
Avenue - React Native Ecommerce & Grocery/Mart App template - Android/IOS

Avenue – Ecommerce & Grocery App Template – React Native App Template Avenue is an ecommerce mobile app template built on top of React Native and Redux. It supports both Android & IOS platforms and uses the latest React Native version.Navigation and State management are already implemented coupled with an amazing user interface to bootstrap your project within minutes. Includes bonus components like gradient buttons and progress bar. With 50+ screens and 65+ re-usable components this app has almost all features required to build a successful ecommerce product. Features Built on React Native – CLI – Supports both IOS & Android 50+ Screens/Pages 65+ React Native re-usable Components Bonus Reusable Components – Gradient buttons

115.21 zł

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iRingtone Xpert - aplikacja do tworzenia dzwonków na iOS

iRingtone Xpert to w pełni funkcjonalna aplikacja na iOS dla iPhone'a, która pozwala przekonwertować utwory na inteligentne dzwonki przy użyciu łatwego w obsłudze interfejsu, takiego jak interakcja przeciągnij i upuść. Podgląd wideo na YouTube Teraz konwersja, zapisywanie i używanie ulubionych piosenek jako dzwonków na iPhone'a jest bardzo proste. Funkcje Precyzyjne: Stwórz dzwonek z dokładnością do jednej sekundy, nawet Utwórz dzwonek, który będzie miał pełną obsługę głośności, aby usłyszeć go w tłumie, jak dobrze. Przeciągnij i upuść bieżącą wartość czasu odtwarzacza do Start / End lub użyj suwaków do szybkiej edycji. Uzyskaj dostęp do biblioteki multimediów na iPhonie, aby przekonwertować dowolne utwory na pełny dzwonek telefonu. Eksportuj dzwonki na komputer PC / MAC za pomocą iTunes. Szybki proces konwersji

67.54 zł

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Flutter UI Kit - StartKit | UI Component | Flutter Material Widget | Integration

StartKit – Flutter UI Kit with 16 Complete Flutter App Template StartKit is a flutter UI kit. In this ui kit all the component, screen designs, Integrations, Cupertino widgets and 16 complete app templates are available. Like Bottom Navigation bar, Bottom Sheet, Drawer, Dropdown menu, Checkbox, Loader, Login Design, Profile Screen, Feed design, Chat Screen Design, etc. Flutter is an open-source mobile application development SDK created by Google. It is used to develop applications for Android and iOS, as well as being the primary method of creating applications for Google Fuchsia, Flutter widgets incorporate all critical platform differences such as scrolling, navigation, icons and fonts to provide full native performance on b

115.21 zł

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Real Estate Mobile App Template With React Native

RTL support is now AVAILABLE – You can get Full Source Code for React Native Real Estate Mobile App is a React Native Template project. Preview Mobile App Download Demo APK Real Estate Demo: download apk Full Application If you want full application with Admin Panel, you can check out this link: Real Estate Full Application with Admin Panel Change Log Version 2 - News Added RTL support. - Bug fixes; Fixed empty addition details problem. Visual improvements General improvements Version 1 - Initial Version

115.21 zł

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Rental Booking Self driving Car Android App + iOS App Template | IONIC 3 | CarZilla

CarZilla is a self-drive car rental booking app which allows user to book a car and ride themselves for selected time periods. So in-short own a car without buying it. CarZilla App can be a great choice for your car booking & renting App. It is a modern-based and easily customizable App template. Carzilla is a car rental self drive app template. List of Screens Splash Screen Sign in Screen Sign up Screen OTP Verification Screen Social Login Screen Forgot Password Screen Home Screen Select City Screen Select Pick and Drop Screen Select Start Date Screen Select End Date Screen Car List Screen Filter Screen Book Car Screen Payment Screen Car Booked Screen My Booking Screen Account Screen My Profile Screen Doc Verification Screen

194.67 zł

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Stick Hero - Swift 5 + Ads

ECOMMERCE IOS APP TEMPLATE REQUIRED ● Mac OS 11.5 and Xcode 12.5 ● SpriteKit game development with Swift 5 ● Stick Ninja Hero is an entertaining game and exciting at the same to cross the path with intensity. It is basic on how well you can guess to move on path HOW TO PLAY ● Select the Play button to start with ● Heroic ninja needs to cross a gap ● Stretch the stick in order to reach and walk on the platforms. Watch out! If the stick is not long enough, you will fall down! ● How far can you go? GAME FEATURES ● IN-APP PURCHASE ● Make money instantly $$$$ ● Built on Xcode 11 with Swift 5 ● Graphics design is eye catching ● Admob + Banner, Interstitial, Rewarded Ads Supported ● Smooth gameplay ●

59.59 zł

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Freshly - Native Multi Vendor Grocery, Food, Pharmacy, Store Delivery Mobile App with Admin Panel

Native Multi-Vendor Store Grocery Delivery Android App built-in Android Studio Our online grocery shopping software has been designed to provide an all-rounded app solution for multi-store grocery shopping. The UI has been crafted to provide a seamless grocery shopping experience for users inspired by apps like Instacart, Swiggy, Grofers & more.With this grocery delivery app clone you can extend your business to multiple locations and get new customers and that helps to grow your grocery chain business exponentially How Can you Start You can buy the app from us and run as your own for the lifetime. It is our responsibility to develop the app, keep updating and upgrading to make it stand out. You don’t have to worry about app develop

135.08 zł

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Rush Hour 3D iOS / Android / unity

About Game: Rush Hour is an endless arcade game which is packed with highway hazards. Outrun to make high-scores and try to avoid the multiple type hazards. The game is packed with lot of cars, trucks, speed, braking, crashing and endless amounts of fun!! LETS GO CRASH!!! Gameplay: Swipe to change directions and boooost/brake. Brake harder and police car will hit you hard. Don’t ever crash in high speed! Unlock rides or purchase. Apk. DEMO FILE: All ads along with some other features are turned off, for demo purposes only. It is a low version of the original game (which you can set in project to whatever you prefer).

99.32 zł

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Speed Racing Pełny kod źródłowy z AdMob

Speed Racing to gra wyścigowa opracowana przez framework libgdx. Speed Racing łączy oszałamiającą grafikę o wysokiej wierności z wciągającą rozgrywką, dzięki której pokonasz nadjeżdżający ruch, zbierzesz power-upy i zrzucisz innych kierowców z drogi. CECHY: - Wsparcie silnika fizyki pocisku, realistyczny efekt fizyczny samochodu - Konstrukcja gry sprawiedliwa. - Model sterowany jednym palcem, w który można grać bardzo łatwo, ale w szybkim tempie. - Projekt Java może być importowany przez Eclipse - Admob zintegrowany z nowymi usługami gier Google Play - Przechyl telefon, aby kontrolować kierunek samochodu - Dotknij ekranu, aby przyspieszyć. KOMPATYBILNY: Kompatybilny ze starymi urządzeniami z Androidem od 2.0+ WSPARCIE: Jeśli masz jakieś pytania, nie wahaj się ze mną skontaktować. Jestem gotów pozwać

55.62 zł

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Wyszukiwarka kuponów Pełna aplikacja na iOS v1.5

Chcesz udostępnić użytkownikowi pobliskie kupony? Kup tę aplikację Kupon Wyszukiwarka iOS. Może wyszukiwać pobliskie kupony wokół użytkownika i datę jego ważności. Kod kuponu można odblokować tylko wtedy, gdy użytkownik zaloguje się do aplikacji i odbierze kupon. Bez względu na to, czy użytkownik korzysta z innego urządzenia, po ponownym zalogowaniu się, zgłoszone kupony są wyświetlane w sekcji „Kupon kuponu”. Aplikacja może wyświetlać niestandardowe kategorie bezpośrednio w menu. Dlatego po naciśnięciu menu kategoria ustawiona w backendu pojawi się w menu, pojawi się wraz z innymi pod nowym wpisem. Jest to unikalna funkcja, w której wszyscy inni nie mają. Na co czekasz? Kup teraz aplikację i zacznij grać w App Store !! Nowa funkcja: Utwórz KATEGORIĘ w ba

95.35 zł

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Flutter Ecommerce - Universal iOS & Android Ecommerce / Store Full Mobile App with PHP Laravel CMS

- Version: 1.0 - Flutter Version: 2.0.3 - Price: $99 $29 Only (70% Off) - Files Included: Full Source Code Flutter App & Laravel CMS - This is Exclusive Product Licence from Envato - Separate Website Item is Available. - Both Mobile App & Website have one Single Admin Panel. Laravel Ecommerce CMS Demo https://laravel0.t

115.21 zł

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Candy Block Puzzle - Template Game Unity

Candy Puzzle Block is a classic and fun block game. Our Block Puzzle is more Simple and Addictive than others! More Jewel blocks, More scores. Try it and you will love this block puzzle game. Features - Smooth and delicate animation - Simple and attractive - Esay to reskin - Admob Ads - Support Android/ IOS Requirements Unity Versio : 2018.1.6f1 Instructions -In the Documentation you can search detail information on how to re-skin this project. -You can change settings all of game process, it’s easy, you just need to change value in settings file.

75.49 zł

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Expenses App | Full SwiftUI iOS Application

Looking for an expense and budget tool? Stop searching. Expenses App is simple, intuitive, stable and feature-rich app that is just designed for you. Proud to be part of the “23 Best iOS App Templates of 2021” – envato tuts+ App Features iOS 14 Support Tracking expenses and incomes Amazing and minimal design Google AdMob banner Fully step by step documentation 100% Ready to style and publish on AppStore Easy to re-skin Beautiful and professional looking design Manage new content with incredible ease within Local file Nice and minimal iOS native design List of cool resources to use Super lightweight application Preview Re

115.21 zł

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Radio App 2 (Swift 2)

Radio App 2 Funkcje Kompatybilny z iOS 9, scenorys, autolayout, uniwersalna aplikacja Sizeclass plik projektu Swift 2.2, kompatybilny Xcode 7.3 lub nowszy Obsługiwane są wszystkie urządzenia (iPhone 4s + - iPad Pro) Tekst metadanych Autoscroll Proste i wielokanałowe wsparcie Działa z prostymi danymi json, dodaj nieograniczoną liczbę stacji radiowych Nowa kolekcja kontrolera listy radiowej Nowy interfejs wyszukiwania streamera i okładki Nowy interfejs SFSafariViewController (strona internetowa - Facebook - Twitter) Interfejs wyszukiwania filmów i zdjęć wykonawcy (YouTube i Flickr) Kontroler wideo odtwarzacza wideo i galerii zdjęć Galeria zdjęć: długie naciśnięcie zoomu, kontroler matowy, zapisz, udostępnij obraz Obsługiwane formaty strumieniowe:

67.54 zł

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Wyniki Lotto

Wyniki Lotto dla iPhone'a Funkcje 2 różne pliki projektu iOS 7, ARC, Storyboard Wygenerowane numery lotto Zagraj online Zagraj w loterię wideo (kanał YouTube) Zarabiaj: iAD, stwórz program partnerski (Lotter, Congalotto itp.) Zdalna lista danych oparta na liście odtwarzania Jak grać zobacz Kod można dostosować do innych gier lotto

63.57 zł

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Flutter Firebase Chat: based on Flutter, Firebase, and Agora.io

Short description: Flutter Firebase Chat is a real time chatting app with video calling support based on Flutter, Firebase, and Agora.io. You can run this app on both platforms: Android and iOS. Also you can easily customize and refine it for yourself, since it uses a BLoC pattern. Main features: One-to-one chatting Group chatting One-to-one video calling via Agora.io Image sharing Email authentication Implemented BLoC pattern Flutter packages: firebase_auth cloud_firestore firebase_storage timeago email_validator flutter_bloc image_picker platform_action_sheet photo_view flutter_slidable agora_rtc_engine permission_handler Demo apk: https://www.dropbox.com/s/7n2b2u84tx5zawl/flutter-firebase-chat.apk

115.21 zł

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Flutter Food | 2 Apps | Food Ordering App + Delivery Boy App Template in Flutter

Food Express – Food Ordering App + Delivery Boy App Template in Flutter Flutter is an open-source mobile application development SDK created by Google. It is used to develop applications for Android and iOS, as well as being the primary method of creating applications for Google Fuchsia, Flutter widgets incorporate all critical platform differences such as scrolling, navigation, icons and fonts to provide full native performance on both iOS and Android. Food Express is a Food Ordering App template. Food Express developed using Flutter. That means that UI is compatible for both Android and iOS. In this app Animation added, clean code, well formated, easy to understand and much more. I don’t have word for describe. So, please ins

95.35 zł

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Ultimate Point Of Sales (POS) complete package, Android and Online Store with rest api php mysql

Special for new buyers from September 15, 2021, will get a free online shop with the premium theme , demo http://fipos.id/new/id-demo . After ordering please send your purchase code , via email support. We will send a maximum of 3×24 hours to you. Not valid for old buyers. If you want this premium design online store, you have to order via email. Make sure you buy this sourch at codecanyon only. I don’t sell anywhere else. if you buy from elsewhere, I assure you that you will not get continuous updates. because most of the updates we will send via email for users who buy this product at codecanyon. This application is perfect for: Retail Store Wholesale shop Grocery store Pharmacy Workshop Salon Rental and others By purchasing this s

234.40 zł

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Ionic 6 - Classified Ads full with complete Admin Panel (Laravel 7)

IonClassify ads: is a universal iOS and Android classifieds mobile application with a very delicate user-friendly CMS. The administration panel of the application is developed with the PHP Framework (Laravel 7), which guarantees enhanced security for the application. And supports multiple categories, multiple cities, multiple languages, and multiple themes. Modern user interface design.Mobile app code, Admin panel, and documentation included.The demo app (apk) can be found here:Android APKUsername: [email protected]: 123456And the admin panel demo is here:https://classifields.ikatic.com/with username: [email protected] password: 123456

95.35 zł

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Aplikacja YouTube na Androida

Twórz aplikacje na Androida z własnymi wieloma kanałami YouTube Łatwo dodawaj ulubione kanały YouTube Parser XML InApp, aby czytać i wyświetlać szczegóły listy filmów Użytkownicy mogą również dodawać / usuwać kanał YouTube Odtwarzacz wideo w aplikacji Udostępnianie wideo znajomym Zintegrowany z Admob YouTube jest najbardziej na świecie popularna internetowa społeczność wideo umożliwiająca milionom ludzi odkrywanie, oglądanie i udostępnianie oryginalnych treści wideo. Demo / Pobierz APK http://mobilemerit.com/youtube-app/ Film instalacyjny https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FDl3jvX7Dvg&W przypadku wsparcia: http://mobilemerit.com/contact-us/

59.59 zł

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