
Loading Text Animation

-Easy to change. -Compact. - Works on all browsers. - Meets the requirements. -Used to load the page.

8.00 zł

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Glowing Loader Ring Animation

This is a loader that you can use very easily and it will be beautiful on your site. You can buy this loader rest assured. I hope you like it. Thanks

8.00 zł

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Pure CSS Bubble Loader Animation / Preloader

Pure CSS Bubble Loader Animation / Preloader – pure HTML5 + CSS3 – no JavaScript, no images – 16 different colors of bubbles – you can easy change color of bubble (by adding class) – CSS / MIN.CSS / SCSS files are included About Animation – over time, the bubble grows and bursts, and in its place a new small – if you are boring to wait, you can click on bubble and it bursts quickly

12.00 zł

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Eva - Awesome Circle Pre Loader Animation

Eva Loader Animation / Preloader / Spinner in pure HTML&CSS Very easy to use Supports all latest browser versions Fully responsive No images, site loads faster This animation can be used so that your customers on the site do not get bored waiting.

8.00 zł

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CSS3 Gooey Effects

Item Description: CSS3 Gooey Effects is Validated Code and Well Commented. It helps in easy integration to any Web Projects. Item Features: HTML5 CSS3 No Bootstrap No JavaScript CSS3 Gooey Effects CSS3 Gooey Animattion Effects Dark Layout Clean and Fresh Code W3 Validation All Browser Support Well Documentation Easy to Customize Note: This Product includes HTML and CSS, it’s not a WordPress Plugin. Need Support? If you have any question or difficulty regarding this item, please feel free to message me from Contact form on my Profile Page romincomputer.

8.00 zł

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12 Pure CSS Animation Set

This is a set of 12 loading animation made in pure CSS (no javascript, no images). Created based only on single <div> element. Easy to use, easy to customize, easy to change color and size. Example HTML:    <div class=”FiveDots”></div> CSS:   div.FiveDots{   —sizeA: 12px; <= Size of bigger dot   —sizeB: 5px;   <= Size of small dots   —color: gold;  <= Color of element   —speed: 1.5s;  <= Duration of animation   —scale: 1;     <= Here you can easy resize element. —scale: 2 means double size —scale: 0.5 means half size

12.00 zł

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Re-Created - CSS 3D Wavy Circle Loader Animation Effects

Re-Created – CSS 3D Wavy Circle Loader Animation Effects-This is a very simple and beautiful animation. Can be put on a web page loading. This is a modern 3D animation. Nowadays 3D animations are gaining popularity.

12.00 zł

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Animation Icons Pure CSS

This set of 9 Icon and Button Animation Effects uses the new features of CSS3. Each effect is well separated and organized in the file. All animations are done in CSS3 and have no effect in JS. Easy customization and application.

12.00 zł

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Beautiful Sunset Button Hover Effects

Item Description: Beautiful Sunset Button Hover Effects is Validated Code and Well Commented. It helps in easy integration to any Web Projects. Item Features: HTML5 CSS3 No Bootstrap No JavaScript Cool Button Hover Effect Clean and Fresh Code W3 Validation All Browser Support Well Documentation Easy to Customize Note: This Product includes HTML and CSS, it’s not a WordPress Plugin. Need Support? If you have any question or difficulty regarding this item, please feel free to message me from Contact form on my Profile Page romincomputer.

8.00 zł

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CSS3 Video Play Button Animation Effect

Item Description: CSS3 Video Play Button Animation Effect is Validated Code and Well Commented. Recommended for HTML, HTML5, Font Awesome icon. Website Simple and Eye-catching. 100% Responsive layout to fit any screen size. Supports All Major Browsers. Viewable in Desktop, Laptop, Tablet and Smartphone. It helps in easy integration to any Web Projects. Well Documented with sufficient screenshots which will help you to edit. Item Features: HTML5 CSS3 CSS3 Button No JavaScript YouTube Play Button Video Play Button Animation Effect Font Awesome icon Clean and Fresh Code Animation hover effect W3 Validation All Browser Support Well Documentation Easy to Customize Need Support? If you ha

8.00 zł

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CSS3 Social Media Button Hover Effects

Item Description: CSS3 Social Media Button Hover Effects is Validated Code and Well Commented. It helps in easy integration to any Web Projects. Item Features: HTML5 CSS3 No Bootstrap No JavaScript CSS3 Social Media Button Hover Effects 4 Different Color Layout Dark Layout Colorful Layout Social Color Layout Transform Color Layout Clean and Fresh Code W3 Validation All Browser Support Well Documentation Easy to Customize Note: This Product includes HTML and CSS, it’s not a WordPress Plugin. Credit: Font Awesome Need Support? If you have any question or difficulty regarding this item, please feel free to message me from Contact form on my Profile Page romincomputer.

8.00 zł

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Skeleton Loading Screen Animation Effects

Item Description: Skeleton Loading Screen Animation Effects is Validated Code and Well Commented. It helps in easy integration to any Web Projects. Item Features: HTML5 CSS3 No Bootstrap No JavaScript Skeleton Loading Screen Animation Effects YouTube Loading Effects Facebook Loading Effects and Other Loading Effects Light Layout Clean and Fresh Code W3 Validation All Browser Support Well Documentation Easy to Customize Note: This Product includes HTML and CSS, it’s not a WordPress Plugin. Need Support? If you have any question or difficulty regarding this item, please feel free to message me from Contact form on my Profile Page romincomputer.

12.00 zł

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Codex Hover Effect Pro

Codex Hover Effect Pro a– CSS3 Image Hover Effects, there are many types of hover effects with animation. You can use it in your website or anywhere in your project to showcase your images in a unique way. These responsive bootstrap thumbnails are easy to customize as you wish Features 17 Different hover effects 100% Responsive Design Modern,clean and unique design Cross Browser Compatability Easy to Customize Cross Browser Compatability Well Commented and Clean Codes Resources Credits: Bootstrap Fontawesome Google Font (Ubunt) NEED SUPPORT? If you need any technical support, please send me a message via my support mail address and I will get back

20.00 zł

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CSS3 Loading Animation Effect

Item Description: CSS3 Loading Animation Effect is Validated Code and Well Commented. It helps in easy integration to any Web Projects. Item Features: HTML5 CSS3 No JavaScript Different Color Animation Clean and Fresh Code W3 Validation All Browser Support Well Documentation Easy to Customize Note: This Product includes HTML and CSS, it’s not a WordPress Plugin. Need Support? If you have any question or difficulty regarding this item, please feel free to message me from Contact form on my Profile Page romincomputer.

8.00 zł

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WAIS - We are social

To animowane przyciski stron społecznościowych, które zmniejszą przestrzeń za pomocą pokazania każdego przycisku społecznościowego jako animacji. • 9 stylów animacji • HTML i CSS3 • Funkcjonalność między przeglądarkami • Łatwa do zintegrowania na dowolnej stronie internetowej.

16.00 zł

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Creative Loading Animation Effects

Item Description: Creative Loading Animation Effects is Validated Code and Well Commented. It helps in easy integration to any Web Projects. Item Features: HTML5 CSS3 No JavaScript Different Color Animation Animation Color Effects Clean and Fresh Code W3 Validation All Browser Support Well Documentation Easy to Customize Note: This Product includes HTML and CSS, it’s not a WordPress Plugin. Need Support? If you have any question or difficulty regarding this item, please feel free to message me from Contact form on my Profile Page romincomputer.

8.00 zł

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