
Pakiet jQuery Combo

Pakiet kombi jQuery zawiera niezbędne elementy interfejsu użytkownika. Jest wyposażony w bogate moduły, light boxy, karuzele i niektóre dodatkowe skrypty! Zawarte w nim skrypty są warunkiem mistrzowskiej produkcji. Spójrz, (ale zanim użyjesz go na stronie internetowej, musisz licencjonować go przez kod canyon)

15.89 zł

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3D Photo Tile - Advanced Media Gallery

WordPress Plugin Available Update 31/8/2021: Fix image blurry issues 26/1/2021: Fix texture bug Introduction Photo Tile is an advanced 3D image grid gallery built with WebGL. Each tile item can be flipped over to reveal the content behind it. Photo Tile is a great web application to showcase your works and photos. Component Architect Every UI elements are designed as separated components from the ground up. Components are loosely coupled widget objects that can be reused and customized in different projects. Extensibility with ease Easily customize and extend the application with your own code. We provide standalone building blocks as AMD modules using RequireJS. Rich API The technical design offers many classic OOP advantages l

87.40 zł

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Cursor Zoomer

This zooming Plugin is an easy way to show details on a small image by hovering cursor over it. Users do not need to click anything – they just move their cursor over the image to actual size at same html-block! Easy to understand and easy to customize. Includes 3 style: • simple zoomer; • slider zoomer with arrows; • multi-image zoomer. Some sample graphics you see in preview are NOT included in the download.

31.78 zł

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Ion.PhotoZoom. jQuery Lightbox Plugin

Description Awesome lightbox with polaroid-like zoom effects. Beautiful way to present your photo gallery on any web site. From small mobile screen to large, HiDPI desktop screen. Unique super fast flipping speed, several build in skins and much more. Responsive screenshots Features HTML5 + CSS3 jQuery only Auto sizing Auto centering Responsive design Cross browser IE9+ Normalized images size Keyboard and mouse controls Preloading neighbour images Easy setup Lightweight Mobile ready Touch and swipe controls 4 build in skins Beautiful effects Well documented Very quick images flipping Old s

35.76 zł

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imgClip - wtyczka jQuery do segmentacji obrazów

Funkcje Łatwy w użyciu Konfigurowalna animacja CSS3 Niesamowita paralaksa Responsywna obsługa urządzeń mobilnych Kredyty jQuery fullPage.js magnific-popup SyntaxHighlighter typed-js Animacja cienia wtyczka jQuery Bootstrap Czcionki Google: Roboto icofont Hej, deweloper! Chcesz dołączyć tę wtyczkę do swojego szablonu? Kup licencję rozszerzoną Napisz do mnie na [email protected], a otrzymasz licencję na użytkowanie w magazynie

87.40 zł

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