
Eva - Awesome Ripple Pre Loader Animation

Eva – Awesome Ripple Pre Loader Animation Very easy to use Supports all latest browser versions Fully responsive No images, site loads faster This animation can be used so that your customers on the site do not get bored waiting.

7.92 zł

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Zep - HTML5 CSS3 Team Members Template

Zep – HTML5 CSS3 Team Members Template, there are 15+ types of team members with animation. You can use it on your web site or anyplace in your project to showcase your pictures during a distinctive approach. They are utterly customizable and prepared to use during a few straightforward steps by choosing the actual section that you would like to use. HTML5 and CSS3 files area unit valid and well commented. This is highly customizable – looks awesome on tablets and mobile devices. We have included best practice of web development – you can create great website layout based on Bootstrap or Grid 1170px. Features Based on Bootstrap 4.x 100% Responsive Design Modern,Clean and Unique design Valid HTML5 / CSS3 Easy to Cus

27.71 zł

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Pęcherzyki CSS i podpowiedzi

Twoja uwaga to wybór bąbelków CSS i podpowiedzi CSS. Tylko CSS. Składa się z kolekcji bąbelków - prostokątnych, chmur bąbelkowych, bąbelków serca. Składa się z kolekcji podpowiedzi - etykiet tekstowych pozycjonujących, etykiet formularzy, etykiet paskowych, przycisku etykietka.

19.79 zł

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Miktu - Efekty naświetlania obrazu CSS3

Miktu - Efekty aktywowania obrazu CSS3, istnieje wiele rodzajów efektów aktywowania z animacją. Możesz użyć go na swojej stronie internetowej lub w dowolnym miejscu w swoim projekcie, aby zaprezentować swoje zdjęcia w wyjątkowy sposób. Są w pełni konfigurowalne i gotowe do użycia w kilku prostych krokach, wybierając konkretną sekcję, z której chcesz skorzystać. Pliki HTML5 i CSS3 są sprawdzane i dobrze komentowane. Zawiera 10 różnych efektów najechania 100% responsywny design Nowoczesny, czysty i niepowtarzalny design Kompatybilność między przeglądarkami Przejścia CSS3 (efekty najechania) Łatwe dostosowanie Dobrze skomentowane i czyste kody Zasoby Kredyty: Bootstrap Flaticon Czcionka Google (Roboto) Wsparcie Zapraszam do kontaktu w dowolnym momencie . Mamy dedykowaną herbatę

19.79 zł

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Radio Star 2 - Pure radio css3 i motyw pola wyboru

Czy nie nienawidzisz tych samych starych nudnych przycisków radia i pola wyboru? Radio Star 2 to kolejny z moich przeprojektowanych motywów radia i pól wyboru w stylu CSS3. Ten motyw ma 9 pięknych kwadratów w kolorze czerwonym, żółtym i zielonym, które pojawiają się, gdy radio lub pole wyboru jest aktywne. Animowane po kliknięciu Gradienty CSS3 Łatwe do modyfikacji

11.87 zł

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Gradient Glowing Preloader / Spinner Animation - Pure CSS

Simple and clean looking preloader to make your website look better. Very easy to customize and change all colors. Made with pure css, doesn’t make your site load unnecessary images.

15.83 zł

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Loading Progress bar with changing Background Color

-Easy to change. -Compact. - Works on all browsers. - Meets the requirements. -Used to load the page.

7.92 zł

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Eva - Awesome Square Pre Loader Animation

Loader Animation / Preloader / Spinner in pure HTML&CSS Very easy to use Supports all latest browser versions Fully responsive No images, site loads faste This animation can be used so that your customers on the site do not get bored waiting

7.92 zł

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Square Loading Animation

-This is a very popular loading animation. -You can change it to the color you like. -It is easy to use.

7.92 zł

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Loading screen Animation

This animation is used so that the person who visits your site does not get bored waiting.

7.92 zł

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CSS3 Loading Text Animation Effects

Item Description: CSS3 Loading Text Animation Effects is Validated Code and Well Commented. It helps in easy integration to any Web Projects. Item Features: HTML5 CSS3 No JavaScript 3 Different Text Animation Effects Clean and Fresh Code W3 Validation All Browser Support Well Documentation Easy to Customize Note: This Product includes HTML and CSS, it’s not a WordPress Plugin. Need Support? If you have any question or difficulty regarding this item, please feel free to message me from Contact form on my Profile Page romincomputer.

7.92 zł

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CSS3 Loading Animation Effects

Item Description: CSS3 Loading Animation Effects is Validated Code and Well Commented. It helps in easy integration to any Web Projects. Item Features: HTML5 CSS3 No JavaScript Different Color Animation Animation Color Effects Clean and Fresh Code W3 Validation All Browser Support Well Documentation Easy to Customize Note: This Product includes HTML and CSS, it’s not a WordPress Plugin. Need Support? If you have any question or difficulty regarding this item, please feel free to message me from Contact form on my Profile Page romincomputer.

7.92 zł

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CSS3 Love Loading

Item Description: CSS3 Love Loading is Validated Code and Well Commented. It helps in easy integration to any Web Projects. Item Features: HTML5 CSS3 No JavaScript CSS3 Love Loading Clean and Fresh Code W3 Validation All Browser Support Well Documentation Easy to Customize Note: This Product includes HTML and CSS, it’s not a WordPress Plugin. Need Support? If you have any question or difficulty regarding this item, please feel free to message me from Contact form on my Profile Page romincomputer.

7.92 zł

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CSS3 Creative Circle Loading Animation Effects

Item Description: CSS3 Creative Circle Loading Animation Effects is Validated Code and Well Commented. It helps in easy integration to any Web Projects. Item Features: HTML5 CSS3 No Bootstrap No JavaScript CSS3 Creative Circle Loading Animation Effects Different Color Animation Clean and Fresh Code W3 Validation All Browser Support Well Documentation Easy to Customize Need Support? If you have any question or difficulty regarding this item, please feel free to message me from Contact form on my Profile Page romincomputer.

7.92 zł

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CSS3 Neumorphic Loading

Item Description: CSS3 Neumorphic Loading is Validated Code and Well Commented. It helps in easy integration to any Web Projects. Item Features: HTML5 CSS3 No JavaScript CSS3 Neumorphic Loading Clean and Fresh Code W3 Validation All Browser Support Well Documentation Easy to Customize Note: This Product includes HTML and CSS, it’s not a WordPress Plugin. Need Support? If you have any question or difficulty regarding this item, please feel free to message me from Contact form on my Profile Page romincomputer.

7.92 zł

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CSS3 Circle Loading Animation Effects

Item Description: CSS3 Circle Loading Animation Effects is Validated Code and Well Commented. It helps in easy integration to any Web Projects. Item Features: HTML5 CSS3 No Bootstrap No JavaScript CSS3 Circle Loading Animation Effects Clean and Fresh Code W3 Validation All Browser Support Well Documentation Easy to Customize Note: This Product includes HTML and CSS, it’s not a WordPress Plugin. Need Support? If you have any question or difficulty regarding this item, please feel free to message me from Contact form on my Profile Page romincomputer.

7.92 zł

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