail, Thunderbird, Android (native client). Other email clients display standard fallback web fonts. Demo images are not included in the downloaded archive.

79.46 zł

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PoppyScroll - nieinwazyjne okienko responsywne na zwoju

Co to jest PoppyScroll? PoppyScroll to nieinwazyjne, w pełni konfigurowalne i responsywne okienko z treściami, które można łatwo zintegrować z witryną. Głównym celem PoppyScroll jest to, że można go skonfigurować tak, aby pojawiał się dopiero po przewinięciu określonego procentu strony. W ten sposób odwiedzający są naprawdę zaangażowani w treści, które definiujesz. PoppyScroll zawiera 15 opcji dostosowywania, dzięki czemu możesz idealnie zintegrować go ze swoją witryną. Można go zainstalować w ciągu kilku minut, a nawet dla osób bez wiedzy technicznej, dzięki dołączonej przejrzystej i szczegółowej dokumentacji. Jak mogę korzystać z PoppyScroll w mojej witrynie? PoppyScroll może być używany na wiele różnych sposobów, aby poprawić swoją stronę internetową lub zaangażowanie użytkowników. Ale

19.86 zł

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10 BEST HTML5 GAMES! (Construct 3 | Construct 2 | Capx)

10 BEST HTML5 GAMES! (CAPX); a suite of 10 beautiful games, with excellent graphics and great sounds! All 10 games in bundle, all the sources included, HTML5 projects, Construct 2 projects, Construct 3 projects, graphics, sounds and much more! The price when buying all the games separately = $176, in the bundle you can buy all 10 games in just $49, saving 75%! Super price: 75% OFF!!! PC controls: Keyboard, Mouse. Touch Control works on all browsers and all mobile devices! Made in Construct 2. Enjoy the games! 1.Animals Crush Match3 2.Halloween Match3 3.CARS 4.POPs Billiards 5.Scary Run 6.Splishy Fish 7.Monster Match3 8.Speed Racer 9.Frog Super Bubbles

198.65 zł

5/ 3


Minimal Sound Player

Minimal Sound Player – jQuery Plugin Supports mp3, ogg, wav Beautiful knob slider Can play multiple players as group Soundcloud Supported live stream supported (only for mp3, ogg or wav extensions) Simple use as any jquery plugin, instrunctions for installation included. Support only play and pause, and seek sound, no volume controls Wordpress Version

31.78 zł

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Deadline - React Coming Soon Templates with Next JS & Gatsby JS

Welcome to Deadline – React Next & Gatsby Coming Soon Template, built with React, Next Js, Gatsby Js & Styled Components. NO jQuery!, We created reusable react components and used modern mono repo architecture (Lerna), so you can build multiple apps with common components. We have provided multilingual support and also ‘RTL’ support for our customers. We have provided complete SendGrid integration to our template for Newsletter/Contact Form. It’s super easy to deploy. You can host next app or gatsby app into any host like now.sh, firebase , netlify etc.

51.65 zł

4.67/ 3


Bemax - Uniwersalny szablon korporacyjny Joomla

Bemax to czysty motyw Joomla odpowiedni dla firm, firm i konsultantów online. Możesz go bardzo łatwo dostosować do swoich potrzeb. Funkcje: Pakiet Szybki start Pełna wersja demonstracyjna 29 stron Przeciągnij i upuść Układ Rewolucja Suwak 06 Układy strony głównej Darmowe czcionki Google Aktywne i najechanie kursorem są włączone Łatwo konfigurowalne pliki Photoshopa Każda strona jest w pełni warstwowa i zorganizowana z odpowiednimi nazwami Czysty i nowoczesny styl Siatka Pixel Perfect 1170px Wewnątrz tego pakietu: Czcionki W tym szablonie używamy czcionki z Google Font: Lato Icons Font Awes

111.24 zł

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SendinBlue SMS notification Module for Perfex CRM

SendinBlue SMS notification Module for Perfex CRM will allow you Send Sms notification to any country using your company name. You don’t need to buy additional phone number. The module integrates SendinBlue, you can check the screenshots here in the item to get more familiar how the module flow will look after purchase.  The SMS log will be stored in Perfexcrm ACTIVITY LOG and Sendinblue dashboard All sms notification that can be triggered in Perfex CRM is available and you can also send personalised sms to your customers from the admin panel. Sms notifications added includes: Invoice Overdue Notice Invoice Payment Recorded Estimate Expiration Reminder Proposal Expiration Reminder New Comment on Proposal (to customer) New Comment

75.49 zł

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WP Custom Cursors | WordPress Cursor Plugin

Why the price is high? Hi, my name is Hamid Reza Sepehr and I am a developer in Kabul, Afghanistan. As you may know our country is in a very critical situation, Taliban terrorist group have captured more than half of the country, and I am stuck in Kabul. I need to leave the country as soon as possible. I have no income source so I need to sell this plugin in order to earn enough to get me and my family to a safe place. Please if you are capable purchase my item, I really need that and I really appreciate your sense of humanity. Also note that escaping from the country may cause some delays in providing regular support as I used to do before. I am sorry but that’s all I can do. Custom Cursors for WordPress (v 2.2.5 is here) WP Custom C

198.65 zł

4.8/ 20


Evenomali - Szkic Aplikacja Event & Conference Tickets

Evenomali to wspaniała aplikacja Sketch Event & Conference Tickets zaprojektowana do odkrywania, kupowania, sprzedawania i organizowania biletów na imprezy. Zawiera wszystkie 40 ekranów w warstwowych i zorganizowanych elementach. Każdy ekran jest w pełni konfigurowalny, łatwy w użyciu i starannie zmontowany w Sketch. Ten szablon jest gotowy do użycia w aplikacji na iOS. Zawiera 40 układów ekranu Pixel Perfect 100% wektorowe i konfigurowalne, warstwowe i dobrze zorganizowane czcionki San Francisco Zaprojektowane na podstawie 1x rozdzielczości ekranu iPhone'a X (375 × 812) Zaprojektowane na stronach szkicu Zawarte Splash Screen Wdrożenie 01 Wdrożenie 02 Wdrożenie 03 Zaloguj się Zapomniałem hasła Zarejestruj się Kod weryfikacyjny Ustaw lokalizację Wybierz lokalizację

95.35 zł

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Industry PRO - Multipurpose Construction Builder and Agency Website Script

“Construction” is a complete solution for Construction, Industry Business Website and Management System. You can use this system for your Consultancy Business, Corporate Business, Construction Business etc. This CMS Includes almost everything you need to make a professional Construction, industry Business Website. Paypal and Stripe are integrated for easy payment transaction for customer to buy any plan. It has many important section whice are important for any business website and everything is fully dynamic. This script is fully responsive for any device. Admin can manage complete website without single line of coding knowledge. It has strong SQL injection protection system which will keep away this system from hackers. Key Features

99.32 zł

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Vimeo Gallery - WordPress Vimeo plugin

Elfsight Vimeo Gallery is an easy tool for everyone, who would like to embed Vimeo content on the website. You’re free to shape playlists of videos, display a whole channel, pick the most attractive theme content for your video gallery and other. Elfsight widget features well thought-out customization options, which help create the interface suitable for different cases. Ready-to-use layouts will organize the content the best way, several playing modes make viewing your videos handy in any use case. Thanks to the header, you can tell everyone about your channel and increase subscribers. Elfsight Vimeo Gallery is an easy way not only to increase engagement, but as well to promote your business. This plugin is your choice if you woul

95.35 zł

4.5/ 8


Online Banking Android App + Online Banking iOS App Template| Bank App| Opus Banking|IONIC 5

Opus Banking is an online banking app which allows user to transfer funds using, direct banking, RTGS, IMPS, etc. Also, the user can check out loan offers available by banks. Opus Banking App can be a great choice. It is a modern-based and easily customizable App template. Opus Banking is online baking app template. List of Screens User App Template Screens Splash Screen Sign in Screen Sign up Screen OTP verification Screen Thumb Impression Screen Home Screen Fund Transfer Option Screen Fund Transfer Screen Add Beneficiary Screen IMPS Screen Transferred Successfully Screen Transaction Screen Loan Screen Loan Statement Screen List of Deposits Screen Upload Deposit Screen Account Screen My Profile Screen Nearby Bank and ATM Scre

274.13 zł

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Flutter - Deco News - Mobile App for Wordpress

Flutter Deco News App Template News apps are becoming more and more popular, but not everybody has the time and resources to build their news app from scratch, especially considering the fact that apps for Android and iOS need to be developed from two different codebases. This is where our Deco News app template kicks in. Our app template is built with Flutter, Google’s UI toolkit already used by some big companies such as Alibaba, Hamilton Musical, Abbey Road Studios, JD Finance and many more. With Flutter, you have control over every pixel on the screen from the start, since it includes a full set of widgets that deliver pixel-perfect experiences on both iOS and Android. Features that will amaze you Flutter

107.27 zł

4.9/ 10


Wersja aplikacji kalendarza 2

Karenderia App Version 2 to najnowsza i nowoczesna aplikacja mobilna dla Karenderia Multiple Restaurant System. Ta aplikacja mobilna to front-endowa wersja kmrs, którą klient może zamówić na urządzeniu mobilnym tru. Uwaga dla kupującego: Aby móc korzystać z tej aplikacji mobilnej, musisz kupić system wielu restauracji Karenderia, ponieważ wszystkie dane restauracji zależą od KMRS. Nie możesz używać tej aplikacji mobilnej jako samodzielnej aplikacji, jest to dodatek do Karenderia Multiple Restaurant Systemowa aplikacja Karenderia w wersji 2 łączy się z KRMS za pomocą wywołań json api, wystarczy zainstalować moduły interfejsu API i ustawień i gotowe. jest wyposażony w bardzo łatwą procedurę krok po kroku dotyczącą instalacji modułów interfejsu API i ustawień. DEMO Ba

111.24 zł

4.77/ 57


Notch - Android News Application 3.0

DEMO APK To keep data clean, we separate web demo with data on android. DEMO ADMIN ADMINusername : adminpassword : admin WRITERusername : writerpassword : writer CREDIT LIBRARY Material Ripple : https://github.com/balysv/material-ripple Image Loader : https://github.com/bumptech/glide Rest API : https://github.com/square/retrofit Shimmer : http://facebook.github.io/shimmer-android/ CREDIT IMAGE SAMPLE pexels.com NOTCH is Android News Application, run with fast and lightweight admin panel. Android app build with native java, admin panel build with PHP, AngularJS. You can use this app for News app, personal blog and etc. Organizing news from admin panel with topic

75.49 zł

4.67/ 18


QuickDate IOS- Mobile Social Dating Platform Application

QuickDate is a social application for QuickDate Dating social network, with QuickDate users can Match & Interact with users profiles and like and find near by and more, Now using the application is easier, and more fun ! QuickDate app is easy, secured, and it will be regularly updated. Requirements: Build on Swift 5.3, Xcode 12.4 -QuickDate v1.4 or higher. -If you are charging your users or sell in-app purchases you should obtain the extended license What does Extended license includs? 1-Extra payment system such as Apple pay. 2-A simple gift from our side User Features: ِLike: User can like users in find match page.. Chat: Send, receive messages. Regitration pages and steps. Share and upload images and m

194.67 zł

4.76/ 17