

Skrypt jQuery do sortowania elementów opcji zaznaczonego pola. Możesz łatwo sortować elementy w polu wyboru rosnąco (AZ) i malejąco (ZA). Możesz nawet zignorować obudowę. W skrypcie demonstracyjnym zawarłem niestandardową funkcję porównywania, która pokazuje, jak losowo losować zawartość w polu wyboru. Ułatwi ci to zbudowanie własnych niestandardowych mechanizmów sortowania i łatwe rozszerzenie SelectSorter! Dziennik zmian: wersja 0.4 Wybory o rozmiarze 1 miały problem z ponownym wybraniem prawidłowej pozycji po posortowaniu listy. Dodano wersję zminimalizowaną (jquery.selectsorter-min.js) w wersji 0.3. Dodano lepsze przykłady do pliku demo.html. Naprawiono błąd w sortowaniu DESC. wersja 0.2

19.86 zł

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Zgłoś to

ReportIt to lekka aplikacja po stronie klienta do przygotowywania codziennego raportu z postępu prac (DPR). Pracownik biurowy wysyła DPR (Daily Progress Report) do szefa (lub działu kadr) podczas wychodzenia do domu, ta rutyna biurowa staje się bólem głowy, gdy jesteś zajęty przez cały dzień i zapominasz o liczbie zadań i czas spędzony w każdym. ReportIt, oprogramowanie do rozwiązania tego problemu, to lekka aplikacja bez wymaganej konfiguracji serwera, wystarczy ją pobrać, umieścić w katalogu localhost i jest gotowa do użycia. Dodaj projekty, nad którymi możesz pracować. Wprowadź zadanie, które wykonujesz, ReportIt będzie śledzić czas zadania dla Ciebie. Chcesz zatrzymać bieżący zegar w przerwie obiadowej (powiedzmy) lub oznaczyć zadanie jako wykonane? aplikacja h

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SmartView to lekka wtyczka JavaScript, która umożliwia łatwe przeglądanie, udostępnianie, drukowanie i dodawanie zakładek do plików, takich jak obrazy i wideo, bez konieczności pobierania pliku lub korzystania z rozszerzeń. Jest to dynamiczna przeglądarka plików, która dodaje użytkownikom wygodne narzędzia do sprawdzania informacji o pliku, które mogą obejmować typ pliku, rozmiar, wymiary, autora, kredyt, podpis, widoki, polubienia i wiele innych. Istnieją zaawansowane funkcje, takie jak wyskakujące okno z trzema modułami obsługi zdarzeń okna, „load”, „mouseenter” i „mouseleave”. Możesz dołączyć pliki cookie z określoną datą ważności (w dniach), aby zapobiec ponownemu pojawianiu się wyskakujących okienek. Ponadto możesz wywoływać wszystkie główne formaty zdjęć (jpg, png, gif), a także filmy Vimeo i YouTube. Możesz użyć przycisku wezwania do działania

31.78 zł

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Ion.PhotoZoom. jQuery Lightbox Plugin

Description Awesome lightbox with polaroid-like zoom effects. Beautiful way to present your photo gallery on any web site. From small mobile screen to large, HiDPI desktop screen. Unique super fast flipping speed, several build in skins and much more. Responsive screenshots Features HTML5 + CSS3 jQuery only Auto sizing Auto centering Responsive design Cross browser IE9+ Normalized images size Keyboard and mouse controls Preloading neighbour images Easy setup Lightweight Mobile ready Touch and swipe controls 4 build in skins Beautiful effects Well documented Very quick images flipping Old s

35.76 zł

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Rainbow Spinner Loader - SVG Animation

JavaScript based SVG animation for preloaders, content loaders. Lightweight, small footprint Vector SVG graphics Resolution independent smooth animations No external libraries used 20 different SVG shapes Easy to change: Animation speed Sizes Colors Visibility options Number of elements Unlimited variations Live customizable preview 10 examples With CSS tricks (position, z-index), you can place this animated object over other elements, like JPG images.

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fridge: Offline Data Storage. Stores Anything, Everywhere

Overview fridge – Offline Data Storage. Stores Anything, Everywhere. fridge is the World’s lightest multi-backend offline web storage JavaScript library on the planet. It uses localStorage, indexedDB, and webSQL backends as key-value store database to store data locally in the web browser. It wraps all of them using a fast, cross-browser localStorage-like API and stores a very wide range of data types in the most optimal way possible, everywhere. It uses all the available web storage backends. If one is full, it automatically stores in another. It checks the data type, and then chooses the one that offers the best functionality, which makes fridge the first of its kind. You can head to our website to read more: fridge Why u

115.21 zł

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SPlaceholder Plugin

SPlaceholder plugin create Placeholder on input text, When you focus or blur on it, the default text will be hide with the animation that you specified on options, and if the input is empty, it will put again the default text with the same animation. they are many options to customise animation, also you can add a callback function to blur or focus event.

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iX Framework Javascript Widget Framework

iX Framework is a comprehensive javascript widget featuring: grid tree panel tab panel windows button menu fields accordion column layout datasource viewport. Features: Powered with powerful jQuery Grid datasource grid type inline editing capabilities grid navigator button column renderer to customize each column (color, font, etc) column header drag and drop to change it’s position sort data by clicking column header lots of API and properties to play to Tree tree with datasource support icon for tree nodes change the default icon for tree nodes by CSS lots of API and properties to play to Panel Panel with toolbar P

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Scroll Progress

Show scroll positions on multiple page sections using progress bar. View live previous to see an example.

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Hashtags and user [# or @] as on Twitter

Jquery plugin allows your users to put hash tags and links to the user in such popular social networks as twitter and instagram. It is very easy to integrate in any module-plugin for ?MS. It is enough to write #your_tag to put hash tag and it will be converted in desired link on your site. You can set links on twitter or instagram, everything you wish… For putting link on user is enough to write @user,as a result you will see a profile link, and it can be set as you wish. See more, that is interesting…

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Nomatab - Jquery Responsive Tabs

Nomatab is a user-friendly, fully customizable, responsive jQuery tabs plugin to take any HTML content, including images, videos and display it in a clean organised and responsive tabbed navigation. This plugin features plenty of layouts , vertical tabs, and horizontal tabs. CSS transitions and animations, 6 navigation styles, 7 themes, 2 triggers, and much more. You can use nested tabs. This plugin is responsive tabs. You can use icon in left, right ,or without icon. You can use font awesome icon. Option Availabe : trigger tabActive animate theme ownColor navBgColor navColor bodyBgColor bodyColor borderColor style

23.84 zł

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Multiple SVG Popup with Countdown

Multiple svg popup with countdown is the pure javascript plugin displaing notification messages or ads banners in your application. It’s a cross-browser, slim, simple and lightweight notification plugin with svg countdown. You can insert into thise popups your images, videos or other Html markup. Package content: html, scripts, styles, svg. Key Features Svg animation Whatever quantity of popups with different contents on you one page Fully responsive and mobile friendly Fast, simple, clean, lightweight plugin

39.73 zł

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SmoothBackground - jQuery Smooth Background Plugin

SmoothBackground – jQuery Smooth Background Plugin This simple plugin is designed to smoothly change the background or color of the text. It allows you to choose the duration of the animation, delay, colors and much more. Good luck! Options: Colors – An array containing a transition palette [array] Property – The property specifies the name of the CSS property the transition effect is for (the transition effect will start when the specified CSS property changes). [string] Duration – The property specifies how many seconds (s) or milliseconds (ms) a transition effect takes to complete. [string] Delay – The property specifies when the transition effect will start. This value is defined in seconds (s) or milliseconds (ms). [string] Tim

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Product Slider

A jQuery plugin that create animated product slider for example an e-commerce, maybe you can use it as an agent slider . You’ll need transparent images. There’s a default animation for all images and background color but you can set individual for each slide. You can add your custom CSS Animation Installation Upload files to your server Include jquery.js and imageloaded.js to your template, if you don’t have it already (located in /assets/ or from CDN service) Include product-slider.css and product-slider.js to your template create HTML Markup call the plugin Files included Plugin css and js file imageloaded.js plugi

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Single Input Form Interface with AJAX + PHP Formmail (Multipurpose)

Easy to integrate. Fully Responsive. E-mail validation. Phone validation. Set minimum character limit. Free Ajax & PHP Formmail inside. You can use for contact form, login form, feedback form, etc… No need any spam control like google i am not robot !

35.76 zł

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YoTuP - Responsive YouTube Player for Videos and Playlists

This responsive video player allows you to play YouTube-videos and -playlists. You can create individual playlists by adding video-id’s, include just videos or add a playlist-id. The player can automatically transform embedded YouTube-videos and -playlists which are embedded as iframe-element. This player works on mobile devices and is fully responsive. The player is delivered with multiple layouts and skins but still can be custom designed. The player works with multiple languages.LinksDocumentationStatisticsSimple ExampleMixed ExampleLayout & Skin ExamplesEvent ExamplesAdvertisement ExamplesMultiple layouts Horizontal and vertical layouts Choose if you want to display playlist-videos in a sidebar to the right (vertical) or on the bott

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Virtual Phone Number Pricing Selling Form

You may like the WordPress plugin version of this script Virtual Phone Number Selling System WordPress Plugin Virtual Phone Number Selling Form is a selling form for those voip business who are selling virtual phone numbers designed for All kinds of VOIP Business. It’s an jQuery Plugin based on latest Bootstrap 3.3.7. All Rates Based On USD. Anyone can easily update/edit this plugin to follow our Well Sorted Documentation. Main Features of Virtual Phone Number Selling Form: Latest Bootstrap v3.3.7 Ready All Rates Based On USD Virtual Phone Number Selling Form Signup Modal Form Country & City Based Phone Number Selection Option Call Forwarding Pricing Slider Custom Plan Options Clean Code Fully Responsive Modern Cross Browser Supp

67.54 zł

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jQuery Stack Viewer

jQuery Stack Viewer offers you a customizable lite viewer to display radiological images on your website.Built in jQuery and CSS, you can load images in the viewer using 3 methods: image urls, directory paths or a custom Ajax call.Easy to install, this viewer is designed for educational purposes. Warning : this viewer does not use DICOM images. Not for medical use. Features:- Multiple image stacks management – Change the current stack by clicking on menu or previous/next stack buttons.- Change current image by scrolling (desktop) or touch backward/forward buttons. - Change the scroll and touch speed behavior.- Download button of the current image.- Responsive- Fully customizable- Cross-browser compatible

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DAWS Dinamic animation when scrolling

DAWS – Dinamic Animation When Scrolling Want to improve your site? Make it more modern? Then try this plugin. The plugin has detailed documentation. For the convenience of creating animations, use the constructor I never welcomed adding a whole framework to my projects for the sake of a single feature, therefore, when developing this animation plugin, I used the generation of style sheets with animation options. Moreover, generation occurs with all vendor prefixes, which makes it completely cross-browser. Using this plugin, you will not only add animation to your website with ease, but also make it original and cool. You can design your own animation as you like in the animation designer. Features

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3D Photo Box - Advanced Media Gallery

Update 11/12/2020: Add Photo Box designer, advanced admin backend and authoring tool. 17/6/2020: New feature: Markup item and embedded link Introduction 3D Photo Box transforms the input photos into a three dimensional box with multiple image layers. Each layer can be flipped up or down to reveal the photos before or after it. Additionally the box can rotate automatically and adjust its view angle along X and Z axis. Quality Control Source code are well commented and thoroughly tested and checked to ensure its bug free quality for production. Elegant fallback A beautiful 2D Gallery is implemented as a fallback for browsers with unsupported CSS3D feature. The app auto switches to its fallback mode to ensure the best user experience.

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