
Biznesowe animowane ikony SVG

13 pięknych animowanych ikon SVG idealnych do blogów biznesowych, stron, witryn, portali. Możliwość dostosowania kolorów do marki. Świetna wydajność, atrakcyjne animacje, adaptowalne i kontrolowane z javascript. Możesz zmienić prędkość, kierunek, pauzę, odtwarzanie, odtwarzanie.

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fAnimacje - Animacje Onscroll Pure JS

fAnimations to prosta wtyczka czysto js do łatwego tworzenia animacji onscroll na twojej stronie internetowej. Stworzyłem go do użytku we własnych projektach, ponieważ istniejące rozwiązania nie były odpowiednie z różnych powodów, takich jak dodatkowe zależności, potrzeba uwzględnienia dodatkowych arkuszy stylów, niepoprawna praca z pozycjonowaniem, zbędna funkcjonalność i tak dalej. Rezultatem jest lekka, łatwa w użyciu wtyczka do stosowania animacji onscroll po dodaniu kilku atrybutów danych. Wtyczka doskonale nadaje się do użycia na dowolnej stronie internetowej, zawiera najbardziej pożądane animacje i pozwala tworzyć niestandardowe efekty za pomocą tylko jednego wiersza kodu. Byłbym zadowolony, gdyby przydałby się komuś innemu dla Deve

23.84 zł

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Tablica wyników NHL na żywo

JQuery NHL Scoreboard Live zapewnia niemal całkowite pokrycie wyników meczów ulubionej drużyny na żywo i wyświetla je w eleganckiej karcie wyników; w obu formatach paska bocznego i nagłówka. Najbardziej godne uwagi jest to, że nie wymaga on żadnych kluczy API stron trzecich, a tym samym dane są dostarczane bezpłatnie! To prawda, brak miesięcznych opłat, brak opłat członkowskich, nic… jego nieodłączne funkcje dodają wewnętrznej wartości, jakości i wszechstronności na każdej stronie internetowej. Zarzuty… Logo i znaki wyświetlane na tym produkcie mają wyłącznie charakter wizualny i w żaden sposób nie sugerują, że ich odpowiedni i prawowici właściciele go popierają. NHL Scoreboard Live wykorzystuje najnowsze metodologie AJAX do sondowania danych z zewnętrznych usług serwisowych

39.73 zł

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Responsive React Sidebar Navigation

Responsive React Sidebar Navigation Responsive React Sidebar Navigation is a React-based Vertical Navigation with customizing options. It can be used for all types of web applications like custom admin panel, project management system, admin dashboard, backend application. It’s lightweight and compatible with almost all major browsers and devices Features Built on pure React JS,JQuery not used Fully Responsive, lightweight and support almost all browser Routing sytem using react-router-dom Smooth Scrolling Creative and Clean Code ES6+ Eslinter setup React-Bootstrap React Icon Easily Customizable Fast, Lightweight & Powerful Super Easy To Customize W3C Valid Code Cross browser (C

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Todo List - React Js

Description : Todo List is a web-based desktop app using the Firebase database from Google. It’s built on Javascript framework React.js. Application is for writing tasks anywhere and anytime. The app also includes registration where you can create your own profile. Features : Login Sign Up Forgot Password Choose importance tasks Date-Picker Show Completed or In progress tasks Filter Today, Tomorrow and Month task Profile Section Change Profile picture, Username, Password, Email Easy to use Minimalist Awesome Design Beautiful Fonts And More… Support :

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jQuery Weather Forecaster

Easily integrate a simple and easy-to-customize weather forecaster on any website within minutes. You can customize the colors, orientation, location (manually entered or dynamically entered based on the user’s location), metrics, and languages. You can display a single day or as many days as you need. USING GEO LOCATION USING STANDARD LOCATION + 7 DAY FORECAST USING TODAY + COLOR CUSTOMIZATIONS NEED HELP? Online Documentation: View Online Documentation SCRIPT FEATURES AUTO LOCATION Use the browser to get your user’s current location. If you do not set a location manually, it will ask permission to grab the user’s location. CUSTOMIZABLE You can manually edit the defaults to customize the location information, the look and

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BDropdown is an easy to use Bootstrap 4 dropdown JQuery plugin. The best way to learn to use BDropdown component is through our great examples here! Some very nice features: Very simple and easy to use! Supports simple JSON Arrays or JSON Objects Arrays! You can use a property name to feed the dropdown. Color and size customization Population on the Fly! Nested dropdowns! Event callbacks! and more… Full BDropdown online documentation here!

11.92 zł

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LightBuilder - Drag & Drop Email Builder

LightBuilder is highly unique and easy to use email template that comes with offline drag and drop builder you can edit template in your localhost and simply export. its pretty straight forward to use and very user friendly, simply make edits in the localhost and export the final design and start sending emails to your customers or colleagues the way you want to use LightBuilder is totally up to you, you can use if when even you don’t have any internet connection while sitting in the park no matter wherever you are, LightBuilder saves you a lots of time and money. Responsive email template Drag and Drop Offline Email Builder Multipurpose Easy to customize Save template, edit & download Extended Design User friendly Clean Design and co

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3D Photo Card - Advanced Media Gallery

Admin backend demo Introduction 3D Photo Card simulates a stack of photo cards in 3D environment where users can flip the card up and down to reveal the extra content behind it. 3D Photo Card is a beautiful 3D application and a great way to showcase your portfolio and photos. Multiple Screen Supported From desktop to mobile, the application will adapts to each screen size while maintaining elegant design and user experience. Extensibility with ease Easily customize and extend the application with your own code. We provide standalone building blocks as AMD modules using RequireJS. Component Architect Every UI elements are designed as separated components from the ground up. Components are loosely coupled widget objects that ca

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NiftyEWS – Loan Management System

DEMO URL: http://ews.niftysol.com:3000/homepage/homepage User Role Username Password Customer customer customer Staff staff staff Admin admin admin Prerequisites NodeJs and npm. - You should use NodeJs version v 10.0 < && < v15.0 - Follow instructions here. MongoDB. - You should use MongoDB >= v2.2 && < v3.0.x - Follow instructions here. Next, in the folder where you have this module installed, run:npm install Update History 20-07-2021 - Change login screen logo direct from general settings. 04-06-2021 - Add EMI Calculator on dashboard - Changes design of Eevent, Reminders in Dashbaord. - Add Alert data in view loan. 27-05-2021 - Initial release

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3D Photo Tile - Advanced Media Gallery

WordPress Plugin Available Update 31/8/2021: Fix image blurry issues 26/1/2021: Fix texture bug Introduction Photo Tile is an advanced 3D image grid gallery built with WebGL. Each tile item can be flipped over to reveal the content behind it. Photo Tile is a great web application to showcase your works and photos. Component Architect Every UI elements are designed as separated components from the ground up. Components are loosely coupled widget objects that can be reused and customized in different projects. Extensibility with ease Easily customize and extend the application with your own code. We provide standalone building blocks as AMD modules using RequireJS. Rich API The technical design offers many classic OOP advantages l

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Survey - Customer Feedback Experience

This is based on customer survey form. which is you can use in your website, landing page, blog web page etc. if customer or user fill all choice & Submit survey form. you will receive all information by email and also customer will received thanks message email. our item based on HTML,CSS, PHP, JAVASCRIPT. you can easily integrate your PHP website, HTML Website, any PHP framework. this is not WP Plugin. we have developed in two bootstrap 4 and materialscss framework. our survey form you can use in following segment. employee feedback, users feedback, question & answer survey, quiz etc.. Features - 2 Survey Form Layout - Bootstrap & Materialize Framework Use - All

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Super - Wizard Form Google Spreadsheets Based

Super Wizard Form Pack is very useful for any campaign, event, registration, seminar any other function. you can easily integrate HTML form in your HTML template or landing page and when user fill form then you can get all user data check in Google Spreadsheet. Super Wizard Form Pack is a bootstrap & materialize framework design forms set including 20 different type of form design. Anyone can easily update/edit this item to follow our well sorted Documentation. When a user fill any registration form, its information will available on your Google spread sheet. You do not need any developer to do coding in the backed. We have such a design form that you can be edited by yourself. You can easily manipulate user data in Google Spre

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Cursor Zoomer

This zooming Plugin is an easy way to show details on a small image by hovering cursor over it. Users do not need to click anything – they just move their cursor over the image to actual size at same html-block! Easy to understand and easy to customize. Includes 3 style: • simple zoomer; • slider zoomer with arrows; • multi-image zoomer. Some sample graphics you see in preview are NOT included in the download.

31.78 zł

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TODO App React JS (Local Storage)

Create own TODO list without any backend api and databbase. Todo store in localstorage. Add to wishlist. ToDo is a task management app to help you stay organized and manage your day-to-day. ToDo can help to make shopping lists or task lists, take notes, record collections, plan an event to increase your productivity and focus on what matters to you. Future Filter with Today and Tomorrow and Next 7 days task Filter with all, completed, Uncompleted task Task can delete and edit Task can mark as important Task base color customization Responsive mobile friendly Report task date wise PWA App Built With React JS Bootstrap 4 Changelog Version 1.0.0 Init release

55.62 zł

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Embed Chart Generator

FlyCharts is a standalone application which you can use to generate embed charts for your website. It is compatible with many CMS’s where you can paste html code into the content. FlyCharts allows you to create different types of charts like Pie chart, Line chart, Bin chart and others. You can easily configure them to get the results you need. You may create as many charts as you want. The final result can be downloaded directly as image or you can use javascript embed code to show the chart. Check out the live preview and all the features below. Features: 6 types of charts: Line chart, Pie chart, Column chart, Area chart, Bar chart, Histogram chart Any number of columns and rows in data. Customizable chart design Different column typ

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GetAPK - NodeJS APK Downloader

Download APK easy way! Just a simple way to Download an apk file from the Google Play directly to your computer.GetAPK created with latest technologies such as Node.js, Express.js, Bulma CSS framework and others. The design is fully responsive. FeaturesDownload APKSimple DesignSEO ReadyMobile Compatible100% Responsive DesignDocumentationSupport Banner AdvertisementFree Lifetime Updatesand more…. Requirements ( Important ) Node.js running server ( www.heroku.com for Free! )Android Mobile Phone With Google Play AccountSome basic knowledge about configuration ( Documentation include everything step-by-step ) Tools and Technologies UsedNode v7.6.0 +Express.jsBulma CSS frameworkImages and Illustrations ( https://undraw.co/illustrations ) Demo v

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3D Photo Queue - Advanced Media Gallery

WordPress Plugin Available Update 22/11/2020: Add link panel to Designer tool, support direct link for items 15/11/2020: Add “Photo Queue Designer”, advanced admin backend allows uploading, editing and configuring the gallery using widgets and user interfaces. 17/6/2020: Card layout and embedded link 1/6/2020: Markup item Introduction 3D Photo Queue is a versatile html5 javascript application which uses CSS 3D feature to create a highly optimized and efficient 3D photo gallery. The photos are designed like a queue of items which can be scrolled up and down to reveal other items. Many options are available to customize their behaviour like reflections, display shape and a total set of 14 shifting modes are provided to create unlimi

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Pacolor - Infinite Color Palette Generator and Random made with React

Pacolor Application Pacolor is a progressive web application, which generates color palettes, without getting tired, and infinitely Pacolor is created mainly to make life easier for artists, designers, painters, and all those who are dedicated to the wonderful world of art The wonderful thing about pacolor, is when you install the web as an application from the browser, that will work offline, even if you do not have internet, this will work successfully, on the computer and on the cell phones ! Built With:

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[All in One] iLoveConverts PRO - Online Converter Tools Full Production Ready App with Admin Panel

[All in One] iLoveConverts PRO- Online Converter Tools Full Production Ready App(Angular11 & Typescript) with Admin Panel Website Features Image Tools- Convert JPG, PNG, BMP & TIFF images Image Compress – Compress JPG, PNG, BMP & TIFF images Using JIMP (For Image Compress and Conversion) – more details https://www.npmjs.com/package/jimp OCR Text Scanner (Image to

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