
Food Ordering Android App Template + iOS App Template | Food App | IONIC 5 | Foodmart

If you’re looking for a modern user-friendly & minimal-based food ordering app, You’re on the right page. Presenting you a one-place solution for your food ordering app. Foodmart is a multi-restaurant food ordering app template, It is a modern-based and easily customizable App template. Foodmart is food ordering app template with 25+ screens. List of Screens User App Template Screens Splash Screen Sign in, Sign up, Social Login Screen Forgot Password Screen Home Screen Map View Screen Filter Search Screen Restaurant List Screen Restaurant Info Screen (3 Screens) Add to Cart Screen (2 Screens) Address Screen Payment Screen Confirm Order Screen My Orders Screen Order Info Screen Account Screen (4 Screens) My Profile Screen

244.63 zł

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Tempo (Gold Edition) Great templates for incredible projects

Tempo’s a mobile app templates built on top of material design that’s suitable for Android app developers. It Includes all the default screens with many elements that you would need and it is ready to use, just put your logo, change the colors and call your APIs. App Features: Material Design: following Android Design Guidelines. Many widgets: Toolbar, CollapsingToolbarLayout, SlidingPaneLayout, DrawerLayout, RecyclerView, SwipeRefreshLayout, FloatingActionButton, TextInputLayout, TabLayout, ViewPager, CardView. Icons: A wide range of free Google icons and Fontello (Icon fonts). Activity Transitions: Beautiful

87.07 zł

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