
Animacja przewijania logo SVG | CSS3 i JavaScript

Animacja przewijania logo SVG | CSS3 i JavaScript Przewiń stronę do animacji Ta wtyczka to szybki i łatwy sposób dodawania super małych (<4k) animacji SVG do twojej witryny. Dodaj zainteresowanie i oczaruj odbiorców, ujawniając swoje logo, produkt lub cokolwiek innego na swojej stronie, upuszczając plik wygenerowany przez SVG za pomocą Adobe Illustratora lub Inkscape. Ta wtyczka jest podzielona na sekcje, więc wszystko, co musisz zrobić, to dodać trochę treści do sekcji „Main”, a następnie dodać tyle sekcji po animacjach, ile chcesz. Ta wtyczka zawiera również formularz Kontakt.

27.99 zł

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Latest css animation effects

-Very great loading animation. -Easy to use and apply. -Suitable for almost all browsers. -Used to load the page.

8.00 zł

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Eva - Awesome 3D Flipper Pre Loader Animation

Eva – Awesome 3D Flipper Pre Loader Animation Very easy to use Supports all latest browser versions Fully responsive No images, site loads faster This animation can be used so that your customers on the site do not get bored waiting.

8.00 zł

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Inteligentny filtr CSS3

CSS3 Smart Filter to sprytne rozwiązanie CSS do filtrowania i sortowania treści bez konieczności korzystania z javascript! Doskonale nadaje się do sortowania i filtrowania elementów portfolio według kategorii, obrazów w galerii, a także wszelkich treści HTML skategoryzowanych w grupach, które mogą wymagać dowolnej formy sortowania. Pozostajemy w kontakcie! Nie przegap aktualizacji! Zawiera responsywną galerię CSS - z napisami Czysty CSS3 Bez filtru JavaScript Dowolna treść HTML Gładkie animacje CSS3 + przejścia Nieograniczone kategorie filtrów Domyślnie wybierz dowolną kategorię filtrów Ekran dotykowy - domyślna obsługa ukrytych napisów Zaokrąglone bąbelki w zestawie Obsługa przeglądarki

20.00 zł

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Awesome Loading Animation Screen

-Today is a popular loading animation. -You can change it the way you want. -Your client will not be bored at all.

8.00 zł

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Mysz MegaHover nad efektami

Zbiór efektów aktywowania w css3. łatwo go dostosować i łatwo zintegrować. możesz postępować zgodnie z podaną dokumentacją i zintegrować efekty aktywowania zgodnie z własnymi wymaganiami. możesz łatwo wykonać setki efektów najechania kursorem.

31.99 zł

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Cool Animated Social Media Icons

Item Description: Cool Animated Social Media Icons is Validated Code and Well Commented. It helps in easy integration to any Web Projects. Item Features: HTML5 CSS3 No JavaScript 2 Different Color Animation Clean and Fresh Code W3 Validation All Browser Support Well Documentation Easy to Customize Note: This Product includes HTML and CSS, it’s not a WordPress Plugin. Need Support? If you have any question or difficulty regarding this item, please feel free to message me from Contact form on my Profile Page romincomputer.

8.00 zł

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CSS3 Loading Bar Animation Effects

Item Description: CSS3 Loading Bar Animation Effects is Validated Code and Well Commented. It helps in easy integration to any Web Projects. Item Features: HTML5 CSS3 No JavaScript CSS3 Loading Bar Animation Effects Clean and Fresh Code W3 Validation All Browser Support Well Documentation Easy to Customize Note: This Product includes HTML and CSS, it’s not a WordPress Plugin. Need Support? If you have any question or difficulty regarding this item, please feel free to message me from Contact form on my Profile Page romincomputer.

8.00 zł

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HoverFace – CSS3 Image Hover Effects

HoverFace – CSS3 Image Hover Effects, there are many types of hover effects with animation. You can use it on your web site or anyplace in your project to showcase your pictures during a distinctive approach. They are utterly customizable and prepared to use during a few straightforward steps by choosing the actual section that you would like to use. HTML5 and CSS3 files area unit valid and well commented Features 18 Different hover effects 100% Responsive Design Modern,clean and Unique design Easy to Customize Well Commented and Clean Codes Support Feel free to contact us at any time. We have a dedicated team to provide you the best support. This is first of My items. if you want a website for any website or an

8.00 zł

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CSS3 Creative Square Loading Animation Effects

Item Description: CSS3 Creative Square Loading Animation Effects is Validated Code and Well Commented. It helps in easy integration to any Web Projects. Item Features: HTML5 CSS3 No Bootstrap No JavaScript CSS3 Creative Square Loading Animation Effects Clean and Fresh Code W3 Validation All Browser Support Well Documentation Easy to Customize Note: This Product includes HTML and CSS, it’s not a WordPress Plugin. Need Support? If you have any question or difficulty regarding this item, please feel free to message me from Contact form on my Profile Page romincomputer.

8.00 zł

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Creative Social Media Hover Effects

Item Description: Creative Social Media Hover Effects is Validated Code and Well Commented. It helps in easy integration to any Web Projects. Item Features: HTML5 CSS3 No Bootstrap No JavaScript Creative Social Media Hover Effects 2 Different Color Layout Clean and Fresh Code W3 Validation All Browser Support Well Documentation Easy to Customize Source and Credit: Font Awesome Need Support? If you have any question or difficulty regarding this item, please feel free to message me from Contact form on my Profile Page romincomputer.

12.00 zł

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Creative CSS3 Loading Animation Effects

Item Description: Creative CSS3 Loading Animation Effects is Validated Code and Well Commented. It helps in easy integration to any Web Projects. Item Features: HTML5 CSS3 No Bootstrap No JavaScript Creative CSS3 Loading Animation Effects 2 Different Layout Dark Layout Light Layout Clean and Fresh Code W3 Validation All Browser Support Well Documentation Easy to Customize Need Support? If you have any question or difficulty regarding this item, please feel free to message me from Contact form on my Profile Page romincomputer.

8.00 zł

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CSS3 Hexagonal Social Icons Hover Effects

Item Description: CSS3 Hexagonal Social Icons Hover Effects is Validated Code and Well Commented. It helps in easy integration to any Web Projects. Item Features: HTML5 CSS3 No Bootstrap No JavaScript CSS3 Hexagonal Social Icons Hover Effects 2 Different Color Layout Clean and Fresh Code W3 Validation All Browser Support Well Documentation Easy to Customize Source and Credit: Font Awesome Need Support? If you have any question or difficulty regarding this item, please feel free to message me from Contact form on my Profile Page romincomputer.

12.00 zł

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Social Media Icons Hover Tooltip

Item Description: Social Media Icons Hover Tooltip is Validated Code and Well Commented. It helps in easy integration to any Web Projects. Item Features: HTML5 CSS3 No JavaScript 2 Different Color Layout Normal Color Layout Social Color Layout Clean and Fresh Code W3 Validation All Browser Support Well Documentation Easy to Customize Note: This Product includes HTML and CSS, it’s not a WordPress Plugin. Need Support? If you have any question or difficulty regarding this item, please feel free to message me from Contact form on my Profile Page romincomputer.

8.00 zł

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CSS3 Bird Loading

Item Description: CSS3 Bird Loading is Validated Code and Well Commented. It helps in easy integration to any Web Projects. Item Features: HTML5 CSS3 No JavaScript CSS3 Bird Loading Clean and Fresh Code W3 Validation All Browser Support Well Documentation Easy to Customize Note: This Product includes HTML and CSS, it’s not a WordPress Plugin. Need Support? If you have any question or difficulty regarding this item, please feel free to message me from Contact form on my Profile Page romincomputer.

8.00 zł

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CSS3 Fullscreen Loading Animation Effects

Item Description: CSS3 Fullscreen Loading Animation Effects is Validated Code and Well Commented. It helps in easy integration to any Web Projects. Item Features: HTML5 CSS3 No JavaScript CSS3 Fullscreen Loading Animation Effects 2 Different Background Color Clean and Fresh Code W3 Validation All Browser Support Well Documentation Easy to Customize Note: This Product includes HTML and CSS, it’s not a WordPress Plugin. Need Support? If you have any question or difficulty regarding this item, please feel free to message me from Contact form on my Profile Page romincomputer.

8.00 zł

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